Dr. Md. Azizul Hoque | Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (original) (raw)

Papers by Dr. Md. Azizul Hoque

Research paper thumbnail of Diversity of Potato Varieties in Bangladesh

European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences

A study based on completely randomized design with three replications was carried out at Tuber Cr... more A study based on completely randomized design with three replications was carried out at Tuber Crops Research Centre (TCRC), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Gazipur with a view to evaluating and classifying agro-morphological traits in 12 potato varieties to enumerating the genetic diversity. Discriminant function analysis (DFA) was done to determine the set of discriminatory functions contributed to separating 12 potato varieties into four distinct clusters. Discriminant function analysis showed that, function 1 explained 78.21% and function 2 explained 21.79% of total variance. The first function was more related to leaf area (having coefficient value of 0.661) and second function was more related to minituber per plant and plant height (having coefficient value of 0.644 and 0.523, respectively). Among 4 clusters, cluster II showed the highest distance (29.79) with cluster III followed by the distance between clusters III and IV (24.70) so the varieties in these...

Research paper thumbnail of Performance of Spices as Lower–Storey Crop in Jackfruit–Papaya Multistorey Agroforestry System in Bangladesh

Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Farmers' Response on Field Performance of BSMRAU Developed IPSA Seem and BU Pepe1 Crop Variety

European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 2021

The study was conducted to investigate the adoption of IPSA seem and BU pepe1 crop variety by the... more The study was conducted to investigate the adoption of IPSA seem and BU pepe1 crop variety by the farmers in Bhaluka upazila of Mymensingh and Meherpur Sadar upazila of Meherpur districts, respectively in Bangladesh. In-person interviews with 80 respondents and two focus group discussions were carried out to collect data. According to study findings, the highest portion of the respondents were young aged, literate, had medium farm size, low farming experience, and organizational participation and their average annual income were Tk. 192850 and Tk. 200500 for IPSA seem and BU pepe1 growers, respectively. Extent of adoption was above fifty percent in both cases of IPSA seem and BU pepe1 whereas the extent of BU pepe1 adoption was higher than IPSA seem. Performance of IPSA seem and BU pepe1 was satisfactory to the farmers in terms of ease of handling, better marketability and adaptation to the environment, vigor, and better physical appearance. Majority of the IPSA seem and BU pepe1 re...

Research paper thumbnail of Integrated crop management in potato through farmers' field school with special reference to women

The Journal of Plant Protection Sciences, 2012

Integrated Crop Management (ICM) study was done in 16 locations of 4 districts of Bangladesh with... more Integrated Crop Management (ICM) study was done in 16 locations of 4 districts of Bangladesh with different potato varieties during 2009-10 and 2010-2011 potato growing seasons to find out the profitability level of ICM practice with farmers’ practice. A study plot was set up in each location where Integrated Crop Management (ICM) practices recommended by the Tuber Crops Research Centre (TCRC) of BARI was followed in half of the plot and in the other half, Farmers’ conventional Practices (FP) were followed. It was found in all locations that there were distinct differences between the ICM practice and the FP in respect of yield. In all locations except those of Bogra, farmers used fertilizers in higher doses than the recommended doses. Insecticides were not used even in the seed production plots in most of the study areas but fungicides were used in more than the recommended quantity resulting in misuse and environmental hazards. All farmers obtained lower yields in their practices ...

Research paper thumbnail of Morphological Characterization of Twenty One Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Genotypes Collected from Native and Alien Sources

European Journal of Biology and Biotechnology

Sweet pepper is one of the most important nutritious vegetable and its demand is increasing day b... more Sweet pepper is one of the most important nutritious vegetable and its demand is increasing day by day in Bangladesh indicating need to characterize and assess morphological variability for varietal improvement programme. Twenty-one sweet pepper genotypes from native and alien sources were characterized for twenty-six morphological traits using vegetative and reproductive appearances at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, Bangladesh from October 2018 to March 2019. Marked variation was exhibited among twenty-six qualitative traits (26) studied. Twenty-two (22) characters showed undeniable variation among the genotypes. The presence of higher percentage (61.90%) of light purple color at node were observed indicated high amount of anthocyanin content. Leaf shape is used as genotypes identifier at vegetative stage and herein three types of leaves were found with dark green color (76.19%) that is highly correlates with yield. In case of flower, same level...

Research paper thumbnail of Floral Biology of Indigenous Pummelo Genotypes

Flower morphology and bud development of pummelo accessions CG-1, CG-18 and CG-151 were studied a... more Flower morphology and bud development of pummelo accessions CG-1, CG-18 and CG-151 were studied at the Pummelo Orchard of Regional Agricultural Research Station, BARI, Akbarpur, Moulvibazar and the Horticulture Laboratory of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University during 2008-2009. Pummelo flowers were bisexual, bore singly on leaf axils or in clusters with or without leaf on stem in all accessions, and colour were white. Calyx diameter varied from 0.94 in CG-1 to 1.02 in CG-18. Number of petals per flower ranged from 4.0 to 4.5. Anthers were yellow in colour and only CG-151 produced few rudimentary styles. Diameter of stigma varied from 0.39 mm to 0.49 mm. Number of locules per ovary was in between 14.6 to16.0 and number of ovules per locules varied from 4.0 to 9.0. Stages of floral bud development from initiation to anthesis were divided into 9 distinct stages. In pummelo, a total of 27.7 to 31.2 days were required from a bud initiation to reach its fully develop...


