University of Television and Films from Munich.. - Text zu korrigieren (editorische Bearbeitung) von Benutzer elisamn (original) (raw)

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University of Television and Films from Munich shows
a film from Elisa Maria Nadal
can go also without steering wheel
So, if I was up there it was going to be exactly the opposite.
The opposite side.
They sit there and they don't do many things.
And we down here do enough of things.
For each movement,
or the more each person moves,
there is a price for each type of moving.
Sometimes I ask myself how I do move myself.
Because most of the people move in a strange way and I think I move also in a strange way.
Come Fragle come.
Come in.
I have fun to watch them.
They sit the whole day at their desks and do stuffs that I cant really see from down here.
And we do walk around here.
I don't know...
Sometimes I ask myself if they can see down here at evening when the lights are on.
Because I can see them only in the evening when they have the lights on.
And I also wonder if they can see here through our windows because our windows are really smaller.
If they can see when I am at my desk and poke my nose, or smeared my bread, or things like that.
And if they think it is interestin­g.
Would you like some coffee?
Yes, I do.
A little bit.
a bit
About Pi and me, we both didn't really realize.
We never talked about it before, what was going to be if I get pregnant.
We were both shocked but we never even said about not having the baby.
We need something because it is a little bit cold.
What is going to be the nickname?
Carlota? Lota.
Not Car.
I don't know what is is necessary that I feel satisfied.
But without doubt the people that I live with.
I can't really get drunk anymore. I drink so slowly and then sometimes I got already tired and not really drunk.
-Yesterday I drank 6 or 7 biers and took me so long that I was... so... or?
-Oh yeah, you were rolling your tongue and I was begging you to go to bed.
-Yes, I asked if you could help me to stand up
from the floor.
In a house I feel myself locked. You are much more at fresh air living in a trailer.
I like my trailer because I can go around with it, because there I can warm up and because it is like my own room.
Living in trailer there is no hard borders between in and out.
My trailer is like a second skin.
To be even more free was my decision to do so.
To live here is a wonderful grateful state, because I like all the people that are here.
When people live together in a community, then they develop their selves even more.
If people live in a community then they develop their characters even more.
I feel safe here and I think that for a child can be the same.

Sprache: Englisch Sprachwissen: Muttersprachler, Kompetenz, Fortgeschrittene, Obere Mittelstufe

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