Siska Mandalia | Chung Hua University (original) (raw)

Papers by Siska Mandalia

Research paper thumbnail of Swot Analysis of Kue Sapik Gula Aren as a Supporting Tourism Attraction of Solok Selatan District

Jurnal Manajemen Kuliner, Feb 21, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Muslim-Friendly Tourism Potential in Padang Ganting Hot Spring Tourism, Tanah Datar District, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Jurnal Pariwisata Nusantara (JUWITA), Dec 28, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Tourism Development Policy Strategy during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Tanah Datar Regency

Proceedings of the 6th Batusangkar International Conference, BIC 2021, 11 - 12 October, 2021, Batusangkar-West Sumatra, Indonesia

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Research paper thumbnail of State Initiatives Aim to Protect Transplant Recipients and Increase Organ Donation

American Society of Nephrology, May 1, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Special Issue: Hospitality and Tourism Industry Survival – Critical Perspective on the Industry Recovery and Adaptation

The culinary diversity based on local wisdom in Serang City makes Serang City's unique culina... more The culinary diversity based on local wisdom in Serang City makes Serang City's unique culinary delights have great potential to be developed as a support for the tourism industry. Culinary tourism is one of the main choices for other types of tourism, such as: cultural tourism, natural tourism and artificial tourism. The purpose of this research is to identify the local culinary variations typical of Serang City based on local wisdom and from the aspect of marketing mix (8P). This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The conclusion of this research is that it is found that culinary variations in Serang City have value to be developed, so it needs proper handling and management and carried out professionally.

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Research paper thumbnail of Politeness Strategies in Giving Advice Used By English Department Students of State University of Padang

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Research paper thumbnail of Using Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) in Measurement of Muslim Visitor's Satisfaction with Hotels Facilities in Taiwan

Many countries in the world are considering tourism as an important sector in their economy. A ra... more Many countries in the world are considering tourism as an important sector in their economy. A rapid growth of Muslim population, in consequence increasing the number of Muslim travelers with their high contribution to global tourism revenue, has made Muslims becoming a potential group of customers to the tourism market. Achieving tourist satisfaction could be very challenging for Non-Islamic Countries, especially Taiwan. On behalf to attract the Muslim travelers, Taiwan is eager to offer the Muslim friendly environment since Muslim traveler has some basic and specific needs that should comply with their belief and this phenomenon called Muslim travel or Halal tourism. Two research methodologies with the same attributes were conducted in this study. Importance Performance Analysis to investigate which hotel attributes satisfy Muslim visitors and to identify their expectations and satisfaction with these attributes, and the second survey developed for applying Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) was issued to the experts from hotel management and academics side by evaluating the importance of the attributes and constructing the causal relations among the attributes. The results reported will enable hotels to better manage their facilities for Muslim visitors to ensure the sustainability of business performance. Key Words: Halal Tourism, Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA), Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL), Muslim Visitors

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Research paper thumbnail of Special Issue: Hospitality and Tourism Industry Survival -Critical Perspective on the Industry Recovery and Adaptation

Journal of Tourism, Hospitality & Culinary Arts (JTHCA) 2021, Vol. 13 (3) pp 01-08, 2021

The aim of this paper is to assess the potential of hot spring tourism for domestic tourism in Pa... more The aim of this paper is to assess the potential of hot spring tourism for domestic tourism in Pariangan Tanah Datar Regency West Sumatera. The points that the authors see in this study are: hot springs potential for domestic tourists, tourist facilities and accessibility. The method used is descriptive and the participation of communities was included in the study's approach. Data collection is observation, structured interviews, and documentation. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method that is analyzed interpretatively using appropriate theories or literatures, then inductively draws conclusions to answer the existing problems. The results of the study explained about 1) The potential of hot springs, 2) Public facilities, and 3) The accessibility of tourism objects.

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Research paper thumbnail of Potential of Pariangan Tanah Datar Hot Spring for Domestic Tourism

Special Issue, 2021

The aim of this paper is to assess the potential of hot spring tourism for domestic tourism in Pa... more The aim of this paper is to assess the potential of hot spring tourism for domestic tourism in Pariangan Tanah Datar Regency West Sumatera. The points that the authors see in this study are: hot springs potential for domestic tourists, tourist facilities and accessibility. The method used is descriptive and the participation of communities was included in the study's approach. Data collection is observation, structured interviews, and documentation. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method that is analyzed interpretatively using appropriate theories or literatures, then inductively draws conclusions to answer the existing problems. The results of the study explained about 1) The potential of hot springs, 2) Public facilities, and 3) The accessibility of tourism objects.

