Jerzy Ostapczuk | Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw (original) (raw)

Papers by Jerzy Ostapczuk

Research paper thumbnail of Diversity and Changes in Liturgical Tradition reflected in Menologia Present in Early Printed Church Slavonic Tetraevangelia. An Overview

Biblica et Philologica. Studies in Honor of Eugen Munteanu, eds.: Iosif Camară, Ana Catană-Spenchiu, Maria Moruz, Mădălina Ungureanu, Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre Publishers, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Woodcut Illustrations to the Gospel Text in Early Printed Cyrillic Liturgical Tetraevangelia. Part 1: Lviv editions

Museikon. A Journal of Religious Art and Culture, 8: 45–84 , 2024

Research paper thumbnail of The Cyrillic Early Printed Liturgical Tetraevangelion issued in Vilnius / Vievis in 1644 and Its Source. Research into the Saints and Feasts Present in the Menologia

Slavia. Časopis pro slovanskou filologii, Ročník 93, Sešit 1, 62–77, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Prefaces to the Gospels by blessed Theophylact, Archbishop of Bulgaria, in early printed Cyrillic Tetraevangelia from Lviv

Rocznik Teologiczny, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Сентябрьские праздники и памяти святых в месяцесловах Библий Острожской и Московской и других кириллических старопечатных изданиях с Евангельским текстом. Предварительные замечания

Вестник Московского университета, Серия 9. Филология, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Старопечатные оригиналы рукописного Евангелия тетр РГБ. Собр. Е. Е. Егорова № 145: Опыт исследования памятей месяцеслова

Семнадцатые Загребинские чтения: К 80-летию Вячеслава Михайловича Загребина: сб. ст. по итогам междунар. науч. конф. (Санкт-Петербург, 5–7 октября 2022 г.) / сост. и отв. ред. Ж. Л. Левшина, СПб, 2023, 349–360

Research paper thumbnail of Liturgical tradition in the Romanian Tetraevangelion issued in 1561 in Brașov and its relation to the Cyrillic Early Printed Gospel Editions from the 16th century

Receptarea Sfinei Scripturi: între filologie, hermeneutică și traductologie. Lucrările Simpozionului Internațional „Explorări în tradiția biblică românească și europeană, XII, Iași, 18-20 mai 2023, Iași, 2023, 249-260

Cyrillic early printed Tetraevangelion issued in 1561 in Braşov by Deacon Coresi was the first ed... more Cyrillic early printed Tetraevangelion issued in 1561 in Braşov by Deacon Coresi was the first edition containing the Good News solely in Romanian language. It was widely studied from different perspectives, while its liturgical tradition, fully written in Church Slavonic language, did not draw scholars' attention. The study examines the commemorations of saints and feasts as well as various events present in the Menologion of 1561 Romanian edition with special attention paid to eight Romanian-Bulgarian Tetraevangelia issued in the 16th century. The study proved that 1561 Coresi's Romanian Tetraevangelion closely follows the liturgical tradition reflected in the 1562 Romanian-Bulgarian Gospel edition, and varies in this regard from two Tetraevangelia printed in 1546 and 1551-1553 in Sibiu by Filip Pictor Moldoveanu.

Research paper thumbnail of Cyrylickie stare druki Ewangelii tetr wydane w Kijowie w 1697 i 1712 roku – ich tradycja liturgiczna i oryginał. Analiza świętych i świąt obecnych w Menologionach

Cerkiewny Wiestnik 2: 34-51, 2024

English version see: Cyrillic Early Printed Tetraevangelia issued in Kyiv in 1697 and 1712 - thei... more English version see: Cyrillic Early Printed Tetraevangelia issued in Kyiv in 1697 and 1712 - their liturgical tradition and original. Study of saints and feasts present in the menologia, Rocznik Teologiczny LXV/1: 7–32.

Research paper thumbnail of Early Printed Editions of Cyrillic Liturgical Tetraevangelia. A Catalogue

Rocznik Teologiczny 65(3): 465-514, 2023

The present work is an outcome of research on the menologia of Cyrillic early printed liturgical ... more The present work is an outcome of research on the menologia of Cyrillic early printed liturgical Tetraevangelia. The realization of the project's objectives required an inventory of all editions published in the XVI-XVIII centuries. The compilation of an up-to-date list demanded the verification of hitherto existing data on all Cyrillic liturgical Gospel editions based on available bibliographic sources and searches conducted within the framework of the project in Polish and foreign library and archival collections. The presented list is the catalogue of all editions-both those existing and described in bibliographic sources, as well as those which have not survived to our times or have been erroneously identified/dated. The aim of the catalogue is to support further research work on the heritage of early modern Cyrillic religious culture.

