d_i_c_k_l_i_p_s - Profile (original) (raw)


Social capital

Journal created:

on 2 February 2006 (#9421086)


On 5 September 2017

Posting Access:

Anybody , Moderated

dick lips - demo

Счетчик посещений Counter.CO.KZ - бесплатный счетчик на любой вкус!

apexpoint, blink 182, box car racer, california punk, dicklips, d♥l, fenix tx, good charlotte, love and hate, new found glory, pop-punk, rufio, sk8 punx, sum41, summer, system of a down, taking back sunday, the ataris, the used, thursday, underoath, xeroxman is real!, СМЕХ!, калифорния, краснодарский план, про любовь, человек ксерокопия


музыка, россия, культура

Social capital
