Matthias Riedl | Central European University (original) (raw)

Public Lectures by Matthias Riedl

Research paper thumbnail of “Apocalyptic Politics: On the Permanence and Transformations of a Symbolic Complex”  -- Duke 2014

DUKE University -- The Franklin Humanities Institute Politics and Religion: a Humanities Futur... more DUKE University -- The Franklin Humanities Institute

Politics and Religion: a Humanities Futures Cross-Departmental Seminar

December 3, 2014 - 1:00pm - 5:00pm

See more at:

A number of eminent philosophers, historians, and political theorists have described modern conceptions of history as secularized apocalypses. They argued that the progressivist ideologies of Enlightenment, positivism and communism had adopted from the apocalypses the linear and future-oriented conception of history and had replaced the expectation of a beyond with the promise of innerwordly fulfillment. Recently, a number of comparative studies on terrorism and sectarian violence have concluded that the one unifying element in such diverse groups as American far-right activists, the Japanese Aum Shinrikyo sect and radical Islamists, is their apocalyptic conception of violence: Religious terrorists see their own activity integrated in the scenario of a global war of good against evil. Employing a similar argument, other researchers have stated that the rhetoric of the Cold War and the “War on Terror” is clearly apocalyptic. Thus the question arises: Is then everything apocalyptic? The apocalypse is certainly in fashion in modern social science. However, some basic paradoxes of the above claims have been almost completely overlooked: How can modern narratives of progress draw on the apocalypses, if apocalypses traditionally offer a narrative of decline? How can activist and revolutionary movements be called apocalyptic, if apocalypses traditionally dissuade their readers from any engagement in politics? If the ideologies of the 19th and 20th centuries result from a secularization of the apocalypse, why are the apocalyptic activists of the early 21st century suddenly religious again? How can it happen that a decidedly Jewish and Christian symbolic tradition becomes integrated into Islamic and even Buddhist narratives? How is it possible that, after two millennia and despite multiple religious, political, social, and cultural transformations, the symbolic lore of the apocalypses is still with us today? My paper will show that there are answers to these questions and that they are highly relevant for modern political science. However, they require two preconditions which are often missing from the way in which political science is practiced and taught at universities today: 1) a long-term historical perspective, which reaches back to the formative periods of symbolic complexes; 2) methodological flexibility, which overcomes the fragmentation of modern academic disciplines.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Tree of Election:  On the Symbolization of Spiritual Progress in Joachim of Fiore -- Venice 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of The Garden of Earthly Delights: A diachronic interpretation of Hieronymus Bosch’s masterpiece (video, lecture manuscript & slide show) -- Budapest 2011

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Translations by Matthias Riedl

Research paper thumbnail of Charles de Bovelles: The Book on the Sage -- Translation of chapters 1-8 and 22-26

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Articles by Matthias Riedl

Research paper thumbnail of Gog and Magog or Allies? The Perception of the Ottoman Empire in Martin Luther and Thomas Müntzer

This essay challenges an often-invoked defense of Luther which claims that the reformer's hostili... more This essay challenges an often-invoked defense of Luther which claims that the reformer's hostility to Islam and the Turks can be explained by the "conditions of the time." In contrast, I argue that in the early 16th century, the perception of the Ottomans as a diabolic force was a possibility but not a necessity – especially not for somebody with higher education. By the time of Luther, Northern humanism had opened new perspectives on Islam, presenting Muslims as fellow humans, capable of rational discussion. The essay shows that Thomas Müntzer's rather friendly attitude to Muslims, Jews, and other non-Christians is owed to the Neo-Platonist background of his thought.

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Research paper thumbnail of A National Hero and a Communist Saint: The Veneration of Thomas Müntzer in East Germany

Published in: Research Report. Narratives of heroism, narratives of victimhood: Identity building... more Published in: Research Report. Narratives of heroism,
narratives of victimhood: Identity building in Europe post heroic society, ed. Constantin Iordachi on behalf of the CLEO consortium (Vienna & Akureyri, 2023). , pp. 43-54.

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Research paper thumbnail of L'aspirazione alla terza età: Gioachimismo rivoluzionario, comunismo e nazionalsocialismo

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Research paper thumbnail of Intelligentia Spiritualis: Apocalyptic Knowledge and the Secret of Revolution

Fidele Signaculum. Writings in Honour of Endre György Szőnyi, 2022

Apocalyptic knowledge is not necessarily esoteric knowledge. In the course of its history, it has... more Apocalyptic knowledge is not necessarily esoteric knowledge. In the course of its history, it has oscillated between the esoteric and the exoteric, between knowledge communicated to inner circles, and knowledge communicated to the public. Esoteric and alchemist traditions have always put more trust in human capacities than has Christian theology with its doctrines of sin and corruption. This trust may have been an important catalyst for the shift from a divinely operated transformation of reality, as we find promised in the apocalypses, to the promise of a human operated transformation of reality, as we find it in the manifestos of the European revolutions. Alchemy ascribes to man the divine power of changing the nature of things. Revolutionary thought, in turn, ascribes to man the divine power of changing the course of universal history. The essay shows that these two forms of human self-divinization are much more interrelated than the history books tell us.

