Francesco Di Filippo | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) (original) (raw)
Papers by Francesco Di Filippo
UNKNOWN_TITLE/issn=2611-8912, Feb 24, 2022
(2021) Hic sunt leones. Iconographic analysis and computational modelling for the study of the Ir... more (2021) Hic sunt leones. Iconographic analysis and computational modelling for the study of the Iron Age free-standing lions of the Elbistan plain (south-eastern Anatolia).
Antiquity, 2018
Ongoing excavations at Arslantepe in south-eastern Turkey are revealing settlement continuity spa... more Ongoing excavations at Arslantepe in south-eastern Turkey are revealing settlement continuity spanning two crucial phases at the transition from the second to the first millennium BC: the post-Hittite period and the development of Syro-Anatolian societies.
in Asia Anteriore Antica 3, 43-72. Free Download at:, 2021
(2021) Hic sunt leones. Iconographic analysis and computational modelling for the study of the Ir... more (2021) Hic sunt leones. Iconographic analysis and computational modelling for the study of the Iron Age free-standing lions of the Elbistan plain (south-eastern Anatolia).
Crossing Experiences in Digital Epigraphy, Dec 31, 2018
Sophisticated writing systems, such as Cuneiform and Linear B, pose tremendous challenges for the... more Sophisticated writing systems, such as Cuneiform and Linear B, pose tremendous challenges for the development of digital corpora of annotated textual documents. The fact that both of them do not clearly represent the spoken form of the underlying languages, as well as the multi-level character of their logo-syllabic writing systems, has required the setting up of an ad hoc solution for complex data handling, aimed at capturing all of their features. While the usual approach of adapting a markup language would have been possible at least in principle, Sinleqiunnini relies on a different formal model, having been conceived from its beginning as a database driven framework. Such a solution was demonstrated to be more efficient than markup languages in representing parallel, overlapping hierarchies, while it also simplified prototyping of a set of complex queries to exploit the different information levels of these texts. Finally, it provided a more functional instrument to perform multi-user/multi-level annotation.
News from the Lands of the Hittite. Scientific Journal for Anatolian Research, 2020
Excavations of the 2nd and 1st millennia BC remains have characterized the early history of resea... more Excavations of the 2nd and 1st millennia BC remains have characterized the early history of researches at Arslantepe, shedding light on the monumentality and historical importance of the site in the Hittite and especially Neo-Hittite periods. After a long interruption, investigations on the Iron Age levels have been recently resumed, in order to both re-examine the old evidence and obtain new information, with the help of modern methodologies, on these important phases in the long site´s history. The article offers a summarized update of the results of the activities conducted in the northern sectors of the Arslantepe mound from 2007 to 2019, presenting a detailed sequence of levels from the end of the Late Bronze Age to the latest Iron Age phases, showing architecture and materials as well as setting the discoveries in their historical context. The recent investigations have shown that the last Neo-Hittite phase of the 8th century BC, characterized by the erection of the well-known “Lions´ Gate” and its famous celebrative apparatus, is the result of a long and continuous development process which has its roots in the final Late Bronze Age, thus revealing the uniqueness of Arslantepe as a case study for the reconstruction and understanding of the formation of the Neo-Hittite states.
Pathways through Arslantepe. Essays in Honour of Marcella Frangipane, 2020
ArsDB is a prototype for a Document Management System for the archaeological record of Arslantepe... more ArsDB is a prototype for a Document Management System for the archaeological record of Arslantepe (Malatya, Turkey). Its primary purpose, besides the conservation of different typologies of materials, is to provide scholars with an instrument capable of keeping track of the wealth of relations between the collected items, with the ultimate goal then of simplifying processes such as the information retrieval and the evaluation of new research hypotheses. The paper provides an overview of the operational choices for the design of an original digital repository, based on database technology (PostgreSQL), as well as on some of the individual steps that marked such workflow.
Arslantepe. Proceedings of the I. International Archaeology Symposium (4-6 October 2018 Malatya), 2019
antiquity 92 362: 1-7, Project Gallery, 2018
Ongoing excavations at Arslantepe in south-eastern Turkey are revealing settlement continuity spa... more Ongoing excavations at Arslantepe in south-eastern Turkey are revealing settlement continuity spanning two crucial phases at the transition from the second to the first millennium BC: the post-Hittite period and the development of Syro-Anatolian societies.
