Paweł M . Socha | Uniwersytet Jagielloński (original) (raw)


Papers by Paweł M . Socha

Research paper thumbnail of The Psychology of Religion. An Empirical Approach (5th ed.)

International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, Jul 25, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Spirituality: Explicit and implicit. Hindrances to the scientific status of research on spirituality?

Roczniki Psychologiczne/Annals of Psychology, Mar 4, 2017

Although spirituality is a popular subject of research in many fields of science about man today,... more Although spirituality is a popular subject of research in many fields of science about man today, there still are problems with defining it. Their causes, at least in psychology, though unfounded, include distortions reflecting the scientist's personal bias: apologetic on the one hand and antifideist on the other. Bias of the first type often stems from the beliefs, held by the author of a given concept, that go beyond the paradigm of science. This refers to two concepts recognizing the existence of the spiritual dimension of the human being as substantially different from the psychological dimension: V. E. Frankl's logotheory, being a concept of the spiritual dimension as the source of the need for meaning, and D. Helminiak's concept, according to which spirituality is the realization of the principle of authentic transcendence of the self. Such concepts are referred to as explicit. However, there are also explicit concepts of spirituality acceptable in academic psychology; the described example is the concept of spirituality developed by J. Averill. Bias of the second type dominated Western psychology for a long time. It may be the cause for the term "spirituality" not being used by the authors of the concepts whose distinctive features appear in this article. These are the implicit concepts of spirituality. Their three examples are: Terror Management Theory (developed by T. PyszczyĔski, J. Greenberg, and S. Solomon), the Meaning Maintenance Model (authored mainly by T. Proulx and S. Heine), and Józef Kozielecki's transgressive concept of man. They include similar elements, but the transgressive concept appears to be the most useful. The conclusion contains proposals of research using the ideas of meaning, coping with absurdity, and the form of transgression as ones that lead to spiritual transformation.

Research paper thumbnail of Klasycy wciąż uczą : psychologia religii w świetle jej historii

Research paper thumbnail of O byciu, wierze, świętości i duchowości : czyli jak pojęcia chodzą parami

Research paper thumbnail of Historyczne i współczesne oblicze psychologii religii

Research paper thumbnail of Mind Tracker as a mediating technology of organization

This chapter dwells on the mind tracker as a particular technology of organization. After introdu... more This chapter dwells on the mind tracker as a particular technology of organization. After introducing the concept of self-tracking and the historical development of wearable tech nologies, it discusses the rise of self-tracking communities focused on using wearable technologies to 'enhance' the mental and physical capacities of their members. Subse quently, the concept of the mind tracker is analysed. Mind trackers have worked along a bodily trajectory, looking to combine awareness of the inner workings of the brain with outward features such as facial expression in order to then recognize certain affective states. Mind trackers claim to provide information on one's state of mind, sleep pattern, emotional spectrum, and the strength of emotions. In doing so, their producers declare that the devices can assist in improving focus, reduce stress, and increase attentiveness. They can, however, bear serious consequences in the context of privacy, transparency, and coercion, particularly in the organizational context.

Research paper thumbnail of Zagadka duchowości (Automatycznie odzyskany)

Research paper thumbnail of Przemiana. W stronę teorii duchowości - Pawel M. Socha

Przemiana. W stronę teorii duchowości

opis tego eksperymentu można łatwo znaleźć, warto wspomnieć, że pewien aspekt tego eksperymentu w... more opis tego eksperymentu można łatwo znaleźć, warto wspomnieć, że pewien aspekt tego eksperymentu wzbudził istotną kontrowersję. Chociaż wbrew oczekiwaniom jedyny czynnik istotny dla zachowania pomocowego miał charakter sytuacyjny (pośpiech), jednak gdy udający chorego człowiek dziękował za chęć pomocy, osoby z wysokim wynikiem w skali poszukiwania częściej niż pozostałe postępowały zgodnie z tym życzeniem i odchodziły. Batson twierdzi, że tak przejawia się autentyczny altruizm (empatyczne wczucie się w rzeczywistą potrzebę). Krytycy (np. Hood) przeciwnie. Empatię wykazali przechodnie, którzy nadal pragnęli pomóc; w końcu nigdy nie wiadomo, jaki jest naprawdę stan człowieka przed chwilą cierpiącego. 37 Instrukcja do badania zawiera sformułowanie moderate interest in religion. Ryc. 4. Nastroje pojawiające się w dążeniu do przepływu w zależności od interakcji między stopniem wymagań a poziomem umiejętności. Opracowanie własne wg ryciny z książki Urok codzienności.

