__sexyhott - Profile (original) (raw)

on 23 December 2003 (#1672042)

cause we're sexy*hott...and you're not!

...head mod... rainb0wicee lix


**[x] we try not to be rude, but if you can’t handle criticism, don’t bother to apply. I can’t help what people think about you. If you fail to keep it clean or try to pick a fight, consider yourself and/or the member banned. [x] Feel free to complain if your application has been sitting around for at least 3 days without being officially stamped. [x] You may not vote/comment on anything unless you are stamped by a mod. [x]after you are stamped, feel free to tell us about your day, post new pictures of yourself, or anything thats on you mind. ^_^ we will have picture themes at times. [x] not only will we rate how you look... we also focus on your personality. [x] You may not advertise other communities with out a mod's permission. It looks ugly and junks up the entries page. Do it without asking and you risk getting banned. [x]IMPORTANT!! don't use rich text mode for the application it's already formattted [x] To let us know that you have read and understood the rules, make the subject of your application ' bang bang bang! '. [x] fill out this application with some more information about your personality. Have at least four clear pictures of you (a body shot is extra points from me) behind an lj-cut and post it. No HUGE or tiny pictures, please. Copy and paste this in your entry and fill it out.

[x] Please help promote __sexyhott though! You can use these banners. copy + paste:

or [x] if you get rejected, please dont bother to apply again. its not like youre going to change yourself in a week. you'll just get bitched out and banned. alwaysand4evea layout & icon credit

need more info? playtime13@hellokitty.com

attitude, beauty, boys, cam whores, fashion, girls, glam, hott people, hottness, looks, movies, music, parties, personalities, rating, rating people, sex, sexiness, sexy people, sexyhott, stars, style, underage, vanity