Journal Article, 2020

Sustainable agricultural practices like agroforestry systems are being advocated to overcome vari... more Sustainable agricultural practices like agroforestry systems are being advocated to overcome various problems of farming. A young malta (Citrus sinensis) orchard (3 years old) was transformed into a fruit tree-based agroforestry system in which the performances of summer (okra and Indian spinach) and autumn (mungbean and kangkong) crops and year-round spices (ginger and turmeric) were evaluated following randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replication each and eventually compared between agroforestry systems and respective sole cropping (control) from March 2018 to February 2019 at BSMRAU field. The experimental results revealed that the yields of the associated crops deprived when grown at the closest row position from the bed of malta tree and spices. Yields of okra, Indian spinach, mungbean, kangkong, turmeric and ginger were reduced by 7.57, 6.52, 14.86, 13.26, 9.70 and 16.23%, respectively under agroforestry system as compared to control. However, malta yield was increased by 5.35% in agroforestry system than control trees. The findings also indicated that the crops in agroforestry system was less hindered by the shade effect of malta trees due to less dense canopy of young malta trees. In comparison to sole cropping system, the higher benefit-cost ratio (BCR) (2.93) and land equivalent ratio (LER) (2.83) were obtained in the studied agroforestry system that explicated higher system productivity and land uses. Notable improvement of total nitrogen and organic matter were obtained in the soil under agroforestry system. Therefore, malta-based agroforestry system can be a promising alternative to provide higher economic benefits, boosting food and nutritional security, improving soil nutrient status and utilization of land.


Journal article, 2019

The terrace ecosystem is considered as hotspot of jackfruit tree (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam) i... more The terrace ecosystem is considered as hotspot of jackfruit tree (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam) in Bangladesh having potential for understory cropping. However, most of the jackfruit orchards are often found utilized or underutilized. A field experiment was conducted under the jackfruit orchard to study the performance of aroids (Colocasia esculenta L.) from April to October, 2017 in Belabo upazila of Narsingdi district. Four distances (1, 2, 3 and 4 m) from the base of jackfruit tree were considered for aroid planting to evaluate its performance as agroforestry crop in comparison to sole aroid. Land use and economic performances of agroforestry and sole systems were also evaluated. The results indicated that the production of jackfruit increased by 62.73%, while the yield of aroid reduced by 33.48% in agroforestry systems as compared to the yields of sole (non-agroforestry) systems. In agroforestry system, the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was severely reduced by 85-77% on aroid crop that caused yield reduction. It was also observed that soil temperature was lower in agroforestry system as compared to sole cropping of aroid, while soil moisture showed inverse trend in sole jackfruit. Economic analysis in terms of benefit cost ratio (BCR) was 2.60 in agroforestry, while the BCR of sole aroid was only 1.83. The land equivalent ratio (LER) was 2.31 in agroforestry system. The present results indicate that aroid cultivation in jackfruit-based agroforestry system under terrace ecosystem can ensure overall higher production and improve economic return.


Journal article, 2019

The present study was conducted to find out a suitable harvesting date of processing potato varie... more The present study was conducted to find out a suitable harvesting date of processing potato varieties (Asterix, Courage and Lady Rosetta) from three different harvest dates [80, 90, and 100 days after planting (DAP) harvest] by chemical maturity monitoring. Eighty DAP harvest resulted the lowest mean total soluble sugar (TSS) (3.77 mg/g FW), reducing sugar (RS) (1.57 mg/g FW), sucrose (2.40 mg g-1 FW), fructose (0.77 mg/g FW) and polyphenol (238.94 µg/g FW) contents in all the varieties and at the same DAP harvest, dry matter (DM) content (21.71%) and chip color index (CCI) (0.67) remained at the lowest. Tubers harvested at 80 DAP produced good quality and acceptable colored processed products as it meets up the required processing quality, but lesser DM content might increase the cost of the product. Optimum DM content (24.07%) with moderate level of different sugar contents and acceptable CCI (1.13 to 1.85, <2.00) was found at 90 DAP harvest. Therefore, 90 DAP harvest could be considered as suitable harvesting date for processing by compromising some quality parameters (TSS, RS, sucrose, fructose and polyphenol contents). Among the varieties, Lady Rosetta and Courage were preferable for producing quality potato products. Highly significant and positive correlation existed between CCI and different chemical parameters. A strong correlation coefficient (r = 0.822 **) and good fit (R 2 = 0.6755) of the regression equation (CCI = 0.9341RS-0.4969) between CCI and RS indicated that RS content played the vital role in the browning of the processed potato products.


Journal article, 2019

Nineteen gladiolus germplasms were characterized and evaluated in the Research Field of the Depar... more Nineteen gladiolus germplasms were characterized and evaluated in the Research Field of the Department of Horticulture, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, during November 2017 to May 2018 for identifying suitable line(s) to release as a variety for commercial cultivation. The accession G 8 produced the highest number of shoots (3.3) and effective shoots (3.0) per hill. The accessions that produced flower stalk within 75 days of planting included BARI gladiolus-3 (G 1 , 58.7 days), G 2 (62.3 days), G 3 (65.7 days), BARI gladiolus-5 (G 4 , 61.3 days), G 5 (55.7 days), BARI gladiolus-6 (G 7 , 71.3 days), G 10 (74.0 days), G 14 (73.3 days), G 15 (75.0 days) and G 19 (67.3 days). The highest rachis length was recorded in BARI gladiolus-3 (53.7 cm) which was statistically similar with the rachis length of G 6 (46.0 cm), G 10 (46.3 cm), G 11 (47.0 cm) and BARI gladiolus-1 (G 12 , 46.3 cm) but significantly differed with other accessions. Most of the accessions in general, produced more than 10 florets per spike. Vase life of the accessions varied and G 11 had the highest vase life of 9-11 days and this was close to 9-10 days in G 9 and 8-9 days in BARI gladiolus-3 (G 1), G 8 , G 10 , G 17 , G 18 and G 19. The highest number of corm per hill was recorded in G 8 (10.3) followed by G 5 (8.7), G 16 (8.3), G 17 (7.7) and BARI gladiolus-3 (6.7). Number of cormels per hill ranged from 9.0-941.7 with an average of 237.0. Based on various plant, flower colour, corm and cormel production characters, the gladiolus accessions G

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Organic Amendments and Bio-Control Agent on Yield and Quality of Tuberose