SMEA ns 4, pp. 41-62, 2018
The reconstruction of ancient road systems is undoubtedly one of the main objectives of historica... more The reconstruction of ancient road systems is undoubtedly one of the main objectives of historical geography. However, tracing ancient routes – which formed pathways of cultural, economic and political interchange – remains often difficult, because of the scarcity of historical and archaeological sources, and of the inherent problems in the identification of ancient toponyms. This is certainly true for the south-eastern region of Anatolia in pre-Classical times: although epigraphic sources of different provenience do provide us with some information on ancient itineraries, many uncertainties and gaps in documentation still prevent an overall comprehension of ancient road systems. As a case study, the present article analyses the ancient site of Melid (Malatya), identified with the Arslantepe mound located in the Malatya plain. Ancient sources will be re-analysed with the help of computational modelling, which may fill in, at least partially, the gaps in the available documentation, simulating the impact of the social interactions and political changes over the evolution of an ancient road system.
A. De Santis, I. Rossi (Eds.), Crossing Experiences in Digital Epigraphy: From Practice to Discipline (pp. 49–64). Warsaw, Poland: De Gruyter, 2018
Sophisticated writing systems, such as Cuneiform and Linear B, pose tremendous challenges for the... more Sophisticated writing systems, such as Cuneiform and Linear B, pose tremendous challenges for the development of digital corpora of annotated textual documents. The fact that both of them do not clearly represent the spoken form of the underlying languages, as well as the multi-level character of their logo-syllabic writing systems, has required the setting up of an ad hoc solution for complex data handling, aimed at capturing all of their features. While the usual approach of adapting a
mark-up language would have been possible at least in principle, Sinleqiunnini relies on a different formal model, having been conceived from its beginning as a database driven framework. Such a solution was demonstrated to be more efficient than mark-up languages in representing parallel, overlapping hierarchies, while it also simplified prototyping of a set of complex queries to exploit the different information levels of these texts. Finally, it provided a more functional instrument to perform multi-user/multi-level annotation.
Archeologia e Calcolatori, 2018
The paper provides an overview of the digital tools developed as part of the Ebla Digital Archive... more The paper provides an overview of the digital tools developed as part of the Ebla Digital Archives Project, which aims to offer a digital edition of roughly 3,000 cuneiform tablets from ancient Ebla (modern Tell Mardikh, in western Syria), dated to the middle of the third millennium BCE. The Ebla archive is the oldest one in the history of mankind, for which extensive information concerning the primary setting of the documents is available. The archaicity of the writing system, combined with the inherent difficulties in reconstructing languages from the remote past (Sumerian, Akkadian, Eblaite), pushes us to rethink the strategies to properly digitally capture the complexity of these sources, of invaluable historical significance: administrative documents, literary texts, vocabularies, letters, etc. We tackled the problem through the development of a PostgreSQL database, which is populated by ad hoc Python scripts that parse input transliteration files, which in turn are encoded using a shallow mark-up language. The individual steps in such workflow are discussed, as well as the benefits in terms of advanced queries for information retrieval that such approach offers.
in Antiquity Project Gallery 362, 1-7 Free dowload at:, 2018
Libiamo ne’ lieti calici. Ancient Near Eastern Studies Presented to Lucio Milano on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday by Pupils, Colleagues and Friends, 2016
eds.) with the collaboration of Stefania Ermidoro and Erica Scarpa: Libiamo ne' lieti calici Anci... more eds.) with the collaboration of Stefania Ermidoro and Erica Scarpa: Libiamo ne' lieti calici Ancient Near Eastern Studies Presented to Lucio Milano on the Occasion of his 65 th Birthday by Pupils, Colleagues and Friends Alter Orient und Altes Testament Band 436 © 2016 Ugarit-Verlag-Buch-und Medienhandel Münster w w w . u g a r i t -v e r l a g . d e A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . N o p a r t o f t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d , stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, e l e c t r o n i c , m e c h a n i c a l , p h o t o -c o p y i n g , r e c o r d i n g , o r o t h e r w i s e , w i t h o u t t h e p r i o r p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e p u b l i s h e r . P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y I S B N 9 7 8 -3 -8 6 8 3 5 -197-2
Archeologia e Calcolatori, 2014
This article focuses on the preliminary results of a CNR-ISMA ongoing project for the digital edi... more This article focuses on the preliminary results of a CNR-ISMA ongoing project for the digital edition of Linear B texts, having the ultimate goal of providing scholars, and all those who are interested in the Mycenaean world, with an updated edition of these documents. LiBER (Linear B Electronic Resources) is a document management system which is able to process a variety of materials, such as the logo-syllabic script preserved by these ancient records and their physical supports, as well as to project all relevant data into a dynamic archaeological map. In particular, LiBER has been designed to manage structured texts and all the information available about their chronology, paleography and spatial distribution. The purpose of this article is to illustrate the general philosophy which lies behind the conception of this kind of enterprise and the solutions adopted for the encoding of this specific logo-syllabic script – by exploring drawbacks and potentials of descriptive markup languages and a database driven approach – and for the representation of data through dynamic maps.
