lovexhate - Profile (original) (raw)

on 12 September 2005 (#8278739)

lovexhate is an anti-rejection rating community, which means as long as you fill out the application you are accepted as a member! The members will vote whether they love or hate you, and based on majority rule you will be placed into a loved or hated catagory. Neither catagory comes with limitations.


Points are awarded to any member who is active. The points are as follows:
5 Per vote
5 Per photo of yourself
10 Per promo banner
15 For a 100% Loved vote
15 For a 100% Hated vote
15 For participating in a theme
20 For promoting beyond application (link included, promotion communities don't count)
20 For reffering an applicant (you must be mentioned in the application)
20 For winning a Theme
When you reach 200 points you will be given Kickass Member status. You may trade in your points for the following:
15 Per promotion of another community
50 For an auto Loved or Hated vote on an applicant
50 To have your community listed as a Sister Community
100 To have a member removed.
300 For Mod position

Do not tamper with the application, excepting the answers of course.


skunkcorrupt (app, 70p)

aprrl (app, 60p)

video__nasty (app, 45p)

pixxidust116 (app, 10p)

fetuslasvegas (app, 0p)

tani_chan (app, 5p)

All themes should be lj-cutted. The theme also doubles as a contest, whomever has the most interesting theme application will win honerable mention here and 20 points. The winner will be decided by Mods.
Current Theme: Whore out your favourite object! Take pics of you and whatever item you own that you love the most, and if you feel the need write a blurb on said object for +5 points!

Extra promotion is awesome! Please spread the word.