Journal article, 2015

An experiment was conducted to determine the appropriate dose and combination of organic and chem... more An experiment was conducted to determine the appropriate dose and combination of organic and chemical fertilizers and to assess the effect of bio-control agent (Trichoderma) on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L. cv. Single), including stem length, rachis length, spike length, floret number, flower yield, flower durability, number of bulb etc. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications having eight treatments as follows: T 1 = Farmyard manure (5 t/ha) + ¼ RDF, T 2 = Poultry refuse (5 t/ha) + ¼ RDF, T 3 = Bokashi (3 t/ha) + ¼ RDF, T 4 = Mustard oil cake (500 kg/ha) + ¼ RDF, T 5 = Vermicompost (5 t/ha) + ¼ RDF, T 6 = Tricho-compost (3 t/ha) + ¼ RDF, T 7 = Tricho-leachate (3000 L/ha) + ¼ RDF and T 8 = Control (Recommended doses of fertilizer) (N 150 P 45 K 88 S 10 B 1 Zn 1 kg/ha). Maximum growth, yield and yield contributing characters were recorded in T 6 = Tricho-compost (3 t/ha) + ¼ RDF which were statistically superior to other treatments. Maximum plants emergence (93.3%) recorded in T 6 (Tricho-compost + ¼ RDF). In case of plant height, number of leaves per plant, plant spread, days to flowering, number of florets, flower yield, bulb production, T 6 = Tricho-compost (3 t/ha) + ¼ RDF gave superior results over control (Recommended doses of fertilizer). The data obtained from the experiment showed that Tricho-compost with fertilizer enhanced qualitative and quantitative characters of tuberose flowers.


Journal article, 2018

An experiment with four potato varieties, namely Asterix, Cardinal, Diamant and Granola was condu... more An experiment with four potato varieties, namely Asterix, Cardinal, Diamant and Granola was conducted at the Horticulture Research Field of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur during November 2013 to February 2014 to observe the behaviour of growth parameters and yield potentiality of potato. Final harvest of tuber was done at 90 DAP. LAI, CGR, RGR and NAR were not significantly influenced by the varieties. Irrespective of varieties, LAI increased progressively with time reaching a peak at 60 DAP and thereafter declined. Granola maintained the lower LAI throughout all growth stages. Numerically, the maximum CGR (19.99 g m-2 day-1) was found in Asterix at 50-60 DAP and the highest RGR (107.33 mg g-1 day-1) as well as NAR (9.54 g m-2 day-1) was recorded in Cardinal at 30-40 DAP. At 60-70 DAP, Cardinal recorded the highest TBR (84.35 g m-2 day-1) while Asterix, the highest TGR (18.54 g m-2 day-1) but Granola gave the lowest values of TBR (65.21 g m-2 day-1) and TGR (14.92 g m-2 day-1) at this growth stage. At all growth stages except 30 and 40 DAP, Diamant showed the best performance in SLA while Granola showed the lowest. The maximum yield was produced by Asterix (31.46 t/ha) closely followed by Diamant (29.91 t/ha) and Cardinal (27.27 t/ha) while the lowest yield was produced by Granola (24.82 t/ha). Granola showed the capacity of producing 95% or more of its final yield within 60 to 70 DAP. Therefore, Granola can be used as an early variety for potato cultivation.

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Different GA Concentrations on Growth and Yield of Broccoli

Journal Article, 2015

An experiment was conducted to find out the influence of GA on growth, yield and yield 3 contribu... more An experiment was conducted to find out the influence of GA on growth, yield and yield 3 contributing characters of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. Italica). Four levels of GA viz. C : Control, C : 3 1 2 25 ppm GA , C : 50 ppm GA and C : 75 ppm GA was used on the experiment. The maximum plant height 3 3 3 4 3 (31.5 cm), number of leaves (16.6/plant), number of main fingers (12.0/main curd), main curd length (21.3 cm), main curd diameter (19.3 cm), main curd weight (668.0 g/plant) and yield (24.5 t/ha) was found from the application of 50 ppm GA while the minimum from control. It was revealed that, 50 ppm GA gave maximum 3, 3 yield/ha (24.5 tons). From the study it was also found that application of more than 50 ppm GA reduced the 3 yield of broccoli.

Research paper thumbnail of Performance of Spices as Lower-Storey Crop in Jackfruit-Papaya Multistorey Agroforestry System in Bangladesh

Journal article, 2020

Jackfruit tree associated agroforestry systems are dominating in terrace ecosystem of Bangladesh,... more Jackfruit tree associated agroforestry systems are dominating in terrace ecosystem of Bangladesh, which are poorly managed by the farmers. As a result, real benefits of the systems are untapped. An On–Farm experiment was conducted during April 2017 to April 2018 in jackfruit orchards by transforming into multistorey agroforestry system (MAFS) in terrace ecosystem of Bangladesh to evaluate the productivity, economic and ecological performances of the system. Three spices (turmeric, ginger and chili) and papaya were grown as lower– and middle–storey crops, respectively. Established jackfruit trees were kept as top–storey crop. Four distances from tree base (1 m, 2 m, 3 m, and 4 m) and open field (non–agroforestry) were considered for the performances of spice crops, while performances of papaya and jackfruit were compared
between agroforestry and non–agroforestry systems. The findings of the study revealed that the yields of chili and papaya were reduced by 15.06% and 26.83%, respectively, in MAFS than non–agroforestry. In contrast, the yields of turmeric, ginger and jackfruit were increased by 8.19%, 14.72%, and 27.06%, respectively. Results also showed that understory crop yields were increased with increasing distances from tree base. Light availability on understory crops varied between 15 and 35% at different distances from tree base. Soil moisture and soil temperature showed reverse pattern in agroforestry and non–agroforestry systems. Despite, some adverse effects on yield parameters of under–storey crops, the net return, benefit cost ratio (BCR) and land equivalent ratio (LER) were remarkably higher in MAFS than non–agroforestry system.

