canadianleft - Profile (original) (raw)

on 10 November 2006 (#11581127)

Left-friendly Canadian Political Discussion

This community is for left-friendly discussion of canadian political issues. People from all backgrounds and all areas of the political spectrum are welcome and encouraged to participate.

Our rules are fairly basic and should help keep the peace:

1] Stay on topic, we are here to discuss issues relevant to Canadian politics.
2] Try to get along. Those trolling, flaming and drama-mongering will be out.
3] Do not delete other people's comments, contact a mod if something crosses a line.
4] No embedded video. Posting links to videos is fine.
5] Large images, long posts and posts with multiple images must be under an lj-cut.
6] No spamming/ads. When in doubt, ask a mod before posting.
7] Please, standard formatting (no all caps, huge bold text, loud colors) - keep it legible.
8] No flagrant self-promotion. This includes posting incomplete entries with links that direct people to your off-site website.

If you do not know how to use an lj-cut, read the instructions here.

Mods are frickinmuck, ghostwes, steelcaver and lifeisacabaret.

aboriginal rights, abortion, alberta, anti-bush, anti-censorship, anti-conservatism, anti-neoconservatism, anti-privatization, anti-religious right, anti-right wing, anti-war, beaver, bloc quebecois, bloc québécois, british columbia, british north america act, canada, canada elections, canada politics, canadian action party, canadian alliance, canadian politics, canadians, captialism, censorship, collectivism, communism, communist party, conservatism, conservative party, conservative party of canada, constitution, cooperative commonwealth federation, democracy, democrat, economics, election, elections canada, environmentalism, equality, feminism, feminist, first nations, free market, gay, gay rights, green, green party, grits, house of commons, jack layton, labour, labrador, left, left-wing, leftist, legislative assembly, liberal, liberal party, liberal party of canada, libertarian party, manitoba, marijuana party, marxism, marxist-leninist, montreal, national assembly, ndp, neoconservatism, new brunswick, new democrat party, new democratic party, newfoundland, northwest territories, nova scotia, nunavut, ontario, ottawa, parliament, parti quebecois, politics, prince edward island, privatization, pro-choice, progressive canadian party, progressive conservative party, provincial parliament, quebec, reform, reform party, religious right, rhino party, right wing, same-sex marriage, saskatchewan, senate, socialism, socialized captialism, tolerance, tories, toronto, trade unions, vancouver, winnipeg, womens rights, yukon