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Research paper thumbnail of Creativity in the Early Reformation Period: Technology, Society, and the Magic of Language

Litteraria Pragensia: Studies in Literature and Culture 31 (62), 7-35, 2021

This article takes its point of departure from Marshall McLuhan's The Gutenberg Galaxy (1962) and... more This article takes its point of departure from Marshall McLuhan's The Gutenberg Galaxy (1962) and Elizabeth L. Eisenstein's The Printing Press as an Agent of Change (1979). The purpose, however, is not a detailed historical critique of both books, but to take issue with fundamental claim underlying both publications: the claim that media technology is the creative agent behind early modern social, political, religious, and intellectual revolutions. The article refers to Eric Voegelin, Hannah Arendt, Ernst Cassirer, and Wilhelm von Humboldt to lay the theoretical groundwork for an alternative claim: creative agency happens in the form of linguistic evocation. The final section of the article provides a brief case study on revolutionary agency, primarily at the example of the radical reformer Thomas Müntzer. It highlights the role of language in the revolutionary transformation of the early reformation period.

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Research paper thumbnail of Geschichtstheologie und Immanentisierung des Religiösen. Eric Voegelin und Joachim von Fiore

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Research paper thumbnail of Thomas Müntzer: Profet, revolutionaer og byreformator


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Research paper thumbnail of Terrorism as 'Apocalyptic Violence': On the Meaning and Validity of a New Analytical Category

Abstract: This article discusses the category of 'apocalyptic violence', which has been frequentl... more Abstract: This article discusses the category of 'apocalyptic violence', which has been frequently applied in recent studies of terrorism. It shows that the category is not self-explanatory because apocalyptic literature is traditionally determinist and rather dissuades their readers from taking action. A historical overview demonstrates that revolutionary forms of apocalypticism emerge only in early modernity, when mystical and humanist influences undermined the determinist creed. A more differentiated concept of 'apocalyptic violence' is then tested using the example of several cases of modern terrorism. The result is that the category is meaningful for understanding certain trends within modern terrorism, especially as it captures the symbolic self-interpretation of terrorist groups more adequately than the categories extremism and fundamentalism. However, the article also shows that the category has clear limits and is not suitable for a comprehensive understanding of the motivational and ideological grounds behind terroristic violence.

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Research paper thumbnail of Longing for the Third Age: Revolutionary Joachism, Communism, and National Socialism

In: A Companion to Joachim of Fiore, ed. Matthias Riedl

Abstract: The chapter describes the late medieval and early modern transformation of Joachite ide... more Abstract: The chapter describes the late medieval and early modern transformation of Joachite ideas into a revolutionary program and traces the legacy of this program in 19th and 20th century ideologies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Welt als Kloster. Joachim von Fiore und sein Verfassungsentwurf für die zukünftige Menschheit

Sonderdruck aus: RELIGION UND POLITIK. Herausgegeben vom Exzellenzcluster „Religion und Politik“ ... more Sonderdruck aus:
RELIGION UND POLITIK. Herausgegeben vom Exzellenzcluster „Religion und Politik“ der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster.

Band 13: Zukunftsvisionen zwischen Apokalypse und Utopie. Herausgegeben von Katharina Martin Christian Sieg
Würzburg: ERGON VERLAG, 2016. S. 127-147

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Research paper thumbnail of Apocalyptic Violence and Revolutionary Action: Thomas Müntzer’s Sermon to the Princes

If you need the published version of this article, please notify me via

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Research paper thumbnail of L'albero dell'elezione. L’espressione simbolica del progresso spirituale in Gioacchino da Fiore

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Research paper thumbnail of Thomas Müntzer's Prague Manifesto - A case study in the secularization of the apocalypse

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Research paper thumbnail of Joachim of Fiore as Political Thinker

This article summarizes some essential research results of my German monograph "Joachim von Fiore - Denker der vollendeten Menschheit", 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of The Containment of Dionysos: Religion and Politics in the Bacchanalia Affair of 186 BCE

International Political Anthropology, 2012

The suppression of the Bacchanalia in Rome 186 BCE was the first major religious persecution in E... more The suppression of the Bacchanalia in Rome 186 BCE was the first major religious persecution in Europe. The essay provides a new analysis, referring to the political theory of Eric Voegelin. It shows that the suppression was a reaction of the Roman commonwealth to a cult which challgenged the meaning of political existence within the republic. Ultimately, the Bacchanalian affair is a collision of two types of religiosity, the political religiosity of the public cult and the orgiastic and apolitical religiosity of the Bacchic underground. Both types are based on particular religious experiences, the experience of gods preserving and fostering the political community and the experience of a god promoting the fulfilment of bodily desires. As the essay shows at the example of Euripides’ Bacchae, the worship of Bacchus-Dionysus had always represented the apolitical dimension of human existence; already in the ancient myths the “alien god” appears as the enemy of rulers and politicians. Finally, this reconsideration of the Bacchanalia helps to understand why the early Christians were likened to the Bacchants.

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Research paper thumbnail of Living in the Future – Proleptic Existence in Religion, Politics and Art

International Political Anthropology, 2010

The essay introduces the concept of “proleptic existence” which denotes a psychological dispositi... more The essay introduces the concept of “proleptic existence” which denotes a psychological disposition determined by the anticipation (prolepsis) of the future. The first historical evidence for this type is found in the apocalyptic literature of the Greco-Roman period. As these texts clearly show, the proleptic expectation of a future transformation of the world results from a complete alienation from political reality. Consequently, proleptic existence becomes articulate in visionary accounts of a coming order, which predicts the reconciliation of individual consciousness and social order. The essay presents examples from ancient apocalypticism, early Christianity, medieval monasticism, and modern art in order to show how proleptic existence becomes a formative feature of Western society.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Apocalyptic Politics: On the Permanence and Transformations of a Symbolic Complex”  -- Duke 2014

DUKE University -- The Franklin Humanities Institute Politics and Religion: a Humanities Futur... more DUKE University -- The Franklin Humanities Institute