Research paper thumbnail of Kult świętych a tożsamość wyznaniowa – zmiany w aparacie liturgicznym wschodniosłowiańskich cyrylickich starych druków liturgicznych Ewangelii tetr (na przykładzie wydań Ławry Poczajowskiej)

[in:] Wielokulturowość Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej: doświadczenia przeszłości i wyzwania teraźniejszości, red. nauk. Joanna Getka, Jerzy Grzybowski, str. 42–67, Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2023

The publication is devoted to an analysis of the theme of saints and feasts in the Menologia of t... more The publication is devoted to an analysis of the theme of saints and feasts in the Menologia of the five Uniate liturgical Tetraevangelia published in the Cyrillic alphabet in Pochaiv in 1759, 1768, 1771, and twice in 1780. The comparative analysis of the Menologia in all 110 editions has indicated that the first Uniate liturgical Tetraevangelion issued in 1759 in Pochaiv was prepared on the basis of the 1746 Kiev Gospel edition. For the liturgical needs of the Greek Catholic Church, a total of 113 commemorations were removed from its Menologion, including: 118 saints, six feasts dedicated to icons of the Mother of God, and three commemorations of Church events. The annual fixed calendar in the Uniate Tetraevangelia was supplemented only by the commemoration of Josaphat Kuntsevich (16 September).

Research paper thumbnail of Cyrillic Early Printed Tetraevangelia issued in Kyiv in 1697 and 1712 - their liturgical tradition and original. Study of saints and feasts present in the menologia

Rocznik Teologiczny 65(1): 7-32, 2023

Polish version see: Cyrylickie stare druki Ewangelii tetr wydane w Kijowie w 1697 i 1712 roku – i... more Polish version see: Cyrylickie stare druki Ewangelii tetr wydane w Kijowie w 1697 i 1712 roku – ich tradycja liturgiczna i oryginał. Analiza świętych i świąt obecnych w Menologionach. Cerkiewny Wiestnik 2, 2024, 34-51.

Research paper thumbnail of Старопечатный оригинал рукописного Евангелия тетр РГБ Ед. Пост. № 59 (1735–1736 гг.). Текстологическое исследование месяцеслова

Комплексная археография Московского университета: сборник научных статей (Труды исторического факультета МГУ, Вып. 208, Сер. II: Исторические исследования, 139), Под. ред. Е. В. Воронцовой, Д. А. Сундуковой, 181–197, Москва: Архив РАН, Археодоксiя, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Oryginał cyrylickich starych druków Ewangelii Tetr wydanych w Poczajowie. Analiza świąt i świętych obecnych w menologionach

Slavistica Vilnensis, 68(1): 10-23, 2023

Streszczenie. Pięć spośród 110 cyrylickich starych druków liturgicznych Ewangelii tetr zostało wy... more Streszczenie. Pięć spośród 110 cyrylickich starych druków liturgicznych Ewangelii tetr zostało wydrukowanych w Ławrze pw. Zaśnięcia Matki Bożej w Poczajowie. Wszystkie ukazały się w II poł. XVIII wieku i były przeznaczone do użytku w Kościele unickim, tzn. greckokatolickim. Badania tekstologiczne kilku tekstów z różnych części Ewangelii tetr sugerują, że do przygotowania pierwszego liturgicznego wydania tekstu Dobrej Nowiny drukarze z Poczajowa wykorzystali kijowską edycję z 1746 roku. Niniejsza publikacja została poświęcona analizie tekstologicznej menologionów obecnych w starych drukach cyrylickich Ewangelii tetr, w szczególności świętych i świąt oraz werbalnej zgodności upamiętnień i informacji liturgicznych. Jej wyniki pozwalają stwierdzić, że pierwsza Ewangelia tetr wydrukowana w Ławrze pw. Zaśnięcia Matki Bożej w Poczajowie w 1759 roku została przygotowana na podstawie Ewangelii wydanej w 1746 roku w Ławrze Peczerskiej w Kijowie. Aparat liturgiczny w tym pierwszym poczajowskim wydaniu został dostosowany do tradycji liturgicznej Kościoła greckokatolickiego. Cztery kolejne poczajowskie liturgiczne Ewangelie tetr kopiowały (z niewielkimi poprawkami) menologion z pierwszego wydania.

Research paper thumbnail of Menologia of Cyrillic Early Printed Liturgical Tetraevangelia issued in Vilnius

Knygotyra 80: 116-146 , 2023

As these four editions were frequently consulted in various book studies and completely neglected... more As these four editions were frequently consulted in various book studies and completely neglected in liturgical scholarship, the commemorations of saints and feasts present in Menologia (i.e., in the fixed liturgical calendar) of all of Vilnius Gospels and other typologically homogeneous books were chosen as the subject of this research. This study was based on all Cyrillic early printed liturgical Tetraevangelia, i.e., books issued before the year 1800. Special attention was paid to the three 16 th c. Moscow (so-called anonymous) and the first two Lviv editions (issued in 1636 and 1644), as they are sometimes treated as the origins of Vilnius Gospels.

