Stephen Ryan, O.P. | Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception (original) (raw)
Books by Stephen Ryan, O.P.
Dominique Barthélemy 2016 XXVIII-988 pages, relié 278,00 CHF Référence : 978-3-7278-1786-1 Academ... more Dominique Barthélemy
2016 XXVIII-988 pages, relié
278,00 CHF
Référence : 978-3-7278-1786-1
Academic Press Fribourg / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Göttingen
Rapport final du Comité pour l’analyse textuelle de l’Ancien Testament hébreu institué par l’Alliance Biblique Universelle, établi en coopération avec Alexander R. Hulst, Norbert Lohfink, William D. McHardy, Hans Peter Rüger et James A. Sanders, édité à partir du manuscrit inachevé de Dominique Barthélemy par Clemens Locher, Stephen Desmond Ryan et Adrian Schenker
Cet ouvrage traite des difficultés principales que le texte hébreu traditionnel des livres sapientiaux (Job, Proverbes, Qohélet, Cantique des Cantiques) a posées aux traductions de la Bible qui ont eu le plus d’influence, au cours du dernier demi-siècle, dans les cultures anglaise, française et allemande. Il présente et développe le résultat d’un travail de dix ans (1969‒1979) effectué par un comité international et interconfessionnel de spécialistes de la critique textuelle de l’Ancien Testament. Ce cinquième et dernier volume fut précédé par quatre autres, consacrés aux livres historiques et prophétiques ainsi qu’aux Psaumes.
This work addresses the main problems that the traditional Hebrew text of the wisdom books (Job, Proverbs, Qohelet, Song of Songs) poses for translators, problems that have confronted translators of the most influential English, French and German editions of the Bible over the past half-century. It presents and develops the results of a ten-year effort (1969‒79) conducted by an international and interdenominational committee of specialists in Old Testament textual criticism. This volume is the last in a five-volume series. The first four covered the historical and prophetic books as well as the Psalms.
Auteur et éditeurs
Le rédacteur-éditeur Dominique Barthélemy O.P. fut professeur émérite d’Ancien Testament à l’Université de Fribourg, Suisse. À sa mort, en 2003, il a laissé inachevé le manuscrit des quatrième et cinquième volumes.
Clemens Locher est docteur en théologie, avec une spécialisation en exégèse de l’Ancien Testament. Il a contrôlé le présent volume.
Stephen Ryan O.P. est professeur d’Ancien Testament au Studium dominicain à Washington, D.C. Il a mis dans sa forme définitive le manuscrit du présent volume.
Adrian Schenker O.P. est professeur émérite d’Ancien Testament à l’Université de Fribourg, Suisse. Il a contrôlé le présent volume.
Papers by Stephen Ryan, O.P.
A Pious Seductress Studies in the Book of Judith Ed. by Xeravits, Géza G. Series:Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies 14, 2012
In the concluding pages of trís 1966 book on the diverse textual traditions of Juditlu the French... more In the concluding pages of trís 1966 book on the diverse textual traditions of Juditlu the French Dominican André-Marie Dubarle asked an intriguing question: "\Vhidl text of Judith is canonical?'I Tlne diversity of Greek and Latin forms of the Book of ]udith which have been received by the Catholic Churdr presents both theoretical questions about Biblical inspiration and practical questions about the form of the text of Judith to be translated in Catholic Bibles and lectionaries. \rVhile Dubarle's focus was on the relative theological status of the Hebrew and Greek texts of Judith, this paper examines the status of the Greek and Latin versiong specifically Jerome's Vulgate and the Nova Vulgata, and follows the scholarly consensus holding that the Hebrew texts of Judith are late and secondary.
Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Yearbook (2008) Ed. by Reiterer, Friedrich V. / Beentjes, Pancratius Cornelis / Calduch-Benages, Nuria / Wright, Benjamin G., 2008
Jerome, EpistuJa: "Quod autem precaris, ut nostris monitis Nabuchodonosor et Rapsaces et Nabuzara... more Jerome, EpistuJa: "Quod autem precaris, ut nostris monitis Nabuchodonosor et Rapsaces et Nabuzaradan et Olofernes in te occidantur, numquam nostra auxilia postulares, si in te uiuerent" (epistula 76,3). 2 SPERLING, Rab-Shakeh.
The Peshitta: Its Use in Literature and Liturgy. Papers Read at the Third Peshitta Symposium, Edited by Bas ter Haar Romeny. Brill, 2007, 2007
Nova & Vetera 4 (2006) 132-141., 2006
in Siegbert Uhlig (ed.), Proceedings of the XVth International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Hamburg July 20-25, 2003 (Aethiopistische Forschungen 65; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006) 620-627., 2006
Syriac and Antiochian Exegesis and Biblical Theology for the 3rd Millennium, ed. Robert Miller (Gorgias Press, 2008).
"The Psalms and the Book of Tobit," in Intertextual Studies in Ben Sira and Tobit. Essays in Honor of Alexander A. Di Lella, O.F.M., ed. J. Corley and V. Skemp (CBQMS, 38; Washington DC: Catholic Biblical Association, 2005) 28-42., 2005
Book Reviews by Stephen Ryan, O.P.
