chocobo_stamps - Profile (original) (raw)

on 21 October 2007 (#14079774)

Chocobo Stamps [ a Final Fantasy rating ]

the rules_l i s t e n u p.→ Be nice. Don't flame or insult anyone, their beliefs or their looks. Doing so will result in being banned with no warning.→ Don't try to make yourself sound like a certain character - it takes the point out of applying. If you don't like your result, don't bitch about it. Just reapply.→ Speaking of reapplying, you can do so as many times as you like. Try putting more detail into your answers so you can get a more accurate result.→ You must include links to your votes on three recent unstamped applications. You will be warned and given a 48h period to put them up. Failure to do so will result in your application being deleted.→ Sheepvoting is not allowed and if the mods feel you are indeed sheepvoting, they will speak to you about it. That said, don't be afraid to agree with other votes. We understand that sometimes reading someone else's vote can give you a moment of, "Hey! That makes more sense than what I had in mind!" Regardless, try to explain your votes. It doesn't have to be a paragraph - just enough to let the applicant know you actually read what they wrote.→ Before you post, make sure your application is in HTML mode, not rich text, and do not remove the LJ-cut or mess with the HTML of the application. It's built for easy reading. You may also want to change the LJ-cut text for the regular application, as it's going to be obvious you didn't read our rules if you do not.→ We open our themes (those links in the upper right-hand column) for restamps and first-time applicants on the 16th of every month until the mod announces the next theme, but not before or after. The regular application, however, will always be open.→ You may only have one unstamped application up at a time. This will keep the community from getting flooded with applications, especially during the open theme period. We will delete your most recent application(s) if we see more than one unstamped applications up at a time from you.the application_a p p l y h e r e. the themes._j u s t f o r f u n._What are themes? Themes are optional applications to keep members coming back and staying active. They are fandom related and can range from "Which character do you look most like?" to "Which spell suits you best?" However, you must first be stamped via the regular application to participate in them.1. » MIRROR2. » SUMMONS3. » CLASSIC JOB CLASS4. » VILLAINS5. » STEREOTYPES6. » WORLDS7. » RACES8. » THEME SONG9. » WEAPONS10. » MATCHMAKER11. » JOB CLASS MIRROR12. » MAIN PARTY13. » GROUP14. » BFF15. » VOICE16. » HOMETOWN17. » JOB CLASS18. » WORLD MIRROR19. » FINAL FANTASY II20. » STYLE21. » FINAL FANTASY III22. » LIMIT BREAKLimited Time Only:DISSIDIAStampmaker Creditthe mods_s t a y i n a l i v e._If you have any comments or questions, feel free to contact one of the mods.Kris; ehrgeizChristina; dauthiPiernik; grimoireAdditionally, our graphic makers are...Marcy; crescent_dreamsVanja; the_404_errorYunie; serahprofile codes: palebird.

the affiliates
p l a c e s t o g o.ancients_rating → Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem Rating.
animangamirror → Anime/Manga Character Look-a-Like Rating.
animate_babes → Animated Females Rating.
arrancar_rating → Bleach's Arrancar Rating
avatar_mirror → Avatar: the Last Airbender Rating.
balamb_rating → Final Fantasy 8 Rating.
bof_stamps → Breath of Fire Rating.
cc_stamps → Chrono Cross Rating.
da_stamping → Dragon Age: Origins Rating.
disney_villainy → Disney Villains Rating.
ffxiii_awards → Final Fantasy XIII Icon Contest.
furuba_rate → Fruits Basket Rating.
jrpgrating → Japanese RPGs Rating.
keybladerating → Kingdom Hearts Rating.
khreborn_rating → Katekyo Hitman REBORN! Rating.
ks_rating → Koutetsu Sangokushi Rating.
left4dead_stamp → Left 4 Dead Rating.
millennial_fair → Chrono Trigger Rating.
pocahontasstamp → Disney's Pocahontas Rating.
quentin_stamps → Quentin Tarantino Movies Rating.
residenterating → Resident Evil Rating.
seventwin → Final Fantasy 7 Rating.
shounen_mirror → Shounen Animanga Look-a-Like Rating.
squeenix_rating → Square Enix Rating.
tinker_stamps → Tinkerbell Rating.
vgamesmirror → Video Game Character Look-a-Like Rating.
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Don't forget to drop by our brother community, dissidia_rating!

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