Politics and Religion: a Humanities Futures Cross-Departmental Seminar

December 3, 2014 - 1:00pm - 5:00pm

See more at:

A number of eminent philosophers, historians, and political theorists have described modern conceptions of history as secularized apocalypses. They argued that the progressivist ideologies of Enlightenment, positivism and communism had adopted from the apocalypses the linear and future-oriented conception of history and had replaced the expectation of a beyond with the promise of innerwordly fulfillment. Recently, a number of comparative studies on terrorism and sectarian violence have concluded that the one unifying element in such diverse groups as American far-right activists, the Japanese Aum Shinrikyo sect and radical Islamists, is their apocalyptic conception of violence: Religious terrorists see their own activity integrated in the scenario of a global war of good against evil. Employing a similar argument, other researchers have stated that the rhetoric of the Cold War and the “War on Terror” is clearly apocalyptic. Thus the question arises: Is then everything apocalyptic? The apocalypse is certainly in fashion in modern social science. However, some basic paradoxes of the above claims have been almost completely overlooked: How can modern narratives of progress draw on the apocalypses, if apocalypses traditionally offer a narrative of decline? How can activist and revolutionary movements be called apocalyptic, if apocalypses traditionally dissuade their readers from any engagement in politics? If the ideologies of the 19th and 20th centuries result from a secularization of the apocalypse, why are the apocalyptic activists of the early 21st century suddenly religious again? How can it happen that a decidedly Jewish and Christian symbolic tradition becomes integrated into Islamic and even Buddhist narratives? How is it possible that, after two millennia and despite multiple religious, political, social, and cultural transformations, the symbolic lore of the apocalypses is still with us today? My paper will show that there are answers to these questions and that they are highly relevant for modern political science. However, they require two preconditions which are often missing from the way in which political science is practiced and taught at universities today: 1) a long-term historical perspective, which reaches back to the formative periods of symbolic complexes; 2) methodological flexibility, which overcomes the fragmentation of modern academic disciplines.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Tree of Election:  On the Symbolization of Spiritual Progress in Joachim of Fiore -- Venice 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of The Garden of Earthly Delights: A diachronic interpretation of Hieronymus Bosch’s masterpiece (video, lecture manuscript & slide show) -- Budapest 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Charles de Bovelles: The Book on the Sage -- Translation of chapters 1-8 and 22-26

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Research paper thumbnail of Gog and Magog or Allies? The Perception of the Ottoman Empire in Martin Luther and Thomas Müntzer

This essay challenges an often-invoked defense of Luther which claims that the reformer's hostili... more This essay challenges an often-invoked defense of Luther which claims that the reformer's hostility to Islam and the Turks can be explained by the "conditions of the time." In contrast, I argue that in the early 16th century, the perception of the Ottomans as a diabolic force was a possibility but not a necessity – especially not for somebody with higher education. By the time of Luther, Northern humanism had opened new perspectives on Islam, presenting Muslims as fellow humans, capable of rational discussion. The essay shows that Thomas Müntzer's rather friendly attitude to Muslims, Jews, and other non-Christians is owed to the Neo-Platonist background of his thought.

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Research paper thumbnail of A National Hero and a Communist Saint: The Veneration of Thomas Müntzer in East Germany

Published in: Research Report. Narratives of heroism, narratives of victimhood: Identity building... more Published in: Research Report. Narratives of heroism,
narratives of victimhood: Identity building in Europe post heroic society, ed. Constantin Iordachi on behalf of the CLEO consortium (Vienna & Akureyri, 2023). , pp. 43-54.

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Research paper thumbnail of L'aspirazione alla terza età: Gioachimismo rivoluzionario, comunismo e nazionalsocialismo

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Research paper thumbnail of Intelligentia Spiritualis: Apocalyptic Knowledge and the Secret of Revolution

Fidele Signaculum. Writings in Honour of Endre György Szőnyi, 2022

Apocalyptic knowledge is not necessarily esoteric knowledge. In the course of its history, it has... more Apocalyptic knowledge is not necessarily esoteric knowledge. In the course of its history, it has oscillated between the esoteric and the exoteric, between knowledge communicated to inner circles, and knowledge communicated to the public. Esoteric and alchemist traditions have always put more trust in human capacities than has Christian theology with its doctrines of sin and corruption. This trust may have been an important catalyst for the shift from a divinely operated transformation of reality, as we find promised in the apocalypses, to the promise of a human operated transformation of reality, as we find it in the manifestos of the European revolutions. Alchemy ascribes to man the divine power of changing the nature of things. Revolutionary thought, in turn, ascribes to man the divine power of changing the course of universal history. The essay shows that these two forms of human self-divinization are much more interrelated than the history books tell us.

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Research paper thumbnail of Creativity in the Early Reformation Period: Technology, Society, and the Magic of Language

Litteraria Pragensia: Studies in Literature and Culture 31 (62), 7-35, 2021

This article takes its point of departure from Marshall McLuhan's The Gutenberg Galaxy (1962) and... more This article takes its point of departure from Marshall McLuhan's The Gutenberg Galaxy (1962) and Elizabeth L. Eisenstein's The Printing Press as an Agent of Change (1979). The purpose, however, is not a detailed historical critique of both books, but to take issue with fundamental claim underlying both publications: the claim that media technology is the creative agent behind early modern social, political, religious, and intellectual revolutions. The article refers to Eric Voegelin, Hannah Arendt, Ernst Cassirer, and Wilhelm von Humboldt to lay the theoretical groundwork for an alternative claim: creative agency happens in the form of linguistic evocation. The final section of the article provides a brief case study on revolutionary agency, primarily at the example of the radical reformer Thomas Müntzer. It highlights the role of language in the revolutionary transformation of the early reformation period.

