_art_of_dying - Profile (original) (raw)

on 10 June 2005 (#7387206)

Beyond what our parents told us...

Welcome to The Art of Dying community!

As members join, we are free to discuss anything that's on your mind about dying, living, spirituality, faith, religion, george harrison....

post poems, lyrics or artwork that can spark discussion or means something to you.

please be respectful, as spirituality is a personal and vulnerable thing to talk about.

welcome, and enjoy.

hare krishna

--bhakti tracie

acceptance, advice, after-life, beliefs, belonging, chanting, death, debates, denial, discussions, dying, entities, existance, faith, fear, freedom, friendship, george harrison, guilt, hare krishna, heaven, hell, issues, kindness, life, living, love, mantras, material world, one, peace, religion, spiritual world, spirituality, tolerance, unity, vulnerability