dailylyrics - Profile (original) (raw)

on 28 June 2005 (#7576516)

Clarkson, Kentucky, United States

Post your favorite lyrics, words, or poetry!

angelicboo admin @ dailylyrics

*** Post your Information, When you post own personal poetry or songs that you have written, unless you want credit stolen.** *** No dissing others choice of music - It's what they want, it's not what you want** *** Do not Hot Link any of the images that may be hosted on this community, It is stealing.** *** Cursing is allowed, this is a NR** *** No TyPinG lYkE DiS (Makes you look like an Idiot** *** Be sure to give the artist credit** *** No stealing others poetry or music** *** Do not advertise any other communities in here, unless it is strictly bands or musicals**

a perfect circle, alanis morrisette, alternative, bass, blue grass, bubble gum, chatting, choir., cold, country, creed, dancing, death metal, friends, godsmack, good charlotte, guitars, industrial., kittie, korn, lyrical, marilyn manson, matchbox20, metal, msd, music, musicals, natalie merchant, percussion, phantom of the opera, pink, poetry, pop, punk, ragae, rock, staind, tablature, trapt, violins