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Research paper thumbnail of Geschichtstheologie und Immanentisierung des Religiösen. Eric Voegelin und Joachim von Fiore

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Research paper thumbnail of Thomas Müntzer: Profet, revolutionaer og byreformator


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Research paper thumbnail of Terrorism as 'Apocalyptic Violence': On the Meaning and Validity of a New Analytical Category

Abstract: This article discusses the category of 'apocalyptic violence', which has been frequentl... more Abstract: This article discusses the category of 'apocalyptic violence', which has been frequently applied in recent studies of terrorism. It shows that the category is not self-explanatory because apocalyptic literature is traditionally determinist and rather dissuades their readers from taking action. A historical overview demonstrates that revolutionary forms of apocalypticism emerge only in early modernity, when mystical and humanist influences undermined the determinist creed. A more differentiated concept of 'apocalyptic violence' is then tested using the example of several cases of modern terrorism. The result is that the category is meaningful for understanding certain trends within modern terrorism, especially as it captures the symbolic self-interpretation of terrorist groups more adequately than the categories extremism and fundamentalism. However, the article also shows that the category has clear limits and is not suitable for a comprehensive understanding of the motivational and ideological grounds behind terroristic violence.

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Research paper thumbnail of Longing for the Third Age: Revolutionary Joachism, Communism, and National Socialism

In: A Companion to Joachim of Fiore, ed. Matthias Riedl

Abstract: The chapter describes the late medieval and early modern transformation of Joachite ide... more Abstract: The chapter describes the late medieval and early modern transformation of Joachite ideas into a revolutionary program and traces the legacy of this program in 19th and 20th century ideologies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Welt als Kloster. Joachim von Fiore und sein Verfassungsentwurf für die zukünftige Menschheit

Sonderdruck aus: RELIGION UND POLITIK. Herausgegeben vom Exzellenzcluster „Religion und Politik“ ... more Sonderdruck aus:
RELIGION UND POLITIK. Herausgegeben vom Exzellenzcluster „Religion und Politik“ der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster.

Band 13: Zukunftsvisionen zwischen Apokalypse und Utopie. Herausgegeben von Katharina Martin Christian Sieg
Würzburg: ERGON VERLAG, 2016. S. 127-147

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Research paper thumbnail of Apocalyptic Violence and Revolutionary Action: Thomas Müntzer’s Sermon to the Princes

If you need the published version of this article, please notify me via

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Research paper thumbnail of L'albero dell'elezione. L’espressione simbolica del progresso spirituale in Gioacchino da Fiore

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Research paper thumbnail of Thomas Müntzer's Prague Manifesto - A case study in the secularization of the apocalypse

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Research paper thumbnail of Joachim of Fiore as Political Thinker

This article summarizes some essential research results of my German monograph "Joachim von Fiore - Denker der vollendeten Menschheit", 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of The Containment of Dionysos: Religion and Politics in the Bacchanalia Affair of 186 BCE

International Political Anthropology, 2012

The suppression of the Bacchanalia in Rome 186 BCE was the first major religious persecution in E... more The suppression of the Bacchanalia in Rome 186 BCE was the first major religious persecution in Europe. The essay provides a new analysis, referring to the political theory of Eric Voegelin. It shows that the suppression was a reaction of the Roman commonwealth to a cult which challgenged the meaning of political existence within the republic. Ultimately, the Bacchanalian affair is a collision of two types of religiosity, the political religiosity of the public cult and the orgiastic and apolitical religiosity of the Bacchic underground. Both types are based on particular religious experiences, the experience of gods preserving and fostering the political community and the experience of a god promoting the fulfilment of bodily desires. As the essay shows at the example of Euripides’ Bacchae, the worship of Bacchus-Dionysus had always represented the apolitical dimension of human existence; already in the ancient myths the “alien god” appears as the enemy of rulers and politicians. Finally, this reconsideration of the Bacchanalia helps to understand why the early Christians were likened to the Bacchants.

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Research paper thumbnail of Living in the Future – Proleptic Existence in Religion, Politics and Art

International Political Anthropology, 2010

The essay introduces the concept of “proleptic existence” which denotes a psychological dispositi... more The essay introduces the concept of “proleptic existence” which denotes a psychological disposition determined by the anticipation (prolepsis) of the future. The first historical evidence for this type is found in the apocalyptic literature of the Greco-Roman period. As these texts clearly show, the proleptic expectation of a future transformation of the world results from a complete alienation from political reality. Consequently, proleptic existence becomes articulate in visionary accounts of a coming order, which predicts the reconciliation of individual consciousness and social order. The essay presents examples from ancient apocalypticism, early Christianity, medieval monasticism, and modern art in order to show how proleptic existence becomes a formative feature of Western society.

