Francois Bousquet | CIRAD - (original) (raw)


Papers by Francois Bousquet

Research paper thumbnail of Framing coastal management in the face of global changes: insights from a cross-country comparison

Research paper thumbnail of Gestion du ruissellement érosif en Pays de Caux

Research paper thumbnail of Serious games

The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods for Social-Ecological Systems, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Vingt personnalités donnent leur point de vue sur les Communs

Le Chantier sur les Communs initie par le Comite technique "Foncier & developpement" a ... more Le Chantier sur les Communs initie par le Comite technique "Foncier & developpement" a ete le cadre de travaux qui ont permis de produire un rapport d'expertise "Opportunites et defis d'une approche par les communs de la terre et des ressources qu'elle porte". L'interet de mobiliser la Cooperation francaise sur cette thematique s'impose de fait face aux defis induits par les changements globaux au Nord comme au Sud, notamment dans le domaine de la gestion des ressources naturelles renouvelables. Completant les autres produits du chantier, cet article de synthese des entretiens vise a valoriser les points de vue de la vingtaine de personnalites rencontrees.

Research paper thumbnail of Messages from Resilience 2014 to Resilience 2020

Thinking in terms of SES resilience is about recognizing a plurality of possible trajectories, by... more Thinking in terms of SES resilience is about recognizing a plurality of possible trajectories, by defining the futures we don’t want in term of society-environment interactions, and therefore about defining a set of acceptable futures. By not picking a single optimal option, one lets the possibility to the society to develop emergent adaptation dynamics to unknown perturbations and changes to come, and potentially to decide to take a different trajectory.

Research paper thumbnail of Companion modeling to improve irrigation water sharing among rice growers in west-central Bhutan

Partners and institutions • 36 scenarios based on 3 types of social networks, 2 rainfall patterns... more Partners and institutions • 36 scenarios based on 3 types of social networks, 2 rainfall patterns, and 6 water exchange protocols were simulated to look for the viable ones. These scenarios are yet to be discussed with the stakeholders (Fig. 4). • To examine the complexity of resource management among heterogeneous users, their coordination, innovative approaches are needed to facilitate understanding and learning, mediation, and the emergence of management regimes that fulfill the aspirations of stakeholders and yet ensure the sustainability of the resource base.

Research paper thumbnail of Lessons from implementing in parallel with 3 platforms the same didactic agent-based model

Developing an agent-based model (ABM) typically involves acquiring knowledge of the model's d... more Developing an agent-based model (ABM) typically involves acquiring knowledge of the model's domain, developing the model itself, and then translating the model into software. This process can be complex and is an iterative one. Any ABM, to be considered as a robust and reliable tool, must be replicable in different computing settings. Previous works in comparing the implementation of the same ABM with different simulation platforms have been conducted either from scratch with a simple [1]or even “stupid” [2] benchmark or by trying to replicate an original implementation of a model related to a specific domain, for instance economics [3], political science [4] or ecology [5]. Most of these works relate difficulties to produce similar outputs from the various implementations, which is questioning the value of agent-based simulation as a scientific method. We present here an experience of conducting in parallel three implementations of the same model, a fire spreading over a forest...

Research paper thumbnail of The ComMod and Gerdal approaches to accompany multi-actor collectives in facilitating innovation in agroecosystems

The ComMod (Companion Modelling) and Gerdal (Group for Experimentation and Research: Development ... more The ComMod (Companion Modelling) and Gerdal (Group for Experimentation and Research: Development and Local Action) approaches facilitate the emergence of solutions and action plans negotiated within peer groups or arenas of heterogenous actors by stimulating interactions between their participants. Their theoretical, ethical and methodological foundations are described, and two case studies illustrate their use. In order to help practitioners reflect on their mode of intervention to collectives, the comparative analysis of these approaches highlights the key points of their accompaniment, such as the initial situation, creation of relevant collectives, management of processes, sharing of knowledge and points of view, monitoring and evaluation of effects, and strengthening of the capacity of collective innovation.

