Japanese Conversation's Journal (original) (raw)

Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inJapanese Conversation's LiveJournal:

Friday, August 18th, 2017

8:46 pm

Monday, January 28th, 2008

8:07 pm

和食の勉強 最近私は和食をちょっと勉強している。日本で住んでいるからたぶん和食を食べたほうがいいでしょう。後、スパーで日本の野菜のほう安いだ。たとえば、蓮根や、大根や、とふや、かぼちゃや、長ネギだ。知らない野菜もいっぱいある。だから明日日本人友達と晩御飯を作ろうと思っている。


けさ朝ごはんにかゆを食べた。かゆはrice porrigeだ。最初の味はちょっと変だけど慣れてなる後においしい。1カップ米と3カップ水は鍋に入れて、ふたをして、弱い火で40分に熱気する。後、塩とこしょうを好みする。


Monday, November 12th, 2007

12:50 am

Song translation/transliteration I can never get the difference between translation and transliteration straight in my head...

Okay, here's the story. My friend was watching songs from Mulan in different languages, and she said she didn't like the Japanese version of "I'll Make a Man out of You". I've never seen Mulan, so I didn't care that much, but she kinda got me into translating it, and I ended up translating the whole song. However, my Japanese skills are kinda limited, so I'm not sure if it's right or not. Is there anyone who can proofread it?

( View the songCollapse )

Thanks!! :)

Current Mood: amused

Saturday, July 28th, 2007

12:58 am

おーい! 始めまして。ミラアリシャです。どうぞよろしく。


私は「Circuit City]でアルバイトをしています。。そして、秋と春とときどき夏時、デルタ学で行きます。いつも忙しいですね。だから、私は日本語で話しのがよくじゃないですね。でも、もう時にはほしい勉強します。

...Wow. Just writing that simple little thing broke my brain. What I wanted to say that I don't know how to say is: does anyone know of a place where I can get a good, comprehensive list of commonly used vocabulary and phrases to study? I really don't know much, and I'd like to get past things like そうね。。。 and よろしく! I want to know more about actual conversational Japanese and be able to do more than talk about school and stuff.

...I wouldn't say no to any tips on learning 漢字, either...

Current Mood: frustrated

Monday, May 21st, 2007

7:48 pm

Hello! - こんにちは! Hi there! I'm KungFuZAP, but you can call me Zap, Kameko, or just Kame. I am in middle school and have been studying Japanese for about 5 years. My favorite food in the whole world is sushi. I'm a junior black belt in Kung Fu San Soo and will probably start as an assistant teacher next year. I have two cats, Willow and Xander, and two dogs, Indy and London. Most of the posts I write are in English, but I do write some posts in Japanese. I do not at all make the claim that my Japanese is perfect and would love it if you could help me and correct any mistakes I make.
You can find my posts that are related to Japanese things and posts that are written in Japanese here.

こんにちは! は KungFuZAP、でも ザップと、 亀子と、 亀がいいです。 私は 中学校六年生です。 五年間私は日本語を調査した。 私は せかいで 一番大好きな 食べものは おすしです。 私は Kung Fu San Sooで 黒いベルトです。 ウィローと ザンダーは 私の 猫です。 インディーと ロンドンは 私の 犬です。 私の ポストは もっとえいごの ポスト、 でもすこし日本語ポストが あります。 私の 日本語は かんぺっきじゃないと おもいますとで、 私に てつだってくれませんか?
私の 日本語の ポストは こっちです。

よろしくおねがいします。 ♥~


Current Mood: cheerful

Tuesday, May 1st, 2007

12:03 am

So, I get to go study in Japan this summer for 1 month, and I'm really excited!

I've never been to Japan (or anywhere but Canada) before, so I have a lot of questions. I figured I'd just ask them as they came up....

So here's the first few:

Are there any conflicts with power cords? Like, do the American style plugs fit in the outlets there?
What about wireless Internet (802.11 B or G)? If that won't work, do they use the same standard network cables we use in the US?