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Research paper thumbnail of Direct Investment Strategy in Domestic Hajj Financial Governance

This paper aims to find strategies that can be carried out by BPKH in domestic hajj finance throu... more This paper aims to find strategies that can be carried out by BPKH in domestic hajj finance through direct investment. This paper includes a literature study with a normative approach by taking data sources from the laws and regulations on haj fund management and the book “What and How to Invest in BPKH Hajj Finance. As well as from books, journals and from the internet in the form of news related to investment finance hajj. Data analysis techniques and data presentation used in this study were qualitative descriptive analysis. The results obtained show that the first direct investment strategy in domestic hajj financial governance, has its own business, second, capital participation, third, investment collaboration, fourth, other direct investment. Examples of businesses that can be run in investment, transportation, lodging or hotels, business convection and providing gifts or gifts.

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Research paper thumbnail of Meluruskan Pro-Kontra Konsep Wisata Halal

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Talks by Siska Mandalia

Research paper thumbnail of Meluruskan Pro-Kontra Konsep Wisata Halal

Meluruskan Pro-Kontra Konsep Wisata Halal (Siska Mandalia,S.S.,M.B.A- Dosen Pariwisata IAIN Batusangkar /Alumni Bisnis Pariwisata Chung Hua University Taiwan), 2021

Konsep Wisata Halal kembali banyak diperbincangkan setelah adanya pergantian Menteri Pariwisata d... more Konsep Wisata Halal kembali banyak diperbincangkan setelah adanya pergantian Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif baru-baru ini. Perdebatan seputar Wisata Halal atau Muslim_Friendly Tourism ini sejatinya sudah terjadi sejak 2015 silam. Kementerian Pariwisata saat itu bahkan membentuk Tim Percepatan Wisata Halal, dan mengembangkan tiga destinasi utamanya, yakni Aceh, Sumatera Barat dan Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). Polemik wisata halal berkembang tidak semata pada strategi segmentasi dan promosi pariwisata saja, melainkan lebih pada pro dan kontranya. Wisata halal sebenarnya bisa dibilang berupa seperangkat layanan tambahan yang terkait dengan pengembangan 3A, yaitu Amenitas, Atraksi, dan Aksesibilitas yang merupakan fondasi pengembangan pariwisata Indonesia. Konsep wisata halal awalnya dibangun dengan tujuan memudahkan wisatawan Muslim mencari tempat ibadah dan menemukan makanan serta minuman halal disuatu destinasi, dan gagasan tersebut bertujuan untuk menggeruk pasar wisatawan Muslim yang jumlahnya fantastis. Wisata halal juga bisa diwujudkan dengan membangun hotel, restoran dan SPA yang sesuai standar Syariah. Mengutip pernyataan KH Ma'ruf Amin yang dilansir dari Sindo News, "yang dihalalkan bukan destinasi atau tempat tujuan wisatanya, melainkan pelayanannya yang diperuntukkan bagi wisatawan muslim". Mungkin ini karena masih banyak orang yang memahami konsep wisata halal ini sebagai bentuk islamisasi, padahal tujuan utamanya adalah untuk memperluas pangsa pasar. Indonesia memang belum memiliki kesepahaman mengenai apa dan bagaimana pariwisata halal itu sendiri. Kita belum sepakat pariwisata halal itu seperti apa teknisnya. Terminologi wisata halal ini awal mulanya muncul dari wisata syariah, menjadi wisata Islami dan kemudian wisata halal yang dianggap sebagai istilah yang paling moderat. Tapi sampai saat ini belum menemukan deskripsi yang pas dan bisa disepakati bersama, Konsep wisata halal sebenarnya berbeda dengan wisata religi. Wisata religi merupakan wisata tertua dalam dunia pariwisata (the oldest tourism in the world). Yang mana wisata ini telah ada sebelum perkembangan pariwisata itu sendiri. Wisata religi termasuk didalamnya adalah wisata ziarah ke tempat-tempat suci yang disakralkan oleh penganut agama tertentu. Artinya bahwa kegiatan ziarah sudah dilakukan oleh banyak orang untuk mengenang kembali ketokohan atau karya yang ditinggalkan oleh tokoh. Ziarah (pilgrimage) bisa diartikan sebagai a trip to a place considered sacred owing to a special influence of God therein (Ostrowski, 2000). Menurut Ostrowski, orang melakuakn ziarah lebih menekankan aspek motif agama dan untuk menunjukkan tindakan agama yang spesifik yang terkait dengan piety and penance .

