Stéphanie Latte Abdallah | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / French National Centre for Scientific Research (original) (raw)

Books by Stéphanie Latte Abdallah

Research paper thumbnail of A History of Confinement in Palestine: The Prison Web

A History of Confinement in Palestine: The Prison Web, 2022

The prison experience is widely shared in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. It endurably mark... more The prison experience is widely shared in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. It endurably marks personal and collective stories. Since the Occupation of the Palestinian Territories in 1967, mass incarceration has spun a prison web, a kind of suspended detention. Approximately 40 per cent of the male population has been to prison. This book deals with the contemporary history of the imprisonment of Palestinians in Israeli prisons since 1967, and, since the 2000s, in Palestinian facilities. It demonstrates how the judicial and prison practices applied to Palestinian residents of the OPT are major fractal devices of control contributing to the management of Israeli borders, and shape a specific bordering system based on a mobility regime: such borders are mobile, networked and endless. This history of confinement is that of the prison web, and of the in-between political, social, and personal spaces people weave between Inside and Outside prison. Based on in-depth ethnographic fieldwork, oral and written sources, archives, and extensive institutional documentation, this political anthropology book deals with carceral citizenships and subjectivities. Over time, imprisonment has had profound effects on personal experiences: on masculinities, femininities, gender relations, parentality, and intimacy. Woven like a web, this story is built around places, moments, people and their testimonies.

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Research paper thumbnail of A History of Confinement in Palestine: the Prison Web

A History of Confinement in Palestine: the Prison Web (Palgrave Macmillan)e, 2022

The prison experience is widely shared in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. It endurably mark... more The prison experience is widely shared in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. It endurably marks personal and collective stories. Since the Occupation of the Palestinian Territories in 1967, mass incarceration has spun a prison web, a kind of suspended detention. Approximately 40 per cent of the male population has been to prison. This book deals with the contemporary history of the imprisonment of Palestinians in Israeli prisons since 1967, and, since the 2000s, in Palestinian facilities. It demonstrates how the judicial and prison practices applied to Palestinian residents of the OPT are major fractal devices of control contributing to the management of Israeli borders, and shape a specific bordering system based on a mobility regime: such borders are mobile, networked and endless. This history of confinement is that of the prison web, and of the in-between political, social, and personal spaces people weave between Inside and Outside prison. Based on in-depth ethnographic fieldwork, oral and written sources, archives, and extensive institutional documentation, this political anthropology book deals with carceral citizenships and subjectivities. Over time, imprisonment has had profound effects on personal experiences: on masculinities, femininities, gender relations, parentality, and intimacy. Woven like a web, this story is built around places, moments, people and their testimonies.

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Research paper thumbnail of A History of Confinement in Palestine: the Prison Web

A History of Confinement in Palestine: the Prison Web, 2022

The prison experience is widely shared in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. It endurably mark... more The prison experience is widely shared in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. It endurably marks personal and collective stories. Since the Occupation of the Palestinian Territories in 1967, mass incarceration has spun a prison web, a kind of suspended detention. Approximately 40 per cent of the male population has been to prison. This book deals with the contemporary history of the imprisonment of Palestinians in Israeli prisons since 1967, and, since the 2000s, in Palestinian facilities. It demonstrates how the judicial and prison practices applied to Palestinian residents of the OPT are major fractal devices of control contributing to the management of Israeli borders, and shape a specific bordering system based on a mobility regime: such borders are mobile, networked and endless. This history of confinement is that of the prison web, and of the in-between political, social, and personal spaces people weave between Inside and Outside prison. Based on in-depth ethnographic fieldwork, oral and written sources, archives, and extensive institutional documentation, this political anthropology book deals with carceral citizenships and subjectivities. Over time, imprisonment has had profound effects on personal experiences: on masculinities, femininities, gender relations, parentality, and intimacy. Woven like a web, this story is built around places, moments, people and their testimonies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Des morts en guerre. Détention des corps et figures du martyr en Palestine