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Research paper thumbnail of Život v budúcnosti - proleptická existencia v náboženstve, politike a umení

Studia Philosophica, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of A Collective Messiah: Joachim of Fiore’s Constitution of Future Society

Mirabilia, 2012

At the end of the 12th century, the famous Calabrian abbot and apocalyptic seer Joachim of Fiore ... more At the end of the 12th century, the famous Calabrian abbot and apocalyptic seer Joachim of Fiore drafted a constitution for the universal Christian society he expected to emerge in a coming third age of the Spirit. This articles shows that the constitution combines a highly complex symbolic structure with very concrete and pragmatic instructions for future social life. While the symbolic structure amounts to the image of a collective messiah, the pragmatic structure evokes the picture of a strictly hierarchical society, where the rank of a person depends on the possession of spiritual knowledge.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mesjasz zbiorowy. Konstytucja społeczeństwa przyszłości według Joachima z Fiore

Kronos 2 (29)/2014

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Research paper thumbnail of The Secular Sphere in Western Theology - A Historical Reconsideration

The Future of Political Theology, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of The Apocalyptic Complex (ed. Nadia Al-Bagdadi, David Marno, Matthias Riedl)

Description The attack on the World Trade Center in 2001, followed by similarly dreadful acts of ... more Description The attack on the World Trade Center in 2001, followed by similarly dreadful acts of terror, prompted a new interest in the field of the apocalyptic. There is a steady output of literature on the subject (also referred to as " the End Times.) This book analyzes this continuously published literature and opens up a new perspective on these views of the apocalypse. The thirteen essays in this volume focus on the dimensions, consequences and transformations of Apocalypticism. The authors explore the everyday relevance of the apocalyptic in contemporary society, culture, and politics, side by side with the various histories of apocalyptic ideas and movements. In particular, they seek to better understand the ways in which perceptions of the apocalypse diverge in the American, European, and Arab worlds. Leading experts in the field re-evaluate some of the traditional views on the apocalypse in light of recent political and cultural events, and, go beyond empirical facts to reconsider the potential of the apocalyptic. This last point is the focal point of the book. More information:

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Research paper thumbnail of A Companion to Joachim of Fiore

Joachim of Fiore (c.1135-1202) remains one of the most fascinating and enigmatic figures of medie... more Joachim of Fiore (c.1135-1202) remains one of the most fascinating and enigmatic figures of medieval Christianity. In his own time, he was an influential advisor to the mighty and powerful, widely respected for his prophetic exegesis and decoding of the apocalypse. In modern times, many thinkers, from Thomas Müntzer to Friedrich Engels, have hailed him as a prophet of progress and revolution. Even present-day theologians, philosophers and novelists were inspired by Joachim’s vision of a Third Age of the Holy Spirit.
However, at no time was Joachim an uncontroversial figure. Soon after his death, the church authorities became suspicious about the explosive potential of his theology, while more recently historians held him accountable for the fateful progressivism of Western Civilization.
Contributors are: Frances Andrews, Valeria De Fraja, Alfredo Gatto, Peter Gemeinhardt, Sven Grosse, Massimo Iiritano, Bernard McGinn, Matthias Riedl, and Brett Edward Whalen

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Research paper thumbnail of Joachim von Fiore - Denker der vollendeten Menschheit

Seit langen wird dem kalabresischen Abt Joachim von Fiore († 1202) eine geradezu ungeheure Wirkun... more Seit langen wird dem kalabresischen Abt Joachim von Fiore († 1202) eine geradezu ungeheure Wirkung auf die abendländische Geistesgeschichte zugeschrieben. Karl Löwith, Jakob Taubes, Eric Voegelin und andere sahen in ihm den „Vordenker“ der neuzeitlichen Ideologien, ja selbst der Totalitarismen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Doch die ideengeschichtliche Forschung kümmerte sich wenig darum, was tatsächlich in den Schriften Joachims steht. Das wird mit dieser Studie nachgeholt. Sie zieht die populären Joachim-Bilder in Zweifel. Nicht als antiklerikaler Revolutionär, zurückgezogener Mystiker oder dunkler Prophet des Dritten Reiches zeigt sich der Abt, sondern als innovativer Gesellschaftstheoretiker. Er beteiligte sich aktiv an den politischen Auseinandersetzungen seiner Zeit und stand den Mächtigen als Ratgeber zur Seite. Sein Verfassungsentwurf für das „Dritte Zeitalter des Heiligen Geistes“, der von Matthias Riedl in kommentierter Übersetzung vorgelegt wird, ist nicht weniger faszinierend als die Utopien eines Morus, Campanella oder Fourier. Joachim von Fiore, so belegt dieses Buch, formuliert zum ersten Mal die Idee des Fortschritts, im Sinne einer geschichtlich-sozialen Höherentwicklung und Vollendung der Menschheit.

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Stadt: Achse und Zentrum der Welt / The City: Axis and Centre of the World

Eranos - Neue Folge Nr. 16, ed. Matthias Riedl and Tilo Schabert (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2011).

"Matthias Riedl/Tilo Schabert, Hrsg. DIE STADT: ACHSE UND ZENTRUM DER WELT THE CITY: AXIS AND C... more "Matthias Riedl/Tilo Schabert, Hrsg.

Reihe: ERANOS – Neue Folge, Band 16

Aus dem Inhalt:

Matthias Riedl: Introduction: The City as Symbol

Alessandro Scafi: Filarete’s Ideal City of Sforzinda: Architecture between Nature and Society

Christoph Schumann: Die nahöstliche Stadt im Schnittpunkt zwischen Erinnerung und Erwartung

Steven F. McGuire: Philosophy, the Mysteries, and Politics in Plato’s Phaedrus

Dieter Fuchs : Socratic Archetypes of Metropolitan Discourse in James Joyce's Ulysses

Chloé Ragazzoli: A Tale of Two Cities: sémiotique de la ville en Égypte. À travers ses représentations

Håkan Forsell: Metropolitan Pedagogy in Fín de Siècle Central Europe -- Johannes Tews, Fritz Gansberg and the Discovery of the ‘Democratic Child’

Tilo Schabert: On the Recent History of the Eranos-Tagungen

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Research paper thumbnail of Gott oder Götter? / God or Gods?

Eranos - Neue Folge Nr. 15, ed. Tilo Schabert and Matthias Riedl (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2009).