Research paper thumbnail of Spirituality: Explicit and implicit. Hindrances to the scientific status of research on spirituality?

Although spirituality is a popular subject of research in many fields of science about man today,... more Although spirituality is a popular subject of research in many fields of science about man today, there still are problems with defining it. Their causes, at least in psychology, though unfounded, include distortions reflecting the scientist’s personal bias: apologetic on the one hand and anti-fideist on the other. Bias of the first type often stems from the beliefs, held by the author of a given concept, that go beyond the paradigm of science. This refers to two concepts recognizing the existence of the spiritual dimension of the human being as substantially different from the psychological dimension: V. E. Frankl’s logotheory, being a concept of the spiritual dimension as the source of the need for meaning, and D. Helminiak’s concept, according to which spirituality is the realization of the principle of authentic transcendence of the self. Such concepts are referred to as explicit. However, there are also explicit concepts of spirituality acceptable in academic psychology; the de...

Research paper thumbnail of Przemiana : w stronę teorii duchowości

Research paper thumbnail of Duchowość jawna i ukryta. Czy warto kruszyć kopie o naukowy status badania duchowości

Mimo ze duchowośc jest dziś popularnym obiektem badan w wielu dziedzinach nauk o czlowieku, ciągl... more Mimo ze duchowośc jest dziś popularnym obiektem badan w wielu dziedzinach nauk o czlowieku, ciągle istnieją klopoty z jej definiowaniem. Wśrod ich przyczyn, przynajmniej w psychologii, choc nieuzasadnione, są skrzywienia odzwierciedlające osobiste uwiklanie naukowca: z jednej strony apologetyczne, z drugiej – antyfideistyczne. Skrzywienie pierwszego typu jest czesto powodowane wykraczającymi poza paradygmat nauki przekonaniami tworcy koncepcji. Odnosi sie to do dwu koncepcji uznających istnienie duchowego wymiaru czlowieka jako substancjalnie innego niz psychologiczny: logoteoria V. E. Frankla, czyli koncepcja wymiaru duchowego jako źrodla potrzeby sensu, oraz koncepcja D. Helminiaka, wedlug ktorej duchowośc jest realizacją zasady autentycznej transcendencji siebie. Takie koncepcje określone są jako jawne. Jednak istnieją tez jawne koncepcje duchowości, mozliwe do akceptacji w ramach psychologii akademickiej; omowiony przyklad to koncepcja duchowości opracowana przez J. Averilla. Sk...

Research paper thumbnail of Psychologia religii w Polsce : punkty zwrotne i współczesne wyzwania / Paweł M. Socha

Research paper thumbnail of The Psychology of Religion. An Empirical Approach (5th ed.)

The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion

Research paper thumbnail of Religion and Emotional Dependence

Research paper thumbnail of Stratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of Stajnia Cave (southern Poland) with regard to habitation of the site by Neanderthals