Karthala, 2022

Depuis les années 1960, des défunts palestiniens disparaissent, sont sommairement enterrés dans l... more Depuis les années 1960, des défunts palestiniens disparaissent, sont sommairement enterrés dans les « cimetières des nombres » ou gardés à la morgue. Ces morts sont des fedayin, des martyrs - hommes ou, plus rarement, femmes - ayant conduit des attentats, ou des personnes tuées par erreur. Leur détention post-mortem et leur retour en terre relèvent d’une économie de l’inimitié, guerrière, et d’une extension sans fin d’une toile carcérale sur les Territoires palestiniens. Leur mobilité, les lieux d’ensevelissement, les traces qu’ils laissent dans l’espace public sont autant de marqueurs frontaliers. Cet ouvrage aborde les mobilisations politiques, celles de la société civile et des familles, pour retrouver ces dépouilles, à partir d’une enquête ethnographique, de documents d’archives et d’écrits de proches de ces défunts. Il analyse les transformations de la figure sociale et politique du martyr, mais aussi les relations personnelles, genrées et émotionnelles entretenues avec ces morts. Il interroge la nécro-violence, la catégorie de la victime et la légitimité des affects dans une histoire conflictuelle inachevée.

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Research paper thumbnail of Des morts en guerre. Détention des corps et figures du martyr en Palestine

Karthala, 2022

Table des matières

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Research paper thumbnail of La toile carcérale. Une histoire de l'enfermement en Palestine

La toile carcérale. Une histoire de l'enfermement en Palestine, 2021

Dans les Territoires palestiniens, depuis l’occupation de 1967, le passage par la prison a marqué... more Dans les Territoires palestiniens, depuis l’occupation de 1967, le passage par la prison a marqué les vécus et l’histoire collective. Les arrestations et les incarcérations massives ont installé une toile carcérale, une détention suspendue. Environ 40 % des hommes palestiniens sont passés par les prisons israéliennes depuis 1967. Cet ouvrage permet de comprendre en quoi et comment le système pénal et pénitentiaire est un mode de contrôle fractal des Territoires palestiniens qui participe de la gestion des frontières. Il raconte l’envahissement carcéral mais aussi la manière dont la politique s’exerce entre Dedans et Dehors, ses effets sur les masculinités et les féminités, les intimités. Il s'appuie sur une longue enquête ethnographique, sur plus de 350 entretiens et sur des archives et des documents institutionnels. Grâce à une narration sensible s’apparentant souvent au documentaire, le lecteur met ses pas dans ceux de l’auteure à la rencontre des protagonistes de cette histoire contemporaine méconnue.

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Papers by Stéphanie Latte Abdallah

Research paper thumbnail of After Oslo: The Endless Dematerialized Borders of the Prison Web

Springer eBooks, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Women, a Separate Experience?

Springer eBooks, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Entre dedans et dehors : vécus parentaux des détenus politiques palestiniens en Israël

Champ pénal, Jan 21, 2014

Depuis 1967, un role central a ete donne au systeme carceral dans l’occupation et le processus de... more Depuis 1967, un role central a ete donne au systeme carceral dans l’occupation et le processus de colonisation de la Cisjordanie et de la bande de Gaza. Chaque famille palestinienne a vecu cette experience, particulierement depuis les vagues d’arrestations massives qui ont marque la premiere Intifada (1987-1993) puis la seconde Intifada (2000-2004). Les autorites israeliennes ont mis en œuvre des dispositifs repressifs familiaux qui viserent le controle et la connaissance approfondie de la societe palestinienne. En detention, les parentalites ont ete utilisees comme un outil de pression politique. Depuis le debut de la seconde Intifada, la carceralisation croissante de l’espace des Territoires Occupes a eu comme corollaire l’installation d’un nouveau management penitentiaire. Ces deux processus ont abouti a la routinisation de l’eloignement des familles de detenus de leurs proches et a l’isolement des prisonniers. La porosite accrue entre dedans et dehors a cependant rendu possible l’emergence de parentalites alternatives. Ces parentalites ont ete vecues de facon elargie, collectivement, mais aussi grâce a des moyens dematerialises (la radio, le telephone portable, internet et les technologies reproductives) a meme de pallier le confinement et l’eloignement des corps.