"Tilo Schabert, Matthias Riedl (Hrsg.) Gott oder Götter? - God or Gods 224 Seiten. Broschur mit... more "Tilo Schabert, Matthias Riedl (Hrsg.)
Gott oder Götter? - God or Gods
224 Seiten. Broschur mit Fadenheftung
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2009
ISBN 3-8260-3539-9
Reihe: ERANOS – Neue Folge, Band 15

Aus dem Inhalt:

Tilo Schabert: Einführung

Polymnia Athanassiadi: The Gods are God. Polytheistic Cult and Monotheistic Theology
in the World of Late Antiquity

Burkhard Gladigow: Wieviel Götter braucht der Mensch? Erwartungen an Götter in der Religionsgeschichte

Antonio Panaino: Ahura Mazdā tra Baga e Yazata. La religione mazdaica come forma particolare di monoteismo

Aaron J. Powell: God or Gods? Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and the Buddha-Nature in Chinese Buddhism

Christoph Egger: Demogorgon. Christlicher Gott und heidnische Götter im Mittelalter

Gabriele De Angelis : Religion and the Integration of Society. Religious Systems, Monotheism and Polytheism in Sociological Perspective

Friedrich Wilhelm Graf: Der Christengott im Plural. Zum Gestaltwandel des Christentums in der Gegenwart

Stéphane Toussaint: Survivances du polythéisme. Avec une lettre d’Henry Corbin inédite en français

Tilo Schabert: In the fading of divine voices: The song of Eranos

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Research paper thumbnail of Religionen – Die religiöse Erfahrung / Religions – The Religious Experience

Eranos - Neue Folge Nr. 14, ed. Matthias Riedl and Tilo Schabert (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2008).

""Matthias Riedl,/Tilo Schabert (Hrsg.) Religionen - die religiöse Erfahrung Religions - the re... more ""Matthias Riedl,/Tilo Schabert (Hrsg.)
Religionen - die religiöse Erfahrung
Religions - the religious experience
225 Seiten. Broschur mit Fadenheftung
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2008
ISBN 978-3-8260-3538-8
Reihe: ERANOS – Neue Folge, Band 14

Aus dem Inhalt:

Matthias Riedl: Einleitung: Religiöse Erfahrung als wissenschaftliches Problem

Walter Haug: Gotteserfahrung im abendländischen Mittelalter

Moshe Idel: On the Language of Ecstatic Experiences in Jewish Mysticism

Enzo Pace: Lo spirito et l`ordine. L`esperienza religiosa nell`Islam

Davíd Carrasco: The Virgin of Guadalupe and two types of religious experiences: The personal illumination and the ceremonial landscape

Michel-Yves Perrin: Arcana mysteria ou ce que cache la religion. De certaines pratiques de l’arcane dans le christianisme antique

Julia Eva Wannenmacher: Das Tor zur Ewigkeit: Grenzerfahrung und Vision in der Mittelalterlichen Apokalyptik

Gerson Moreno-Riaño: Religious Experience and Political Morality: The Thomistic natural law tradition

Francesco Gaiffi: L`"ultimo dio": Letture filosofiche dell`esperienza religiosa contemporanea

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Menschen im Krieg, im Frieden mit der Natur / Humans at War, in Peace with Nature

Eranos - Neue Folge Nr. 13, ed. Tilo Schabert & Matthias Riedl (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2006).

"Tilo Schabert/Matthias Riedl, Hrsg. Die Menschen im Krieg, im Frieden mit der Natur – Humans at... more "Tilo Schabert/Matthias Riedl, Hrsg.
Die Menschen im Krieg, im Frieden mit der Natur – Humans at War, at Peace with Nature

227 Seiten. Broschur mit Fadenheftung
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2006
ISBN 3-8260-3392-6
Reihe: ERANOS – Neue Folge, Band 13

Aus dem Inhalt:

Tilo Schabert: Introduction: A Wisdom To Be Recovered – The Relations of the Parts to the Whole

Joseph Hanimann: La cime abandonné – Die abgestoßene Krone. Zur Frage des Tragischen in der Natur

Stéphane Toussaint: La destruction du cosmos. Esquisse d`une analyse

Elisabetta Barone: Tra empatia e dominio: Sentieri di pace o asce di guerra?

Hans-Jörg Sigwart: In Corpore Salus? Entfremdung und Leiblichkeit in der Bewegung der “Lebensreform” um 1900

Massimo Iiritano: “Nuovi cieli e nuova terra”: Per une teologia messianica della natura.

Matthias Riedl: Natur und Sünde. Augustinus über den Anfang der Politik.

Flavia Monceri: Bushidō. L`arte di far guerra in pace con la natura.

Arpád Szakolczai: World-Rejections and World-Conquests: The Spiralling Dynamics of War and Peace.

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Research paper thumbnail of Propheten und Prophezeiungen / Prophets and Prophecies

Eranos - Neue Folge Nr. 12, ed. Matthias Riedl and Tilo Schabert (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2005.)