Research paper thumbnail of Physiological and biochemical changes in potato under water stress condition

Journal article, 2015

Four CIP potato clones with one check variety Asterix were planted in the 3rd week of November 20... more Four CIP potato clones with one check variety Asterix were planted in the 3rd week of November 2011 at horticulture research farm of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University to observe physiological and biochemical changes under water stress. CIP
396244.12 and CIP 393371.58 showed higher membrane stability index (lowest injury) after 10 and 20 days of drought treatment. These two genotypes also accumulated more proline and total soluble sugar in leaves with less destruction in total chlorophyll under water stress condition than control. An increase in chlorophyll a/b ratio was found in CIP 396244.12, followed by CIP 393371.58 under water stress condition. The highest catalase activity was observed in CIP 396244.12, followed by CIP 393371.58 under water stress condition. Our results revealed that CIP 393371.58 and CIP 396244.12 showed greater adaptability in changing environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Productivity and Profitability of Jackfruit-Eggplant Agroforestry System in the Terrace Ecosystem of Bangladesh

Journal article, 2018

Multistoried agroforestry systems as a form of jackfruit-eggplant based is increasingly recognize... more Multistoried agroforestry systems as a form of jackfruit-eggplant based is increasingly recognized as a promising option to counteract the catastrophic effects of climate change through providing multifaceted benefits. Unfortunately, farmers of Bangladesh did not manage their jackfruit orchard in a scientific manner. Therefore, the present study was aimed to assess the productivity and profitability of jackfruit-eggplant based agroforestry system after modification from a traditional jackfruit orchard during the period of July 2012 to December 2013. Five treatments covering four orientations of jackfruit tree and an open field was used as a control treatment. To observe the growth and economic performance of the system; soil moisture and temperature, DBH, number of fruits per tree, fruit length, fruit width, fruit weight, total yield, BCR, and LER were calculated following different established methods. The yield of jackfruit dramatically increased by 81% in the agroforestry system in compared to sole cropping, while eggplant shows inverse trend. Soil moisture was high in agroforestry system than that of control plot while soil temperature shows reverse pattern. Indeed, agroforestry system had some negative effects on growth performance of understorey crops. Despite, net return and BCR from jackfruit based agroforestry system were 5.58 lakh and 4.56, which was 66 and 45%, respectively higher than sole cropping systems. The LER of jackfruit-eggplant based agroforestry system was 2.17. Considering the main findings, we can elucidate that jackfruit orchards can be transformed to agroforestry system for maximizing production, generating income and conserving environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancement of Potato Shelf Life: Role of Pre-Harvest Potassium Application

Journal Article, 2019

An experiment was conducted at the research field in Gazipur, Bangladesh during the winter season... more An experiment was conducted at the research field in Gazipur, Bangladesh during the winter season of 2014-2015 to determine the effect of different potash fertilizer rates as pre-harvest application viz. K1 (0 kg-K2O/ha), K2 (150 kg-K2O/ha), K3 (175 kg-K2O/ha) and K4 (200 kg-K2O/ha) on storability of different potato varieties (V1= Cardinal, V2=Courage, V3=Diamant, V4=Granola) under natural condition. The potato tubers were stored in a well ventilated room of day and night temperature of (25-30 0 C) and (20-25 0 C), respectively. Result revealed that after 135 days of storage, lowest cumulative weight loss was recorded in Granola (12.66%) followed by Courage (21.50%), Diamant (30.84%) and Cardinal (30.84%). The cumulative weight loss was minimum (10.66%) in Granola variety after 135 days of natural storage where the pre-harvest potassium application rate was @ 200 kg-K2O/ha.

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of High Yielding Tropical Strawberry Genotypes by Assessment of Yield Attributing Traits under Field Condition

Journal Article, 2017

In this study, eight different genotypes namely FA-006, FA-007, FA-008, FA-015, FA-016, FA-017, F... more In this study, eight different genotypes namely FA-006, FA-007, FA-008, FA-015, FA-016, FA-017, FA-022 and BARI Strawberry-1 were grown under field condition to evaluate the superior performance of tropical strawberry genotypes in terms of their morphological characters. Our results revealed that FA-015 genotype showed better performance in terms of plant height, leaf number, canopy spread, flowers plant-1, fruit set compared to other genotypes. The maximum days (62.29) required for flower initiation was found in the genotype FA-007 while the minimum days (30.59) required for flower initiation was recorded in the genotype FA-016. As regards to the fruit characters (length, width and weight), FA-022 genotype exhibited highest performances compared to other genotypes. Our results also implied that the highest fruit yield plant-1 (213.8g) was obtained from the genotype FA-022 and the highest amount of TSS (10.71%) was found in the genotype BARI Strawberry-1. Genotype FA-015 was superior in respect of growth related parameters and genotype FA-022 found potential in terms of fruit yield. Further research is needed on molecular characterization and marker aided selection of strawberry genotypes.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating Nutritional Quality and Shelf Life of Strawberry Genotypes under Field Condition

Journal article, 2018

The present study was conducted to assess the superior tropical strawberry genotypes in terms of ... more The present study was conducted to assess the superior tropical strawberry genotypes in terms of their nutritional quality and shelf life. In this study, eight strawberry genotypes collected from different sources namely FA-006, FA-007, FA-008, FA-015, FA-016, FA-017, FA-022 and BARI Strawberry-1were selected. The study results implied that among eight strawberry genotypes, the maximum amount of reducing sugar (2.07g/100g) and non-reducing sugar (0.90g/100g) content were recorded in the genotype FA-017 and FA-008, respectively. The highest amount of ascorbic acid (29.45 mg/100g) and the highest amount of β-carotene (7.20 IU/100g) content were obtained from the genotype BARI Strawberry-1. The maximum amount of calcium (0.656 %), phosphorus (0.240 %) and potassium (1.580 %) content was recorded in the genotype FA-022 and the maximum sodium (0.166 mg) content was obtained from the genotype FA-007. Under room temperature, the highest shelf life (6.5 days) was recorded in the genotype FA-017. Regression analysis showed that total sugar content increased whereas β-carotene content decreased upon increasing storage duration. Collectively, our results provide a list of strawberry genotypes which could be released as promising varieties with higher nutrient content and storage capacity after large-scale trial.

Research paper thumbnail of Molecular Characterization of Tropical Strawberry Genotypes

PTC&B, 2017

Genetic variability of tropical strawberry genotypes was determined through Ramdom Amplified Poly... more Genetic variability of tropical strawberry genotypes was determined through Ramdom Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers. Out of 14 RAPD primers six showed reproducible and polymorphic bands. The results revealed that the maximum polymorphic bands were produced by the primer OPB 12. Ten genotypes were differentiated into two clusters on the basis of Unweighted Pair Group Method With Arithmetic Averages (UPGMA). Genotypic variation based on molecular characterization indicated that genotypes belonging to two different clusters depend on their genetic component. So, selection of parents from different clusters will provide the maximum heterosis in yield.

