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on 4 December 2005 (#8949114)
This is a community dedicated to the pairing Regal Bryant/Zelos Wilder from Tales of Symphonia.
- Masterlist of Regal/Zelos
- Fanworks Challenge
The Rules: - This is a slash community. Homophobia isn't allowed. ^_^
- No bashing or flamming, and try to stay on topic.
- Other pairings in fanart and fiction besides Zelos/Regal is allowed, as long as Zelos/Regal is in there. In a fanfic, if Zelos and Regal are paired up with other people, the ending pairing needs to be Zelos/Regal.
- Put four or more icons in a post under an lj-cut. Put all pictures and stories over drabble length (100 words or less) under an lj-cut.
- Please use the following format before the lj-cut when posting fiction or art:
Pairing(s): (if other pairings in the fic besides Zelos/Regal)
Summary: - Introduction posts are allowed, and encouraged. ^_^
If you want your community added, write a comment here. We will add communities that are TOS-related, or pairing (het, slash, femmeslash)-related. If you're not sure if we'd affiliate with you, just ask anyway. ^_^
General slash slash_clanTales Series Related
talesoflegendia: A general Tales of Legendia community
talesoftheabyss: A general Tales of the Abyss community
peta_peta_kabu: A Jade/Guy Community
RegalxZelos is opposites attract love.
colorbar, colorbars, fanart, fanfiction, icon, icons, regal, regal bryant, regal x zelos, regal+zelos, regal/zelos, regalxzelos, regalzelos, regazero, relos, rizero, shounen-ai, slash, tales of symphonia, tos, yaoi, zegal, zelos, zelos wilder, zelos x regal, zelos+regal, zelos/regal, zelosregal, zelosxregal, zerorega, zerori
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