ana turri gimilli, Studi dedicati al Padre Werner R. Mayer, S.J., 2010
SEZIONE VICINO ORIENTE QUADERNO V R O M A 2 0 1 0 ana turri gimilli studi dedicati al Padre Werne... more SEZIONE VICINO ORIENTE QUADERNO V R O M A 2 0 1 0 ana turri gimilli studi dedicati al Padre Werner R. Mayer, S.J. da amici e allievi VICINO ORIENTE -QUADERNO V ana turri gimilli studi dedicati al Padre Werner R. Mayer, S.J. da amici e allievi a cura di M.G. Biga -M. Liverani ROMA 2010
The City of Emar among the Late Bronze Age Empires. History, Landscape, and Society, 2008
I diritti nel mondo cuneiforme. Mesopotamia e regni adiacenti (Atti del Collegio dei Diritti Antichi, Pavia 2006), 2008
Nell'antica città di Emar, 1 nel corso dell'ultimo secolo del Tardo Bronzo, due differenti scuole... more Nell'antica città di Emar, 1 nel corso dell'ultimo secolo del Tardo Bronzo, due differenti scuole scribali ebbero un percorso almeno in parte contemporaneo. All'indomani della loro scoperta, queste vennero denominate siriana e siro-ittita in base allo stile dei sigilli impressi sulle tavolette cuneiformi. 2 I documenti, sia dell'una che dell'altra scuola, possono essere suddivisi in tre insiemi principali: registrazioni di carattere amministrativo e testi scolastici di varia natura si accompagnano ad una gran quantità di tavo-* Vorrei esprimere la mia gratitudine al 'Centro di studi e ricerche sui Diritti Antichi' (CEDANT) e al suo direttore Prof. Dario Mantovani per avermi offerto l'opportunità di prendere parte al quarto 'Collegio dei diritti antichi': «I diritti del mondo cuneiforme (Mesopotamia e regioni adiacenti, ca. 2500-500 a.C.)», sotto la direzione del Prof. Mario Liverani e della Prof.ssa Clelia Mora. Sentiti ringraziamenti sono rivolti a tutti i docenti del 'Collegio' e ai miei colleghi per gli approfonditi interventi ed il proficuo confronto. Un ringraziamento particolare è indirizzato alla Prof.ssa Clelia Mora e al Prof. Carlo Zaccagnini per i preziosi consigli che hanno accompagnato la stesura di questo lavoro. Abbreviazioni dei testi citati: RAE = D. ARNAUD, Recherches au pays d'Aštata, Emar VI/3, Paris 1986. AO = D. ARNAUD, La Syrie du moyen-Euphrate sous le protectorat hittite: contrats de droit privé, in AuOr 5 (1987) 211-241. TBR = D. ARNAUD, Textes syriens de l'âge du Bronze Récent, Barcelona 1991. ASJ 10 = A. TSUKIMOTO, Sieben spätbronzezeitliche Urkunden aus Syrien, in ASJ 10 (1988) 153-189. ASJ 12 = A. TSUKIMOTO, tell Meskene, si trova lungo il corso dell'Eufrate a circa 100 km ad est di Aleppo. Il sito è conosciuto già a partire dalla metà del III millennio, A. ARCHI, Imâr au III ème millénaire d'après les archives d'Ebla, in MARI 6 (1990) 21-38, ed importanti informazioni relative alla prima metà del II millennio possono essere dedotte dagli archivi di Mari, J.M. DURAND, La cité-état d'Imâr à l'époque des rois de Mari, in MARI 6 (1990) 39-92. Le fasi archeologiche che hanno restituito il materiale oggetto della presente discussione, tuttavia, si limitano alla parte finale del Tardo Bronzo. 2 Si rimanda alla discussione introduttiva in ARNAUD, Textes syriens cit., C. WILCKE, AH, die 'Brüder' von Emar. Untersuchungen zur Schreibtradition am Euphratknie, in AuOr 10 (1992) 115-150 e S. SEMINARA, L'accadico di Emar, Roma 1998. Impaginato Di Filippo:Layout 1 23- 07-2007 11:27 Pagina 205 Gli atti di compravendita di Emar 206 lette della prassi legale provenienti da archivi privati. Questa ultima tipologia di documenti si concentra cronologicamente nella seconda metà del XIII secolo, se pur non mancano importanti esempi della prima metà. Sono trascorsi da poco gli anni delle campagne di Suppiluliuma, il Gran Re ittita che conquistò tutta l'alta Siria dal mare all'Eufrate e, all'alba del XIII secolo, Emar venne inquadrata all'interno del sistema regionale imperiale: 4 nel corso del secolo, con l'estendersi della sovranità di Karkemiš su tutta la provincia siriana, la città e il suo territorio vennero a trovarsi nell'orbita di influenza della sede del vice-Re ittita fino agli esordi del XII secolo.