Research paper thumbnail of Diversity of Potato Varieties in Bangladesh

European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences

A study based on completely randomized design with three replications was carried out at Tuber Cr... more A study based on completely randomized design with three replications was carried out at Tuber Crops Research Centre (TCRC), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Gazipur with a view to evaluating and classifying agro-morphological traits in 12 potato varieties to enumerating the genetic diversity. Discriminant function analysis (DFA) was done to determine the set of discriminatory functions contributed to separating 12 potato varieties into four distinct clusters. Discriminant function analysis showed that, function 1 explained 78.21% and function 2 explained 21.79% of total variance. The first function was more related to leaf area (having coefficient value of 0.661) and second function was more related to minituber per plant and plant height (having coefficient value of 0.644 and 0.523, respectively). Among 4 clusters, cluster II showed the highest distance (29.79) with cluster III followed by the distance between clusters III and IV (24.70) so the varieties in these...

Research paper thumbnail of Performance of Spices as Lower–Storey Crop in Jackfruit–Papaya Multistorey Agroforestry System in Bangladesh

Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Farmers' Response on Field Performance of BSMRAU Developed IPSA Seem and BU Pepe1 Crop Variety

European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 2021

The study was conducted to investigate the adoption of IPSA seem and BU pepe1 crop variety by the... more The study was conducted to investigate the adoption of IPSA seem and BU pepe1 crop variety by the farmers in Bhaluka upazila of Mymensingh and Meherpur Sadar upazila of Meherpur districts, respectively in Bangladesh. In-person interviews with 80 respondents and two focus group discussions were carried out to collect data. According to study findings, the highest portion of the respondents were young aged, literate, had medium farm size, low farming experience, and organizational participation and their average annual income were Tk. 192850 and Tk. 200500 for IPSA seem and BU pepe1 growers, respectively. Extent of adoption was above fifty percent in both cases of IPSA seem and BU pepe1 whereas the extent of BU pepe1 adoption was higher than IPSA seem. Performance of IPSA seem and BU pepe1 was satisfactory to the farmers in terms of ease of handling, better marketability and adaptation to the environment, vigor, and better physical appearance. Majority of the IPSA seem and BU pepe1 re...

Research paper thumbnail of Integrated crop management in potato through farmers' field school with special reference to women

The Journal of Plant Protection Sciences, 2012

Integrated Crop Management (ICM) study was done in 16 locations of 4 districts of Bangladesh with... more Integrated Crop Management (ICM) study was done in 16 locations of 4 districts of Bangladesh with different potato varieties during 2009-10 and 2010-2011 potato growing seasons to find out the profitability level of ICM practice with farmers’ practice. A study plot was set up in each location where Integrated Crop Management (ICM) practices recommended by the Tuber Crops Research Centre (TCRC) of BARI was followed in half of the plot and in the other half, Farmers’ conventional Practices (FP) were followed. It was found in all locations that there were distinct differences between the ICM practice and the FP in respect of yield. In all locations except those of Bogra, farmers used fertilizers in higher doses than the recommended doses. Insecticides were not used even in the seed production plots in most of the study areas but fungicides were used in more than the recommended quantity resulting in misuse and environmental hazards. All farmers obtained lower yields in their practices ...

Research paper thumbnail of Morphological Characterization of Twenty One Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Genotypes Collected from Native and Alien Sources

European Journal of Biology and Biotechnology

Sweet pepper is one of the most important nutritious vegetable and its demand is increasing day b... more Sweet pepper is one of the most important nutritious vegetable and its demand is increasing day by day in Bangladesh indicating need to characterize and assess morphological variability for varietal improvement programme. Twenty-one sweet pepper genotypes from native and alien sources were characterized for twenty-six morphological traits using vegetative and reproductive appearances at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, Bangladesh from October 2018 to March 2019. Marked variation was exhibited among twenty-six qualitative traits (26) studied. Twenty-two (22) characters showed undeniable variation among the genotypes. The presence of higher percentage (61.90%) of light purple color at node were observed indicated high amount of anthocyanin content. Leaf shape is used as genotypes identifier at vegetative stage and herein three types of leaves were found with dark green color (76.19%) that is highly correlates with yield. In case of flower, same level...

Research paper thumbnail of Floral Biology of Indigenous Pummelo Genotypes

Flower morphology and bud development of pummelo accessions CG-1, CG-18 and CG-151 were studied a... more Flower morphology and bud development of pummelo accessions CG-1, CG-18 and CG-151 were studied at the Pummelo Orchard of Regional Agricultural Research Station, BARI, Akbarpur, Moulvibazar and the Horticulture Laboratory of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University during 2008-2009. Pummelo flowers were bisexual, bore singly on leaf axils or in clusters with or without leaf on stem in all accessions, and colour were white. Calyx diameter varied from 0.94 in CG-1 to 1.02 in CG-18. Number of petals per flower ranged from 4.0 to 4.5. Anthers were yellow in colour and only CG-151 produced few rudimentary styles. Diameter of stigma varied from 0.39 mm to 0.49 mm. Number of locules per ovary was in between 14.6 to16.0 and number of ovules per locules varied from 4.0 to 9.0. Stages of floral bud development from initiation to anthesis were divided into 9 distinct stages. In pummelo, a total of 27.7 to 31.2 days were required from a bud initiation to reach its fully develop...


Journal Article, 2020

Sustainable agricultural practices like agroforestry systems are being advocated to overcome vari... more Sustainable agricultural practices like agroforestry systems are being advocated to overcome various problems of farming. A young malta (Citrus sinensis) orchard (3 years old) was transformed into a fruit tree-based agroforestry system in which the performances of summer (okra and Indian spinach) and autumn (mungbean and kangkong) crops and year-round spices (ginger and turmeric) were evaluated following randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replication each and eventually compared between agroforestry systems and respective sole cropping (control) from March 2018 to February 2019 at BSMRAU field. The experimental results revealed that the yields of the associated crops deprived when grown at the closest row position from the bed of malta tree and spices. Yields of okra, Indian spinach, mungbean, kangkong, turmeric and ginger were reduced by 7.57, 6.52, 14.86, 13.26, 9.70 and 16.23%, respectively under agroforestry system as compared to control. However, malta yield was increased by 5.35% in agroforestry system than control trees. The findings also indicated that the crops in agroforestry system was less hindered by the shade effect of malta trees due to less dense canopy of young malta trees. In comparison to sole cropping system, the higher benefit-cost ratio (BCR) (2.93) and land equivalent ratio (LER) (2.83) were obtained in the studied agroforestry system that explicated higher system productivity and land uses. Notable improvement of total nitrogen and organic matter were obtained in the soil under agroforestry system. Therefore, malta-based agroforestry system can be a promising alternative to provide higher economic benefits, boosting food and nutritional security, improving soil nutrient status and utilization of land.


