Hatching New Ideas (original) (raw)

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Below are the 10 most recent journal entries recorded inCirclejerk Weyr (What?)'s LiveJournal:

Friday, March 4th, 2005
_7:53 pm_[jeshala] I think I'm going to delete the community, since it's pretty much not necessary anymore. Or at least, I'm not. (Comment on this)
Sunday, January 30th, 2005
_10:22 pm_[cabbitattack] I want a game with lots of grit. Where whores, and thieves and cutthroats are part of the local color. Where the dragons and their riders aren't perfect and chivalrous, but bigoted, self-interested prigs. Where a bronzerider can swoop down on an unsuspecting hold and kidnap their youngest daughter ostensibly for Search, but secrete her away in his Weyr for his own pleasure. Where women /aren't/ completely equal, but have to fight for their places as Masters.I would even take it a step farther to say that few women ride anything other than green or gold, and those who do are ridiculed, looked at askance. It'd be interesting to play a Pern where gay men are perfectly acceptable, but gay women are one of those things you don't talk about in polite company. After all, women are supposed to bear children, be fruitful and multiply. They're not allowed to not like men. (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Friday, December 17th, 2004
_10:29 am_[dontbeamenace] Hey, if nobody wants to spend money or go to a lot of trouble, there's a person who is seriously thinking of making a game that would serve as a multi-Pern game nexus typa thingy. This may save us some troubles--like recruitment, and trying to appeal to a large number of people. Given the nature of the setup, a big place for a bunch of little, individual, not really related areas (sure does sound like what they were going to do, but never did, with SS--thank god?, though I like the idea by itself), we don't have to be responsible for catering to every player type, but we'd be on a busy street (so to speak) that passerbys could stop and take a look.This way, we could spend our time creating specific little plotlines within our desired over-arcing theme; we wouldn't have to worry over basic upkeep or code (I think they'd be offering like a dragon parent, clutch/hatch/Search code, etc), we wouldn't be paying for the server or worrying over equipment. My ideal suggestion was to use it more like a table-top setup, where we tailor one Big Idea to be played over the course of weeks or some odd months, either pre-planish the end or allow it to come to a logical conclusion. From there, we can either fast forward to another Big Idea with those same characters--or set them aside and rename/redesc for a new Big Idea. Alongside regularly scheduled RP, we could also write short story-type thingums to fill in the gaps and build up the character personalities... maybe we could get a discussion board on invisionplus.net to organize that kind of stuff once we get around to it, if we get around to it.It's just that... for me, I so don't have the time to actively help with an ENTIRE GAME, but one small area, with a specific direction... sure! I don't know how y'all feel about this method, I'm just tired of keeping one character until they're old and gray. I run out of things to do with them, or ways to enhance or change their personality/attitude, and I totally get bored playing in the context of "day to day" life. I don't have the attention span nor the imagination for that anymore, but I do have it for "quick" adventures and "feature" characters.Maybe I've degenerated into a total twink--gah! (Comment on this)
Wednesday, December 15th, 2004
_11:43 pm_[jeshala] Anyone alive out there?I still wanna go through with this project, but my energy levels are lowlowlowlow (guess who's sick again! NO REALLY GUESS~!$#@(&#@(*)Ahem.Anyway, I'm going to be re-reading Dragonseye as soon as I can goddamned find it (I may or may not have it in text file format). The ideas presented in this journal have all made a lotta sense to me.Perhaps we should get a few more people in on this since we're all kinda busy bees? It might get a few more ideas in the mix.I still do not know whether we'll be doing MUSH/MOO/MUCK/MUX/MUSE or whatever the hell else is out there. XDBlaaah. No new ideas from me, though. I'm just your friendly figurehead. Current Mood: blank (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, December 4th, 2004
_7:17 am_[catdragon] Some random thoughts... 1. Kitti didn't make greens sterile and they enter a queue to have a maximum of one PC impression a year. This'll take some pressure of the queens and encourage diversity on an OOC level because the riders will be in charge of holding their own hatching, etc. Greens would only lay green eggs and the very rare blue.2. Golds can flame. It's kind of silly that the gold firelizard queens can flame but the gold dragons can't neh?3. Watchwhers don't exist. Blossom Ping never attempted to make dragons. (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, December 1st, 2004