Web Projects by Francesco Di Filippo
The Linear B Electronic Resources (LiBER) project, launched by the "Consiglio Nazionale delle Ric... more The Linear B Electronic Resources (LiBER) project, launched by the "Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche", has been conceived and developed by Maurizio Del Freo (CNR-ISPC) and Francesco Di Filippo (CNR-ISMed): The project's final goal is to create a complete digital edition of the Linear B documents and make it available to all scholars interested in the Mycenaean civilisation together with a new search engine for the processing of logosyllabic scripts and Web-GIS functions for the topographical representation of the documents.
The Ebla Digital Archives [ EbDA ] project provides a digital edition of the entire corpus of cun... more The Ebla Digital Archives [ EbDA ] project provides a digital edition of the entire corpus of cuneiform texts belonging to the Ebla Royal Archives. It includes all texts published in the ARET series ("Archivi Reali di Ebla - Testi") as well as in other monographs and journals. Compared with the hard copy publications, the digital edition provides harmonized transliterations, corrections and numerous collations made over the years by the team of epigraphers who cooperate with the "Italian Archaeological Mission to Syria." The main purpose for the Ebla Digital Archives database is to offer to scholars and students in the field of Ebla studies an easy manageable research tool for browsing through the documents according to multiple searching criteria and for editing texts or portions of texts according to standard assyriological conventions.
UNKNOWN_TITLE/issn=2611-8912, Feb 24, 2022
(2021) Hic sunt leones. Iconographic analysis and computational modelling for the study of the Ir... more (2021) Hic sunt leones. Iconographic analysis and computational modelling for the study of the Iron Age free-standing lions of the Elbistan plain (south-eastern Anatolia).
Antiquity, 2018
Ongoing excavations at Arslantepe in south-eastern Turkey are revealing settlement continuity spa... more Ongoing excavations at Arslantepe in south-eastern Turkey are revealing settlement continuity spanning two crucial phases at the transition from the second to the first millennium BC: the post-Hittite period and the development of Syro-Anatolian societies.
in Asia Anteriore Antica 3, 43-72. Free Download at:, 2021
(2021) Hic sunt leones. Iconographic analysis and computational modelling for the study of the Ir... more (2021) Hic sunt leones. Iconographic analysis and computational modelling for the study of the Iron Age free-standing lions of the Elbistan plain (south-eastern Anatolia).
Crossing Experiences in Digital Epigraphy, Dec 31, 2018
Sophisticated writing systems, such as Cuneiform and Linear B, pose tremendous challenges for the... more Sophisticated writing systems, such as Cuneiform and Linear B, pose tremendous challenges for the development of digital corpora of annotated textual documents. The fact that both of them do not clearly represent the spoken form of the underlying languages, as well as the multi-level character of their logo-syllabic writing systems, has required the setting up of an ad hoc solution for complex data handling, aimed at capturing all of their features. While the usual approach of adapting a markup language would have been possible at least in principle, Sinleqiunnini relies on a different formal model, having been conceived from its beginning as a database driven framework. Such a solution was demonstrated to be more efficient than markup languages in representing parallel, overlapping hierarchies, while it also simplified prototyping of a set of complex queries to exploit the different information levels of these texts. Finally, it provided a more functional instrument to perform multi-user/multi-level annotation.
