Ferat Yılmaz | Dicle Üniversitesi (original) (raw)

Papers by Ferat Yılmaz

Research paper thumbnail of İlkokullar için Kısaltılmış Okul İklimi Ölçeğinin Türkçeye Uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması / The Validity and Reliability Study of the Abbreviated School Climate Survey's Turkish Version for Elementary Schools

Amaç: Bu çalışmada geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması yapılan İlkokullar için Kısaltılmış Okul İkli... more Amaç: Bu çalışmada geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması yapılan İlkokullar için Kısaltılmış Okul İklimi Ölçeği’nin (KOİÖ) Türkçeye uyarlanması amaçlanmıştır.
Yöntem: Araştırmaya, 2014-2015 eğitim öğretim yılı bahar döneminde,
Diyarbakır ve Malatya illerindeki farklı ilkokullarda öğrenim gören 381 öğrenci katılmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak Revize Edilmiş Okul Tutumu
Değerlendirme Ölçeği’nin Okula Yönelik Tutum Alt Ölçeği ile KOİÖ
Bulgular: Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre KOİÖ’nün Türkçe formu orijinal formla dilsel açıdan eşdeğerdir. Birinci düzey Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi sonuçları, KOİÖ’nün Türkçe formu için orijinal formdaki yapıyı doğrulamaktadır. KOİÖ’nün alt ölçekleri uyum geçerliğine sahiptir. KOİÖ’nün Türkçe formu ile yapılan ölçümler güvenilirdir.
Sonuçlar ve Öneriler: KOİÖ’de yer alan bütün maddeler ayırt edicidir.
Dolayısıyla KOİÖ’nün Türkçe formu ile geçerli ve güvenilir ölçümlerin elde
edilebileceği söylenebilmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of The Scale of Being Able to Say " No " For Children: Validity and Reliability Analysis * Çocuklar İçin " Hayır " Diyebilme Becerisi Ölçeği: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması

Öz Bu araştırmada, çocukların " hayır " diyebilme becerilerini değerlendirmeye yönelik bir ölçeği... more Öz Bu araştırmada, çocukların " hayır " diyebilme becerilerini değerlendirmeye yönelik bir ölçeğin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın katılımcılarını, HÖ'nün kapsam geçerliğini sağlamak üzere HÖ'de yer alan maddeler hakkında görüşü alınan uzmanlar ile HÖ'nün yapı geçerliği, ölçüm güvenirliği ve madde ayırt ediciliği hakkında fikir edinmek için HÖ'de yer alan maddeleri puanlaması istenen ilkokul 4. sınıf öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Bu araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak sırasıyla HÖ'ye ait 24 maddelik 3'lü Likert, 22 maddelik 3'lü Likert, 12 maddelik 3'lü Likert ve 12 maddelik 5'li Likert olmak üzere dört ayrı taslak form kullanılmıştır. Bu formların geliştirilme süreci, aşağıda ayrıntılı bir biçimde açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. HÖ'nün kapsam geçerliğini değerlendirmek amacıyla uzman görüşü alınmıştır. Yapı geçerliği için açımlayıcı ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. HÖ'den elde edilen ölçümlerin güvenirliği, Cronbach Alfa ve test yarılama (eşdeğer yarılar) yöntemlerinin kullanılmasıyla analiz edilmiştir. Düzeltilmiş madde toplam korelasyonları ile bağımsız örneklemler için t-testi sonuçlarından yola çıkılarak ölçekte yer alan maddelerin ayırt edicilikleri hakkında bir fikir edinilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları, çocukların " hayır " diyebilme becerileri ile ilgili yapılacak çalışmalarda HÖ'nün geçerli ve güvenilir sonuçlar verebilecek bir ölçme aracı olarak kullanılabileceğini ortaya koymuştur. Abstract In this study, it is aimed to develop a scale for assessing children's ability to say " no ". The participants included in the study are the area experts that helped to achieve content validity, and fourth graders who are asked to score the items in the SN to have an idea about the construct validity, measurement reliability and item discrimination of the item in the scale. In this study, four different drafts of the SN which contained 24 items of 3-pointed Likert type, 22 items of 3-pointed Likert type, 12 items of 3-pointed Likert type and 12 items of 5-pointed Likert type were used. In order to evaluate the content validity of the SN, the experts' opinions were received. For the construct validity, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted. Reliability of measurements obtained with the SN was analyzed by using the methods of Cronbach's Alpha and Split-half. An opinion was formed about the distinctiveness of items in the scale setting out from the corrected item total correlations (CITC) and the results of the independent samples t-tests. The results of the study showed that the SN can be used as a data collection tool, and is able to produce valid and reliable interpretations in studies that aim to explore children's ability to say " no ". Keywords: Being able to say " no " , the scale of being able to say " no " , scale development

Research paper thumbnail of Empathic Tendency, Majority Culture Representation, and Political Conservatism as Predictors of Intercultural Sensitivity

This study aims to determine the variables capable of predicting the concept of intercultural sen... more This study aims to determine the variables capable of predicting the concept of intercultural sensitivity. For this reason, it uses correlational survey model. The participants in this study were the prospective primary school teachers studying in Dicle and Marmara Universities in Turkey. This study employed basically three tools for data collection-namely-Personal Information Form, Empathetic Tendency Scale, and Intercultural Sensitivity Scale. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was employed to analyze the data obtained in this study. According to the results obtained in this research, individuals " empathetic, sympathetic and egocentric tendencies, their properties representing the majority culture, and their levels of political conservatism account for 23.8% of their levels of intercultural sensitivity.