Research paper thumbnail of Old Testament Saints in the Menologia of Cyrillic Early Printed Tetraevangelia

Palaeobulgarica 47/2: 91-106 , 2023

Cyrillic early printed Tetraevangelia used in religious services required a special appendix prov... more Cyrillic early printed Tetraevangelia used in religious services required a special appendix providing information 1 about feasts, saints or sacred events for whole liturgical year. Vast majority of these commemorations are found in the second part of this addition, called menologion 2. It corresponds with fixed liturgical year, which is divided into twelve smaller subsections, each correlating to one of twelve months 3 of the year. Commemorations present in menologia of cyrillic early printed 4 Tetraevangelia can be divided into several groups 5 , i.e.,-feasts in honour of Jesus Christ, e.g., Nativity, according to the Flesh of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ (December 25) or Transfiguration of Christ (August 6); * This article has been written under the research project financed by the National Science Centre (Poland). Decision number: UMO-2020/37/B/HS1/01658. 1 The information given about the commemoration of the feasts or saints is complemented in many cases with additional information about the Gospel readings (i.e., pericopes). 2 Its first part is called the Synaxarion. It corresponds with the movable liturgical year and starts with Easter (the "Feast of Feasts"), the most important feast of the Orthodox Church. 3 As a principle, menologia in cyrillic early printed Tetraevangelia always started with September. 4 For the list of feasts and saints in manuscript Gospels' menologia, see: Лосева 2001a: 142-420. 5 The Orthodox Church has a group of twelve Great Feasts, eight of which are in honour of Jesus Christ and four dedicated to the Theotokos. Apart from them, five other feasts are ranked as great-i.e., the Circumcision in the flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ (January 1), Nativity of saint John the Baptist (June 24), Holy, Glorious, and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul (June 29), the Beheading of saint John the Baptist (August 29), and the Protection of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary (October 1). 62 i.e., неделꙗ (свѧтꙑхъ) праѿцъ. On this Sunday the ancestors of Christ according to the flesh and those who spoke of his birth in the flesh are commemorated. The Forefather Abraham, together with Lot, is commemorated on October 9 (Лосева 2001a: 172; Дограмаджиева 2010: 83) in the Ostromir Gospel lectionary (lesk), the oldest dated East Slavonic (1056-1057) manuscript kept at the National Library of Russia (F.п.I. 5). 63 This second Sunday before the Nativity falls between December 11-17. 64 i.e., неделꙗ прѣдъ рождьствомъ х вꙑмь (свѧтꙑхъ отецъ). The words свѧтꙑхъ отецъ were introduced for the first time into cyrillic early printed Tetraevangelion issued in Moscow in 1637. On this Sunday, all who were well-pleasing to God from Adam to saint Joseph the Betrothed of the Most Holy Theotokos, and those who are mentioned in the genealogy of Luke 3:23-38 are commemorated. The holy prophets, together with Daniel and the three holy youths, and prophetesses are also remembered on this day. 65 This Sunday before the Nativity falls between December 18-24. 66 The names of seven brothers are as follows: Abim, Antonius, Gurias, Eleazar, Eusebonus, Alimus and Marcellus. 67 i.e., с тыхъ (з҃ .) м нкъ маккаве. 68 i.e., оутелꙗ хъ елеазара  матере хъ соломон.

Research paper thumbnail of Early Printed Cyrillic Liturgical Tetraevangelia issued in the lands of  the 16th century Medieval Romania. General characteristic and Menologia analysis

Biblicum Jassyense, Romanian Journal for Biblical Philology and Hermeneutics, 2022

Romanian version see: Tetraevangheliarele liturgice chirilice tipărite timpuriu publicate în ținu... more Romanian version see: Tetraevangheliarele liturgice chirilice tipărite timpuriu publicate în ținuturile medievale românești în secolul al XVI-lea. Prezentare generală și analiza Minologhioanelor, [in:] Receptarea Sfintei Scripturi: între filologie, hermeneutică și traductologie. Lucrările Simpozionului Internațional „Explorări în tradiția biblică românească și europeană”, Volumul XI, Iași, 16-18 iunie 2022, Editori: Anca-Diana Bibiri, Iosif Camară, Ana Catană-Spenchiu, Maria Moruz, Iași: Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, 2022, pp. 47-92.