I want to take my laptop, so I'm basically wondering:

  1. Will I be able to charge it?
  2. Will it be able to access the Internet?

Wednesday, January 31st, 2007

10:45 pm

Senior Project
This is to help me with my senior project in Japanese coming up this term. I would really appreciate it if everyone could fill this survey out for me.

1. How old are you?
2. What gender are you?
3. At what age did you become interested in Japanese culture?
4. What specific area of Japanese culture did you first become interested in (anime, martial arts, etc)?
5. How and when did you first learn of this particular aspect of Japanese culture?
6. What interested you about this particular aspect of Japanese culture?
7. Are you still interested in this particular aspect of Japanese culture?
8. Did this interest lead you to finding more aspects of Japanese culture that you found interesting?
9. What were these aspects?
10. How did you discover them?
11. What about them interested you the most?
12. Why were you interested?
13. Is there a common thread linking any of your interests together (i.e. I watched an anime with a catgirl in it and then I became interested in Japanese cat breeds, etc)?
14. Have you pursued any of your interests in a higher education environment?
15. Has your interest prompted you to study the language?
16. Have you gotten others interested in the culture?
17. By what avenue did you introduce them to the culture?
18. Has your interest led you to explore other east asian cultures?
19. How so?


Monday, December 4th, 2006

2:39 pm

漢字の発表 私の日本語の文科の授業で、日本人の好きな漢字について発表します。日本人、こ




Wednesday, November 29th, 2006

6:12 am

おはつー! オィ、皆☆☆☆
Hi everyone!
How's it going? Nice to meet you! I'm Dominique.
Here's something about me.
①18さい。 せんぱいでしょう!うわぁぁ~~~~
I am 18. That is quite old, isn't it?
②カナダにすんでいますね!メチャ寒いぃ。。。過般 、初雪がありました。
よかったー! メチャきれいな。(・ω・´)
I live in Canada. It's VERY cold! Recently, we had our first snow.
I'm very glad because, it looks very beautiful.
I study Japanese. Of course! And so does every body else, don't they?
Japanese is very hard !! It makes me angry sometimes。 (:D Just kidding!)
④札幌、北海道にいきました。 ここで、日本語をならうでしたぁ。楽しいかた~~~~
札幌にさみしいだね!! (´・Д・`)本当にもういきたい。
Recently、 I went to Sapporo in Hokkaido。 There I learned some Japanese。 It was very fun! I miss Sapporo。 I really want to go back。

まだ━d( ´ ∀ ` ● )━まだね。w SO SORRY!
Please forgive me for my strange Japanese! I have a long ways to go。
Oh well.
What is everybody's favourite Japanese food?
I love azuki bean! It's delicious.
Well, let's speak Japanese, shall we?

Good bye! And thank you!

Thursday, November 23rd, 2006

3:19 pm


I am in desperate need of some help with a Christmas gift! My brother spent a full year in Japan (Nagoya) two years ago on a Rotary Exchange. He returned to study Japanese and Language at the University of BC (Canada). He is completely fluent verbally and in written form. He loves the Japanese culture and language and hopes to return next year on a study abroad program. Now for where you come in… He is finding that most people he encounters in his classes are in the very beginnings of learning the language and he wants to maintain his fluency. For Christmas he has asked for Japanese novels. Basically any kind of novel (fiction), but written in Japanese. Where can I find such a thing!? TIA

Sunday, October 29th, 2006

1:25 am

Help!! I'm having massive problems with my Japanese font packet thingy. I'm running on Windows XP. Every time I put my text into Japanese, none of the options show up. All that's there is the part that says it's in Japanese, the help box, caps option, kana option, minimize and the options arrow. There should be more options. For one, I should have the option to change to roomaji, half-width roomaji, katakana, half-width katakana and hiragana. I should also have the option to change the bias of my kanji to things like name bias, conversational bias, etc. I don't have any of that. The only thing I can write in is katakana, which, as most of you should know, isn't very useful. Has anyone had this problem? Can someone tell me what to do? Your help is greatly appreciated!!

