Ralph Bodenstein | German Archaeological Institute (original) (raw)
Books by Ralph Bodenstein
Houses of Beirut, 1860-1925, Restoration Manual, 2021
The Beirut Heritage Initiative is publishing, with the support of Fondation de France, two restor... more The Beirut Heritage Initiative is publishing, with the support of Fondation
de France, two restoration manuals to raise awareness among the public
and those involved on the ground following the explosion in Beirut on
August 4th, 2020. Introducing the materials, techniques and styles used
in Beirut’s built heritage, this first volume focuses on the buildings of
the late-Ottoman period (1860-1925), the now famous “triple arched
mansions” or “Lebanese houses”. The second volume (to be published)
will be dedicated to buildings from the interwar period (1925-1945) and
the modernist era (1945-1970), in which the use of reinforced concrete
was introduced and then imposed.
Drawing on their experience in the field, many specialists have contributed
to this publication. Addressed to the novice and the non-specialist, as
well as the professional, this manual is based on a simple literature and
a rich and adapted graphic and photographic support. One will discover
the characteristics of each architectural type, the pathologies observed
and their treatment.
(for English scroll down) Aus der bauhistorischen Untersuchung großer Wohnhäuser und einem breit... more (for English scroll down)
Aus der bauhistorischen Untersuchung großer Wohnhäuser und einem breiten Fundus zeitgenössischer Quellen entwickelt die vorliegende Arbeit eine detailreiche Architektur- und Sozialgeschichte des bürgerlichen Wohnens in Beirut zwischen 1860 und 1930. Sie verfolgt Veränderungen in Architektur, Raumstruktur und Möblierung und spürt dem spannungsreichen Wandel von Wohnpraxis, Gastlichkeit, Geschlechterbeziehungen und Beziehungen zwischen Familie und Dienerschaft nach.
Based on building-historical surveys of large middle- and upper-class houses and a broad range of contemporary sources, this book presents a detailed architectural and social history of domestic culture and the bourgeois home in Beirut between 1860 and 1930--bridging the late-Ottoman and the early-Mandate periods. It identifies significant changes in architecture, spatial structure, and furnishings, and traces tension-fraught dynamics in domestic practices and the spatial manifestation of hospitality, gender relations, and relations between family and servants.
Aus der bauhistorischen Untersuchung großer Wohnhäuser und einem breiten Fundus zeitgenössischer ... more Aus der bauhistorischen Untersuchung großer Wohnhäuser und einem breiten Fundus zeitgenössischer Quellen entwickelt die vorliegende Arbeit eine detailreiche Architektur- und Sozialgeschichte des bürgerlichen Wohnens in Beirut zwischen 1860 und 1930. Sie verfolgt Veränderungen in Architektur, Raumstruktur und Möblierung und spürt dem spannungsreichen Wandel von Wohnpraxis, Gastlichkeit, Geschlechterbeziehungen und Beziehungen zwischen Familie und Dienerschaft nach.
Based on building-historical surveys of large middle- and upper-class houses and a broad range of contemporary sources, this book presents a detailed architectural and social history of domestic culture and the bourgeois home in Beirut between 1860 and 1930--bridging the late-Ottoman and the early-Mandate periods. It identifies significant changes in architecture, spatial structure, and furnishings, and traces tension-fraught dynamics in domestic practices and the spatial manifestation of hospitality, gender relations, and relations between family and servants.
Papers by Ralph Bodenstein
ABE Journal. Architecture beyond Europe, Jul 1, 2013
When the French embassy in Egypt moved from the old premises in Downtown Cairo to the present pre... more When the French embassy in Egypt moved from the old premises in Downtown Cairo to the present premises across the Nile in Giza in 1938, the furniture lorries were not only loaded with the usual goods for relocation. Polychrome marble floors and dados, painted and gilded wooden ceilings, stained glass windows, doors with ivory inlay or bronze plating, panels with Arabic inscriptions, polychrome Turkish tiles, marble fountains–basically the entire architectural decoration of the old premises wa...
