dark_stories - Profile (original) (raw)
on 12 January 2005 (#5745776)
Connecticut, United States
wierdo16: well... I'm a wierdo... I like writing, and reading other people's stuff. And, well, I jist like everything... yeah...
eventual_winter: I am an older teen with a writing-lj obsession, i think fiction is cool, and dark fiction is awesome. i have done poems in the past. as well as some much lighter stuff than what you may or may not se posted here. Welcome, and may ye write well.
adventure, crypts, darkness, elves, epics, faeries, fairies, horror, legends fables fairytales, monsters, muder, mythology, nightmares, novels, piers anthony, poetry, romance, stephen king, tamora pierce, tombs, vampires, werewolves, witches, writing
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