Research paper thumbnail of Tetraevangheliarele liturgice chirilice tipărite timpuriu publicate în ținuturile medievale românești în secolul al XVI-lea. Prezentare generală și analiza Minologhioanelor

Receptarea Sfintei Scripturi: între filologie, hermeneutică și traductologie. Lucrările Simpozionului Internațional „Explorări în tradiția biblică românească și europeană”, Volumul XI, Iași, 16-18 iunie 2022, pp. 47–92, Iași: Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, 2022

English version see: Early Printed Cyrillic Liturgical Tetraevangelia issued in the lands of 16th... more English version see: Early Printed Cyrillic Liturgical Tetraevangelia issued in the lands of 16th century Medieval Romania. General characteristic and Menologia analysis, Biblical Jassyense 9/2022: 67-125

Research paper thumbnail of Празднования в честь икон Пресвятой Богородицы в месяцесловах кириллических старопечатных Евангелий тетр

Шестнадцатые Загребинские чтения: сборник статей по итогам международной научной конференции (Санкт-Петербург, 6–7 октября 2021 года), pp. 59–71, Санкт-Петербург: Российская национальная библиотека, 2022

В месяцесловах церковнославянских старопечатных 1 Евангелий тетр помещались не только Господские ... more В месяцесловах церковнославянских старопечатных 1 Евангелий тетр помещались не только Господские и Богородичные праздники 2 и памяти святых, но и другие почитаемые события церковной и гражданской истории 3. Среди последних в качестве примера можно назвать 4 начало церковного года (1 сентября 5), воспоминание о землетрясении в Константинополе в 740 г. (26 октября), освящение храмов великомученика Георгия в Лидде в 320-330 гг. (3 ноября) или в Киеве в 1051-5054 гг. (26 ноября), освящение храма Воскресения Христова в Иерусалиме в 335 г. (13 сентября), явление Креста Господня в небе над Иерусалимом в 351 г. (7 мая), основание новой столицы империи-Константинополя (11 мая). Встречающиеся в месяцесловах кириллических старопечатных Евангелий тетр праздники, связанные с почитанием Пресвятой Богородицы, разделяются на несколько групп: * Исследование выполнено в рамках гранта Национального центра науки № UMO-2020/37/B/HS1/01658 (National Science Centre, Poland).

Research paper thumbnail of Klasyfikacja typologiczna Menologionów w cyrylickich starych drukach liturgicznych Ewangelii tetr

Польза зѣло великаѧ: сборник научных статей к 60-летию Андрея Владимировича Вознесенского, сост. Н. В. Николаев, редкол.: В.Г. Гронский (Председатель), А.И. Алексеев, Ж.В. Левшина, Н.В. Николаев (отв. ред.), Д.О. Цыпкин, 41–48, Санкт-Петербург: Российская национальная библиотека, 2022

Analiza tekstologiczna kilku wybranych fragmentów tekstów cyrylickich starych druków liturgicznyc... more Analiza tekstologiczna kilku wybranych fragmentów tekstów cyrylickich starych druków liturgicznych Ewangelii tetr 1 umożliwiła podział drukowanych w XVI-XVIII w. ksiąg z tekstem Dobrej Nowiny na kilka grup i wskazanie wydań zajmujących szczególne miejsce w historii drukowanego tekstu ewangelicznego oraz cyrylickiego drukarstwa 2. Wśród nich zostały wymienione m.

Research paper thumbnail of One more folio from the Early Printed Cyrillic Tetraevangelion Issued in 1579 in Alba Iulia

European Journal of Science and Theology 18(6), pp. 13–23, 2022

This article is dedicated to the identification of the 205 th leaf bound into the 1562 Tetraevang... more This article is dedicated to the identification of the 205 th leaf bound into the 1562 Tetraevangelion issued in Braşov and held at the Romanian Academy Library in Bucharest (C.R.V. II.11). For the purposes of this research, twelve copies of 16 th century early printed Cyrillic liturgical Tetraevangelia were consulted: eight copies of the 1562 Gospel edition from Braşov and four copies of the 1579 Gospel from Alba Iulia. A typographic and textual analyses have attested that the 205 th leaf bound into the copy of the 1562 Tetraevangelion from Braşov kept at the Romanian Academy Library originates from the 1579 Gospel edition issued in Alba Iulia. Identifying further small fragments, amounting to even one leaf, from 16 th-century Cyrillic Tetraevangelia printed in the lands of medieval Romania is of special importance for scholarship. Out of eleven copies of these Gospel editions, two have been completely lost, and only nine are accessible to scholars today. All of them are extant in a small number of copies and are highly fragmentary. The Tetraevangelion's edition of the described folio originated from is available in four copies and one fragment. The same leaf has been preserved in only one of them.

Research paper thumbnail of Diversity and Changes in Liturgical Tradition reflected in Menologia Present in Early Printed Church Slavonic Tetraevangelia. An Overview

Biblica et Philologica. Studies in Honor of Eugen Munteanu, eds.: Iosif Camară, Ana Catană-Spenchiu, Maria Moruz, Mădălina Ungureanu, Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre Publishers, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Woodcut Illustrations to the Gospel Text in Early Printed Cyrillic Liturgical Tetraevangelia. Part 1: Lviv editions

Museikon. A Journal of Religious Art and Culture, 8: 45–84 , 2024

Research paper thumbnail of The Cyrillic Early Printed Liturgical Tetraevangelion issued in Vilnius / Vievis in 1644 and Its Source. Research into the Saints and Feasts Present in the Menologia