e-Forschungsberichte, 2015
ABE Journal. Architecture beyond Europe, Dec 1, 2014
Avertissement Le contenu de ce site relève de la législation française sur la propriété intellect... more Avertissement Le contenu de ce site relève de la législation française sur la propriété intellectuelle et est la propriété exclusive de l'éditeur. Les oeuvres figurant sur ce site peuvent être consultées et reproduites sur un support papier ou numérique sous réserve qu'elles soient strictement réservées à un usage soit personnel, soit scientifique ou pédagogique excluant toute exploitation commerciale. La reproduction devra obligatoirement mentionner l'éditeur, le nom de la revue, l'auteur et la référence du document. Toute autre reproduction est interdite sauf accord préalable de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Revues.org est un portail de revues en sciences humaines et sociales développé par le Cléo, Centre pour l'édition électronique ouverte (CNRS, EHESS, UP, UAPV).
e-Forschungsberichte, Oct 10, 2019
ABE Journal. Architecture beyond Europe, Jul 1, 2013
When the French embassy in Egypt moved from the old premises in Downtown Cairo to the present pre... more When the French embassy in Egypt moved from the old premises in Downtown Cairo to the present premises across the Nile in Giza in 1938, the furniture lorries were not only loaded with the usual goods for relocation. Polychrome marble floors and dados, painted and gilded wooden ceilings, stained glass windows, doors with ivory inlay or bronze plating, panels with Arabic inscriptions, polychrome Turkish tiles, marble fountains–basically the entire architectural decoration of the old premises wa...
L’objectif de ce numéro est double. Il entend d’une part mettre en lumière la richesse des ressou... more L’objectif de ce numéro est double. Il entend d’une part mettre en lumière la richesse des ressources offertes par les archives d’entreprises conservées en Europe pour l’étude des architectures européennes « hors les murs », dans la lignée d’une première exploration de fonds d’archives engagée à l’occasion du projet européen Building beyond the Mediterranean: Studying the archives of European businesses, 1860-1970 (Claudine Piaton, Ezio Godoli, David Peyceré, 2012). Il vise d’autre part à examiner les types de techniques et de savoir-faire exportés par les entreprises européennes afin de contribuer au débat autour de la question de l’innovation : les territoires extra européens ont-ils constitués des laboratoires dans lesquels étaient testées de nouvelles techniques de construction ou bien permettaient-ils simplement de diffuser à grande échelle celles déjà utilisées en Europe
Planning Perspectives, 2013
Recent scholarship in architectural history testifies of an interest in a new type of professiona... more Recent scholarship in architectural history testifies of an interest in a new type of professional which emerged in the postwar era, at a time when new international agencies emerged and a development discourse focusing on the Global South was on the rise. Travelling architects and planners turned into consultants consciously marketing their expertise in a worldwide arena and becoming what some have described as “global” or even “nomadic” experts. While well-known names such as Le Corbusier, Michel Ecochard or Constantinos Doxiadis immediately come to mind, this theme issue of ABE journal wishes to bring to the fore some more obscure figures which operated on a transnational scale. Following the trajectories of such figures like Michel Kalt, David Oakley, Max Lock, Henri-Jean Calsat or Erica Mann, we aim at broadening our understanding of the role this new kind of actor played in the shaping the “anxious modernisms” of the postwar global world, while at the same time acknowledging, ...
ABE Journal, 2014
online: https://journals.openedition.org/abe/3401
When the French embassy in Egypt moved from the old premises in Downtown Cairo to the present pre... more When the French embassy in Egypt moved from the old premises in Downtown Cairo to the present premises across the Nile in Giza in 1938, the furniture lorries were not only loaded with the usual goods for relocation. Polychrome marble floors and dados, painted and gilded wooden ceilings, stained glass windows, doors with ivory inlay or bronze plating, panels with Arabic inscriptions, polychrome Turkish tiles, marble fountains–basically the entire architectural decoration of the old premises wa...