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Research paper thumbnail of Inside the Military Courts

Springer eBooks, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of La France se base toujours sur le principe d’une solution négociée à deux États (Israël et Palestine)

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Islamic Feminisms at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century: a Postcolonial Perspective

Tiers-monde, 2012

In the early 90's, by producing new theologies, Islamic feminism challenged dichotomies linke... more In the early 90's, by producing new theologies, Islamic feminism challenged dichotomies linked to colonial and decolonizing discourses that were shaped throughout the 20th Century on women’s rights and movements in the region. This feminist theology shows the ongoing appropriation of Islam by women, the individualization of religious knowledge, authority and practices. Since the beginning of the 2000's, Islamic feminism has entered a new period: it has started to influence political Islam and contributed to feminist mobilizations of the third wave in Arab and Muslim countries and communities. Being hybrid and pragmatic, these mobilizations have challenged ideological oppositions. As such, they are deeply linked to postcolonial times. Renewing feminism and Islamic exegesis, the third wave is part of a process of democratization which started in the 90's and has become visible with the ongoing uprisings and revolutions in the Arab world.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Resistance Economy: A Holistic Engagement Against the Occupation in Palestine?

Springer eBooks, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Inside/Outside Citizenships: Carceral Generations and the Frontiers of Political Action

Springer eBooks, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Notes sur quelques figures récurrentes du corps et du genre dans les guerres de Palestine

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Apr 1, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Des morts en guerre. Rétention des corps et figures du martyr en Palestine

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 15, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Images and Historical and Political Conspicuousness of Refugees: The Palestinians Since 1948

Mouvement Social, 2007

Images and historical and political conspicuousness of refugees : the Palestinians since 1948. Th... more Images and historical and political conspicuousness of refugees : the Palestinians since 1948. This article studies the production of images of Palestinian refugees by various actors : photographers, filmmakers, heads of audiovisual departments of first the Quakers and the Red Cross, then the United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and finally the PLO. In all these images the Palestinians became visible as such only after 1967. The contents and style, the political role of these pictures and their relationship to Palestinian history and to the vision of the refugees by themselves are treated in depth.

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Research paper thumbnail of Going to Prison

Springer eBooks, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 13 Exile, Familial Ideology, and Gender Roles in Palestinian Camps in Jordan, 1948–2001

Transregional and Transnational Families in Europe and Beyond

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Research paper thumbnail of Entretien - Des morts en guerre. Rétention des corps et figures du martyr en Palestine

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 17, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of A History of Confinement in Palestine: The Prison Web

A History of Confinement in Palestine: The Prison Web, 2022

The prison experience is widely shared in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. It endurably mark... more The prison experience is widely shared in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. It endurably marks personal and collective stories. Since the Occupation of the Palestinian Territories in 1967, mass incarceration has spun a prison web, a kind of suspended detention. Approximately 40 per cent of the male population has been to prison. This book deals with the contemporary history of the imprisonment of Palestinians in Israeli prisons since 1967, and, since the 2000s, in Palestinian facilities. It demonstrates how the judicial and prison practices applied to Palestinian residents of the OPT are major fractal devices of control contributing to the management of Israeli borders, and shape a specific bordering system based on a mobility regime: such borders are mobile, networked and endless. This history of confinement is that of the prison web, and of the in-between political, social, and personal spaces people weave between Inside and Outside prison. Based on in-depth ethnographic fieldwork, oral and written sources, archives, and extensive institutional documentation, this political anthropology book deals with carceral citizenships and subjectivities. Over time, imprisonment has had profound effects on personal experiences: on masculinities, femininities, gender relations, parentality, and intimacy. Woven like a web, this story is built around places, moments, people and their testimonies.