Research paper thumbnail of Attachements et changement dans un monde en transformation

Research paper thumbnail of Modélisation d'accompagnement

Chapitre rédigé par le collectif ComMod regroupant 40 personnes. Son correspondant est François B... more Chapitre rédigé par le collectif ComMod regroupant 40 personnes. Son correspondant est François Bousquet (CIRAD, green)International audienc

Research paper thumbnail of Le penser résilience" pour un cadre d'analyse renouvelé des trajectoires de développement : Elaboration de profils historiques sur l'évolution de la diversité alimentaire de ménages agricoles au Burkina Faso

Actes du colloque Vulnérabilité et résilience dans le renouvellement des approches du développement et de l'environnement, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Social and Ecological Systems Resilience and Identity

Multisystemic Resilience, 2021

In this chapter, the authors first introduce the notion of social-ecological systems (SES) resili... more In this chapter, the authors first introduce the notion of social-ecological systems (SES) resilience. They trace the history of the two concepts (SES and resilience), which are interdependent, narrating the interactions between groups of researchers who study social and ecological processes. In the second part of the paper, the authors examine resilience through the specific question of the identity of an SES and how this identity persists or changes. They examine the meaning of identity through a literature review that orients readers to the study of the process of resilience as inextricably shaped by the vulnerabilities embedded in the SES. They claim in this chapter that the disruption of the relationship between natural and social entities that compose an SES leads to a new distribution of vulnerabilities among the entities. After these changes, the SES will be ascribed a new identity that reflects the new distribution of vulnerabilities among the entities and the means to cope...

Research paper thumbnail of Les structures de gestion de la diversité variétale des mils et sorghos au Mali

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainability of semi-arid extensive livestock systems in Senegal : Elements for modelling animal plant interactions

Research paper thumbnail of Cormas, une plate-forme multi-agent pour concevoir collectivement des modèles et interagir avec les simulations (présentation courte)

Ce document presente les nouvelles fonctionnalites de Cormas, une plate-forme de modelisation mul... more Ce document presente les nouvelles fonctionnalites de Cormas, une plate-forme de modelisation multi-agent dediee a la gestion des ressources renouvelables. Logiciel libre, Cormas vise a concevoir facilement un SMA et analyser des scenarios. Aujourd'hui, Cormas a pris une direction novatrice orientee vers la conception collective de modeles et la simulation interactive. Ces simulations hybrides mixent des decisions prises par les joueurs et d'autres par le modele. Cela permet d'interagir avec une simulation en modifiant le comportement des agents et la facon dont ils utilisent les ressources. Ainsi, il est possible d'explorer collectivement des scenarios a moyen et long terme afin de mieux comprendre comment atteindre une situation souhaitee. En retour, cela permet de reviser collectivement le modele conceptuel. Apres avoir explique la philosophie de la modelisation d'accompagnement, ce document presente la facon dont les fonctionnalites de Cormas sont appliquees ...

Research paper thumbnail of In role in a rolling landscape: Re-thinking multi-scale vulnerability transfers in the Anthropocene

To explore transfers of vulnerability and their consequences with local stakeholders in southern ... more To explore transfers of vulnerability and their consequences with local stakeholders in southern France, a role-playing game session with 50 elected representatives and experts coming from various sectoral organizations was organized. The role-playing game involved 4 different landscapes of a coastal region: a littoral area, an agricultural plain, an urbanized area, and a river valley—with each landscape set up on a separate table. The participants were positioned either as land managers in different sectors (urban, agricultural, biodiversity conservation, green tourism, mass tourism) or elected decision-makers in charge of collective decisions and negotiation with other territories. For each round, the players had the option of placing infrastructures (dikes, irrigation networks, labelling, nature reserves) in management units under their responsibility in order to influence development trajectories. Based on their decisions, the land cover and use of these areas were updated (resi...

Research paper thumbnail of Le temps de la solidarité écologique est venu

Research paper thumbnail of The researcher and the territory: accompanying complexity

Research paper thumbnail of Governing ecosystem services for building resilience in food security

Food is a very basic human need which can't be met without nature and the ecosystem services ... more Food is a very basic human need which can't be met without nature and the ecosystem services it provides. In West Africa, a large part of the population is chronically food insecure and affected by recurrent crises while natural resources are under pressure. Strengthening resilience of food insecure people, villages or countries has then become the watchword of donors and policymakers involved in the food security field. The Global Alliance for Resilience (AGIR) in Sahel and West Africa launched in 2012 has led to many projects aiming at better linking emergency and development, and to many works focusing on the analysis and the measurement of resilience so as to assess the results of projects. Resilience indicators tend to emphasize endowments ("capitals") and their respective evolutions, while resilience-thinking would highlight how this dynamic interconnect. In this communication, we aim to go beyond the framework of development projects and debates on resilience me...

