brps_adult - Profile (original) (raw)

on 27 February 2004 (#2353917)

Crappy cyber RP, bad adult RP. and bad RPers. Tell your stories here!

Welcome to the Bad RPers Suck Adult community. This community centers around commiserating and bitching about Bad RPers in slash, het, BDSM, and other such adult fandoms and/or crossovers.

This is a closed community. It's a sister community of bad_rpers_suck. The community membership is also closed, and all the posts are friends-only. You will be approved to join once you have proven to me, the community maintainer, that you are over the age of 18. If your age is not listed in your profile, your request to join the community will be denied. Don't get pissy at me because you can't read the rules.

You can join the community by clicking here. I cannot invite you. You need to request membership.


** If your birth year is not listed in your profile, your subscription request will be rejected. No exceptions. If you feel the need to complain about this, you may PM me at koshkabegemot @ livejournal . com **

How do you add your age into your LJ userinfo?

  1. Sign into live journal.
  2. click on
  3. Under birthday, add in your proper birthdate.
  4. Under "Privacy Options," make sure that your info is set so that anyone can read it. If I'm not on your friends list and it's set to "friends-only," I won't be able to see it. You can always change this back later if you don't want everyone knowing your age.

Unsure of what roleplaying is? Then go here: What is roleplaying?

This LJ isn't an RPG. Rather it's a place where you can come to learn how to improve your RP experience, improve your moderator/story teller abilities, and vent about how you've handled bad roleplaying experiences. Also, this LJ is not a game-advertisement and/or plugging community, though I don't mind if you mention a game by proxy in a post. Just don't spam the group.

If there is a post you find questionable, think it might be spam, find it offensive, or refers to people personally, please email me the post and or links to the comments in question at either my LJ account, or ragabashtule at yahoo dot com. I am pretty lenient with moderation, and it is not possible for me to read every post that goes through, so if something trollish falls through the cracks, don't hesitate to email me.

Now, some general rules.

  1. This is not a place to pick up ZOMGZ HAWT CHICKZ or ZOMGZ HAWT GUYZ. Find a fucking singles group on LJ for that shit.

  2. This is also not a place to post paedophilia pictures and shit unless you want this community deleted. Post that shit, and I will both ban and report you to LJ immediately since paedophilia is not tolerated.

  3. The most important rule of all: NO ONE CARES WHAT YOU THINK. Don't be a fucktard.

  4. With that out of the way, this group centers around sex, adult roleplaying games, and the bad players associated with them. There will be discussion of slash here. If you don't like slash, no one cares what you think. Some people happen to like it. If you don't like it, keep your mouth shut and don't comment on it.

  5. You can talk about bad RP sex here. Post stories if you want. Everyone's over the age of 18. Yes, you're allowed to talk about people having bad sex in RP (I guess bad sex would be either stuff that isn't descriptive at all, or stuff that's way too overly descriptive).

  6. Again, like #2, not everyone likes het. Guess what? No one cares what you think, either. If you don't like het sex in RPs, keep your mouth shut and don't comment on it.

  7. There will probably be discussion of rape in RP on this group as well, I'd imagine. If you think it's going to be a little intense, pre-empt it with an LJ-cut and a warning.

  8. I don't really care if you directly link to other journals, so long as you don't go against LJ TOS. I don't need people from this community intentionally trolling other people's personal journals or communities because, "They were showcased on brps_adult! OMG let's go make fun of them!" Why? Because I'll ban your ass. I've done it before, and I won't hesitate to ask them members of this community if you have multiple LJ accounts so I can ban them all. I take this shit seriously. BE MATURE. Or be at least as mature as a load of dice rollers and power levelers can be.

  9. If a flame war ever erupts on here (hey, it happens on every comm. at least once!) if I get a complaint about someone who's posted something, I will read over what's been said, and then will decide if it's a banning offense or not. If I don't think what's been said has been done to death, or that it's offensive (and by offensive, I mean something that's degrading to someone's race, religion, sex, sexual preference...that sort of thing), you'll get a warning. But if you piss me off again, you'll get banned, because I'm sick of the three strikes system. You might get one strike, or you might get none at all if you're a complete idiot. Most likely, you'll get one warning.

  10. About plugging games. This isn't a place for advertising your RP communities. Unless it's in the context of a post, don't plug your game. You can add your game by going to the link mentioned above (this one, in case you missed it). This is a place to discuss RPing, not advertise. If you'd like to plug your game, there are places you can do it on Yahoo!groups:

Essential RPG Survival Kit
Freeform GMs -- a discussion place for freeform GMs.
Original RPG Ads
RPG Announcement
RPG Archive
RPG Player Sanctuary
RPG Plug
RPG Sci-Fi Fantasy Casting (for game listings)
rpg_promo name a few. If you want to name your game in the context of a post, that's fine. Just don't inundate the journal with "PLZ j0in mah kummunity kthxby!@!1" Not following this rule and spamming my community will get you banned for being an idiot who apparently can't RTFM.

  1. Posting a moderator's or another player's personal contact info on here in order to "blacklist" them is a big no-no. It's an invasion of privacy. Doing so will result in automatic banning. Period. End of story. This includes posting their name, any type of direct linking, and the posting of IP addresses. Exceptions will be made if you have gotten the prior expressed permission of said parties to post their information. Please email it to me before you post.

  2. As if it hasn't been iterated enough, if you bitch and moan and whine about how you're really good at cybering and you or your character or your writing ability is being portrayed negatively because it's been showcased here, go call whine-one-one and take a trip on the waaaaahmbulance. No one cares what you think. This community is a good community for criticism, both constructive and offensive. If you can't laugh at yourself for writing shitty cyber, GTFO. Don't waste my time.

  3. If you disable comments on a posting, you will be banned because disabling comments pisses me off. What's the point of posting on a rant community if people aren't allowed to commiserate with you? If you're *gasp!* afraid that people will

dare to!

disagree with you, then this is NOT the community for you. Not everyone is going to agree with everything you rant about and may even accuse you of wankery! If you are a member who sees someone post something with comments disabled and I don't catch it first, please email me with a link to said post at ragabashtule at yahoo dot com.

  1. Deleting comments or freezing replies will also get you banned. If you screw up on a comment, do not delete it. Either edit it, or post another comment underneath it. No exceptions. Don't screen comments. Don't freeze comments. Don't be an ass. Trolling someone's personal journal just because they disagree with you or you disagree with them is also classified as asshattery. DO NOT TROLL PERSONAL JOURNALS. THAT SHIT PISSES ME OFF. I realise that trolling people's personal journals can be quite hilarious, but I'm sure in some skewed way it constitutes lolinternet harassment and I really don't feel like running the risk of getting this community shut down. Keep the wank restricted here, please.

To clarify, if you:

- Delete your post for whatever reason
- Delete comments for whatever reason
- Freeze comments
- Screen comments
- Mark your entries so that people can't comment on them
- Flounce
- Troll someone's personal journal

I will ban you. All of the above are tactics used by idiot drama queens, which I don't tolerate. I also don't give a shit if you disagree.

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