Dayr Anba Hadra, also known as Monastery of St. Simeon, is situated on the West bank of the Nile ... more Dayr Anba Hadra, also known as Monastery of St. Simeon, is situated on the West bank of the Nile at Aswan, about 1 km inland on top of a sandstone ridge overlooking a wadi. Its foundation is connected to local traditions about Hatre, a hermit saint and bishop of Aswan in the later 4th century AD whose hermitage is said to have been located here. The project investigates the history of the monastic complex from its beginnings in the 7th–8th century up to the latest evidence of Christian-Coptic, Christian-Arabic and Muslim visitors’ inscriptions in the Mamluk period. The project work started in 2013 and is now concluding its first stage, working towards the publication of results. Important components are a building-archaeological study of the church and the workshop complex, and a comprehensive documentation of the rich epigraphic evidence – both Coptic and Arabic – as well as the wall paintings.
The project on the history of industrial architecture in 19th and 20th century Egypt aims at expl... more The project on the history of industrial architecture in 19th and 20th century Egypt aims at exploring the historical development of Egypt‘s modern industrial architecture in its local and global context through field surveys and archival research. Project work during the years 2012–2013 focussed on the history and architecture of the sugar factories of Khedive Ismail, and on organising the international summer school „The former al-Ahram brewery in Cairo: Concepts for the reuse of a historical industrial building“.
Houses of Beirut, 1860-1925, Restoration Manual, 2021
The Beirut Heritage Initiative is publishing, with the support of Fondation de France, two restor... more The Beirut Heritage Initiative is publishing, with the support of Fondation
de France, two restoration manuals to raise awareness among the public
and those involved on the ground following the explosion in Beirut on
August 4th, 2020. Introducing the materials, techniques and styles used
in Beirut’s built heritage, this first volume focuses on the buildings of
the late-Ottoman period (1860-1925), the now famous “triple arched
mansions” or “Lebanese houses”. The second volume (to be published)
will be dedicated to buildings from the interwar period (1925-1945) and
the modernist era (1945-1970), in which the use of reinforced concrete
was introduced and then imposed.
Drawing on their experience in the field, many specialists have contributed
to this publication. Addressed to the novice and the non-specialist, as
well as the professional, this manual is based on a simple literature and
a rich and adapted graphic and photographic support. One will discover
the characteristics of each architectural type, the pathologies observed
and their treatment.
(for English scroll down) Aus der bauhistorischen Untersuchung großer Wohnhäuser und einem breit... more (for English scroll down)
Aus der bauhistorischen Untersuchung großer Wohnhäuser und einem breiten Fundus zeitgenössischer Quellen entwickelt die vorliegende Arbeit eine detailreiche Architektur- und Sozialgeschichte des bürgerlichen Wohnens in Beirut zwischen 1860 und 1930. Sie verfolgt Veränderungen in Architektur, Raumstruktur und Möblierung und spürt dem spannungsreichen Wandel von Wohnpraxis, Gastlichkeit, Geschlechterbeziehungen und Beziehungen zwischen Familie und Dienerschaft nach.
Based on building-historical surveys of large middle- and upper-class houses and a broad range of contemporary sources, this book presents a detailed architectural and social history of domestic culture and the bourgeois home in Beirut between 1860 and 1930--bridging the late-Ottoman and the early-Mandate periods. It identifies significant changes in architecture, spatial structure, and furnishings, and traces tension-fraught dynamics in domestic practices and the spatial manifestation of hospitality, gender relations, and relations between family and servants.
Aus der bauhistorischen Untersuchung großer Wohnhäuser und einem breiten Fundus zeitgenössischer ... more Aus der bauhistorischen Untersuchung großer Wohnhäuser und einem breiten Fundus zeitgenössischer Quellen entwickelt die vorliegende Arbeit eine detailreiche Architektur- und Sozialgeschichte des bürgerlichen Wohnens in Beirut zwischen 1860 und 1930. Sie verfolgt Veränderungen in Architektur, Raumstruktur und Möblierung und spürt dem spannungsreichen Wandel von Wohnpraxis, Gastlichkeit, Geschlechterbeziehungen und Beziehungen zwischen Familie und Dienerschaft nach.