Research paper thumbnail of Les paradoxes de la résilience en matière de sécurité alimentaire

Revue internationale des études du développement, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Framing coastal management in the face of global changes: insights from a cross-country comparison

Research paper thumbnail of Gestion du ruissellement érosif en Pays de Caux

Research paper thumbnail of Serious games

The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods for Social-Ecological Systems, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Vingt personnalités donnent leur point de vue sur les Communs

Le Chantier sur les Communs initie par le Comite technique "Foncier & developpement" a ... more Le Chantier sur les Communs initie par le Comite technique "Foncier & developpement" a ete le cadre de travaux qui ont permis de produire un rapport d'expertise "Opportunites et defis d'une approche par les communs de la terre et des ressources qu'elle porte". L'interet de mobiliser la Cooperation francaise sur cette thematique s'impose de fait face aux defis induits par les changements globaux au Nord comme au Sud, notamment dans le domaine de la gestion des ressources naturelles renouvelables. Completant les autres produits du chantier, cet article de synthese des entretiens vise a valoriser les points de vue de la vingtaine de personnalites rencontrees.

Research paper thumbnail of Messages from Resilience 2014 to Resilience 2020

Thinking in terms of SES resilience is about recognizing a plurality of possible trajectories, by... more Thinking in terms of SES resilience is about recognizing a plurality of possible trajectories, by defining the futures we don’t want in term of society-environment interactions, and therefore about defining a set of acceptable futures. By not picking a single optimal option, one lets the possibility to the society to develop emergent adaptation dynamics to unknown perturbations and changes to come, and potentially to decide to take a different trajectory.

Research paper thumbnail of Companion modeling to improve irrigation water sharing among rice growers in west-central Bhutan

Partners and institutions • 36 scenarios based on 3 types of social networks, 2 rainfall patterns... more Partners and institutions • 36 scenarios based on 3 types of social networks, 2 rainfall patterns, and 6 water exchange protocols were simulated to look for the viable ones. These scenarios are yet to be discussed with the stakeholders (Fig. 4). • To examine the complexity of resource management among heterogeneous users, their coordination, innovative approaches are needed to facilitate understanding and learning, mediation, and the emergence of management regimes that fulfill the aspirations of stakeholders and yet ensure the sustainability of the resource base.

Research paper thumbnail of Lessons from implementing in parallel with 3 platforms the same didactic agent-based model

Developing an agent-based model (ABM) typically involves acquiring knowledge of the model's d... more Developing an agent-based model (ABM) typically involves acquiring knowledge of the model's domain, developing the model itself, and then translating the model into software. This process can be complex and is an iterative one. Any ABM, to be considered as a robust and reliable tool, must be replicable in different computing settings. Previous works in comparing the implementation of the same ABM with different simulation platforms have been conducted either from scratch with a simple [1]or even “stupid” [2] benchmark or by trying to replicate an original implementation of a model related to a specific domain, for instance economics [3], political science [4] or ecology [5]. Most of these works relate difficulties to produce similar outputs from the various implementations, which is questioning the value of agent-based simulation as a scientific method. We present here an experience of conducting in parallel three implementations of the same model, a fire spreading over a forest...

Research paper thumbnail of The ComMod and Gerdal approaches to accompany multi-actor collectives in facilitating innovation in agroecosystems

The ComMod (Companion Modelling) and Gerdal (Group for Experimentation and Research: Development ... more The ComMod (Companion Modelling) and Gerdal (Group for Experimentation and Research: Development and Local Action) approaches facilitate the emergence of solutions and action plans negotiated within peer groups or arenas of heterogenous actors by stimulating interactions between their participants. Their theoretical, ethical and methodological foundations are described, and two case studies illustrate their use. In order to help practitioners reflect on their mode of intervention to collectives, the comparative analysis of these approaches highlights the key points of their accompaniment, such as the initial situation, creation of relevant collectives, management of processes, sharing of knowledge and points of view, monitoring and evaluation of effects, and strengthening of the capacity of collective innovation.