Monday, October 16th, 2006

10:34 pm


hi everyone!! i'm currently learning for a prepatory course, or should i say, a crash course to pursue degree-level studies in japan. i'm currently having trouble with not being able to use my nihon-go outside class.. so i would appreciate if there's any1 willing to be my 日本語の友達, to get to know each other, share stories and discuss about anything for fun! ^_^

Current Mood: bouncy

Wednesday, October 11th, 2006

2:05 pm

こにちは! はじめましてみなさん!
私はエリです! 私は 大学の学生、二年生ですよ!せんもんは文学と日本語です。日本語は8月しかべんきょしません、日本語はじょうずないです。。。

Hello everyone! As stated above, my name is Eli and I'm studying literature and japanese language at university! I have only been studying japanese for 8 months and so I am not that good at it yet! The reason I joined this community was in the hopes of meeting an email friend (エマイルの友だち)to help me improve! I'd like to start correspondence with people of any level, however I would really appreciate someone who has been learning a little longer than me so they can help me learn from my mistakes etc... I am really excited to be part of a community where I can practice my japanese! <3


Thursday, October 5th, 2006

11:11 pm

USED 日本語 (nihongo) books? I hope this isn't off-topic, but I was wondering if people in this LJ community had some used Japanese Language books that they no longer need and want to either give away or sell at a lower price.

I live in LA, and usually purchase my language learning books from the local Kinokuniya bookstore. And over the years, it's come to my attention that they're usually VERY expensive.

If you have some books, or are looking for some specific books, maybe we can start a trade/buy/sell. A photo, and maybe a description of what the book is would be good, and if you have time, a comment on what makes it a good/bad book.

*if this is off-topic, I can delete it =)


Monday, October 2nd, 2006

6:26 pm

does anyone know a site with japanese lyrics?
i know yahoo already, so i'd like another one~

Current Mood: hopeful

Monday, September 11th, 2006

9:14 am

romanizing japanese address :/ can someone romanize this address?

〒150- 0021 東京都渋谷区恵比寿西 2-12-12 劇団ひまわり

*_* it's for fanmail purpose lol. <3 thanks in advance ;_;


Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006

9:57 pm

kanji attack! Does anyone know of some good methods for memorizing a large amount of kanji (reading and writing) in a short period of time? A lot of my courses this semester are pretty kanji heavy and I've never been able to get the hang of memorizing it very well. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Thursday, July 13th, 2006

2:01 pm

Kanji for "Change" Hello, I hope I am posting this question correctly (and in the correct community).

I am wanting to find the japanese kanji for "change" - change as a concept not as a verb, such as would be used in "Embrace change". This is for a tattoo I am getting with a butterfly, a visual symbol of change and metamorphosis. Any help you can offer would be appreciated.

Thank you!

Current Mood: curious

Monday, June 19th, 2006

8:58 pm

Hi everyone, nice to meet you all! ^^ I'm nej.

I recently created a community, so I'm looking for people interested in translation. If you'd like, please take a look at j_translation. It's a community focused on Japanese-English translation and translation help, so pretty much anything goes within that topic. Posting in English or Japanese is welcomed. Currently, I'm looking for a native speaker of Japanese for a co-moderator, so if you're interested, sent me an email and we'll talk about it: nejthefroggie@hotmail.com.

Thank you for reading! Hope to see some of you at the community.





Current Mood: mellow

Monday, June 5th, 2006

9:30 am

Daruma... My Japanese teacher gave us all little darumas for our graduation, she said that you make a wish and draw in one of the pupils, but she wasn't sure which one... do you guys know which one??? Or is it either? Thanks!!!