Research paper thumbnail of Who are teachers? A study of identity hierarchy

This study aims to create a hierarchy of identities for teachers' perceptions of the self. The re... more This study aims to create a hierarchy of identities for teachers' perceptions of the self. The research carried out as a survey study was conducted in Diyarbakır, a province in Turkey, with a study group of 261 teachers. This study employs a tool of data collection making it possible to present the six types of identities—namely, professional identity, moral identity, gender identity, political identity, ethnic identity and religious identity—to participants in the form of pairwise comparisons. Fifth case equation of scaling through pairwise comparisons was used in the analysis of the data collected. According to results obtained, teachers adopt moral identity mostly—which is followed by professional identity, political identity, ethnic identity, religious identity and gender identity respectively.

Research paper thumbnail of Class Teacher Candidates' Skill of Saying No in Relation to Components of Moral Anatomy

Problem Statement: The ability to say no when faced with demands with possible moral consequences... more Problem Statement: The ability to say no when faced with demands with possible moral consequences becomes a problem that must be addressed in terms of morality in all of its dimensions, including in terms of the concept of character. Character can be defined from different perspectives, and within the framework of moral anatomy. For class teacher candidates, an additional consideration is that they will be professionally required to be models of character to students in critical periods of character development, as well as to promote the skill of saying no among students. In that regard, class teacher candidates' skills of saying no when faced with moral dilemmas that they experience in their professional lives are essential to investigate, particularly in relation to the components of moral anatomy. Purpose of the Study: The purpose of the study was to investigate class teacher candidates' skill of saying no in relation to components of moral anatomy. Method: Following a phenomenological design, this study's sample included 25 volunteer class teacher candidates who have experienced the phenomenon of saying no as education faculty in Turkey. Research data were collected via semi structured interviews conducted with case study texts containing moral dilemmas related to the ability of saying no. Data obtained in line with the case studies were analyzed according to thematic analysis.
Findings: Class teacher candidates can generally say no when it comes to personal interests. The demand that they accept most concerns changing roles, and the only dilemmas that they fail to resolve are moral ones related to close relationships. A basic result of this study is that class teacher candidates think that they might have more difficulty with saying no in terms of having to change roles. Participants said that they would not have any difficulty with saying no due to their ideology, even when concerning their personal interests. It might thus be suggested that the most basic factor affecting class teacher candidates’ reactions to saying no when faced with moral dilemmas, at least within the scope of this study, is moral anatomy—that is, the person’s character structure.
Conclusion and Recommendations: Results suggest that class teacher candidates need to distinguish evaluations of their morality according to moral anatomy characteristics that they possess and the codes of ethics of the teaching profession.

Research paper thumbnail of Revize Edilmiş Okul İklimi Öğretmen Ölçeğinin Türkçe Formunun Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması / The Validity and Reliability Study of Revised School Climate Teacher Survey’s Turkish Version

Introduction School climate which is based on a common perception of school members is a school e... more Introduction
School climate which is based on a common perception of school members is a school
environment’s relatively enduring characteristics affected by principal’s management,
experienced by teachers and affecting behaviors of school members. Studies about school
climate have been carried out since 1950s. It can be said that the main reason to start to carry
out such kind of studies is that school climate can affect organizational behavior. One of the
basic elements of school climate that is affected by school climate in terms of organizational
behavior is teachers. That’s why the issue of teachers’ school climate perceptions is handled
in Turkish and other literatures by using various research instruments. But, in Turkish
literature, most of the research instruments used for this aim include only principals’ and
teachers’ behaviors dimensions of school climate which is essentially multi-dimensional.
However there is a more comprehensive instrument in terms of school climate’s dimensions
in Turkish literature. But this instrument doesn’t include a dimension of character education
which has mutual and positive relationships with school climate. For this reason, it is aimed to
adapt Revised School Climate Teacher Survey (RSCTS) which is developed with a character
education perspective to Turkish and assess its psychometrics properties in this study.