News from the Lands of the Hittite. Scientific Journal for Anatolian Research, 2020
Excavations of the 2nd and 1st millennia BC remains have characterized the early history of resea... more Excavations of the 2nd and 1st millennia BC remains have characterized the early history of researches at Arslantepe, shedding light on the monumentality and historical importance of the site in the Hittite and especially Neo-Hittite periods. After a long interruption, investigations on the Iron Age levels have been recently resumed, in order to both re-examine the old evidence and obtain new information, with the help of modern methodologies, on these important phases in the long site´s history. The article offers a summarized update of the results of the activities conducted in the northern sectors of the Arslantepe mound from 2007 to 2019, presenting a detailed sequence of levels from the end of the Late Bronze Age to the latest Iron Age phases, showing architecture and materials as well as setting the discoveries in their historical context. The recent investigations have shown that the last Neo-Hittite phase of the 8th century BC, characterized by the erection of the well-known “Lions´ Gate” and its famous celebrative apparatus, is the result of a long and continuous development process which has its roots in the final Late Bronze Age, thus revealing the uniqueness of Arslantepe as a case study for the reconstruction and understanding of the formation of the Neo-Hittite states.
Pathways through Arslantepe. Essays in Honour of Marcella Frangipane, 2020
ArsDB is a prototype for a Document Management System for the archaeological record of Arslantepe... more ArsDB is a prototype for a Document Management System for the archaeological record of Arslantepe (Malatya, Turkey). Its primary purpose, besides the conservation of different typologies of materials, is to provide scholars with an instrument capable of keeping track of the wealth of relations between the collected items, with the ultimate goal then of simplifying processes such as the information retrieval and the evaluation of new research hypotheses. The paper provides an overview of the operational choices for the design of an original digital repository, based on database technology (PostgreSQL), as well as on some of the individual steps that marked such workflow.
Arslantepe. Proceedings of the I. International Archaeology Symposium (4-6 October 2018 Malatya), 2019
antiquity 92 362: 1-7, Project Gallery, 2018
Ongoing excavations at Arslantepe in south-eastern Turkey are revealing settlement continuity spa... more Ongoing excavations at Arslantepe in south-eastern Turkey are revealing settlement continuity spanning two crucial phases at the transition from the second to the first millennium BC: the post-Hittite period and the development of Syro-Anatolian societies.
SMEA ns 4, pp. 41-62, 2018
The reconstruction of ancient road systems is undoubtedly one of the main objectives of historica... more The reconstruction of ancient road systems is undoubtedly one of the main objectives of historical geography. However, tracing ancient routes – which formed pathways of cultural, economic and political interchange – remains often difficult, because of the scarcity of historical and archaeological sources, and of the inherent problems in the identification of ancient toponyms. This is certainly true for the south-eastern region of Anatolia in pre-Classical times: although epigraphic sources of different provenience do provide us with some information on ancient itineraries, many uncertainties and gaps in documentation still prevent an overall comprehension of ancient road systems. As a case study, the present article analyses the ancient site of Melid (Malatya), identified with the Arslantepe mound located in the Malatya plain. Ancient sources will be re-analysed with the help of computational modelling, which may fill in, at least partially, the gaps in the available documentation, simulating the impact of the social interactions and political changes over the evolution of an ancient road system.
A. De Santis, I. Rossi (Eds.), Crossing Experiences in Digital Epigraphy: From Practice to Discipline (pp. 49–64). Warsaw, Poland: De Gruyter, 2018
Sophisticated writing systems, such as Cuneiform and Linear B, pose tremendous challenges for the... more Sophisticated writing systems, such as Cuneiform and Linear B, pose tremendous challenges for the development of digital corpora of annotated textual documents. The fact that both of them do not clearly represent the spoken form of the underlying languages, as well as the multi-level character of their logo-syllabic writing systems, has required the setting up of an ad hoc solution for complex data handling, aimed at capturing all of their features. While the usual approach of adapting a
mark-up language would have been possible at least in principle, Sinleqiunnini relies on a different formal model, having been conceived from its beginning as a database driven framework. Such a solution was demonstrated to be more efficient than mark-up languages in representing parallel, overlapping hierarchies, while it also simplified prototyping of a set of complex queries to exploit the different information levels of these texts. Finally, it provided a more functional instrument to perform multi-user/multi-level annotation.
