_kiwibox - Profile (original) (raw)

on 6 October 2004 (#4753899)

Kiwibox.com is an online teen magazine boasting 1.6 million members! Best of all, it's free and run completely by teens and young people! This community has been created for members of Kiwibox as well as the teen community out there who want to learn a little more about Kiwibox! Everybody here is quite friendly, so feel free to ask any questions and post anything related to your own LJ or something on Kiwibox, may it be your newest Qbook,your new tag shop in a journal, or an article that caught your eye.

However, remember to keep everything posted here with a PG rating. This journal is moderated by whiskeydreams (Linly), auraesque (Holly), and iremos (Lis), all of whom would like to keep the journal friendly to 13-to-20-year-olds. Please don't post advertisements for anything not from LJ or Kiwibox, and please don't post anything you wouldn't want your mother to read. All posts made here have to abide by the Kiwibox TOU. Also, if you have a problem with a member here, don't hesitate to talk to one of the moderators listed above. However, if you have a concern about a member at Kiwibox, check out the KiwiHelper page and k/n at least two of them and let them know about your problem.

Most of all, have fun! :)

advisor, article, bake, bands, beauty, calendar, casting, chat, college, contest, customize, dating, entertainment, expressions, ezine, fashion, forum, free stuff, friends, games, giving back, helper, high school, im, instant messaging, journal, kiwi scouts, kiwi soap, kiwibox, kiwifucious, kiwigirl, kiwijobs, kiwijournals, life, lin, long stories, love, love match kiwipal, magazine, message boards, music, mykiwibox, poetry, poll, post boards, qbook, reporter, serials, short stories, sports, street team, technology, teen advice, teen ezine, teen life, teen magazine, teenage poetry, teenagers, voice, voting, writing