Geological Quarterly, 2017

The Stajnia Cave is one of the most im por tant ar chae o log i cal sites due to the finds of the... more The Stajnia Cave is one of the most im por tant ar chae o log i cal sites due to the finds of the first re mains of Neanderthals in Poland, and sev eral tens of thou sands of flint artefacts from the Mid dle Palaeo lithic. Based on geo log i cal, geo chem i cal, palaeobotanical, palaeozoological, ar chae o log i cal and iso tope anal y ses, cou pled with ab so lute age de ter mi na tions (OSL, U-Th and C 14), 15 lithostratigraphic lay ers were dis tin guished and palaeoenvironmental con di tions dur ing the sed i men ta tion of these beds were de ter mined. The cave loams ac cu mu lated through weath er ing, ae olian and flu vial pro cesses. Their age may be cor re lated with an in ter val from the Early Gla cial to the Late Pleniglacial of the Visulian (Weichselian) Gla ci ation. Archae o log i cal rel ics re lated to the Neanderthals have been dis cov ered in layer D with an ab so lute age of about 52,000-45,000 years BP and cor re lated with MIS 3-the Mid dle Plenivistulian (Interplenivistulian). Cli mate os cil la tions in the Vistulian are re flected by the type of the sed i ments and their phys i cal-chem i cal fea tures, al low ing de ter min ing warmer interstadial and colder stadial pe ri ods. Gen er ally, the cli mate was cold, char ac ter is tic of tun dra ar eas with a typ i cal veg e tation and fauna, and with the mean tem per a ture of the warm est month not ex ceed ing 12°C. Based on multi-proxy stud ies it can be con cluded that from layer E1 up wards, the cli mate con di tions be came pro gres sively drier. At that time, the cli mate was cold with con ti nen tal fea tures en hanc ing tun dra dom i na tion. This con clu sion is con firmed by palaeontological in ves ti gations and the re cord of sta ble ox y gen iso topes in the teeth of rein deer. The stud ies have also in di cated sea sonal mi gra tion of rein deer on the tun dra that sur rounded the cave. Prob a bly, short-term slight cli mate warm ings oc curred dur ing the Mid dle Plenivistulian (Interplenivistulian).

Research paper thumbnail of Instrukcja Obsługi


Fotocamera digitale con obiettivo intercambiabile/Istruzioni per l'uso IT Câmara Digital de Objet... more Fotocamera digitale con obiettivo intercambiabile/Istruzioni per l'uso IT Câmara Digital de Objetivas intercambiáveis/Manual de instruções PT Digitale camera met verwisselbare lens/Gebruiksaanwijzing NL PL Цифровой фотоаппарат со сменным объективом/Инструкция по эксплуатации RU Цифровий фотоапарат зі змінним об'єктивом/Посібник з експлуатації UA Digitalkamera med utbytbart objektiv/Handledning SE Digitaalinen kamera vaihdettavalla objektiivilla/Käyttöopas FI Digitalkamera med utskiftbart objektiv/Bruksanvisning NO Digitalkamera med udskifteligt objektiv/Betjeningsvejledning DK GB 2

Research paper thumbnail of Dimensions of spiritual transformation

Years of considerations regarding the psychological grounds of religiousness and other spheres of... more Years of considerations regarding the psychological grounds of religiousness and other spheres of mental processes have led to the conclusion that the core of spirituality is the internal transformation -within one"s self image, and also within an image of reality outside that self. Such transformation takes placemore or less consciouslyin relation to experience of one"s existential situation. Its spectacular examples are death of beloved person or one"s own death anxiety. These are situations with no solution, but they initiate the specific processes of coping. These processes employ the unique human cognitive abilities and on the other handcultural resources of skills an patterns: religions offer eschatological beliefs, while "leaving a footprint after death" can be a secular solution. Positive outcome of the transformation, or spiritual growth, appears in the radically changed shape of reality, as the profane turns into the sacred. Among the other, one"s feeling of sacredness enhances significantly. This is however only one of the dimensions describing ones image of reality; several next dimensions exist as well. All they consist of different form of information codes (recognition, understanding), particularly this information which flows through an unconscious mind. In other words, spiritual growth is a process of better and better insight into the unconscious mental processes, of their "taming," of the development of selfconsciousness, self-control, getting meaning.

Research paper thumbnail of Wybrane psychologiczne teorie duchowości

Research paper thumbnail of Dosłowność czy symboliczność - nienowy ale kluczowy wymiar stosunku do religii

Research paper thumbnail of The existential human situation: Spirituality as the way of coping

Research paper thumbnail of The Psychology of Religion. An Empirical Approach (5th ed.)