Archeologia e Calcolatori, 2018
The paper provides an overview of the digital tools developed as part of the Ebla Digital Archive... more The paper provides an overview of the digital tools developed as part of the Ebla Digital Archives Project, which aims to offer a digital edition of roughly 3,000 cuneiform tablets from ancient Ebla (modern Tell Mardikh, in western Syria), dated to the middle of the third millennium BCE. The Ebla archive is the oldest one in the history of mankind, for which extensive information concerning the primary setting of the documents is available. The archaicity of the writing system, combined with the inherent difficulties in reconstructing languages from the remote past (Sumerian, Akkadian, Eblaite), pushes us to rethink the strategies to properly digitally capture the complexity of these sources, of invaluable historical significance: administrative documents, literary texts, vocabularies, letters, etc. We tackled the problem through the development of a PostgreSQL database, which is populated by ad hoc Python scripts that parse input transliteration files, which in turn are encoded using a shallow mark-up language. The individual steps in such workflow are discussed, as well as the benefits in terms of advanced queries for information retrieval that such approach offers.
in Antiquity Project Gallery 362, 1-7 Free dowload at:, 2018
Libiamo ne’ lieti calici. Ancient Near Eastern Studies Presented to Lucio Milano on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday by Pupils, Colleagues and Friends, 2016
eds.) with the collaboration of Stefania Ermidoro and Erica Scarpa: Libiamo ne' lieti calici Anci... more eds.) with the collaboration of Stefania Ermidoro and Erica Scarpa: Libiamo ne' lieti calici Ancient Near Eastern Studies Presented to Lucio Milano on the Occasion of his 65 th Birthday by Pupils, Colleagues and Friends Alter Orient und Altes Testament Band 436 © 2016 Ugarit-Verlag-Buch-und Medienhandel Münster w w w . u g a r i t -v e r l a g . d e A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . N o p a r t o f t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d , stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, e l e c t r o n i c , m e c h a n i c a l , p h o t o -c o p y i n g , r e c o r d i n g , o r o t h e r w i s e , w i t h o u t t h e p r i o r p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e p u b l i s h e r . P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y I S B N 9 7 8 -3 -8 6 8 3 5 -197-2
Archeologia e Calcolatori, 2014
This article focuses on the preliminary results of a CNR-ISMA ongoing project for the digital edi... more This article focuses on the preliminary results of a CNR-ISMA ongoing project for the digital edition of Linear B texts, having the ultimate goal of providing scholars, and all those who are interested in the Mycenaean world, with an updated edition of these documents. LiBER (Linear B Electronic Resources) is a document management system which is able to process a variety of materials, such as the logo-syllabic script preserved by these ancient records and their physical supports, as well as to project all relevant data into a dynamic archaeological map. In particular, LiBER has been designed to manage structured texts and all the information available about their chronology, paleography and spatial distribution. The purpose of this article is to illustrate the general philosophy which lies behind the conception of this kind of enterprise and the solutions adopted for the encoding of this specific logo-syllabic script – by exploring drawbacks and potentials of descriptive markup languages and a database driven approach – and for the representation of data through dynamic maps.
ana turri gimilli, Studi dedicati al Padre Werner R. Mayer, S.J., 2010
SEZIONE VICINO ORIENTE QUADERNO V R O M A 2 0 1 0 ana turri gimilli studi dedicati al Padre Werne... more SEZIONE VICINO ORIENTE QUADERNO V R O M A 2 0 1 0 ana turri gimilli studi dedicati al Padre Werner R. Mayer, S.J. da amici e allievi VICINO ORIENTE -QUADERNO V ana turri gimilli studi dedicati al Padre Werner R. Mayer, S.J. da amici e allievi a cura di M.G. Biga -M. Liverani ROMA 2010
The City of Emar among the Late Bronze Age Empires. History, Landscape, and Society, 2008
I diritti nel mondo cuneiforme. Mesopotamia e regni adiacenti (Atti del Collegio dei Diritti Antichi, Pavia 2006), 2008