Journal article, 2019

The terrace ecosystem is considered as hotspot of jackfruit tree (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam) i... more The terrace ecosystem is considered as hotspot of jackfruit tree (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam) in Bangladesh having potential for understory cropping. However, most of the jackfruit orchards are often found utilized or underutilized. A field experiment was conducted under the jackfruit orchard to study the performance of aroids (Colocasia esculenta L.) from April to October, 2017 in Belabo upazila of Narsingdi district. Four distances (1, 2, 3 and 4 m) from the base of jackfruit tree were considered for aroid planting to evaluate its performance as agroforestry crop in comparison to sole aroid. Land use and economic performances of agroforestry and sole systems were also evaluated. The results indicated that the production of jackfruit increased by 62.73%, while the yield of aroid reduced by 33.48% in agroforestry systems as compared to the yields of sole (non-agroforestry) systems. In agroforestry system, the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was severely reduced by 85-77% on aroid crop that caused yield reduction. It was also observed that soil temperature was lower in agroforestry system as compared to sole cropping of aroid, while soil moisture showed inverse trend in sole jackfruit. Economic analysis in terms of benefit cost ratio (BCR) was 2.60 in agroforestry, while the BCR of sole aroid was only 1.83. The land equivalent ratio (LER) was 2.31 in agroforestry system. The present results indicate that aroid cultivation in jackfruit-based agroforestry system under terrace ecosystem can ensure overall higher production and improve economic return.


Journal article, 2019

The present study was conducted to find out a suitable harvesting date of processing potato varie... more The present study was conducted to find out a suitable harvesting date of processing potato varieties (Asterix, Courage and Lady Rosetta) from three different harvest dates [80, 90, and 100 days after planting (DAP) harvest] by chemical maturity monitoring. Eighty DAP harvest resulted the lowest mean total soluble sugar (TSS) (3.77 mg/g FW), reducing sugar (RS) (1.57 mg/g FW), sucrose (2.40 mg g-1 FW), fructose (0.77 mg/g FW) and polyphenol (238.94 µg/g FW) contents in all the varieties and at the same DAP harvest, dry matter (DM) content (21.71%) and chip color index (CCI) (0.67) remained at the lowest. Tubers harvested at 80 DAP produced good quality and acceptable colored processed products as it meets up the required processing quality, but lesser DM content might increase the cost of the product. Optimum DM content (24.07%) with moderate level of different sugar contents and acceptable CCI (1.13 to 1.85, <2.00) was found at 90 DAP harvest. Therefore, 90 DAP harvest could be considered as suitable harvesting date for processing by compromising some quality parameters (TSS, RS, sucrose, fructose and polyphenol contents). Among the varieties, Lady Rosetta and Courage were preferable for producing quality potato products. Highly significant and positive correlation existed between CCI and different chemical parameters. A strong correlation coefficient (r = 0.822 **) and good fit (R 2 = 0.6755) of the regression equation (CCI = 0.9341RS-0.4969) between CCI and RS indicated that RS content played the vital role in the browning of the processed potato products.


Journal article, 2019

Nineteen gladiolus germplasms were characterized and evaluated in the Research Field of the Depar... more Nineteen gladiolus germplasms were characterized and evaluated in the Research Field of the Department of Horticulture, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, during November 2017 to May 2018 for identifying suitable line(s) to release as a variety for commercial cultivation. The accession G 8 produced the highest number of shoots (3.3) and effective shoots (3.0) per hill. The accessions that produced flower stalk within 75 days of planting included BARI gladiolus-3 (G 1 , 58.7 days), G 2 (62.3 days), G 3 (65.7 days), BARI gladiolus-5 (G 4 , 61.3 days), G 5 (55.7 days), BARI gladiolus-6 (G 7 , 71.3 days), G 10 (74.0 days), G 14 (73.3 days), G 15 (75.0 days) and G 19 (67.3 days). The highest rachis length was recorded in BARI gladiolus-3 (53.7 cm) which was statistically similar with the rachis length of G 6 (46.0 cm), G 10 (46.3 cm), G 11 (47.0 cm) and BARI gladiolus-1 (G 12 , 46.3 cm) but significantly differed with other accessions. Most of the accessions in general, produced more than 10 florets per spike. Vase life of the accessions varied and G 11 had the highest vase life of 9-11 days and this was close to 9-10 days in G 9 and 8-9 days in BARI gladiolus-3 (G 1), G 8 , G 10 , G 17 , G 18 and G 19. The highest number of corm per hill was recorded in G 8 (10.3) followed by G 5 (8.7), G 16 (8.3), G 17 (7.7) and BARI gladiolus-3 (6.7). Number of cormels per hill ranged from 9.0-941.7 with an average of 237.0. Based on various plant, flower colour, corm and cormel production characters, the gladiolus accessions G

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Organic Amendments and Bio-Control Agent on Yield and Quality of Tuberose

