!!!BEARFIGHTBEARFIGHTBEARFIGHT!!!◎ Do you love Dino? If fagging Dino in the "privacy" of your own journal isn't enough, come fag him with others in "public!" Whether it's his not-so-saintly dark mafia side, his klutz-y injured-myself-on-purpose-really side, or his tells-old-man-jokes-like-a-drunk-nun side that appeals to you, then feel free to join.◎ Welcome to [ CAVA!1ONE ], a community for - who else? - Dino Cavallone of KHR! Please be sure to watch out that all posts to this community center around Dino as the main character, thank you!◎ WTF is up with the horrible netspeak name you may ask?It's moogle-muncher's fault for noticing one could make his family name lawl-y. Of course, there's no exclamation point in the community's name because EL JAY won't accept our crack. D; THE REST IS HISTORY.!!!BEARFIGHTBEARFIGHTBEARFIGHT!!!◎ WHO IS THIS DON!?Σ Dino's the don who'd rather wear designer jackets and loose pants than a suit.Σ Dino's the don who loves the old man jokes as much as his family.Σ Dino's the don who loves his pet snapping turtle Enzio (even if he does want Leon more).Σ Dino's the don who uses a whip as his weapon (and is known for injuring his allies and himself with it when his men aren't around to make him look coolboost his testosterone levels make him into a BEARFIGHTING EXTRAORDINAIRE BOSS).Σ Dino's the don who won't admit he was a MEGA-LOSER before Reborn came along and "whipped" him into an ULTIMATE SEME DON MACHINE.LAWL. WHIPPED HIM. GET IT!? XD;;;Σ Dino's the don who's still a loser when his men are not around.Σ Dino's the don who loves taking drives (with Romario, because otherwise, we all know what will happen to him. ;;;-___-)Σ Dino's also the dude who originally FOUGHT THE BEARS.Σ DINO BELIEVES IN THE AWESOMENESS THAT IS A BEAR FIGHT!!!!BEARFIGHTBEARFIGHTBEARFIGHT!!!◎ HAY, DON'T FALL ASLEEP YET, REBORN GAIZ!As a prospective member or member of this comunity, please keep these guidelines in mind:Σ Do use an EL JAY CUT.Σ Do properly label content.*Σ Don't worry about tags.Σ Do use the mod-made entries so as not to clutter the community.Σ Do help each other out and be respectful.Σ Do not post anything on this community that is not specifically related to Dino. In other words, general promotions are not acceptable.Σ Do keep personal masturbation that hurts others off the comm (because, well, dino-loving is masturbation - in a sense--BUT IT'S THE GOOD KIND. ❤)Σ Do not post any content made that uses the creation of another person without their explicit permission. Post will be deleted without warning if it is not stated somewhere in your entry you have permission to have used someone else's work.Σ Do not make posts with private/members only links; save those posts for other communities.*OUTSIDE OF THE EL JAY CUT, Here's how you should label FIC'n'ART:○ ART○ FICΣ Do have a good time.!!!BEARFIGHTBEARFIGHT **BEARFIGHT!!!**◎ Say hello to your mods;Σ Don't be afraid to contact us for any of your needs.jerevinan ↔ p(ゝ〆・)qmoogle-muncher ↔ (^0^)♪tosai-tosai ↔ [Σ(゚Д゚|