Based on building-historical surveys of large middle- and upper-class houses and a broad range of contemporary sources, this book presents a detailed architectural and social history of domestic culture and the bourgeois home in Beirut between 1860 and 1930--bridging the late-Ottoman and the early-Mandate periods. It identifies significant changes in architecture, spatial structure, and furnishings, and traces tension-fraught dynamics in domestic practices and the spatial manifestation of hospitality, gender relations, and relations between family and servants.
ABE Journal. Architecture beyond Europe, Jul 1, 2013
When the French embassy in Egypt moved from the old premises in Downtown Cairo to the present pre... more When the French embassy in Egypt moved from the old premises in Downtown Cairo to the present premises across the Nile in Giza in 1938, the furniture lorries were not only loaded with the usual goods for relocation. Polychrome marble floors and dados, painted and gilded wooden ceilings, stained glass windows, doors with ivory inlay or bronze plating, panels with Arabic inscriptions, polychrome Turkish tiles, marble fountains–basically the entire architectural decoration of the old premises wa...
e-Forschungsberichte, 2015
ABE Journal. Architecture beyond Europe, Dec 1, 2014
Avertissement Le contenu de ce site relève de la législation française sur la propriété intellect... more Avertissement Le contenu de ce site relève de la législation française sur la propriété intellectuelle et est la propriété exclusive de l'éditeur. Les oeuvres figurant sur ce site peuvent être consultées et reproduites sur un support papier ou numérique sous réserve qu'elles soient strictement réservées à un usage soit personnel, soit scientifique ou pédagogique excluant toute exploitation commerciale. La reproduction devra obligatoirement mentionner l'éditeur, le nom de la revue, l'auteur et la référence du document. Toute autre reproduction est interdite sauf accord préalable de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Revues.org est un portail de revues en sciences humaines et sociales développé par le Cléo, Centre pour l'édition électronique ouverte (CNRS, EHESS, UP, UAPV).
e-Forschungsberichte, Oct 10, 2019
ABE Journal. Architecture beyond Europe, Jul 1, 2013
When the French embassy in Egypt moved from the old premises in Downtown Cairo to the present pre... more When the French embassy in Egypt moved from the old premises in Downtown Cairo to the present premises across the Nile in Giza in 1938, the furniture lorries were not only loaded with the usual goods for relocation. Polychrome marble floors and dados, painted and gilded wooden ceilings, stained glass windows, doors with ivory inlay or bronze plating, panels with Arabic inscriptions, polychrome Turkish tiles, marble fountains–basically the entire architectural decoration of the old premises wa...
L’objectif de ce numéro est double. Il entend d’une part mettre en lumière la richesse des ressou... more L’objectif de ce numéro est double. Il entend d’une part mettre en lumière la richesse des ressources offertes par les archives d’entreprises conservées en Europe pour l’étude des architectures européennes « hors les murs », dans la lignée d’une première exploration de fonds d’archives engagée à l’occasion du projet européen Building beyond the Mediterranean: Studying the archives of European businesses, 1860-1970 (Claudine Piaton, Ezio Godoli, David Peyceré, 2012). Il vise d’autre part à examiner les types de techniques et de savoir-faire exportés par les entreprises européennes afin de contribuer au débat autour de la question de l’innovation : les territoires extra européens ont-ils constitués des laboratoires dans lesquels étaient testées de nouvelles techniques de construction ou bien permettaient-ils simplement de diffuser à grande échelle celles déjà utilisées en Europe
Planning Perspectives, 2013
Recent scholarship in architectural history testifies of an interest in a new type of professiona... more Recent scholarship in architectural history testifies of an interest in a new type of professional which emerged in the postwar era, at a time when new international agencies emerged and a development discourse focusing on the Global South was on the rise. Travelling architects and planners turned into consultants consciously marketing their expertise in a worldwide arena and becoming what some have described as “global” or even “nomadic” experts. While well-known names such as Le Corbusier, Michel Ecochard or Constantinos Doxiadis immediately come to mind, this theme issue of ABE journal wishes to bring to the fore some more obscure figures which operated on a transnational scale. Following the trajectories of such figures like Michel Kalt, David Oakley, Max Lock, Henri-Jean Calsat or Erica Mann, we aim at broadening our understanding of the role this new kind of actor played in the shaping the “anxious modernisms” of the postwar global world, while at the same time acknowledging, ...