Slavia. Časopis pro slovanskou filologii, Ročník 93, Sešit 1, 62–77, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Prefaces to the Gospels by blessed Theophylact, Archbishop of Bulgaria, in early printed Cyrillic Tetraevangelia from Lviv

Rocznik Teologiczny, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Сентябрьские праздники и памяти святых в месяцесловах Библий Острожской и Московской и других кириллических старопечатных изданиях с Евангельским текстом. Предварительные замечания

Вестник Московского университета, Серия 9. Филология, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Старопечатные оригиналы рукописного Евангелия тетр РГБ. Собр. Е. Е. Егорова № 145: Опыт исследования памятей месяцеслова

Семнадцатые Загребинские чтения: К 80-летию Вячеслава Михайловича Загребина: сб. ст. по итогам междунар. науч. конф. (Санкт-Петербург, 5–7 октября 2022 г.) / сост. и отв. ред. Ж. Л. Левшина, СПб, 2023, 349–360

Research paper thumbnail of Liturgical tradition in the Romanian Tetraevangelion issued in 1561 in Brașov and its relation to the Cyrillic Early Printed Gospel Editions from the 16th century

Receptarea Sfinei Scripturi: între filologie, hermeneutică și traductologie. Lucrările Simpozionului Internațional „Explorări în tradiția biblică românească și europeană, XII, Iași, 18-20 mai 2023, Iași, 2023, 249-260

Cyrillic early printed Tetraevangelion issued in 1561 in Braşov by Deacon Coresi was the first ed... more Cyrillic early printed Tetraevangelion issued in 1561 in Braşov by Deacon Coresi was the first edition containing the Good News solely in Romanian language. It was widely studied from different perspectives, while its liturgical tradition, fully written in Church Slavonic language, did not draw scholars' attention. The study examines the commemorations of saints and feasts as well as various events present in the Menologion of 1561 Romanian edition with special attention paid to eight Romanian-Bulgarian Tetraevangelia issued in the 16th century. The study proved that 1561 Coresi's Romanian Tetraevangelion closely follows the liturgical tradition reflected in the 1562 Romanian-Bulgarian Gospel edition, and varies in this regard from two Tetraevangelia printed in 1546 and 1551-1553 in Sibiu by Filip Pictor Moldoveanu.

Research paper thumbnail of Cyrylickie stare druki Ewangelii tetr wydane w Kijowie w 1697 i 1712 roku – ich tradycja liturgiczna i oryginał. Analiza świętych i świąt obecnych w Menologionach

Cerkiewny Wiestnik 2: 34-51, 2024

English version see: Cyrillic Early Printed Tetraevangelia issued in Kyiv in 1697 and 1712 - thei... more English version see: Cyrillic Early Printed Tetraevangelia issued in Kyiv in 1697 and 1712 - their liturgical tradition and original. Study of saints and feasts present in the menologia, Rocznik Teologiczny LXV/1: 7–32.

Research paper thumbnail of Early Printed Editions of Cyrillic Liturgical Tetraevangelia. A Catalogue

Rocznik Teologiczny 65(3): 465-514, 2023

The present work is an outcome of research on the menologia of Cyrillic early printed liturgical ... more The present work is an outcome of research on the menologia of Cyrillic early printed liturgical Tetraevangelia. The realization of the project's objectives required an inventory of all editions published in the XVI-XVIII centuries. The compilation of an up-to-date list demanded the verification of hitherto existing data on all Cyrillic liturgical Gospel editions based on available bibliographic sources and searches conducted within the framework of the project in Polish and foreign library and archival collections. The presented list is the catalogue of all editions-both those existing and described in bibliographic sources, as well as those which have not survived to our times or have been erroneously identified/dated. The aim of the catalogue is to support further research work on the heritage of early modern Cyrillic religious culture.

Research paper thumbnail of Kult świętych a tożsamość wyznaniowa – zmiany w aparacie liturgicznym wschodniosłowiańskich cyrylickich starych druków liturgicznych Ewangelii tetr (na przykładzie wydań Ławry Poczajowskiej)

[in:] Wielokulturowość Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej: doświadczenia przeszłości i wyzwania teraźniejszości, red. nauk. Joanna Getka, Jerzy Grzybowski, str. 42–67, Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2023

The publication is devoted to an analysis of the theme of saints and feasts in the Menologia of t... more The publication is devoted to an analysis of the theme of saints and feasts in the Menologia of the five Uniate liturgical Tetraevangelia published in the Cyrillic alphabet in Pochaiv in 1759, 1768, 1771, and twice in 1780. The comparative analysis of the Menologia in all 110 editions has indicated that the first Uniate liturgical Tetraevangelion issued in 1759 in Pochaiv was prepared on the basis of the 1746 Kiev Gospel edition. For the liturgical needs of the Greek Catholic Church, a total of 113 commemorations were removed from its Menologion, including: 118 saints, six feasts dedicated to icons of the Mother of God, and three commemorations of Church events. The annual fixed calendar in the Uniate Tetraevangelia was supplemented only by the commemoration of Josaphat Kuntsevich (16 September).

