c_e_n_o - Profile (original) (raw)
on 11 November 2006 (#11582327)
Corrupting English Naval Officers
A friend posted an interest on her LJ, and I snickered and created a community!
If we had a mission statement, it would be that we are devoted to the corrupting of English Naval officers, especially during the Napoleonic era or any nearby era containing lots and lots of pirates, and especially in a fashion that would turn them into pirates... or privateers... or drunkards who do not shave... or on a lazy day simply has them dressing and behaving as such.
Fic and pics and general fangirlness welcome; don't forget your lj-cut on large pictures, long fics, or anything that might be Not Work Safe.
We are definitely not what you'd call "strict" about staying on topic. There is more-or-less a theme within these pages, but ah...well, we're kind of easy. Feel free to ask the mods if you're in doubt.
acting, archie kennedy, art, breaking archie, breaking horatio, breaking james, breaking william, cartoons, corrupting british naval officers, crime and punishment, dogs, drawing, dread pirates, edward pellew, england, food, france, guitar, horatio hornblower, horatio/archie, ioan gruffudd's miraculous ass, james norrington, literature, major my lord, movies, napoleon, naval face licking, philosophy, poetry, powder monkeys, romance, scruffington, ship porn, spain, summer, tattoos, william bush
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