Nell'antica città di Emar, 1 nel corso dell'ultimo secolo del Tardo Bronzo, due differenti scuole... more Nell'antica città di Emar, 1 nel corso dell'ultimo secolo del Tardo Bronzo, due differenti scuole scribali ebbero un percorso almeno in parte contemporaneo. All'indomani della loro scoperta, queste vennero denominate siriana e siro-ittita in base allo stile dei sigilli impressi sulle tavolette cuneiformi. 2 I documenti, sia dell'una che dell'altra scuola, possono essere suddivisi in tre insiemi principali: registrazioni di carattere amministrativo e testi scolastici di varia natura si accompagnano ad una gran quantità di tavo-* Vorrei esprimere la mia gratitudine al 'Centro di studi e ricerche sui Diritti Antichi' (CEDANT) e al suo direttore Prof. Dario Mantovani per avermi offerto l'opportunità di prendere parte al quarto 'Collegio dei diritti antichi': «I diritti del mondo cuneiforme (Mesopotamia e regioni adiacenti, ca. 2500-500 a.C.)», sotto la direzione del Prof. Mario Liverani e della Prof.ssa Clelia Mora. Sentiti ringraziamenti sono rivolti a tutti i docenti del 'Collegio' e ai miei colleghi per gli approfonditi interventi ed il proficuo confronto. Un ringraziamento particolare è indirizzato alla Prof.ssa Clelia Mora e al Prof. Carlo Zaccagnini per i preziosi consigli che hanno accompagnato la stesura di questo lavoro. Abbreviazioni dei testi citati: RAE = D. ARNAUD, Recherches au pays d'Aštata, Emar VI/3, Paris 1986. AO = D. ARNAUD, La Syrie du moyen-Euphrate sous le protectorat hittite: contrats de droit privé, in AuOr 5 (1987) 211-241. TBR = D. ARNAUD, Textes syriens de l'âge du Bronze Récent, Barcelona 1991. ASJ 10 = A. TSUKIMOTO, Sieben spätbronzezeitliche Urkunden aus Syrien, in ASJ 10 (1988) 153-189. ASJ 12 = A. TSUKIMOTO, tell Meskene, si trova lungo il corso dell'Eufrate a circa 100 km ad est di Aleppo. Il sito è conosciuto già a partire dalla metà del III millennio, A. ARCHI, Imâr au III ème millénaire d'après les archives d'Ebla, in MARI 6 (1990) 21-38, ed importanti informazioni relative alla prima metà del II millennio possono essere dedotte dagli archivi di Mari, J.M. DURAND, La cité-état d'Imâr à l'époque des rois de Mari, in MARI 6 (1990) 39-92. Le fasi archeologiche che hanno restituito il materiale oggetto della presente discussione, tuttavia, si limitano alla parte finale del Tardo Bronzo. 2 Si rimanda alla discussione introduttiva in ARNAUD, Textes syriens cit., C. WILCKE, AH, die 'Brüder' von Emar. Untersuchungen zur Schreibtradition am Euphratknie, in AuOr 10 (1992) 115-150 e S. SEMINARA, L'accadico di Emar, Roma 1998. Impaginato Di Filippo:Layout 1 23- 07-2007 11:27 Pagina 205 Gli atti di compravendita di Emar 206 lette della prassi legale provenienti da archivi privati. Questa ultima tipologia di documenti si concentra cronologicamente nella seconda metà del XIII secolo, se pur non mancano importanti esempi della prima metà. Sono trascorsi da poco gli anni delle campagne di Suppiluliuma, il Gran Re ittita che conquistò tutta l'alta Siria dal mare all'Eufrate e, all'alba del XIII secolo, Emar venne inquadrata all'interno del sistema regionale imperiale: 4 nel corso del secolo, con l'estendersi della sovranità di Karkemiš su tutta la provincia siriana, la città e il suo territorio vennero a trovarsi nell'orbita di influenza della sede del vice-Re ittita fino agli esordi del XII secolo.
The Linear B Electronic Resources (LiBER) project, launched by the "Consiglio Nazionale delle Ric... more The Linear B Electronic Resources (LiBER) project, launched by the "Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche", has been conceived and developed by Maurizio Del Freo (CNR-ISPC) and Francesco Di Filippo (CNR-ISMed): The project's final goal is to create a complete digital edition of the Linear B documents and make it available to all scholars interested in the Mycenaean civilisation together with a new search engine for the processing of logosyllabic scripts and Web-GIS functions for the topographical representation of the documents.
The Ebla Digital Archives [ EbDA ] project provides a digital edition of the entire corpus of cun... more The Ebla Digital Archives [ EbDA ] project provides a digital edition of the entire corpus of cuneiform texts belonging to the Ebla Royal Archives. It includes all texts published in the ARET series ("Archivi Reali di Ebla - Testi") as well as in other monographs and journals. Compared with the hard copy publications, the digital edition provides harmonized transliterations, corrections and numerous collations made over the years by the team of epigraphers who cooperate with the "Italian Archaeological Mission to Syria." The main purpose for the Ebla Digital Archives database is to offer to scholars and students in the field of Ebla studies an easy manageable research tool for browsing through the documents according to multiple searching criteria and for editing texts or portions of texts according to standard assyriological conventions.