ABE Journal, 2014
online: https://journals.openedition.org/abe/3401
When the French embassy in Egypt moved from the old premises in Downtown Cairo to the present pre... more When the French embassy in Egypt moved from the old premises in Downtown Cairo to the present premises across the Nile in Giza in 1938, the furniture lorries were not only loaded with the usual goods for relocation. Polychrome marble floors and dados, painted and gilded wooden ceilings, stained glass windows, doors with ivory inlay or bronze plating, panels with Arabic inscriptions, polychrome Turkish tiles, marble fountains–basically the entire architectural decoration of the old premises wa...
Dayr Anba Hadra, also known as Monastery of St. Simeon, is situated on the West bank of the Nile ... more Dayr Anba Hadra, also known as Monastery of St. Simeon, is situated on the West bank of the Nile at Aswan, about 1 km inland on top of a sandstone ridge overlooking a wadi. Its foundation is connected to local traditions about Hatre, a hermit saint and bishop of Aswan in the later 4th century AD whose hermitage is said to have been located here. The project investigates the history of the monastic complex from its beginnings in the 7th–8th century up to the latest evidence of Christian-Coptic, Christian-Arabic and Muslim visitors’ inscriptions in the Mamluk period. The project work started in 2013 and is now concluding its first stage, working towards the publication of results. Important components are a building-archaeological study of the church and the workshop complex, and a comprehensive documentation of the rich epigraphic evidence – both Coptic and Arabic – as well as the wall paintings.
The project on the history of industrial architecture in 19th and 20th century Egypt aims at expl... more The project on the history of industrial architecture in 19th and 20th century Egypt aims at exploring the historical development of Egypt‘s modern industrial architecture in its local and global context through field surveys and archival research. Project work during the years 2012–2013 focussed on the history and architecture of the sugar factories of Khedive Ismail, and on organising the international summer school „The former al-Ahram brewery in Cairo: Concepts for the reuse of a historical industrial building“.
T.S. Richter, R. Bodenstein, L.S. Krastel, G.J.M. van Loon, H. Lehmann, in: ARCHÄOLOGIE IN ÄGYPTEN Magazin des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo 5, pp. 21-25, 2019
in: e-Forschungsberichte des DAI, 2019
Dayr Anba Hadra, also known as Monastery of St. Simeon, is situated on the West bank of the Nile ... more Dayr Anba Hadra, also known as Monastery of St. Simeon, is situated on the West bank of the Nile at Aswan, about 1 km inland on top of a sandstone ridge overlooking a wadi. Its foundation is connected to local traditions about Hatre, a hermit saint and bishop of Aswan in the later 4th century AD whose hermitage is said to have been located here. The project investigates the history of the monastic complex from its beginnings in the 7th–8th century up to the latest evidence of Christian-Coptic, Christian-Arabic and Muslim visitors’ inscriptions in the Mamluk period. The project work started in 2013 and is now concluding its first stage, working towards the publication of results. Important components are a building-archaeological study of the church and the workshop complex, and a comprehensive documentation of the rich epigraphic evidence – both Coptic and Arabic – as well as the wall paintings.
ABE Journal - European Architecture beyond Europe - 4:2014 Global experts “off radar”, 2014
online: https://journals.openedition.org/abe/3401
The study of industrial buildings of the modern period is a very recent addition to the field of ... more The study of industrial buildings of the modern period is a very recent addition to the field of Islamic art and archaeology. As material artifacts, such industrial structures were, from the outset, intrinsically tied into global markets and networks, and give evidence of an unprecedented degree of immediate local-global interaction. Therefore, they offer rich and largely untapped potentials to study processes and actors of transformation, transfer, and innovation that profoundly changed the built environment, landscapes, and life worlds of Muslim societies in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Drawing on current research into the history of industrial architecture in modern Egypt, conducted at the German Archaeological Institute, Cairo Dept., since 2009, this paper aims to reflect on research questions, methodologies combining local field work and global archival research, the limitations and potentials of such an industrial-archaeological endeavor, to feed into the discussion on new directions of our field.