c_d_s_s - Profile (original) (raw)

on 15 May 2006 (#10245752)

Country Dance and Song Society

Haydenville, Massachusetts, United States

Continuing the traditions. Linking those who love them.

Welcome to the CDSS LJ Community! We hope that this can be a place for discussion of all CDSS related issues and fun. Feel free to post about any of the wonderful forms of dance, music, and song that you're interested in. You can post dances, tunes, or songs you've written or are writing (make sure to specify whether or not you want constructive feedback), you can reminisce about summer camp programs, you can discuss getting more young people involved in CDSS, or anything else CDSS related. Enjoy!

Note: Content here has not been approved by CDSS and is not intended to represent official views of the society.

The Country Dance and Song Society (CDSS) is an association of people and groups with a common interest in English and Anglo-American folk dance, music and song. Our members are recreational dancers, musicians, singers, teachers, callers, dance historians and people just having fun. The activities of our affiliated groups include dances, concerts, song gatherings, festivals and residential camps.

Our interests include a broad range of dance and music rooted in English and Anglo-American traditions. Generally social and participatory, the dances include traditional dances (contras, New England and Appalachian squares, traditional English community dances, English and American step and clog dances); historical dances (English country dances from the 17th to 20th centuries and Early American country dances from the Revolutionary era); and seasonal display dances (morris, rapper, longsword, and garland).

Our musical interests include folk music, ballads and songs; traditional and historical dance music; regional styles of vocal and instrumental music; and early music for period instruments and voice.

CDSS leads workshops and leadership sessions at our summer camps and occasionally with various groups throughout the country; we publish books and recordings, a newsletter, occasional monographs and a directory of groups throughout the USA and Canada; our sales department has a large selection of materials available by mail order; and we provide information and advice for the dance and song community.

A full-time director and staff work out of the CDSS headquarters in Haydenville, Massachusetts. CDSS is a nonprofit organization and is supported by membership dues, donations, program fees and sales.

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