broken_scream - Profile (original) (raw)
on 29 November 2002 (#794203)
Sunnydale, California, United States
OOC for the BtVS RPG fear_itself...
If you're not part of that, I'm sure this is of no interest to you... so uh... nothing to see here... move it along! ;p
All entries are friends only to keep ideas etc within this game.
That's all for now!
amy madison, andrew wells, angel, angel the series, angelus, anya emerson, anya jenkins, anyanka, apocalypse, ats, blood, bloody william, btvs, buffy summers, buffy the vampire slayer, cordelia chase, cordy, d'hoffryn, daniel osbourne, darla, dawn summers, death, demons, doyle, dru, drusilla, evil, faith, giles, glorificus, glory, halfrek, hallie, hank summers, hell, hellmouth, jenny calendar, jonathan levinson, joyce summers, magic, neck trauma, nerds, oz, ripper, rp, rpg, rupert giles, slayage, slayer, spells, spike, tara maclay, the master, troika, tucker wells, vampires, warren meers, william the bloody, willow rosenberg, witch, witches, xander harris
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