"Matthias Riedl/Tilo Schabert, Hrsg. Propheten und Prophezeiungen – Prophets and Prophecies 2... more "Matthias Riedl/Tilo Schabert, Hrsg.
Propheten und Prophezeiungen – Prophets and Prophecies

227 Seiten. Broschur mit Fadenheftung
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2005
ISBN 3-8260-2253-X
Reihe: ERANOS – Neue Folge, Band 12

Aus dem Inhalt:

Matthias Riedl: Einleitung: Prophetie als interzivilisatorisches Phänomen

Adriano Fabris: Il Tempo della Profezia. I Modelli Greco, Ebraico e Cristiano

Tilo Schabert: Prophecy in Politics: The Voice of Plato

Josef van Ess: Das Siegel des Propheten. Die Endzeit und das Prophetische im Islam

Kurt-Victor Selge: Die Verzeitlichung der Gottesstadt bei Joachim Von Fiore

Christine Trevett: Early Christian Prophets: Wanderings, Women, and the Course of Change

Bernard McGinn: „Trumpets of the Mysteries of God“. Prophetesses in Late Medieval Christianity

John von Heyking: Political Prophecy in Nicholas of Cusa

Philippe Bénéton: Suite Pascalienne: Les prophéties

Rita Laura Segato: Oracle, Destiny and Personality in Afro-Brazilian Cosmologies

Flavia Monceri: The Time of the Instant: Prophecy in Japan

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Research paper thumbnail of Das Ordnen der Zeit (The Ordering of Time)

Eranos - Neue Folge Nr. 10, ed. Tilo Schabert and Matthias Riedl (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2003.)

"Tilo Schabert/Matthias Riedl, Hrsg. Das Ordnen der Zeit 240 Seiten. Broschur mit Fadenheftung ... more "Tilo Schabert/Matthias Riedl, Hrsg.
Das Ordnen der Zeit
240 Seiten. Broschur mit Fadenheftung
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2003
ISBN 3-8260-2251-3
Reihe: ERANOS – Neue Folge, Band 10

Aus dem Inhalt:

Tilo Schabert: Einführung: Wahrnehmungen unter dem Namen „Zeit“

Walter Haug: Der Durchbruch durch die Ordnung der Zeit in der abendländischen Mystik

Moshe Idel: Sabbat: Zeitkonzepte in der jüdischen Mystik

Anthony F. Aveni: Präkolumbianische Zeitvorstellungen

Friedrich Niewöhner: Die Ordnung der Zeit verbürgt die Endlichkeit der Macht

Gerhard Böwering: Ewigkeit und Augenblick – Dimensionen der Zeit im Islam

Joël Thomas: Griechisch-römische Vorstellungen von Raum und Zeit

Giuseppe Zarone: Realität und Rätsel der Zeit

Aleida Assmann: Obsession der Zeit in der englischen Moderne

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Research paper thumbnail of Pioniere, Poeten, Professoren. Eranos und der Monte Verità in der Zivilisationsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts.

Eranos - Neue Folge Nr. 11, ed. Elisabetta Barone, Matthias Riedl, Alexandra Tischel (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2003.)

"""Elisabetta Barone/Matthias Riedl/Alexandra Tischel, Hrsg. Pioniere, Poeten, Professoren Eran... more """Elisabetta Barone/Matthias Riedl/Alexandra Tischel, Hrsg.
Pioniere, Poeten, Professoren
Eranos und der Monte Verità in der Zivilisationsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts
260 Seiten. Broschur mit Fadenheftung
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2004
ISBN 3-8260-2252-1
Reihe: ERANOS – Neue Folge, Band 11

Aus dem Inhalt:

Tilo Schabert: Introduction: The Eranos Experience

Elisabeth Ries: Monte Verità, Ascona: Oberfläche und Unterströmungen am Berg der Wahrheit

Alexandra Tischel: Unter Propheten – Franziska zu Reventlows Romane im Spannungsfeld der Jahrhundertwende

Claudio Belloni: Thomas Mann e le origini di Eranos

Adriano Fabris: La filosofia di Eranos

Elisabetta Barone: L’avventura di Eranos: tra memoria e profezia

Thomas S. Bremer: The Genius loci ignotus of Eranos and the Making of Sacred Place

John von Heyking: From a Wooded Summit: Learning to Love Through Augustinian Meditation at Ascona

Ron Margolin: Three Approaches to the Study of Religion at Eranos. Martin Buber, C.G. Jung and Mircea Eliade

Serena Di Matteo/Aaron Powell: Far Eastern Thought at Eranos: It’s History and Impact

Matthias Riedl: Adolf Portmann – Ein Skeptiker auf der Suche

Adele Bottiglieri: Eranos tra i tempi e i luoghi della storia. La metafora dell’ esilio

Francesco Saverio Festa: Teosofia ed esotersimo nelle riviste italiane della prima metà del ‘900

Georg Dörr: Archetyp und Geschichte oder München – Ascona: Typologische und menschliche Nähe (Mit einigen Briefen Olga Fröbes an L. Derleth).

Gian Paolo Cammarota: Quale messianismo? Riflessioni a partire da Gershom Scholem

Francesco Gaiffi: Mito e fede cristiana. La dimensione mitico-archetipica nei contributi dei teologi cristiani ad Eranos

Silvia Siniscalchi: Il concetto di ,opposizione‘ tra Musica e alchimia

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Research paper thumbnail of Order  (Encyclopedia of Political Thought)

Order is one of the most central concepts in the history of political thought. The English word (... more Order is one of the most central concepts in the history of political thought. The English word (just as the French ordre, the German Ordnung, the Italian ordine, or the Spanish orden) is derived from the Latin term ordo, which can denote any kind of structured or regulated condition, as opposed to disorder and chaos. As such, ordo may refer to a variety of more or less politically relevant matters: monastic and clerical organizations, the estates within a society, coronation rituals, the structure of the cosmos, the disposition of the human soul, and so forth. This entry considers the most important and most general meaning of political order, which denotes the meaningful dimension of human social existence. It briefly describes five approaches to political order in their particular experiential contexts. The first two – the order of cosmos and the order of history – may be termed classical, while the latter three – the order of existence, the order of consciousness, and the order of discourse – are rather modern approaches. Yet it will become clear that the classical models retain their significance even in the modern era.