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Research paper thumbnail of A History of Confinement in Palestine: the Prison Web

A History of Confinement in Palestine: the Prison Web (Palgrave Macmillan)e, 2022

The prison experience is widely shared in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. It endurably mark... more The prison experience is widely shared in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. It endurably marks personal and collective stories. Since the Occupation of the Palestinian Territories in 1967, mass incarceration has spun a prison web, a kind of suspended detention. Approximately 40 per cent of the male population has been to prison. This book deals with the contemporary history of the imprisonment of Palestinians in Israeli prisons since 1967, and, since the 2000s, in Palestinian facilities. It demonstrates how the judicial and prison practices applied to Palestinian residents of the OPT are major fractal devices of control contributing to the management of Israeli borders, and shape a specific bordering system based on a mobility regime: such borders are mobile, networked and endless. This history of confinement is that of the prison web, and of the in-between political, social, and personal spaces people weave between Inside and Outside prison. Based on in-depth ethnographic fieldwork, oral and written sources, archives, and extensive institutional documentation, this political anthropology book deals with carceral citizenships and subjectivities. Over time, imprisonment has had profound effects on personal experiences: on masculinities, femininities, gender relations, parentality, and intimacy. Woven like a web, this story is built around places, moments, people and their testimonies.

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Research paper thumbnail of A History of Confinement in Palestine: the Prison Web

A History of Confinement in Palestine: the Prison Web, 2022

The prison experience is widely shared in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. It endurably mark... more The prison experience is widely shared in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. It endurably marks personal and collective stories. Since the Occupation of the Palestinian Territories in 1967, mass incarceration has spun a prison web, a kind of suspended detention. Approximately 40 per cent of the male population has been to prison. This book deals with the contemporary history of the imprisonment of Palestinians in Israeli prisons since 1967, and, since the 2000s, in Palestinian facilities. It demonstrates how the judicial and prison practices applied to Palestinian residents of the OPT are major fractal devices of control contributing to the management of Israeli borders, and shape a specific bordering system based on a mobility regime: such borders are mobile, networked and endless. This history of confinement is that of the prison web, and of the in-between political, social, and personal spaces people weave between Inside and Outside prison. Based on in-depth ethnographic fieldwork, oral and written sources, archives, and extensive institutional documentation, this political anthropology book deals with carceral citizenships and subjectivities. Over time, imprisonment has had profound effects on personal experiences: on masculinities, femininities, gender relations, parentality, and intimacy. Woven like a web, this story is built around places, moments, people and their testimonies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Des morts en guerre. Détention des corps et figures du martyr en Palestine

Karthala, 2022

Depuis les années 1960, des défunts palestiniens disparaissent, sont sommairement enterrés dans l... more Depuis les années 1960, des défunts palestiniens disparaissent, sont sommairement enterrés dans les « cimetières des nombres » ou gardés à la morgue. Ces morts sont des fedayin, des martyrs - hommes ou, plus rarement, femmes - ayant conduit des attentats, ou des personnes tuées par erreur. Leur détention post-mortem et leur retour en terre relèvent d’une économie de l’inimitié, guerrière, et d’une extension sans fin d’une toile carcérale sur les Territoires palestiniens. Leur mobilité, les lieux d’ensevelissement, les traces qu’ils laissent dans l’espace public sont autant de marqueurs frontaliers. Cet ouvrage aborde les mobilisations politiques, celles de la société civile et des familles, pour retrouver ces dépouilles, à partir d’une enquête ethnographique, de documents d’archives et d’écrits de proches de ces défunts. Il analyse les transformations de la figure sociale et politique du martyr, mais aussi les relations personnelles, genrées et émotionnelles entretenues avec ces morts. Il interroge la nécro-violence, la catégorie de la victime et la légitimité des affects dans une histoire conflictuelle inachevée.