International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, Jul 25, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Spirituality: Explicit and implicit. Hindrances to the scientific status of research on spirituality?

Roczniki Psychologiczne/Annals of Psychology, Mar 4, 2017

Although spirituality is a popular subject of research in many fields of science about man today,... more Although spirituality is a popular subject of research in many fields of science about man today, there still are problems with defining it. Their causes, at least in psychology, though unfounded, include distortions reflecting the scientist's personal bias: apologetic on the one hand and antifideist on the other. Bias of the first type often stems from the beliefs, held by the author of a given concept, that go beyond the paradigm of science. This refers to two concepts recognizing the existence of the spiritual dimension of the human being as substantially different from the psychological dimension: V. E. Frankl's logotheory, being a concept of the spiritual dimension as the source of the need for meaning, and D. Helminiak's concept, according to which spirituality is the realization of the principle of authentic transcendence of the self. Such concepts are referred to as explicit. However, there are also explicit concepts of spirituality acceptable in academic psychology; the described example is the concept of spirituality developed by J. Averill. Bias of the second type dominated Western psychology for a long time. It may be the cause for the term "spirituality" not being used by the authors of the concepts whose distinctive features appear in this article. These are the implicit concepts of spirituality. Their three examples are: Terror Management Theory (developed by T. PyszczyĔski, J. Greenberg, and S. Solomon), the Meaning Maintenance Model (authored mainly by T. Proulx and S. Heine), and Józef Kozielecki's transgressive concept of man. They include similar elements, but the transgressive concept appears to be the most useful. The conclusion contains proposals of research using the ideas of meaning, coping with absurdity, and the form of transgression as ones that lead to spiritual transformation.

Research paper thumbnail of Klasycy wciąż uczą : psychologia religii w świetle jej historii

Research paper thumbnail of O byciu, wierze, świętości i duchowości : czyli jak pojęcia chodzą parami

Research paper thumbnail of Historyczne i współczesne oblicze psychologii religii

Research paper thumbnail of Mind Tracker as a mediating technology of organization

This chapter dwells on the mind tracker as a particular technology of organization. After introdu... more This chapter dwells on the mind tracker as a particular technology of organization. After introducing the concept of self-tracking and the historical development of wearable tech nologies, it discusses the rise of self-tracking communities focused on using wearable technologies to 'enhance' the mental and physical capacities of their members. Subse quently, the concept of the mind tracker is analysed. Mind trackers have worked along a bodily trajectory, looking to combine awareness of the inner workings of the brain with outward features such as facial expression in order to then recognize certain affective states. Mind trackers claim to provide information on one's state of mind, sleep pattern, emotional spectrum, and the strength of emotions. In doing so, their producers declare that the devices can assist in improving focus, reduce stress, and increase attentiveness. They can, however, bear serious consequences in the context of privacy, transparency, and coercion, particularly in the organizational context.

Research paper thumbnail of Zagadka duchowości (Automatycznie odzyskany)

Research paper thumbnail of Przemiana. W stronę teorii duchowości - Pawel M. Socha

Przemiana. W stronę teorii duchowości

opis tego eksperymentu można łatwo znaleźć, warto wspomnieć, że pewien aspekt tego eksperymentu w... more opis tego eksperymentu można łatwo znaleźć, warto wspomnieć, że pewien aspekt tego eksperymentu wzbudził istotną kontrowersję. Chociaż wbrew oczekiwaniom jedyny czynnik istotny dla zachowania pomocowego miał charakter sytuacyjny (pośpiech), jednak gdy udający chorego człowiek dziękował za chęć pomocy, osoby z wysokim wynikiem w skali poszukiwania częściej niż pozostałe postępowały zgodnie z tym życzeniem i odchodziły. Batson twierdzi, że tak przejawia się autentyczny altruizm (empatyczne wczucie się w rzeczywistą potrzebę). Krytycy (np. Hood) przeciwnie. Empatię wykazali przechodnie, którzy nadal pragnęli pomóc; w końcu nigdy nie wiadomo, jaki jest naprawdę stan człowieka przed chwilą cierpiącego. 37 Instrukcja do badania zawiera sformułowanie moderate interest in religion. Ryc. 4. Nastroje pojawiające się w dążeniu do przepływu w zależności od interakcji między stopniem wymagań a poziomem umiejętności. Opracowanie własne wg ryciny z książki Urok codzienności.

