britpagan - Profile (original) (raw)
on 6 May 2008 (#15532255)
We're Brits, and we're Pagans.
Created out of both boredom and frustration, this place is intended as an attempt at a reasonably safe place for a British Pagan to go/be.
Membership is moderated and to get in you've either got to be a Brit and a Pagan, or you've got to be able to get me to believe that you're a Brit and a Pagan (although you're also allowed to be pagan instead of Pagan). If you've received an invite to join this community, either I think you fall into the right category, or someone already here thinks you fall into the right category - feel free to decline if you don't like the look of us. Posts locked to friends only by default, meaning that unless the poster chooses to unlock the post AFTER posting, the post will only be visible to members of the community - however, in the spirit of a fair fight, I'm allowing non-members to post, which means that any unlocked post will be susceptible to comments from all sorts of random people. At community conception, IP logging is turned off (as it doesn't do much anyway), it may get turned on at any given moment in time. Adult Content flagging is set to Adult Concepts, as per FAQ #281.
This isn't aimed at being a safe space as in meaning that we're all going to sit around the camp fire, happily holding hands. This place is not meant for the fluffies of the world, it's meant for those who understand and accept the cold, harsh, stark realities of what living life is all about - newbies are welcome however, since being new doesn't automagically mean being stupid. Apparently Ronald Hutton's estimated there are 250,000 Neopagan adherents in the UK, we're only ever going to be a small fraction of whatever the total really is, and even with that, chances are we're almost never going to agree on many things. Debate, discussion, heck, even heated exchanges are welcome in here. I've tried to get some variation into the interests list, but if there's something you think we need desperately on the list, suggest it in the comm. and we'll see what kind of reception it gets.
I looking for this to be a place for us to be able to come to talk, discuss, learn, and just get away from it all, without worrying about it all being open to public scrutiny, and without having to worry too much about on-topicness (hence the variety on the interests list). Take note that locked posts can be unlocked at any time by the original poster, and so the place is only as safe as the people in here let it be. As per FAQ #196, if you're posting explicit adult content, put it behind an lj-cut tag clearly warning that the content should not be viewed by minors. Be polite, if you're posting a long post, remember to break it up into paragraphs, and if it goes over a couple of pages, put it behind an lj-cut. Don't stress over pics and vids to start with 'cause I've assigned place-holders to vids, and to any pics over 320x240, but if that doesn't work, I'll just change this to read that all vid content, and any pics over 320x240 get put behind a cut tag.
Yes, I'm being reasonably elitist with the membership of this place, and no, I don't care if that offends anyone.
I'm setting the tags as creatable by you lot, so do us all a favour and try to use them creatively yet wisely, taking into account they're now limited to something like 1000.
Invites sent out are not proof of safety from banning, and applications made are not guarantees of membership.
Also open to Atheists and Agnostics who make the grade (for evidence of acceptability, see here and here :p).
accuracy, agnosticism, agreement, alcohol, animism, archaeology, atheism, balance, beer, beliefs, bold, books, brash, british isles, brits, care, critical thinkers, cultural preservation, culture, curses, cycles, debate, deity, devotees, disagreement, discussion, drug use, druidry, drumming, eclectic, education, elitist, energy, england, environmentalism, equality, esoteric, ethnicity, experience, festivals, fluffies, folk lore, folk religion, folklore, followers, food & drink, forthright, free spirits, geekery, gender, geology, goddesses, gods, green man, guitars, health, history, honest, horned god, humour, independence of thought, insanity, instruments, intelligence, ireland, irony, knowledge, laughter, law, learning, legalities, life, living, magic, mead, music, mythology, neopaganism, opinionated, opinions, pagan, paganism, pantheism, pedantry, philosophy, plastic pagans, playgans, politics, polytheism, privacy, psychology, recycling, religion, research, rights, rites, rituals, runes, sacred, safe zone, sanity, sarcasm, science, scotland, seasons, sense, senses, sex, shamanism, singing, songs, spirits, stone circles, superstitions, sustainability, tarot, technology, traditions, trance, trees, uk, wales, wicca, wit, witchcraft, worship