Research paper thumbnail of Attachements et changement dans un monde en transformation

Research paper thumbnail of Modélisation d'accompagnement

Chapitre rédigé par le collectif ComMod regroupant 40 personnes. Son correspondant est François B... more Chapitre rédigé par le collectif ComMod regroupant 40 personnes. Son correspondant est François Bousquet (CIRAD, green)International audienc

Research paper thumbnail of Le penser résilience" pour un cadre d'analyse renouvelé des trajectoires de développement : Elaboration de profils historiques sur l'évolution de la diversité alimentaire de ménages agricoles au Burkina Faso

Actes du colloque Vulnérabilité et résilience dans le renouvellement des approches du développement et de l'environnement, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Social and Ecological Systems Resilience and Identity

Multisystemic Resilience, 2021

In this chapter, the authors first introduce the notion of social-ecological systems (SES) resili... more In this chapter, the authors first introduce the notion of social-ecological systems (SES) resilience. They trace the history of the two concepts (SES and resilience), which are interdependent, narrating the interactions between groups of researchers who study social and ecological processes. In the second part of the paper, the authors examine resilience through the specific question of the identity of an SES and how this identity persists or changes. They examine the meaning of identity through a literature review that orients readers to the study of the process of resilience as inextricably shaped by the vulnerabilities embedded in the SES. They claim in this chapter that the disruption of the relationship between natural and social entities that compose an SES leads to a new distribution of vulnerabilities among the entities. After these changes, the SES will be ascribed a new identity that reflects the new distribution of vulnerabilities among the entities and the means to cope...

Research paper thumbnail of Les structures de gestion de la diversité variétale des mils et sorghos au Mali

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainability of semi-arid extensive livestock systems in Senegal : Elements for modelling animal plant interactions

Research paper thumbnail of Cormas, une plate-forme multi-agent pour concevoir collectivement des modèles et interagir avec les simulations (présentation courte)

Ce document presente les nouvelles fonctionnalites de Cormas, une plate-forme de modelisation mul... more Ce document presente les nouvelles fonctionnalites de Cormas, une plate-forme de modelisation multi-agent dediee a la gestion des ressources renouvelables. Logiciel libre, Cormas vise a concevoir facilement un SMA et analyser des scenarios. Aujourd'hui, Cormas a pris une direction novatrice orientee vers la conception collective de modeles et la simulation interactive. Ces simulations hybrides mixent des decisions prises par les joueurs et d'autres par le modele. Cela permet d'interagir avec une simulation en modifiant le comportement des agents et la facon dont ils utilisent les ressources. Ainsi, il est possible d'explorer collectivement des scenarios a moyen et long terme afin de mieux comprendre comment atteindre une situation souhaitee. En retour, cela permet de reviser collectivement le modele conceptuel. Apres avoir explique la philosophie de la modelisation d'accompagnement, ce document presente la facon dont les fonctionnalites de Cormas sont appliquees ...

Research paper thumbnail of In role in a rolling landscape: Re-thinking multi-scale vulnerability transfers in the Anthropocene

To explore transfers of vulnerability and their consequences with local stakeholders in southern ... more To explore transfers of vulnerability and their consequences with local stakeholders in southern France, a role-playing game session with 50 elected representatives and experts coming from various sectoral organizations was organized. The role-playing game involved 4 different landscapes of a coastal region: a littoral area, an agricultural plain, an urbanized area, and a river valley—with each landscape set up on a separate table. The participants were positioned either as land managers in different sectors (urban, agricultural, biodiversity conservation, green tourism, mass tourism) or elected decision-makers in charge of collective decisions and negotiation with other territories. For each round, the players had the option of placing infrastructures (dikes, irrigation networks, labelling, nature reserves) in management units under their responsibility in order to influence development trajectories. Based on their decisions, the land cover and use of these areas were updated (resi...

Research paper thumbnail of Le temps de la solidarité écologique est venu

Research paper thumbnail of The researcher and the territory: accompanying complexity

Research paper thumbnail of Governing ecosystem services for building resilience in food security

Food is a very basic human need which can't be met without nature and the ecosystem services ... more Food is a very basic human need which can't be met without nature and the ecosystem services it provides. In West Africa, a large part of the population is chronically food insecure and affected by recurrent crises while natural resources are under pressure. Strengthening resilience of food insecure people, villages or countries has then become the watchword of donors and policymakers involved in the food security field. The Global Alliance for Resilience (AGIR) in Sahel and West Africa launched in 2012 has led to many projects aiming at better linking emergency and development, and to many works focusing on the analysis and the measurement of resilience so as to assess the results of projects. Resilience indicators tend to emphasize endowments ("capitals") and their respective evolutions, while resilience-thinking would highlight how this dynamic interconnect. In this communication, we aim to go beyond the framework of development projects and debates on resilience me...

Research paper thumbnail of Les paradoxes de la résilience en matière de sécurité alimentaire

Revue internationale des études du développement, 2019