Research paper thumbnail of Spirituality: Explicit and implicit. Hindrances to the scientific status of research on spirituality?

Although spirituality is a popular subject of research in many fields of science about man today,... more Although spirituality is a popular subject of research in many fields of science about man today, there still are problems with defining it. Their causes, at least in psychology, though unfounded, include distortions reflecting the scientist’s personal bias: apologetic on the one hand and anti-fideist on the other. Bias of the first type often stems from the beliefs, held by the author of a given concept, that go beyond the paradigm of science. This refers to two concepts recognizing the existence of the spiritual dimension of the human being as substantially different from the psychological dimension: V. E. Frankl’s logotheory, being a concept of the spiritual dimension as the source of the need for meaning, and D. Helminiak’s concept, according to which spirituality is the realization of the principle of authentic transcendence of the self. Such concepts are referred to as explicit. However, there are also explicit concepts of spirituality acceptable in academic psychology; the de...

Research paper thumbnail of Przemiana : w stronę teorii duchowości

Research paper thumbnail of Duchowość jawna i ukryta. Czy warto kruszyć kopie o naukowy status badania duchowości

Mimo ze duchowośc jest dziś popularnym obiektem badan w wielu dziedzinach nauk o czlowieku, ciągl... more Mimo ze duchowośc jest dziś popularnym obiektem badan w wielu dziedzinach nauk o czlowieku, ciągle istnieją klopoty z jej definiowaniem. Wśrod ich przyczyn, przynajmniej w psychologii, choc nieuzasadnione, są skrzywienia odzwierciedlające osobiste uwiklanie naukowca: z jednej strony apologetyczne, z drugiej – antyfideistyczne. Skrzywienie pierwszego typu jest czesto powodowane wykraczającymi poza paradygmat nauki przekonaniami tworcy koncepcji. Odnosi sie to do dwu koncepcji uznających istnienie duchowego wymiaru czlowieka jako substancjalnie innego niz psychologiczny: logoteoria V. E. Frankla, czyli koncepcja wymiaru duchowego jako źrodla potrzeby sensu, oraz koncepcja D. Helminiaka, wedlug ktorej duchowośc jest realizacją zasady autentycznej transcendencji siebie. Takie koncepcje określone są jako jawne. Jednak istnieją tez jawne koncepcje duchowości, mozliwe do akceptacji w ramach psychologii akademickiej; omowiony przyklad to koncepcja duchowości opracowana przez J. Averilla. Sk...

Research paper thumbnail of Psychologia religii w Polsce : punkty zwrotne i współczesne wyzwania / Paweł M. Socha

Research paper thumbnail of The Psychology of Religion. An Empirical Approach (5th ed.)

The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion

Research paper thumbnail of Religion and Emotional Dependence

Research paper thumbnail of Stratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of Stajnia Cave (southern Poland) with regard to habitation of the site by Neanderthals