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Research paper thumbnail of Des morts en guerre. Détention des corps et figures du martyr en Palestine

Karthala, 2022

Table des matières

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Research paper thumbnail of La toile carcérale. Une histoire de l'enfermement en Palestine

La toile carcérale. Une histoire de l'enfermement en Palestine, 2021

Dans les Territoires palestiniens, depuis l’occupation de 1967, le passage par la prison a marqué... more Dans les Territoires palestiniens, depuis l’occupation de 1967, le passage par la prison a marqué les vécus et l’histoire collective. Les arrestations et les incarcérations massives ont installé une toile carcérale, une détention suspendue. Environ 40 % des hommes palestiniens sont passés par les prisons israéliennes depuis 1967. Cet ouvrage permet de comprendre en quoi et comment le système pénal et pénitentiaire est un mode de contrôle fractal des Territoires palestiniens qui participe de la gestion des frontières. Il raconte l’envahissement carcéral mais aussi la manière dont la politique s’exerce entre Dedans et Dehors, ses effets sur les masculinités et les féminités, les intimités. Il s'appuie sur une longue enquête ethnographique, sur plus de 350 entretiens et sur des archives et des documents institutionnels. Grâce à une narration sensible s’apparentant souvent au documentaire, le lecteur met ses pas dans ceux de l’auteure à la rencontre des protagonistes de cette histoire contemporaine méconnue.

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Research paper thumbnail of After Oslo: The Endless Dematerialized Borders of the Prison Web

Springer eBooks, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Women, a Separate Experience?

Springer eBooks, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Entre dedans et dehors : vécus parentaux des détenus politiques palestiniens en Israël

Champ pénal, Jan 21, 2014

Depuis 1967, un role central a ete donne au systeme carceral dans l’occupation et le processus de... more Depuis 1967, un role central a ete donne au systeme carceral dans l’occupation et le processus de colonisation de la Cisjordanie et de la bande de Gaza. Chaque famille palestinienne a vecu cette experience, particulierement depuis les vagues d’arrestations massives qui ont marque la premiere Intifada (1987-1993) puis la seconde Intifada (2000-2004). Les autorites israeliennes ont mis en œuvre des dispositifs repressifs familiaux qui viserent le controle et la connaissance approfondie de la societe palestinienne. En detention, les parentalites ont ete utilisees comme un outil de pression politique. Depuis le debut de la seconde Intifada, la carceralisation croissante de l’espace des Territoires Occupes a eu comme corollaire l’installation d’un nouveau management penitentiaire. Ces deux processus ont abouti a la routinisation de l’eloignement des familles de detenus de leurs proches et a l’isolement des prisonniers. La porosite accrue entre dedans et dehors a cependant rendu possible l’emergence de parentalites alternatives. Ces parentalites ont ete vecues de facon elargie, collectivement, mais aussi grâce a des moyens dematerialises (la radio, le telephone portable, internet et les technologies reproductives) a meme de pallier le confinement et l’eloignement des corps.

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Research paper thumbnail of Inside the Military Courts

Springer eBooks, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of La France se base toujours sur le principe d’une solution négociée à deux États (Israël et Palestine)

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Islamic Feminisms at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century: a Postcolonial Perspective

Tiers-monde, 2012

In the early 90's, by producing new theologies, Islamic feminism challenged dichotomies linke... more In the early 90's, by producing new theologies, Islamic feminism challenged dichotomies linked to colonial and decolonizing discourses that were shaped throughout the 20th Century on women’s rights and movements in the region. This feminist theology shows the ongoing appropriation of Islam by women, the individualization of religious knowledge, authority and practices. Since the beginning of the 2000's, Islamic feminism has entered a new period: it has started to influence political Islam and contributed to feminist mobilizations of the third wave in Arab and Muslim countries and communities. Being hybrid and pragmatic, these mobilizations have challenged ideological oppositions. As such, they are deeply linked to postcolonial times. Renewing feminism and Islamic exegesis, the third wave is part of a process of democratization which started in the 90's and has become visible with the ongoing uprisings and revolutions in the Arab world.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Resistance Economy: A Holistic Engagement Against the Occupation in Palestine?

