cibola - Profile (original) (raw)

on 22 August 2001 (#330682)

A place for artists, writers, musicians, etc.

Cibola is like about a dozen other groups, I just made it because.... I dunno, why not? If you're an artist of any stripe, or a psychotic of any flavor, you're welcome to join and talk about your interests, your projects... what Cibola is really about is to have a well, a collection, a foundation, a hive of creativity and creative people to further the artistic endeavors of its members. If you get stuck, if you need help with research, if you need an audience or just some encouragement, the Gilded City of the Internet (Cibola) is the place to find it.


alt rock, amelia atwater-rhodes, angel moxie, anime, art, atlantis, aubrey, beatles, belgariad, black house, blink 182, bloodhound gang, blues brothers, comics, counterculture, creed, da vinci, dark tower, david eddings, dean koontz, diadem, eminem, ender, erinmiran, eve 6, everything jake, expendable, fanfiction, fantasy, fear nothing, fight club, fire, girls, gone in 60 seconds, goo goo dolls, gorillaz, graphic novels, hard rock, harry potter, horror, huna, indiana jones, insanity, japanese beetle, jimmy eat world, jthm, kremlina stalinova, laurell k. hamillton, linkin park, lit, mac hall, magic: the gathering, maison otaku, makenzie's locker, matchbox twenty, megatokyo, metallica, movies, music, mythology, neal stephenson, nickelback, norwegian wood, offspring, orson scott card, outlaw star, p.o.d., pacifism, penny arcade, ping-chan, politics, psychology, punk rock, purgatory, pyromania, rage against the machine, risika, robert jordan, rock, rock music, ronin warriors, rpgs, scifi, sea of insanity, simon and garfunkel, sinfest, smashmouth, sneakers, snow crash, star wars, stargate, stephen king, steven brust, strange candy, sugar ray, the matrix, the mexican, the talisman, tv, webcomics, whatever, wheel of time, willow, writing