Sinleqiunnini is a dedicated software designed for on-line edition of epigraphical sources and fo... more Sinleqiunnini is a dedicated software designed for on-line edition of epigraphical sources and for the management of databases mainly concerned with cuneiform texts. Since its original conception in 2001, the project has developed into a document management system which is able to process a variety of materials (transliterated, as well as normalized texts, photos etc.) and to perform a wide range of automatic functions while operating on different languages and syllabic scripts. Written mostly in Perl, Sinleqiunnini has been conceived as an open-source software providing a set of utilities for friendly interaction with textual data.
The Middle Euphrates Digital Archive is an ongoing project of the Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici,... more The Middle Euphrates Digital Archive is an ongoing project of the Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici, the Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale". It was conceived and carried out by Dr. Francesco Di Filippo, under the supervision of Prof. Carlo Zaccagnini, and with the financial support of the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR). The project also benefited from the pioneered work of Dr. Stefano Bassetti (a former student of Prof. Carlo Zaccagnini at the University of Bologna), who in the late 80's carried out a comprehensive encoding of the Emar corpus.
The aim of the Ebla Digital Archives [ EbDA ] database is to provide a digital edition of the ent... more The aim of the Ebla Digital Archives [ EbDA ] database is to provide a digital edition of the entire corpus of cuneiform texts belonging to the Ebla Royal Archives. Texts are reproduced in the same sequence as in the individual volumes of the series Archivi Reali di Ebla – Testi published by the “Italian Archaeological Mission to Siria” of the Sapienza University of Rome.
LiBER (Linear B Electronic Resources) is a CNR-ISMA project which aims at producing an integrated... more LiBER (Linear B Electronic Resources) is a CNR-ISMA project which aims at producing an integrated database of Linear B documents, with the ultimate goal of providing scholars, and all those who are interested in the Mycenaean world, with an updated edition of the Linear B documents, along with a new set of search tools.
Il progetto LiBER (Linear B Electronic Resources), nato presso l’ISMA-CNR e attualmente curato da... more Il progetto LiBER (Linear B Electronic Resources), nato presso l’ISMA-CNR e attualmente curato da Maurizio Del Freo (ISPC-CNR) e Francesco Di Filippo (ISMed-CNR) con la collaborazione di Françoise Rougemont (UMR7041, ArScAn, CNRS), punta a creare un database completo dei testi in lineare B. Il sistema permette di filtrare e combinare i testi sulla base di criteri testuali, archeologici, paleografici e topografici, rappresentando i risultati delle interrogazioni sotto forma di indici di parole, elenchi di testi e mappe dinamiche. Il seminario intende illustrare le principali novità della nuova versione, online da marzo 2021, più alcune funzionalità attualmente in corso di sviluppo.
LiBER (Linear B Electronic Resources) è un "document management system" attualmente in corso di s... more LiBER (Linear B Electronic Resources) è un "document management system" attualmente in corso di sviluppo presso l'Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo Antico del CNR. Il sistema è stato concepito per ordinare, filtrare e combinare i testi in lineare B sulla base di criteri testuali, archeologici, paleografici e topografici. Scopo di questo seminario è di illustrare i principi generali che sono alla base del progetto LiBER e le soluzioni adottate per la codifica dei testi e per la rappresentazione spaziale dei dati attraverso l'uso di mappe dinamiche.
by Anja Slawisch, Lutgarde Vandeput, Peter Talloen, Jacopo Turchetto, Anthony Comfort, Francesco Di Filippo, Matthew Harpster, Marie-Laure Chambrade, Tom Sinclair, Andreas Külzer, Glen L Thompson, Hala Alarashi, Paul A Iversen, Adam Kryszen, Mark Wilson, Ahmet Cinici, Stephen Mitchell, Shannon Martino, and Hugh Elton
A short introduction to LiBER - Linear B Electronic Resources (v.2)
ACERFerrara100. Per una storia della casa pubblica a Ferrara e provincia. Studi e documenti. IACP 1920 / ACER 2020, a cura di Elena Dorato, Romeo Farinella e Michele Nani, Firenze, Alinea 2021, pp. 32-47, 2021
Council house cartography: Ferrara 1920-2020