Journal article, 2015

An experiment was conducted to determine the appropriate dose and combination of organic and chem... more An experiment was conducted to determine the appropriate dose and combination of organic and chemical fertilizers and to assess the effect of bio-control agent (Trichoderma) on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L. cv. Single), including stem length, rachis length, spike length, floret number, flower yield, flower durability, number of bulb etc. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications having eight treatments as follows: T 1 = Farmyard manure (5 t/ha) + ¼ RDF, T 2 = Poultry refuse (5 t/ha) + ¼ RDF, T 3 = Bokashi (3 t/ha) + ¼ RDF, T 4 = Mustard oil cake (500 kg/ha) + ¼ RDF, T 5 = Vermicompost (5 t/ha) + ¼ RDF, T 6 = Tricho-compost (3 t/ha) + ¼ RDF, T 7 = Tricho-leachate (3000 L/ha) + ¼ RDF and T 8 = Control (Recommended doses of fertilizer) (N 150 P 45 K 88 S 10 B 1 Zn 1 kg/ha). Maximum growth, yield and yield contributing characters were recorded in T 6 = Tricho-compost (3 t/ha) + ¼ RDF which were statistically superior to other treatments. Maximum plants emergence (93.3%) recorded in T 6 (Tricho-compost + ¼ RDF). In case of plant height, number of leaves per plant, plant spread, days to flowering, number of florets, flower yield, bulb production, T 6 = Tricho-compost (3 t/ha) + ¼ RDF gave superior results over control (Recommended doses of fertilizer). The data obtained from the experiment showed that Tricho-compost with fertilizer enhanced qualitative and quantitative characters of tuberose flowers.


Journal article, 2018

An experiment with four potato varieties, namely Asterix, Cardinal, Diamant and Granola was condu... more An experiment with four potato varieties, namely Asterix, Cardinal, Diamant and Granola was conducted at the Horticulture Research Field of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur during November 2013 to February 2014 to observe the behaviour of growth parameters and yield potentiality of potato. Final harvest of tuber was done at 90 DAP. LAI, CGR, RGR and NAR were not significantly influenced by the varieties. Irrespective of varieties, LAI increased progressively with time reaching a peak at 60 DAP and thereafter declined. Granola maintained the lower LAI throughout all growth stages. Numerically, the maximum CGR (19.99 g m-2 day-1) was found in Asterix at 50-60 DAP and the highest RGR (107.33 mg g-1 day-1) as well as NAR (9.54 g m-2 day-1) was recorded in Cardinal at 30-40 DAP. At 60-70 DAP, Cardinal recorded the highest TBR (84.35 g m-2 day-1) while Asterix, the highest TGR (18.54 g m-2 day-1) but Granola gave the lowest values of TBR (65.21 g m-2 day-1) and TGR (14.92 g m-2 day-1) at this growth stage. At all growth stages except 30 and 40 DAP, Diamant showed the best performance in SLA while Granola showed the lowest. The maximum yield was produced by Asterix (31.46 t/ha) closely followed by Diamant (29.91 t/ha) and Cardinal (27.27 t/ha) while the lowest yield was produced by Granola (24.82 t/ha). Granola showed the capacity of producing 95% or more of its final yield within 60 to 70 DAP. Therefore, Granola can be used as an early variety for potato cultivation.

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Different GA Concentrations on Growth and Yield of Broccoli

Journal Article, 2015

An experiment was conducted to find out the influence of GA on growth, yield and yield 3 contribu... more An experiment was conducted to find out the influence of GA on growth, yield and yield 3 contributing characters of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. Italica). Four levels of GA viz. C : Control, C : 3 1 2 25 ppm GA , C : 50 ppm GA and C : 75 ppm GA was used on the experiment. The maximum plant height 3 3 3 4 3 (31.5 cm), number of leaves (16.6/plant), number of main fingers (12.0/main curd), main curd length (21.3 cm), main curd diameter (19.3 cm), main curd weight (668.0 g/plant) and yield (24.5 t/ha) was found from the application of 50 ppm GA while the minimum from control. It was revealed that, 50 ppm GA gave maximum 3, 3 yield/ha (24.5 tons). From the study it was also found that application of more than 50 ppm GA reduced the 3 yield of broccoli.

Research paper thumbnail of Performance of Spices as Lower-Storey Crop in Jackfruit-Papaya Multistorey Agroforestry System in Bangladesh

Journal article, 2020

Jackfruit tree associated agroforestry systems are dominating in terrace ecosystem of Bangladesh,... more Jackfruit tree associated agroforestry systems are dominating in terrace ecosystem of Bangladesh, which are poorly managed by the farmers. As a result, real benefits of the systems are untapped. An On–Farm experiment was conducted during April 2017 to April 2018 in jackfruit orchards by transforming into multistorey agroforestry system (MAFS) in terrace ecosystem of Bangladesh to evaluate the productivity, economic and ecological performances of the system. Three spices (turmeric, ginger and chili) and papaya were grown as lower– and middle–storey crops, respectively. Established jackfruit trees were kept as top–storey crop. Four distances from tree base (1 m, 2 m, 3 m, and 4 m) and open field (non–agroforestry) were considered for the performances of spice crops, while performances of papaya and jackfruit were compared
between agroforestry and non–agroforestry systems. The findings of the study revealed that the yields of chili and papaya were reduced by 15.06% and 26.83%, respectively, in MAFS than non–agroforestry. In contrast, the yields of turmeric, ginger and jackfruit were increased by 8.19%, 14.72%, and 27.06%, respectively. Results also showed that understory crop yields were increased with increasing distances from tree base. Light availability on understory crops varied between 15 and 35% at different distances from tree base. Soil moisture and soil temperature showed reverse pattern in agroforestry and non–agroforestry systems. Despite, some adverse effects on yield parameters of under–storey crops, the net return, benefit cost ratio (BCR) and land equivalent ratio (LER) were remarkably higher in MAFS than non–agroforestry system.