Research paper thumbnail of Cyrillic Early Printed Tetraevangelia issued in Kyiv in 1697 and 1712 - their liturgical tradition and original. Study of saints and feasts present in the menologia

Rocznik Teologiczny 65(1): 7-32, 2023

Polish version see: Cyrylickie stare druki Ewangelii tetr wydane w Kijowie w 1697 i 1712 roku – i... more Polish version see: Cyrylickie stare druki Ewangelii tetr wydane w Kijowie w 1697 i 1712 roku – ich tradycja liturgiczna i oryginał. Analiza świętych i świąt obecnych w Menologionach. Cerkiewny Wiestnik 2, 2024, 34-51.

Research paper thumbnail of Старопечатный оригинал рукописного Евангелия тетр РГБ Ед. Пост. № 59 (1735–1736 гг.). Текстологическое исследование месяцеслова

Комплексная археография Московского университета: сборник научных статей (Труды исторического факультета МГУ, Вып. 208, Сер. II: Исторические исследования, 139), Под. ред. Е. В. Воронцовой, Д. А. Сундуковой, 181–197, Москва: Архив РАН, Археодоксiя, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Oryginał cyrylickich starych druków Ewangelii Tetr wydanych w Poczajowie. Analiza świąt i świętych obecnych w menologionach

Slavistica Vilnensis, 68(1): 10-23, 2023

Streszczenie. Pięć spośród 110 cyrylickich starych druków liturgicznych Ewangelii tetr zostało wy... more Streszczenie. Pięć spośród 110 cyrylickich starych druków liturgicznych Ewangelii tetr zostało wydrukowanych w Ławrze pw. Zaśnięcia Matki Bożej w Poczajowie. Wszystkie ukazały się w II poł. XVIII wieku i były przeznaczone do użytku w Kościele unickim, tzn. greckokatolickim. Badania tekstologiczne kilku tekstów z różnych części Ewangelii tetr sugerują, że do przygotowania pierwszego liturgicznego wydania tekstu Dobrej Nowiny drukarze z Poczajowa wykorzystali kijowską edycję z 1746 roku. Niniejsza publikacja została poświęcona analizie tekstologicznej menologionów obecnych w starych drukach cyrylickich Ewangelii tetr, w szczególności świętych i świąt oraz werbalnej zgodności upamiętnień i informacji liturgicznych. Jej wyniki pozwalają stwierdzić, że pierwsza Ewangelia tetr wydrukowana w Ławrze pw. Zaśnięcia Matki Bożej w Poczajowie w 1759 roku została przygotowana na podstawie Ewangelii wydanej w 1746 roku w Ławrze Peczerskiej w Kijowie. Aparat liturgiczny w tym pierwszym poczajowskim wydaniu został dostosowany do tradycji liturgicznej Kościoła greckokatolickiego. Cztery kolejne poczajowskie liturgiczne Ewangelie tetr kopiowały (z niewielkimi poprawkami) menologion z pierwszego wydania.

Research paper thumbnail of Menologia of Cyrillic Early Printed Liturgical Tetraevangelia issued in Vilnius

Knygotyra 80: 116-146 , 2023

As these four editions were frequently consulted in various book studies and completely neglected... more As these four editions were frequently consulted in various book studies and completely neglected in liturgical scholarship, the commemorations of saints and feasts present in Menologia (i.e., in the fixed liturgical calendar) of all of Vilnius Gospels and other typologically homogeneous books were chosen as the subject of this research. This study was based on all Cyrillic early printed liturgical Tetraevangelia, i.e., books issued before the year 1800. Special attention was paid to the three 16 th c. Moscow (so-called anonymous) and the first two Lviv editions (issued in 1636 and 1644), as they are sometimes treated as the origins of Vilnius Gospels.

Research paper thumbnail of Old Testament Saints in the Menologia of Cyrillic Early Printed Tetraevangelia