Geological Quarterly, 2017

The Stajnia Cave is one of the most im por tant ar chae o log i cal sites due to the finds of the... more The Stajnia Cave is one of the most im por tant ar chae o log i cal sites due to the finds of the first re mains of Neanderthals in Poland, and sev eral tens of thou sands of flint artefacts from the Mid dle Palaeo lithic. Based on geo log i cal, geo chem i cal, palaeobotanical, palaeozoological, ar chae o log i cal and iso tope anal y ses, cou pled with ab so lute age de ter mi na tions (OSL, U-Th and C 14), 15 lithostratigraphic lay ers were dis tin guished and palaeoenvironmental con di tions dur ing the sed i men ta tion of these beds were de ter mined. The cave loams ac cu mu lated through weath er ing, ae olian and flu vial pro cesses. Their age may be cor re lated with an in ter val from the Early Gla cial to the Late Pleniglacial of the Visulian (Weichselian) Gla ci ation. Archae o log i cal rel ics re lated to the Neanderthals have been dis cov ered in layer D with an ab so lute age of about 52,000-45,000 years BP and cor re lated with MIS 3-the Mid dle Plenivistulian (Interplenivistulian). Cli mate os cil la tions in the Vistulian are re flected by the type of the sed i ments and their phys i cal-chem i cal fea tures, al low ing de ter min ing warmer interstadial and colder stadial pe ri ods. Gen er ally, the cli mate was cold, char ac ter is tic of tun dra ar eas with a typ i cal veg e tation and fauna, and with the mean tem per a ture of the warm est month not ex ceed ing 12°C. Based on multi-proxy stud ies it can be con cluded that from layer E1 up wards, the cli mate con di tions be came pro gres sively drier. At that time, the cli mate was cold with con ti nen tal fea tures en hanc ing tun dra dom i na tion. This con clu sion is con firmed by palaeontological in ves ti gations and the re cord of sta ble ox y gen iso topes in the teeth of rein deer. The stud ies have also in di cated sea sonal mi gra tion of rein deer on the tun dra that sur rounded the cave. Prob a bly, short-term slight cli mate warm ings oc curred dur ing the Mid dle Plenivistulian (Interplenivistulian).

Research paper thumbnail of Instrukcja Obsługi


Fotocamera digitale con obiettivo intercambiabile/Istruzioni per l'uso IT Câmara Digital de Objet... more Fotocamera digitale con obiettivo intercambiabile/Istruzioni per l'uso IT Câmara Digital de Objetivas intercambiáveis/Manual de instruções PT Digitale camera met verwisselbare lens/Gebruiksaanwijzing NL PL Цифровой фотоаппарат со сменным объективом/Инструкция по эксплуатации RU Цифровий фотоапарат зі змінним об'єктивом/Посібник з експлуатації UA Digitalkamera med utbytbart objektiv/Handledning SE Digitaalinen kamera vaihdettavalla objektiivilla/Käyttöopas FI Digitalkamera med utskiftbart objektiv/Bruksanvisning NO Digitalkamera med udskifteligt objektiv/Betjeningsvejledning DK GB 2

Research paper thumbnail of Dimensions of spiritual transformation

Years of considerations regarding the psychological grounds of religiousness and other spheres of... more Years of considerations regarding the psychological grounds of religiousness and other spheres of mental processes have led to the conclusion that the core of spirituality is the internal transformation -within one"s self image, and also within an image of reality outside that self. Such transformation takes placemore or less consciouslyin relation to experience of one"s existential situation. Its spectacular examples are death of beloved person or one"s own death anxiety. These are situations with no solution, but they initiate the specific processes of coping. These processes employ the unique human cognitive abilities and on the other handcultural resources of skills an patterns: religions offer eschatological beliefs, while "leaving a footprint after death" can be a secular solution. Positive outcome of the transformation, or spiritual growth, appears in the radically changed shape of reality, as the profane turns into the sacred. Among the other, one"s feeling of sacredness enhances significantly. This is however only one of the dimensions describing ones image of reality; several next dimensions exist as well. All they consist of different form of information codes (recognition, understanding), particularly this information which flows through an unconscious mind. In other words, spiritual growth is a process of better and better insight into the unconscious mental processes, of their "taming," of the development of selfconsciousness, self-control, getting meaning.

Research paper thumbnail of Wybrane psychologiczne teorie duchowości

Research paper thumbnail of Dosłowność czy symboliczność - nienowy ale kluczowy wymiar stosunku do religii

Research paper thumbnail of The existential human situation: Spirituality as the way of coping

Research paper thumbnail of CIHOPOR Initial Draft Poland Skrzypinska UO editor's comments