Springer eBooks, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Inside/Outside Citizenships: Carceral Generations and the Frontiers of Political Action

Springer eBooks, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Notes sur quelques figures récurrentes du corps et du genre dans les guerres de Palestine

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Apr 1, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Des morts en guerre. Rétention des corps et figures du martyr en Palestine

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 15, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Images and Historical and Political Conspicuousness of Refugees: The Palestinians Since 1948

Mouvement Social, 2007

Images and historical and political conspicuousness of refugees : the Palestinians since 1948. Th... more Images and historical and political conspicuousness of refugees : the Palestinians since 1948. This article studies the production of images of Palestinian refugees by various actors : photographers, filmmakers, heads of audiovisual departments of first the Quakers and the Red Cross, then the United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and finally the PLO. In all these images the Palestinians became visible as such only after 1967. The contents and style, the political role of these pictures and their relationship to Palestinian history and to the vision of the refugees by themselves are treated in depth.

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Research paper thumbnail of Going to Prison

Springer eBooks, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 13 Exile, Familial Ideology, and Gender Roles in Palestinian Camps in Jordan, 1948–2001

Transregional and Transnational Families in Europe and Beyond

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Research paper thumbnail of Entretien - Des morts en guerre. Rétention des corps et figures du martyr en Palestine

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 17, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Palestine. Une « toile carcérale » qui enserre toute la société

Orient XXI, May 23, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of La toile carcérale. Une histoire de l'enfermement en Palestine

Bayard Éditions, Mar 10, 2021

Stéphanie Latte-Abdallah, Chargée de recherche CNRS au CERI, vient de publier un ouvrage sur l&#3... more Stéphanie Latte-Abdallah, Chargée de recherche CNRS au CERI, vient de publier un ouvrage sur l'histoire de la réclusion carcérale en Palestine. Dans les Territoires palestiniens, depuis l’occupation de 1967, le passage par la prison a marqué les vécus et l’histoire collective. Les arrestations et les incarcérations massives ont installé une toile carcérale, une détention suspendue. Environ 40 % des hommes palestiniens sont passés par les prisons israéliennes depuis 1967. Cet ouvrage remarquab..

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Research paper thumbnail of L’incarcération politique des Palestiniens comme paradigme du régime de mobilité

Israël/Palestine, l'illusion de la séparation, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Detention of Palestinian Women and Political Engagement (1967–2009)

Mouvement Social, 2010

Confinement is a central experience in the Palestinian Territories occupied by Israel in 1967. Si... more Confinement is a central experience in the Palestinian Territories occupied by Israel in 1967. Since this date, nearly a third of Palestinians have been imprisoned in Israeli penitentiaries for political reasons. As one generation succeeded another, various modes of confinement have created different Palestinian identities. Up until the first Intifada in 1987, female prisoners were political activists engaged in resistance to the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. After 1987, the arrests became more widespread. The activism of the first generation of prisoners was anchored in the actions of their fathers, becoming a kind of heritage or transmission rooted in the traumas of a childhood linked to occupation. The prison experience itself contributed to the development of political commitments, which were also feminist in nature. The prison was reconstructed as a place of apprenticeship affirming the identity of the political prisoner, which was forged in struggles for better c...

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[Research paper thumbnail of Parentalités enfermées : Champ pénal/Penal field [En ligne], vol.XI](

Ce dossier rend compte de la diversite des recherches portant sur l'execution des peines en m... more Ce dossier rend compte de la diversite des recherches portant sur l'execution des peines en milieu ouvert au sein des services penitentiaires d'insertion et de probation francais. De la conception des politiques penales et penitentiaires a leur mise en pratique, il vise a analyser les permanences et recompositions contemporaines de ce secteur de l'action publique.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exile, Familial Ideology, and Gender Roles in Palestinian Camps in Jordan (1948-2000’s)

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