burningrockets - Profile (original) (raw)
on 23 September 2007 (#13881921)
Burning Rockets -- A Roy x Alfons Community!
A community dedicated to Roy Mustang x Alfons Heiderich from Fullmetal Alchemist.
Burning Rockets:
The (only) Roy Mustang x Alfons Heiderich fan comm!
This community is, as it says, a community dedicated to the pairing of Roy Mustang x Alfons
Heiderich from the anime Fullmetal Alchemist. A pairing so tiny and with so few followers
right now, that little love is given and appreciated for the pairing T_T
So this community is going to rectify the problem (hopefully) and give Roy x Alfons the love
it needs until it becomes an unstoppable force of fandom!!!
...Okay, it probably won't go that far. But hey, we hope it does ^_~
♥ ♥ ♥
There are just a few rules of thumb that I need to pass through here (the obligatory rules
segment, I know):
1: This is a community dedicated to
Roy Mustang x Alfons Heiderich.
Everything here must have, in some way, some significance towards this pairing.
Threesomes, fivesomes, dogpiles, onesided...all is welcome, so long as RoyxHei
is involved, ideally
the primary focus!
No wanking, insulting, or trolling
is allowed here. You want to do that,
take it somewhere else.
stuff is welcome, but just make sure to
flock it
it under
LJ cut.
4: And speaking of non-worksafe stuff...I don't think I have to tell the
kiddies that they shouldn't poke their noses into NC-17 stuff if they're too
young, right?
5: HAVE FUN! We can't have a comm in which you're not having fun...so have
a blast and just share the RoyxHei love!
♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥
alfons heiderich, alfonsxroy, fma, fullmetal alchemist, hagane no renkinjutsushi, hagaren, hei/roy, heiroy, roy mustang, roy/hei, royhei, royxalfons
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