cluebus - Profile (original) (raw)
on 14 June 2002 (#594980)
This is a community started by us! Er, us being, Laycee and Emeli. To make a long story short, Laycee and I, we're pretty silly. And recently Mr. Taylor Hanson decided to get married, right? Ah-hem. No. And not for some crazy teeny-bopperish reason; we think he's gay. He's the epitome of "gay boy", what is he doing getting married? So Laycee and I invented the *dun-dun-dun* CLUE BUS! (With a little bit of help from Ricki Lake.) Basically, the Clue Bus moves it's cute little self around and delivers "clues" to people--in this case, it's letting Taylor's new wife know her man is most definitely gay.
You dig? Just join the community (which is great for ranting, by the way...about anything. I suppose that's really the point.) After you're through ranting tell us what clue you need the Clue Bus to deliver and we'll do our best to make it up for you as long as we're not getting too many orders. *peers around* And it doesn't look like that's going to happen anytime soon. Then you can send that Clue Bus out with whatever message your little heart feels needs to be delivered! That simple.
clue bus, clues, compliments, hanson, insults, isaac hanson's dorkiness, ranting, suggestions, taylor hanson's crotch, tips, zac hanson's ass