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Research paper thumbnail of Swot Analysis of Kue Sapik Gula Aren as a Supporting Tourism Attraction of Solok Selatan District

Jurnal Manajemen Kuliner, Feb 21, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Muslim-Friendly Tourism Potential in Padang Ganting Hot Spring Tourism, Tanah Datar District, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Jurnal Pariwisata Nusantara (JUWITA), Dec 28, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Tourism Development Policy Strategy during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Tanah Datar Regency

Proceedings of the 6th Batusangkar International Conference, BIC 2021, 11 - 12 October, 2021, Batusangkar-West Sumatra, Indonesia

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Research paper thumbnail of State Initiatives Aim to Protect Transplant Recipients and Increase Organ Donation

American Society of Nephrology, May 1, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Special Issue: Hospitality and Tourism Industry Survival – Critical Perspective on the Industry Recovery and Adaptation

The culinary diversity based on local wisdom in Serang City makes Serang City's unique culina... more The culinary diversity based on local wisdom in Serang City makes Serang City's unique culinary delights have great potential to be developed as a support for the tourism industry. Culinary tourism is one of the main choices for other types of tourism, such as: cultural tourism, natural tourism and artificial tourism. The purpose of this research is to identify the local culinary variations typical of Serang City based on local wisdom and from the aspect of marketing mix (8P). This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The conclusion of this research is that it is found that culinary variations in Serang City have value to be developed, so it needs proper handling and management and carried out professionally.

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Research paper thumbnail of Politeness Strategies in Giving Advice Used By English Department Students of State University of Padang

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Research paper thumbnail of Using Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) in Measurement of Muslim Visitor's Satisfaction with Hotels Facilities in Taiwan

Many countries in the world are considering tourism as an important sector in their economy. A ra... more Many countries in the world are considering tourism as an important sector in their economy. A rapid growth of Muslim population, in consequence increasing the number of Muslim travelers with their high contribution to global tourism revenue, has made Muslims becoming a potential group of customers to the tourism market. Achieving tourist satisfaction could be very challenging for Non-Islamic Countries, especially Taiwan. On behalf to attract the Muslim travelers, Taiwan is eager to offer the Muslim friendly environment since Muslim traveler has some basic and specific needs that should comply with their belief and this phenomenon called Muslim travel or Halal tourism. Two research methodologies with the same attributes were conducted in this study. Importance Performance Analysis to investigate which hotel attributes satisfy Muslim visitors and to identify their expectations and satisfaction with these attributes, and the second survey developed for applying Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) was issued to the experts from hotel management and academics side by evaluating the importance of the attributes and constructing the causal relations among the attributes. The results reported will enable hotels to better manage their facilities for Muslim visitors to ensure the sustainability of business performance. Key Words: Halal Tourism, Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA), Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL), Muslim Visitors

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Research paper thumbnail of Special Issue: Hospitality and Tourism Industry Survival -Critical Perspective on the Industry Recovery and Adaptation

Journal of Tourism, Hospitality & Culinary Arts (JTHCA) 2021, Vol. 13 (3) pp 01-08, 2021

The aim of this paper is to assess the potential of hot spring tourism for domestic tourism in Pa... more The aim of this paper is to assess the potential of hot spring tourism for domestic tourism in Pariangan Tanah Datar Regency West Sumatera. The points that the authors see in this study are: hot springs potential for domestic tourists, tourist facilities and accessibility. The method used is descriptive and the participation of communities was included in the study's approach. Data collection is observation, structured interviews, and documentation. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method that is analyzed interpretatively using appropriate theories or literatures, then inductively draws conclusions to answer the existing problems. The results of the study explained about 1) The potential of hot springs, 2) Public facilities, and 3) The accessibility of tourism objects.

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Research paper thumbnail of Potential of Pariangan Tanah Datar Hot Spring for Domestic Tourism

Special Issue, 2021

The aim of this paper is to assess the potential of hot spring tourism for domestic tourism in Pa... more The aim of this paper is to assess the potential of hot spring tourism for domestic tourism in Pariangan Tanah Datar Regency West Sumatera. The points that the authors see in this study are: hot springs potential for domestic tourists, tourist facilities and accessibility. The method used is descriptive and the participation of communities was included in the study's approach. Data collection is observation, structured interviews, and documentation. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method that is analyzed interpretatively using appropriate theories or literatures, then inductively draws conclusions to answer the existing problems. The results of the study explained about 1) The potential of hot springs, 2) Public facilities, and 3) The accessibility of tourism objects.