Palaeobulgarica 47/2: 91-106 , 2023

Cyrillic early printed Tetraevangelia used in religious services required a special appendix prov... more Cyrillic early printed Tetraevangelia used in religious services required a special appendix providing information 1 about feasts, saints or sacred events for whole liturgical year. Vast majority of these commemorations are found in the second part of this addition, called menologion 2. It corresponds with fixed liturgical year, which is divided into twelve smaller subsections, each correlating to one of twelve months 3 of the year. Commemorations present in menologia of cyrillic early printed 4 Tetraevangelia can be divided into several groups 5 , i.e.,-feasts in honour of Jesus Christ, e.g., Nativity, according to the Flesh of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ (December 25) or Transfiguration of Christ (August 6); * This article has been written under the research project financed by the National Science Centre (Poland). Decision number: UMO-2020/37/B/HS1/01658. 1 The information given about the commemoration of the feasts or saints is complemented in many cases with additional information about the Gospel readings (i.e., pericopes). 2 Its first part is called the Synaxarion. It corresponds with the movable liturgical year and starts with Easter (the "Feast of Feasts"), the most important feast of the Orthodox Church. 3 As a principle, menologia in cyrillic early printed Tetraevangelia always started with September. 4 For the list of feasts and saints in manuscript Gospels' menologia, see: Лосева 2001a: 142-420. 5 The Orthodox Church has a group of twelve Great Feasts, eight of which are in honour of Jesus Christ and four dedicated to the Theotokos. Apart from them, five other feasts are ranked as great-i.e., the Circumcision in the flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ (January 1), Nativity of saint John the Baptist (June 24), Holy, Glorious, and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul (June 29), the Beheading of saint John the Baptist (August 29), and the Protection of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary (October 1). 62 i.e., неделꙗ (свѧтꙑхъ) праѿцъ. On this Sunday the ancestors of Christ according to the flesh and those who spoke of his birth in the flesh are commemorated. The Forefather Abraham, together with Lot, is commemorated on October 9 (Лосева 2001a: 172; Дограмаджиева 2010: 83) in the Ostromir Gospel lectionary (lesk), the oldest dated East Slavonic (1056-1057) manuscript kept at the National Library of Russia (F.п.I. 5). 63 This second Sunday before the Nativity falls between December 11-17. 64 i.e., неделꙗ прѣдъ рождьствомъ х вꙑмь (свѧтꙑхъ отецъ). The words свѧтꙑхъ отецъ were introduced for the first time into cyrillic early printed Tetraevangelion issued in Moscow in 1637. On this Sunday, all who were well-pleasing to God from Adam to saint Joseph the Betrothed of the Most Holy Theotokos, and those who are mentioned in the genealogy of Luke 3:23-38 are commemorated. The holy prophets, together with Daniel and the three holy youths, and prophetesses are also remembered on this day. 65 This Sunday before the Nativity falls between December 18-24. 66 The names of seven brothers are as follows: Abim, Antonius, Gurias, Eleazar, Eusebonus, Alimus and Marcellus. 67 i.e., с тыхъ (з҃ .) м нкъ маккаве. 68 i.e., оутелꙗ хъ елеазара  матере хъ соломон.

Research paper thumbnail of Early Printed Cyrillic Liturgical Tetraevangelia issued in the lands of  the 16th century Medieval Romania. General characteristic and Menologia analysis

Biblicum Jassyense, Romanian Journal for Biblical Philology and Hermeneutics, 2022

Romanian version see: Tetraevangheliarele liturgice chirilice tipărite timpuriu publicate în ținu... more Romanian version see: Tetraevangheliarele liturgice chirilice tipărite timpuriu publicate în ținuturile medievale românești în secolul al XVI-lea. Prezentare generală și analiza Minologhioanelor, [in:] Receptarea Sfintei Scripturi: între filologie, hermeneutică și traductologie. Lucrările Simpozionului Internațional „Explorări în tradiția biblică românească și europeană”, Volumul XI, Iași, 16-18 iunie 2022, Editori: Anca-Diana Bibiri, Iosif Camară, Ana Catană-Spenchiu, Maria Moruz, Iași: Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, 2022, pp. 47-92.

Research paper thumbnail of Tetraevangheliarele liturgice chirilice tipărite timpuriu publicate în ținuturile medievale românești în secolul al XVI-lea. Prezentare generală și analiza Minologhioanelor

Receptarea Sfintei Scripturi: între filologie, hermeneutică și traductologie. Lucrările Simpozionului Internațional „Explorări în tradiția biblică românească și europeană”, Volumul XI, Iași, 16-18 iunie 2022, pp. 47–92, Iași: Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, 2022

English version see: Early Printed Cyrillic Liturgical Tetraevangelia issued in the lands of 16th... more English version see: Early Printed Cyrillic Liturgical Tetraevangelia issued in the lands of 16th century Medieval Romania. General characteristic and Menologia analysis, Biblical Jassyense 9/2022: 67-125

Research paper thumbnail of Празднования в честь икон Пресвятой Богородицы в месяцесловах кириллических старопечатных Евангелий тетр

Шестнадцатые Загребинские чтения: сборник статей по итогам международной научной конференции (Санкт-Петербург, 6–7 октября 2021 года), pp. 59–71, Санкт-Петербург: Российская национальная библиотека, 2022

В месяцесловах церковнославянских старопечатных 1 Евангелий тетр помещались не только Господские ... more В месяцесловах церковнославянских старопечатных 1 Евангелий тетр помещались не только Господские и Богородичные праздники 2 и памяти святых, но и другие почитаемые события церковной и гражданской истории 3. Среди последних в качестве примера можно назвать 4 начало церковного года (1 сентября 5), воспоминание о землетрясении в Константинополе в 740 г. (26 октября), освящение храмов великомученика Георгия в Лидде в 320-330 гг. (3 ноября) или в Киеве в 1051-5054 гг. (26 ноября), освящение храма Воскресения Христова в Иерусалиме в 335 г. (13 сентября), явление Креста Господня в небе над Иерусалимом в 351 г. (7 мая), основание новой столицы империи-Константинополя (11 мая). Встречающиеся в месяцесловах кириллических старопечатных Евангелий тетр праздники, связанные с почитанием Пресвятой Богородицы, разделяются на несколько групп: * Исследование выполнено в рамках гранта Национального центра науки № UMO-2020/37/B/HS1/01658 (National Science Centre, Poland).