A key exegetical structure that M. notes is the use of the phrases "As for me" (God) and "as for ... more A key exegetical structure that M. notes is the use of the phrases "As for me" (God) and "as for you" (covenant partner) in each of the "eternal covenant" texts. These phrases function as narrative markers of the dual obligations incurred in the eternal covenant and are crucial to M.'s argument for the bilateral and conditional nature of the "eternal covenant" throughout the Pentateuch. As M. indicates, the emphasis is on how Israel is to fulfill its fundamental command "to be fruitful and multiply." Each use of the phrase "eternal covenant" points to God's provision of the ways and means by which Israel is enabled and empowered to fulfill its unique covenant relationship with God.
Recensiones 281 280 Recensiones literarischen Charakteren eine über die Zusammenfassung der vorhe... more Recensiones 281 280 Recensiones literarischen Charakteren eine über die Zusammenfassung der vorherigen Ergebnisse hinausgehende Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt lvird. Den analytischen Teil abschließend formuliert Heckl die Griinde, die hinter der Formulierung von Dtn l-3 gestanden haben könnten. Durch die in sich geschlossene Argumentation cles Textes lvird die Frage beantlvortet: "Wie kommt Moses besonderes Gottesverhältnis zustande, und rvieso spielt er ftir das Gottesverhältnis Israels eine exklusive Rolle, obwohl er das noch einzunehmencle Land nicht betreten darl?" (366). Dartiber hinaus rvird durch clie unabgeschlossenen Aspekte des Abschnitts die Frage provoziert: "Wie
Dominique Barthélemy 2016 XXVIII-988 pages, relié 278,00 CHF Référence : 978-3-7278-1786-1 Academ... more Dominique Barthélemy
2016 XXVIII-988 pages, relié
278,00 CHF
Référence : 978-3-7278-1786-1
Academic Press Fribourg / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Göttingen
Rapport final du Comité pour l’analyse textuelle de l’Ancien Testament hébreu institué par l’Alliance Biblique Universelle, établi en coopération avec Alexander R. Hulst, Norbert Lohfink, William D. McHardy, Hans Peter Rüger et James A. Sanders, édité à partir du manuscrit inachevé de Dominique Barthélemy par Clemens Locher, Stephen Desmond Ryan et Adrian Schenker
Cet ouvrage traite des difficultés principales que le texte hébreu traditionnel des livres sapientiaux (Job, Proverbes, Qohélet, Cantique des Cantiques) a posées aux traductions de la Bible qui ont eu le plus d’influence, au cours du dernier demi-siècle, dans les cultures anglaise, française et allemande. Il présente et développe le résultat d’un travail de dix ans (1969‒1979) effectué par un comité international et interconfessionnel de spécialistes de la critique textuelle de l’Ancien Testament. Ce cinquième et dernier volume fut précédé par quatre autres, consacrés aux livres historiques et prophétiques ainsi qu’aux Psaumes.
This work addresses the main problems that the traditional Hebrew text of the wisdom books (Job, Proverbs, Qohelet, Song of Songs) poses for translators, problems that have confronted translators of the most influential English, French and German editions of the Bible over the past half-century. It presents and develops the results of a ten-year effort (1969‒79) conducted by an international and interdenominational committee of specialists in Old Testament textual criticism. This volume is the last in a five-volume series. The first four covered the historical and prophetic books as well as the Psalms.
Auteur et éditeurs
Le rédacteur-éditeur Dominique Barthélemy O.P. fut professeur émérite d’Ancien Testament à l’Université de Fribourg, Suisse. À sa mort, en 2003, il a laissé inachevé le manuscrit des quatrième et cinquième volumes.
Clemens Locher est docteur en théologie, avec une spécialisation en exégèse de l’Ancien Testament. Il a contrôlé le présent volume.
Stephen Ryan O.P. est professeur d’Ancien Testament au Studium dominicain à Washington, D.C. Il a mis dans sa forme définitive le manuscrit du présent volume.
Adrian Schenker O.P. est professeur émérite d’Ancien Testament à l’Université de Fribourg, Suisse. Il a contrôlé le présent volume.
A Pious Seductress Studies in the Book of Judith Ed. by Xeravits, Géza G. Series:Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies 14, 2012
In the concluding pages of trís 1966 book on the diverse textual traditions of Juditlu the French... more In the concluding pages of trís 1966 book on the diverse textual traditions of Juditlu the French Dominican André-Marie Dubarle asked an intriguing question: "\Vhidl text of Judith is canonical?'I Tlne diversity of Greek and Latin forms of the Book of ]udith which have been received by the Catholic Churdr presents both theoretical questions about Biblical inspiration and practical questions about the form of the text of Judith to be translated in Catholic Bibles and lectionaries. \rVhile Dubarle's focus was on the relative theological status of the Hebrew and Greek texts of Judith, this paper examines the status of the Greek and Latin versiong specifically Jerome's Vulgate and the Nova Vulgata, and follows the scholarly consensus holding that the Hebrew texts of Judith are late and secondary.
Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Yearbook (2008) Ed. by Reiterer, Friedrich V. / Beentjes, Pancratius Cornelis / Calduch-Benages, Nuria / Wright, Benjamin G., 2008
Jerome, EpistuJa: "Quod autem precaris, ut nostris monitis Nabuchodonosor et Rapsaces et Nabuzara... more Jerome, EpistuJa: "Quod autem precaris, ut nostris monitis Nabuchodonosor et Rapsaces et Nabuzaradan et Olofernes in te occidantur, numquam nostra auxilia postulares, si in te uiuerent" (epistula 76,3). 2 SPERLING, Rab-Shakeh.
The Peshitta: Its Use in Literature and Liturgy. Papers Read at the Third Peshitta Symposium, Edited by Bas ter Haar Romeny. Brill, 2007, 2007
Nova & Vetera 4 (2006) 132-141., 2006
in Siegbert Uhlig (ed.), Proceedings of the XVth International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Hamburg July 20-25, 2003 (Aethiopistische Forschungen 65; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006) 620-627., 2006
Syriac and Antiochian Exegesis and Biblical Theology for the 3rd Millennium, ed. Robert Miller (Gorgias Press, 2008).
"The Psalms and the Book of Tobit," in Intertextual Studies in Ben Sira and Tobit. Essays in Honor of Alexander A. Di Lella, O.F.M., ed. J. Corley and V. Skemp (CBQMS, 38; Washington DC: Catholic Biblical Association, 2005) 28-42., 2005
A key exegetical structure that M. notes is the use of the phrases "As for me" (God) and "as for ... more A key exegetical structure that M. notes is the use of the phrases "As for me" (God) and "as for you" (covenant partner) in each of the "eternal covenant" texts. These phrases function as narrative markers of the dual obligations incurred in the eternal covenant and are crucial to M.'s argument for the bilateral and conditional nature of the "eternal covenant" throughout the Pentateuch. As M. indicates, the emphasis is on how Israel is to fulfill its fundamental command "to be fruitful and multiply." Each use of the phrase "eternal covenant" points to God's provision of the ways and means by which Israel is enabled and empowered to fulfill its unique covenant relationship with God.
Recensiones 281 280 Recensiones literarischen Charakteren eine über die Zusammenfassung der vorhe... more Recensiones 281 280 Recensiones literarischen Charakteren eine über die Zusammenfassung der vorherigen Ergebnisse hinausgehende Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt lvird. Den analytischen Teil abschließend formuliert Heckl die Griinde, die hinter der Formulierung von Dtn l-3 gestanden haben könnten. Durch die in sich geschlossene Argumentation cles Textes lvird die Frage beantlvortet: "Wie kommt Moses besonderes Gottesverhältnis zustande, und rvieso spielt er ftir das Gottesverhältnis Israels eine exklusive Rolle, obwohl er das noch einzunehmencle Land nicht betreten darl?" (366). Dartiber hinaus rvird durch clie unabgeschlossenen Aspekte des Abschnitts die Frage provoziert: "Wie
Niebuhr. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 174. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2004. ... more Niebuhr. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 174. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2004. Pp. xiv + 420. €99. This volume contains articles in English (7) and German (13) from a conference of Western European and Orthodox exegetes (a second such gathering) held at the Rila Monastery in Bulgaria, September 8-15, 2001. Participants included Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox exegetes, as well as Jewish scholar Michael Mach. The articles are divided into five categories: the Old Testament in the Christian tradition; the OT in the New Testament and in ancient Judaism; the canon of the OT; messianic texts and their Christian interpretation; and a final review and look to the future.
Summer classes June-July 2016, Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception, Washington DC
The original French version and a later German version of this paper are given here. The German v... more The original French version and a later German version of this paper are given here. The German version: "Die Heilige Schrift subsistiert gleichzeitig in mehreren kanonischen Formen," appeared in Studien zu Propheten, Stuttgart, 2003, 192-200. The original was given as a response to a paper by the Tübingen fundamental theologian Max Seckler.
In Memoriam: The life and work of the Egyptian Dominican Georges Anawati (1905-1994). With a trib... more In Memoriam: The life and work of the Egyptian Dominican Georges Anawati (1905-1994). With a tribute from Richard M. Frank of the American Oriental Society and The Catholic University of America.
The Seventh North American Syriac Symposium will take place at the Catholic University of America... more The Seventh North American Syriac Symposium will take place at the Catholic University of America, June 21-24, 2015. Held every four years since 1991, the North American Syriac Symposium brings together university professors, graduate students, and scholars from the United States and Canada as well as from Europe, the Middle East, and India, in particular from the State of Kerala. The Symposium offers a unique opportunity for exchange and discussion on a wide variety of topics related to the language, literature, and cultural history of Syriac Christianity, which extends chronologically from the first centuries CE to the present day and geographically from Syriac Christianity’s homeland in the Middle East to South India, China, and the worldwide diaspora. This year’s conference boasts a program of 65 papers plus 4 keynote speakers as well as an evening Forum on Preserving Cultural Heritage.