_getoffmychest - Profile (original) (raw)
on 8 August 2004 (#4110023)
Vent, cry, scream....we got ya covered
Hello! Thanks for taking an interest in _getoffmychest.
Just so you know, this is a moderated community. That is, the posts must be approved by me. I will only take out posts that contain community promotions and "drama" starters. So as long as you follow the rules, your post will show up!
I am lifting the moderation temporarily. If I get any more community promos and/or drama starters, the community will go back to being moderated. This is your final warning.
Must Follows:
If you are a new member, tell us a little about yourself. This is not, I repeat NOT, an application to join by any means. You are automatically part of this community.
User Name:
Favorite things:
Can we friend your personal journals?
And any additional information that you'd think we'd like to know:
Respect others.
We are a ranting community. People write things in here to make themselves feel better. Do not tell others that their problems are bull shit, non-existant, or not worth your time reading.
This is like Vegas...what goes on in here, stays in here.
Do not fight. Take it outside. All parties involved will be removed/banned immediately from the community and posting access will be withdrawn.
Do not promote other communities if you do not have my permission. The entry will be deleted. First time offenders will recieve a week-long "suspension". Second time offenders will recieve a two-week-long "suspension". Violations after that will be banned from this community.
Put long entries or entries with excessive amounts of profanity under a LiveJournal-Cut. To make one, go to http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=207 and scroll down.
Sister Communities:
If you would like to become a sister community, please let me know!
Thanks, and enjoy!!
Your mod,
anger, anxiety, babbling, being angry, being furious, being jealous, being mad, being obsessed, being pissed off, being pitied, being sad, being sarcastic, bitching, complaining, cussing, dislike, emotions, expressing feelings, feelings, frustration, fury, getting advice, giving advice, guilt, hate, hating, having a opinion, helping out, helping with problems, humor, hurt, hurt feelings, intelligence, jealousy, listening, madness, manipulation, memories, nervous breakdowns, obsessing, obsession, pain, pissed off, pity, pondering, rage, ranting, recieving advice, sadness, sarcasm, screaming, self pity, self-pity, tempers, tempter tantrums, thinking, throwing things, to be furious, to be sad, to be sarcastic, to listen, to obsess, to ponder, to rant, to scream, to think, to throw things, to vent, to yell, venting, wallowing, whining, wisdom, yelling