Research paper thumbnail of Physiological and biochemical changes in potato under water stress condition

Journal article, 2015

Four CIP potato clones with one check variety Asterix were planted in the 3rd week of November 20... more Four CIP potato clones with one check variety Asterix were planted in the 3rd week of November 2011 at horticulture research farm of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University to observe physiological and biochemical changes under water stress. CIP
396244.12 and CIP 393371.58 showed higher membrane stability index (lowest injury) after 10 and 20 days of drought treatment. These two genotypes also accumulated more proline and total soluble sugar in leaves with less destruction in total chlorophyll under water stress condition than control. An increase in chlorophyll a/b ratio was found in CIP 396244.12, followed by CIP 393371.58 under water stress condition. The highest catalase activity was observed in CIP 396244.12, followed by CIP 393371.58 under water stress condition. Our results revealed that CIP 393371.58 and CIP 396244.12 showed greater adaptability in changing environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Productivity and Profitability of Jackfruit-Eggplant Agroforestry System in the Terrace Ecosystem of Bangladesh

Journal article, 2018

Multistoried agroforestry systems as a form of jackfruit-eggplant based is increasingly recognize... more Multistoried agroforestry systems as a form of jackfruit-eggplant based is increasingly recognized as a promising option to counteract the catastrophic effects of climate change through providing multifaceted benefits. Unfortunately, farmers of Bangladesh did not manage their jackfruit orchard in a scientific manner. Therefore, the present study was aimed to assess the productivity and profitability of jackfruit-eggplant based agroforestry system after modification from a traditional jackfruit orchard during the period of July 2012 to December 2013. Five treatments covering four orientations of jackfruit tree and an open field was used as a control treatment. To observe the growth and economic performance of the system; soil moisture and temperature, DBH, number of fruits per tree, fruit length, fruit width, fruit weight, total yield, BCR, and LER were calculated following different established methods. The yield of jackfruit dramatically increased by 81% in the agroforestry system in compared to sole cropping, while eggplant shows inverse trend. Soil moisture was high in agroforestry system than that of control plot while soil temperature shows reverse pattern. Indeed, agroforestry system had some negative effects on growth performance of understorey crops. Despite, net return and BCR from jackfruit based agroforestry system were 5.58 lakh and 4.56, which was 66 and 45%, respectively higher than sole cropping systems. The LER of jackfruit-eggplant based agroforestry system was 2.17. Considering the main findings, we can elucidate that jackfruit orchards can be transformed to agroforestry system for maximizing production, generating income and conserving environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancement of Potato Shelf Life: Role of Pre-Harvest Potassium Application

Journal Article, 2019

An experiment was conducted at the research field in Gazipur, Bangladesh during the winter season... more An experiment was conducted at the research field in Gazipur, Bangladesh during the winter season of 2014-2015 to determine the effect of different potash fertilizer rates as pre-harvest application viz. K1 (0 kg-K2O/ha), K2 (150 kg-K2O/ha), K3 (175 kg-K2O/ha) and K4 (200 kg-K2O/ha) on storability of different potato varieties (V1= Cardinal, V2=Courage, V3=Diamant, V4=Granola) under natural condition. The potato tubers were stored in a well ventilated room of day and night temperature of (25-30 0 C) and (20-25 0 C), respectively. Result revealed that after 135 days of storage, lowest cumulative weight loss was recorded in Granola (12.66%) followed by Courage (21.50%), Diamant (30.84%) and Cardinal (30.84%). The cumulative weight loss was minimum (10.66%) in Granola variety after 135 days of natural storage where the pre-harvest potassium application rate was @ 200 kg-K2O/ha.

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of High Yielding Tropical Strawberry Genotypes by Assessment of Yield Attributing Traits under Field Condition

Journal Article, 2017

In this study, eight different genotypes namely FA-006, FA-007, FA-008, FA-015, FA-016, FA-017, F... more In this study, eight different genotypes namely FA-006, FA-007, FA-008, FA-015, FA-016, FA-017, FA-022 and BARI Strawberry-1 were grown under field condition to evaluate the superior performance of tropical strawberry genotypes in terms of their morphological characters. Our results revealed that FA-015 genotype showed better performance in terms of plant height, leaf number, canopy spread, flowers plant-1, fruit set compared to other genotypes. The maximum days (62.29) required for flower initiation was found in the genotype FA-007 while the minimum days (30.59) required for flower initiation was recorded in the genotype FA-016. As regards to the fruit characters (length, width and weight), FA-022 genotype exhibited highest performances compared to other genotypes. Our results also implied that the highest fruit yield plant-1 (213.8g) was obtained from the genotype FA-022 and the highest amount of TSS (10.71%) was found in the genotype BARI Strawberry-1. Genotype FA-015 was superior in respect of growth related parameters and genotype FA-022 found potential in terms of fruit yield. Further research is needed on molecular characterization and marker aided selection of strawberry genotypes.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating Nutritional Quality and Shelf Life of Strawberry Genotypes under Field Condition

Journal article, 2018

The present study was conducted to assess the superior tropical strawberry genotypes in terms of ... more The present study was conducted to assess the superior tropical strawberry genotypes in terms of their nutritional quality and shelf life. In this study, eight strawberry genotypes collected from different sources namely FA-006, FA-007, FA-008, FA-015, FA-016, FA-017, FA-022 and BARI Strawberry-1were selected. The study results implied that among eight strawberry genotypes, the maximum amount of reducing sugar (2.07g/100g) and non-reducing sugar (0.90g/100g) content were recorded in the genotype FA-017 and FA-008, respectively. The highest amount of ascorbic acid (29.45 mg/100g) and the highest amount of β-carotene (7.20 IU/100g) content were obtained from the genotype BARI Strawberry-1. The maximum amount of calcium (0.656 %), phosphorus (0.240 %) and potassium (1.580 %) content was recorded in the genotype FA-022 and the maximum sodium (0.166 mg) content was obtained from the genotype FA-007. Under room temperature, the highest shelf life (6.5 days) was recorded in the genotype FA-017. Regression analysis showed that total sugar content increased whereas β-carotene content decreased upon increasing storage duration. Collectively, our results provide a list of strawberry genotypes which could be released as promising varieties with higher nutrient content and storage capacity after large-scale trial.

Research paper thumbnail of Molecular Characterization of Tropical Strawberry Genotypes

PTC&B, 2017

Genetic variability of tropical strawberry genotypes was determined through Ramdom Amplified Poly... more Genetic variability of tropical strawberry genotypes was determined through Ramdom Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers. Out of 14 RAPD primers six showed reproducible and polymorphic bands. The results revealed that the maximum polymorphic bands were produced by the primer OPB 12. Ten genotypes were differentiated into two clusters on the basis of Unweighted Pair Group Method With Arithmetic Averages (UPGMA). Genotypic variation based on molecular characterization indicated that genotypes belonging to two different clusters depend on their genetic component. So, selection of parents from different clusters will provide the maximum heterosis in yield.