Vampire The Masquerade (original) (raw)

(no subject) [Apr. 18th, 2006|07:55 pm]Vampire The Masquerade, Brentwood
Rowan approaches the door, but it doesn't move. Vesper ties up the raft, and moves to the door himself. He knocks the knocker three times... It swings open revealing a small room with an earth pool of sorts in the middle. The left is a small well of sorts. To the right is a book shelf filled with all types of acient texts it looks like. The room is dimly lit by four torches, one in each corner. The roof is square and made out of old bricks. THe grey floor seems to be moving. on closer inspection, it is made almost solidly of Rats. They scurry from the room as the door opens, and The three are left to peer into the room.
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(no subject) [Apr. 15th, 2006|08:34 am]Vampire The Masquerade, Brentwood
Rowan steps off the raft and quickly bounces a couple of steps away towards the door. "I suppose were expected, if not ill let them know were hear" he said with a grin towards vesper as he allowed his aura to spill out once again. "Now in we go" he said as he approached the door and closed the final few steps between him and it...
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(no subject) [Apr. 12th, 2006|07:04 am]Vampire The Masquerade, Brentwood
And so, with his two companions on board, Vespers shoves off. He uses the stick to guide the raft, but the river seems to be doing all of the work. They move steadily down through the dark tunnel, yellow eyes illuminating from the blackness of the wall it seems. Jacen can't help but notice the water rise a bit next to him, and a green scale ascened from the water's surface, only to go below again, and leave the priest. The light grows closer and closer all they while. They reach another large antechamber, as the pass the threshold of the tunnel. It is illuminated, by two torches near a large wooden to their right. It has a very old knocker in the shape of a drama mask, with the nosferatu clan crest emblazened on the door, illuminating a green glow. Vesper stopst he boat, and allows the two to exit.
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(no subject) [Apr. 11th, 2006|08:02 pm]Vampire The Masquerade, Brentwood
" seems our journey isn't at it's end yet..."Jacen boards the raft and sits cross legged waiting."It seems that i misjudged you and your master. You are not as base as i previously i thought and i apoligize for it...shall we proceed."
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(no subject) [Apr. 9th, 2006|03:06 pm]Vampire The Masquerade, Brentwood
Vepser waits for the priest to get on the river. He pocketed the two coins into a small leather pouch to his side. A light can be seen at the end of the dark tunnel that awaits the fugitives.
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(no subject) [Apr. 9th, 2006|08:11 am]Vampire The Masquerade, Brentwood
"Ah the river of the dead...such comforts" Rowan gracefully stepped onto the raft and passed two coins into vespers palm whether he wanted them or not. "Onward my river pilot...take us to the depths of limbo so that we might be judged..." his coat was draped tightly around his body as he kneeled and closes his eyes. He let the voices of his victums casually flood there way into his mind. " sign of new victums..." was all that escaped his lips as he drifted along...
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(no subject) [Apr. 6th, 2006|11:56 pm]Vampire The Masquerade, Brentwood
Rowen steps through the doorway into a vast chamber. Vesper follows right after. It is a grand place, or at least, once was. Greater than any Toreador ball room, the cieling climbs many many feet in the sky and room is cluttered with trash and old furnature. Three great chandeliers lie in ruins on the floor, untouched except for the cobwebs that adorn them. One, however, remains functional above their heads, the sole source of light in this morbid chamber. Rats scurry everywhere, the only sign of beastial life. Through the middle runs a river of clear, clean water, with an old wooden arched bridge spanning it. The room is absent of any bidedal life, cept these three. The river gives a scent only smelt at the beach, the salty water in the air, peircing their undead lungs. The journey, it seems a little ways more to go as he goes to the river. He pushes a small raft onto the river, as if it were a toothpick, jumping on to it, holding it steady with a large metal pole. he looks up at the two. "Welcome to the River Styx... all aboard."
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(no subject) [Apr. 6th, 2006|10:13 pm]Vampire The Masquerade, Brentwood
Rowan followed his steps caring him calmly through the murky water, but no water actually touched him as he moved. He paused ahead of the new entance. "Unless you hide before you enemies mind. If your enemies mind is away from its host, nothing can make you present to it..." Rowan rambled on the rest in some broken dead language before recovering. "As I was saying...onward for the interview" he stepped through the doorway.
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(no subject) [Apr. 6th, 2006|12:05 am]Vampire The Masquerade, Brentwood
Jacen flinches slightly at the sight of the Nosferatu trying to smile. He waits for Vesper to lead through the new opening... Quietly but still legibly so that Vesper and Rowan can hear him he says..."That sort of thinking usually leads to unwanted situations...You are never matter how careful you are or how well you are hidden...if your enemy wants to find you...eventually they will..."
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(no subject) [Apr. 5th, 2006|06:58 am]Vampire The Masquerade, Brentwood
Vesper does not look back. He is concintrated on the road ahead. THey begin to slow after awhile, Vesper taking great care with every stride and turn. "He has his reasons for seeing you, I assure you. Those deputies were arms of the rather belligernat sheriff. Regretable that they saw me, but nothing i'm seriously worried about. They can't touch me, or Him, down here. The only ones who know the part you are walking in are myself, My grandsire, and the primogen."Vesper smiles. He depresses a stone on the wall, and a large opening in the stone wall to their left opens up.
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