__sweetxcore - Profile (original) (raw)




this is a rating community

duhhh <3<3

Gift a Professional package

Journal created:

on 28 April 2005 (#6949789)


On 16 November 2010


rating communities are awesome


chicago, Illinois, United States





Posting Access:

All Members , Moderated

____lostatsea & ____bittersweet
**APPLICANTS:**1. Members can speak their minds, if you dont like what they have to say, bite your e-tongue or leave.2. YOU MUST FILL OUT AN APPLICATION 3. DO NOT post until you have been stamped by one of the mods4. If you havent recieved a stamp within 2 weeks of the posting date of your application, contact a mod5. Post you application under an LJ CUT i fyou dont know how to do this please read the FAQ page6. Make the subject of your application "SWEET?" so we know that you read the rules7. ages 13 and up only8. APPLY WITHIN 48 HOURS OF JOINING. you will be removed if you do not fulfill this request.**MEMBERS:**1. peace and love not push and shove. this is a rating community, not a battlefield. if you want to have a catfight you will be banned2. make the subject line of your entry say "stamped"3. NO PROMOTING. unless you are preapproved by one of the mods.
**01.**name:**02.**age/sex/location:**03.**sexual preference:**04.**10+ bands:**05.**5+ movies:**06.**5+ books:**07.**5 sentences about yourself:**08.**favorite quote/lyric:**09.**how did you hear about __sweetxcore?: **10.**why do you want to join?:**11.**are you a member of electric_shimmy or thee_awesome?:**12.**who do you look up to most (dead or alive) and why?:**13.**if you knew you had one day left to live, what would you do and why?:hobbies?:**14.**5-10 pictures (please no bigger than 600x800 & limit the photoshop:**15.**make us something pretty or promote us to 2 places and give link:
there is no theme right now, just post pictures
_slasher 11 pointsintotheairwaves 5 points___breakmyfall 3 pointsbabyretardfetus warriorchic44x2ashleyxrevolution_____as_ilaydying3 _____hophello___tragedydirtygstringsdiscolemonmaidthankgodimtorisoco_x_ameretto__letsfireitupkill_for__this_fold_and_tear_madworld_
1 point for voting on an applicant 2 points for every promotion, make a post under a cut and provide links to each promotion3 points for an activty post (pictures, a story etc)5 points for participating in the theme of the week (to be chosen by the lovely mod ____lostatsea )5 points for creating a promotion or accept/reject banner10 points for getting an applicant refferred by you, this means they must put your username in their application25 points for doing this: http://www.catch27.com/join.php?invite=39004
thee_awesome electric_shimmy
by intotheairwaves Image hosted by Photobucket.com by ____bittersweet

art, beautiful people, communities, hxc, join, members, people, photography, rating, rating communities, scensters, xcore