Research paper thumbnail of Klasyfikacja typologiczna Menologionów w cyrylickich starych drukach liturgicznych Ewangelii tetr

Польза зѣло великаѧ: сборник научных статей к 60-летию Андрея Владимировича Вознесенского, сост. Н. В. Николаев, редкол.: В.Г. Гронский (Председатель), А.И. Алексеев, Ж.В. Левшина, Н.В. Николаев (отв. ред.), Д.О. Цыпкин, 41–48, Санкт-Петербург: Российская национальная библиотека, 2022

Analiza tekstologiczna kilku wybranych fragmentów tekstów cyrylickich starych druków liturgicznyc... more Analiza tekstologiczna kilku wybranych fragmentów tekstów cyrylickich starych druków liturgicznych Ewangelii tetr 1 umożliwiła podział drukowanych w XVI-XVIII w. ksiąg z tekstem Dobrej Nowiny na kilka grup i wskazanie wydań zajmujących szczególne miejsce w historii drukowanego tekstu ewangelicznego oraz cyrylickiego drukarstwa 2. Wśród nich zostały wymienione m.

Research paper thumbnail of One more folio from the Early Printed Cyrillic Tetraevangelion Issued in 1579 in Alba Iulia

European Journal of Science and Theology 18(6), pp. 13–23, 2022

This article is dedicated to the identification of the 205 th leaf bound into the 1562 Tetraevang... more This article is dedicated to the identification of the 205 th leaf bound into the 1562 Tetraevangelion issued in Braşov and held at the Romanian Academy Library in Bucharest (C.R.V. II.11). For the purposes of this research, twelve copies of 16 th century early printed Cyrillic liturgical Tetraevangelia were consulted: eight copies of the 1562 Gospel edition from Braşov and four copies of the 1579 Gospel from Alba Iulia. A typographic and textual analyses have attested that the 205 th leaf bound into the copy of the 1562 Tetraevangelion from Braşov kept at the Romanian Academy Library originates from the 1579 Gospel edition issued in Alba Iulia. Identifying further small fragments, amounting to even one leaf, from 16 th-century Cyrillic Tetraevangelia printed in the lands of medieval Romania is of special importance for scholarship. Out of eleven copies of these Gospel editions, two have been completely lost, and only nine are accessible to scholars today. All of them are extant in a small number of copies and are highly fragmentary. The Tetraevangelion's edition of the described folio originated from is available in four copies and one fragment. The same leaf has been preserved in only one of them.

Research paper thumbnail of Duchowość w Piśmie Świętym Nowego Testamentu

Research paper thumbnail of Chrzest w Nowym Testamencie i Kościele prawosławnym, in: 1050. rocznica chrztu Polski, red. Krzysztof Lewalski, Gdańsk 2016, Wydawnictwo: Gdańskie Towarzystwo Naukowe, s. 289-306;

Research paper thumbnail of Wyższe Prawosławne Szkolnictwo Teologiczne w Polsce - przeszłość i teraźniejszość

Rocznik Teologiczny, 2022

English version see: Ostapczuk Jerzy, Tofiluk Jerzy, Higher Orthodox Theological Education Instit... more English version see: Ostapczuk Jerzy, Tofiluk Jerzy, Higher Orthodox Theological Education Institutions in Poland, [in:] The Significance of Theology in today's Society and Culture, Coord.: Cristionel Ioja, Caius Cuţaru, Adrian Murg, 198–214, Arad 2023: Editura Universităţii "Aurel Vlaicu" Arad.

Research paper thumbnail of Higher Orthodox Theological Education Institutions in Poland

The Significance of Theology in today's Society and Culture, Coord.: Cristionel Ioja, Caius Cuţaru, Adrian Murg, 198–214, Arad 2023: Editura Universităţii "Aurel Vlaicu" Arad.

Polish version see: Ostapczuk Jerzy, Tofiluk Jerzy, Wyższe Prawosławne Szkolnictwo Teologiczne w ... more Polish version see: Ostapczuk Jerzy, Tofiluk Jerzy, Wyższe Prawosławne Szkolnictwo Teologiczne w Polsce – przeszłość i teraźniejszość, Rocznik Teologiczny 64/4, 2022, 744-766.