_ed_newengland - Profile (original) (raw)

on 25 July 2005 (#7837679)

(Info page will be fancy schamncy eventually.)

The is a community for eating -disordered people in the new england area. This is not a pro-ED community, but it is not suitable for those attempting recovery or in a weak or trigger-prone state.

There are plenty of general ED communities out there, but few offer as chance for us to meet others near us. (Others are more than welcome to rip off my idea for your own geographic areas as well.)

If you are eating-disordered and from the states of:

-xXx-Maine Vermont Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Connecticut

........ you are welcome here.


=xx][Open Application
=xx][Post Intro w/i 24 hours.
=xx][Be Nice.
=xx][All Posts Friends-Only.
=xx][No Lurking.
=xx][Post Banner in Info Page (when available).
=xx][X-Posts and Promos Ok.
=xx][Contests, Fasts and Competitions allowed.
=xx][Tags and Memories features will be used.
**=xx][**Numbers/Foods/Photos/etc. under LJ-cuts.
**=xx][**Mod is _bodysculptor [ _bodysculptor@livejournal.com ]

=xx][Promos coming soon.


-=x([ Introduction])x=-

-=x([City + State:

-=x([Doctor or Self-Diagnosed?:


-=x([GW 1:-=x([GW 2:
-=x([GW 3:

-=x([Current Plan (if any):

-=x([Favorite Color:
-=x([I Have A Habit Of:

-=x([Open to Adding?: yes/no

-=x([Photo of Yourself (optional):
-=x([Thinspiration photo/quote:


an, ana, anorexia, bed, binge, binging, bn, bulimia, calories, coe, connecticut, counting, eating disorder, ed, ed nos, ed-nos, ednos, fasting, food, issues, maine, massachusetts, mia, nervosa, new england, new hampshire, not eating, orthorexia, overeating, purging, restriction, rhode island, starving, vermont, weightloss