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Research paper thumbnail of Eschatology (New Dictionary of the History of Ideas)

New dictionary of the history of ideas, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Ben Jones, "Apocalypse without God. Apocalyptic Thought, Ideal Politics, and the Limits of Utopian Hope" (Cambridge University Press, 2022).

After a first glance at the title, the reader would expect a book in the tradition of Eric Voegel... more After a first glance at the title, the reader would expect a book in the tradition of Eric Voegelin’s "Political Religions" or Karl Löwith’s "Meaning in History," in other words, a book researching the transformation of apocalyptic thought into modern secular ideologies. But this is not what "Apocalypse without God" is about. Instead, Ben Jones’ study looks at secular political thinkers who are uncomfortable with apocalyptic thought and, at the same time, adopt elements of it into their own conception of politics. For this purpose, the book provides three historical case studies on Niccolò Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, and Friedrich Engels.

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[Research paper thumbnail of Technik und Science-Fiction in der Vormoderne [Technology and science fiction in the premodern age]](

Technology and Culture, 2022

Review of "Technik und Science-Fiction in der Vormoderne" [Technology and science fiction in the... more Review of "Technik und Science-Fiction in der Vormoderne" [Technology
and science fiction in the premodern age]
Edited by Brigitte Burrichter and Dorothea Klein. Würzburg:
Königshausen & Neumann, 2018. Pp. 312.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of James R. Martel, "Divine Violence: Walter Benjamin and the Eschatology of Sovereignty"

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Research paper thumbnail of Modernity as Permanent Liminality: A Review of Agnes Horvath's "Modernism and Charisma"

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Research paper thumbnail of Riedl, Matthias - Život v budúcnosti - proleptická existencia v náboženstve, politike a umení (Living in the Future - Proleptic Existence in Religion, Politics and Art)

The essay introduces the concept of "proleptic existence" which denotes a psychological dispositi... more The essay introduces the concept of "proleptic existence" which denotes a psychological disposition determined by the anticipation (prolepsis) of the future. The first historical evidence for this type is found in the apocalyptic literature of the Greco-Roman period. As these texts clearly show, the proleptic expectation of a future transformation of the world results from a complete alienation from political reality. Consequently, proleptic existence becomes articulate in visionary accounts of a coming order, which predicts the reconciliation of individual consciousness and social order. The essay presents examples from ancient apocalypticism, early Christianity, medieval monasticism, and modern art in order to show how proleptic existence becomes a formative feature of Western society.

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Research paper thumbnail of Riedl, Matthias - Modernita ako imanentizácia eschatónu : kritické zhodnotenie gnostickej tézy Erica Voegelina (Modernity as the immanentization of the Eschaton : a critical re-evaluation of Eric Voegelin's Gnosis-thesis)

Eric Voegelin formulated one of the most challenging theses about the theological foundations of ... more Eric Voegelin formulated one of the most challenging theses about the theological foundations of modern progressivist and revolutionary thought: the character of modernity is essentially Gnostic. The aim of this essay is to show why the early version of Voegelin' Gnosis-thesis, as proposed in his New Science of Politics (1951), is not convincing. I argue that processes of immanentization can be fully explained within the development of Western ecclesiastical thought, without invoking Gnostic sectarianism. From a historical-empirical perspective Gnosticism is, in fact, principally opposed to immanent eschatologies. Joachim of Fiore, who, according to Voegelin, is the originator of modern Gnosticism, aptly illustrates this incompatibility. This essay also aims to show how Voegelin became increasingly aware of this problem and, accordingly, formulated a much more adequate and convincing version of the Gnosis-thesis in The Ecumenic Age (1974). The final section of the essay returns to the question of the relation of Gnosis and revolution.

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Research paper thumbnail of MA and PhD Scholarships in History - Apply until 1 Feb 2019, 2018

Apply now for scholarships in the Department of history at Central European University. https://... more Apply now for scholarships in the Department of history at Central European University.

Breaking down disciplinary and geographical borders, our programs offer
broad-based training in the history of Eastern, Central and Western Europe, the Eastern Mediterranean, the Middle East and Central Asia. Guided by an international faculty from 16 countries, you will take a closer look at the Habsburg, Romanov and Ottoman Empires as well as the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century through the lens of religious, cultural, intellectual and social history. You will also benefit from our innovative approach to researching, understanding and teaching comparative and transnational history.

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Research paper thumbnail of MA and PhD fellowships in Comparative History - Central European University 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Call for Papers: Undergraduation Conference "Migration, Exile, and Diaspora in Historical Perspective"  Central European University, Budapest, August 11-14, 2019

Our conference aims at examining the main reasons, the push and pull factors that drove individua... more Our conference aims at examining the main reasons, the push and pull factors that drove individuals, families, smaller or bigger communities, ethnic and religious groups to seek out for new abodes temporarily or in the long run. We invite speakers to address the issue of migration, exile, and diaspora in all periods of history, and with the methods of all branches and disciplines of the humanities and social sciences, including but not restricted to archaeology, art history, historical geography, social, political, religious, intellectual, and cultural history. Presentations should preferably go beyond being merely descriptive: individual case studies can still address the complexity of factors that impacted these communities, or apply a comparative perspective on the topic. Papers discussing the impact of migration and dislocation on various aspects of life of these groups, as well as on their place of origin and the host societies, are also welcome.

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Research paper thumbnail of CFP_Theologies of Revolution.pdf

Theologies of Revolution, 2019

Workshop, 20-21 May 2019, Prague

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![Research paper thumbnail of Language and the Evocation of Order ? On Eric Voegelin`s Concept of the Political](

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