cyber_idol_mink - Profile (original) (raw)

on 25 May 2004 (#3259338)

+ Introduction +

This is a community dedicated to the manga series Cyber Idol Mink (translated as Mink), created by Tachikawa Megumi, also the creator of the popular Saint Tail. If you like this series, please feel free to join. Moderated by yamizakura.

+ Rules For Posting +

1. Post only topics that have to deal with Cyber Idol Mink or the creator.
2. If you are posting pictures more than 150x150, please put them behind a lj-cut.
3. If you are posting more than 3 icons, please put them behind a lj-cut.
4. No racism against anyone. (a.k.a. don't insult anyone in anyway.)
5. Respect others, be it their opinions and what not.
6. If you are promoting a new community, please do not over post it. No one wants to see the same advertisement for a community ten times.
7. Follow the rules, failure to follow the rules will result in deletion of post(s) or other punishment.

+ Cyber Idol Mink Fanlisting +

Please join the approved Cyber Idol Mink fanlisting, linked as this community's site. We could use more members! ^^

+ Link to Wanna-be Standby! SET UP!!! +

You can link to this community in your userinfo/website using this banner:

akane, akane yuka, azumi, canon, cyber, cyber idol, cyber idol mink, garuda, garuda illiya label, idol, illiya, kanoka, maco, mahoko, manga, megumi, megumi tachikawa, mink, minkle, minku, mizuhara, mizuhara azumi, moriyama, moriyama kanoka, motoharu, omu, saint, saint tail, shiraishi, shiraishi minku, tachikawa, tachikawa megumi, toriumi, toriumi mahoko, wanna-be, yuka