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Research paper thumbnail of Direct Investment Strategy in Domestic Hajj Financial Governance

This paper aims to find strategies that can be carried out by BPKH in domestic hajj finance throu... more This paper aims to find strategies that can be carried out by BPKH in domestic hajj finance through direct investment. This paper includes a literature study with a normative approach by taking data sources from the laws and regulations on haj fund management and the book “What and How to Invest in BPKH Hajj Finance. As well as from books, journals and from the internet in the form of news related to investment finance hajj. Data analysis techniques and data presentation used in this study were qualitative descriptive analysis. The results obtained show that the first direct investment strategy in domestic hajj financial governance, has its own business, second, capital participation, third, investment collaboration, fourth, other direct investment. Examples of businesses that can be run in investment, transportation, lodging or hotels, business convection and providing gifts or gifts.

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Research paper thumbnail of Meluruskan Pro-Kontra Konsep Wisata Halal

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Research paper thumbnail of Meluruskan Pro-Kontra Konsep Wisata Halal

Meluruskan Pro-Kontra Konsep Wisata Halal (Siska Mandalia,S.S.,M.B.A- Dosen Pariwisata IAIN Batusangkar /Alumni Bisnis Pariwisata Chung Hua University Taiwan), 2021

Konsep Wisata Halal kembali banyak diperbincangkan setelah adanya pergantian Menteri Pariwisata d... more Konsep Wisata Halal kembali banyak diperbincangkan setelah adanya pergantian Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif baru-baru ini. Perdebatan seputar Wisata Halal atau Muslim_Friendly Tourism ini sejatinya sudah terjadi sejak 2015 silam. Kementerian Pariwisata saat itu bahkan membentuk Tim Percepatan Wisata Halal, dan mengembangkan tiga destinasi utamanya, yakni Aceh, Sumatera Barat dan Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). Polemik wisata halal berkembang tidak semata pada strategi segmentasi dan promosi pariwisata saja, melainkan lebih pada pro dan kontranya. Wisata halal sebenarnya bisa dibilang berupa seperangkat layanan tambahan yang terkait dengan pengembangan 3A, yaitu Amenitas, Atraksi, dan Aksesibilitas yang merupakan fondasi pengembangan pariwisata Indonesia. Konsep wisata halal awalnya dibangun dengan tujuan memudahkan wisatawan Muslim mencari tempat ibadah dan menemukan makanan serta minuman halal disuatu destinasi, dan gagasan tersebut bertujuan untuk menggeruk pasar wisatawan Muslim yang jumlahnya fantastis. Wisata halal juga bisa diwujudkan dengan membangun hotel, restoran dan SPA yang sesuai standar Syariah. Mengutip pernyataan KH Ma'ruf Amin yang dilansir dari Sindo News, "yang dihalalkan bukan destinasi atau tempat tujuan wisatanya, melainkan pelayanannya yang diperuntukkan bagi wisatawan muslim". Mungkin ini karena masih banyak orang yang memahami konsep wisata halal ini sebagai bentuk islamisasi, padahal tujuan utamanya adalah untuk memperluas pangsa pasar. Indonesia memang belum memiliki kesepahaman mengenai apa dan bagaimana pariwisata halal itu sendiri. Kita belum sepakat pariwisata halal itu seperti apa teknisnya. Terminologi wisata halal ini awal mulanya muncul dari wisata syariah, menjadi wisata Islami dan kemudian wisata halal yang dianggap sebagai istilah yang paling moderat. Tapi sampai saat ini belum menemukan deskripsi yang pas dan bisa disepakati bersama, Konsep wisata halal sebenarnya berbeda dengan wisata religi. Wisata religi merupakan wisata tertua dalam dunia pariwisata (the oldest tourism in the world). Yang mana wisata ini telah ada sebelum perkembangan pariwisata itu sendiri. Wisata religi termasuk didalamnya adalah wisata ziarah ke tempat-tempat suci yang disakralkan oleh penganut agama tertentu. Artinya bahwa kegiatan ziarah sudah dilakukan oleh banyak orang untuk mengenang kembali ketokohan atau karya yang ditinggalkan oleh tokoh. Ziarah (pilgrimage) bisa diartikan sebagai a trip to a place considered sacred owing to a special influence of God therein (Ostrowski, 2000). Menurut Ostrowski, orang melakuakn ziarah lebih menekankan aspek motif agama dan untuk menunjukkan tindakan agama yang spesifik yang terkait dengan piety and penance .

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