_lj_animemascot - Profile (original) (raw)

on 24 March 2005 (#6556969)

~The LiveJournal Personal Journal Mascot Community

This is the place to claim your official mascot for your personal Journal! Come one, come all! Any anime or Manga Character! ^_^ You know you want one!

1)Be nice. PLEASE?
2)You can only have two mascots at a time. You may give one up for another, though.
3)Our site is only to talk about Anime/Manga. If you want to talk about Hentai/Yuri/Yaoi put it behind an LJ-cut and warn everyone.
4) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Link back to the community or the community info? Please? It makes it easier to get new members.
5) Okay, you have to look at the CLAIMING LIST to see who's open and who's taken. It's down there.
6)Have FUN!

Hey there. You know what? You don't HAVE to save the pic to your own servor. I can handle that part. BUT! If you do, it might be safer, as I'm a little forgetful. Later.

Did you read the rules? The list is Here!


Me (zilagirl) and funkyfunkyusopp make you a banner for Whoever you want! ^__^ So join at will and have fun!

ah! my goddess, anime, ayashi no ceres, bishies, bleach, chobits, comic party, cowboy bebop, dnangel, dragonball, dragonball gt, dragonball z, fullmetal alchemist, gundam wing, inuyasha, manga, mascots, naruto, one piece, trigun, trigun maximum, yu-gi-oh