_9:38 am_[dontbeamenace] Oh hey! Had to make a new journal for this specialness. It's Fi, yay me!I absolutely love the Dragonseye timeframe. I think it must be one of the least read books of the series, though, which I always thought was a pity. There are just tons of little canonical bits in it largely ignored on the games.Was the no-volcano eruption my idea? Maybe, who knows. I'm all out of sorts at the moment, hormones are kicking up lots of dust. I like eet, though.A way to balance between plot-driven, and freeroaming RP... how about one major area built up; I'd say the Fort area if we go for a post-volcano storyline, as its the most cosmopolitan of the regions; and then quick portal exits to one-room areas with "places" or something? I myself am shooting for low-maintenance structure-work, to better focus on plain ol' RP. Which is why I like the idea of character/story rotation, where we play out a plotline until its anti-climatic point, then go for another, not necessarily related, story. Different characters if we want, and maybe we can store the old ones as puppets or something, to bring back for arc or what have you.That's sounding a bit more complicated than I want, but the basic idea seems simple enough.Hey, I've been babbling out alt-Pernish ideas on the pernmu.com forums. One in particular is my new pet favorite, which is dragonriders between back to Earth and King Arthur's time and serve as the catalyst for all those nifty dragon-myths and whatnot. But, maybe I will just have to find my own sandbox to play in for that one. ;) (Comment on this)
Thursday, November 25th, 2004
_5:16 pm_[catdragon] Right... posting! Look at me, I'm posting while high on darvocet! Yay!Um, basically Fiana's idea was something along the lines of this: No one ever left Landing because the volcanoes never errupted.My thoughts are this: We could really work with this. It would give us an edge that others don't have because we'd be say.. in the second pass or so and folks would still be learning about dragonkind, etc. Everyone would be located in roughly the same area but there would still be other locations to RP at (farms, mines, ports, etc.). I think we shouldn't keep any electricity, but old plastic prefab housing could still be in existance, though most people would likely prefer stone, etc. Technology (electricity, et al) could've been dropped by the wayside for a more pastoral lifestyle, which is what they intended when they landed.As some TP ideas, the separation between 'Weyr' and everyday average folks could just be beginning, with people arguing about whether or not dragons should move elsewhere and whatnot.Whatcha think? (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Tuesday, November 23rd, 2004
_1:20 pm_[jeshala] Anyone have any more ideas to toss into the mix? Sheve, do you have a run-down of Fiana's concept that you, Lana, and I all thought was kickin' rad?So silent. Cry tears. (Comment on this)
Monday, November 15th, 2004
_11:41 pm_[jeshala] Hey, kiddlings! Just got home from work not that long ago and decided to make a wee postee.Lana, I think your idea has some definite merit, but I don't think it should be game-wide. Perhaps keep a separate weyr/holds for the more linear plots and the central weyr for the open range RP? Or some variation thereof. Since this is going to be centered around one area that'll spiderweb out, I think we could work your idea in with how much open space we'll have. Centering the freeroaming characters in one area and the more plot-oriented ones in another is the beautiful thing about Sheve/Fi's initial idea.Everyone, especially Sheviebits: So is this going to be closer to first pass or slightly later, perhaps third pass? I recall Sheve saying she wanted an earlier base for the game. This, however, means I will have to re-read Dragonsdawn and that... um... the one book. With the short stories in. After a bit of thought, a Dragonseye-era coming-out-of-technology wouldn't be that shabby. Maybe a little later, but still with the small dwiggins. Technology still firmly in mind, but kinda fuzzy around the edges? Idunno. I also think future pern would be interesting, like, with Pern having her own inventors, not necessarily relying too heavily on the past. Mmm, steampunk Benden.Thoughts? Suggestions? I'm not so much of an idea person as an expanding-on-ideas person. Current Mood: chipper (Comment on this)
Saturday, November 13th, 2004
_10:42 pm_[jeshala] Welcome to the insanity, kids. Post whatever ideas you have here and we can all comment in a timely fashion.DO IT OR I WILL EAT YOU.Ideas from me are forthcoming. (Comment on this)