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the lovelyest of the losers
CLOSED [06 May 2005|07:47pm]
yep thats right i am closing this community...NO ONE is EVER active so i give up and im starting a new community and you can join but only if you plan on being active and READ the rules radical_beauty♥ Brand new community♥ First ten members auto-accepted♥ I am the mod
[02 May 2005|02:40pm]
This community is pretty much dead. And I dont have time to be active. So Im leaving. Its been great. I'll always be a lovely loser in my heart.
[02 May 2005|06:58am]
i love how you all are so active NOT!
Haha [01 May 2005|02:18am]
[ **mood** | giggly ] Ok I figured you guys might get a kick out of this.I was randomly searching people on LJ and i came across this in a chick's livejournal.My backpack is green, so when I'm walking around, I'll probably look like a turtle (sans Satan face sadly). If I fall over, I might have to flail my arms and legs around and hope that someone turns me over.It makes me laugh.later.
1 lovely losers
mod//update [30 Apr 2005|11:45am]
[ **mood** | annoyed ] the member of the month is dazzling_in_redEVERYONE ELSE GO DO THE HUNT #3THE NEW THEME IS DO A SALUTE...YOU MUST TAKE A PIC OF YOURSELF HOLDING A PIECE OF PAPER THAT SAYS YOUR USER NAME AND SOMETHING ABOUT LOVELY LOSERSalso i redid the member page so make sure your in it
5 lovely losers
[27 Apr 2005|05:43pm]
[ **mood** | crushed ] im sorry to sayi may not be updating for awhilei have carpel tunneland am therefore not supposed to be typingand since my main home computer is downstairsit will be hard to get on without someone noticingi should be back soonas soon as this stupid wrist gets better :o/<3
2 lovely losers
[25 Apr 2005|04:04pm]
i may not be able to come online till may 12th because were getting a new internet hookup and if that is so...kristin your in charge
[23 Apr 2005|02:57pm]
[ **mood** | tired ] i apologizing for not updating alot recentlyi went to italy for a weekand i didnt have my laptop with mebut im back nowso yay!
2 lovely losers
[19 Apr 2005|06:43pm]
i have a promo for another new community:**( new communityCollapse )**ill have a promo for this community in a day or so.<3later
[19 Apr 2005|04:49pm]
[ mood** | calm ] jessie has a rejected banner:)..still have another week with the cast, so ill be more active then<3( bannerCollapse )**<3Jessica<3
3 lovely losers
MOD//UPDATE [18 Apr 2005|05:10pm]
remember the member of the month is comming up on april 30th so get those points in
[16 Apr 2005|09:45pm]
new hunt..go do it unactive ones
2 lovely losers
[14 Apr 2005|07:30pm]
Hey just to let you all know it's x0xthe_wallx0x with a new name. I'm not crazy or anything...I have my reasons. Long story :o\
1 lovely losers
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