This study is an instrument adaptation study.
Study Group
There are three different study groups in this study. First group of these is a group
consisting of 56 English teachers studied with to determine the linguistic equivalence. Second
and third groups of this study comprise the teachers working in Beşiktaş, Kâğıthane, Beyoğlu,
Esenyurt and Küçükçekmece districts of İstanbul. Second group consists of 58 teachers from
different teaching branches included in the scope of the study to determine the concurrent
validity. Third group consisting of 240 elementary and secondary teachers was studied with to
reveal the construct validity, measurement reliability and to analyze the items.
Data Collection Tools
Data collection tools of this study are RSCTS aimed to adapt and Organizational
Climate Scale (OCS) used to determine the concurrent validity of RSCTS. RSCTS consisting
of 42 items and seven sub-scales is abbreviated version of the School Climate Teacher Survey
consisting of 90 items and 14 sub-scales. Subscales of this abbreviated form are Principal
Supportiveness, Accessibility, and Competence, Colleague Collegiality, Prosocial
Development Practices, Student Behavior, Teacher Efficacy, Enjoyment of Teaching, and
Parent Involvement. OCS has 39 items consists of Supportive, Directive, and Restrictive
Principal Behaviors and Intimate, Collegial, and Disengaged Teacher Behaviors dimensions.
Adaptation Process
To adapt the RSCTS to Turkish, these steps were followed: 1) Getting permission from
the researchers who developed RSCTS. 2) Preparing Turkish form of RSCTS with
contributions of four scientists working in the field of education. 3) Calculating the
correlation coefficients between Turkish and English versions of RSCTS for linguistic
equivalence. 4) Revealing construct validity of RSCTS by conducting Confirmatory Factor
Analysis (CFA). 5) Calculating the Pearson correlation coefficients between some sub-scales
of RSCTS and related sub-scales of OCS. 6) Determining internal consistency coefficients
and applying split-half test to comment on measurement reliability 7) Computing Corrected
Item Total Correlations and conducting Independent Samples t-Test to have opinions about
item discrimination degrees.

Correlation coefficients between the Turkish and English versions of RSCTS’s subscales
differ between 0,802 and 0,989. These coefficients are between 0,70 and 0,99 for items
in RSCTS’s Turkish and English versions. There is a positive, moderate and significant
relationship between Principal Supportiveness, Accessibility, and Competence dimension of
RSCTS and Supportive Principal Behaviors dimension of OCS. There is a positive, moderate
and significant relationship between Colleague Collegiality dimension of RSCTS and
Collegial Teacher Behaviors dimension of OCS, too. Apart from these, there is a positive,
weak and significant relationship between Enjoyment of Teaching dimension of RSCTS and
Supportive Principal Behaviors dimension of OCS. Besides, there is a negative, moderate and
significant relationship between Enjoyment of Teaching dimension of RSCTS and
Disengaged Teacher Behaviors dimension of OCS. For revealing construct validity of
RSCTS, CFA was conducted. According to results of CFA, the value obtained by dividing
chi-square by degree of freedom is 2,66. In addition to that, RMSEA=0,087; NFI=0,91;
NNFI=0,94; PNFI=0,084; CFI=0,94; IFI=0,94; RFI=0,90; RMR=0,078; SRMR=0,073 and
PGFI=0,61. t values related to the items of RSCTS differ between 5,60 and 16,34. All of these
values are significant at the level of 0,01. Factor loadings of the items of RSCTS are 0,35 or
above for each sub-scale. Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficient of RSCTS’s subscales
differ between 0,76 and 0,93. Spearman-Brown coefficients calculated by split-half
method differ between 0,71 and 0,89 for the subscales of RSCTS. Corrected Item Total
Correlations of the items in sub-scales are above 0,30

Discussion, Conclusion and Suggestions
Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that Turkish and English
versions of RSCTS are equivalent at a high level with regard to linguistic equivalence.
Furthermore, Principal Supportiveness, Accessibility, and Competence, Colleague
Collegiality and Enjoyment of Teaching dimensions of RSCTS have concurrent validity. Not
being able to determine the concurrent validity of other sub-scales of RSCTS is a limitation of
this study. CFA results showed that Turkish version of RSCTS has 42 items and seven subscales
and these sub-scales include the items included by sub-scales of English version. In
other words, construct validity of Turkish version of RSCTS was confirmed by CFA.
According to item analysis, items in RSCTS can discriminate the participants remarkably.
Considering measurement reliability coefficients and characteristics of the study group, it is
possible to state that RSCTS can be used as a valid and reliable instrument to measure
teacher’s perceptions about school climate in all of the school stages in Turkey.


Extended Abstract Problem: Moral identity is the self-concept developed in accordance with a seri... more Extended Abstract
Problem: Moral identity is the self-concept developed in accordance with a series of moral characteristics (Aquino and Reed, 2002: 1424). Moral identity has two basic dimensions called Internalization and Symbolization. Moral schemas constructed in mind are internalized strongly as moral identity characteristics through internalization. These moral identity characteristics are reflected to others as personal behaviors through symbolization (Shao, Aquino and Freeman, 2008: 516-517). Based on these dimensions of moral identity, it can be said that perceiving one’s own morality is about internalization whereas being perceived in terms of morality by others is about symbolization. Moral identity has been an interest for many researchers outside of Turkey for its role in encouraging moral behaviors and preventing immoral behaviors. But, there are few studies about moral identity in Turkish literature. It is thought that one of the reasons of this situation is that there is no instrument used to measure the moral identity in Turkish literature. For this reason, the aim of this study is to adapt Moral Identity scale (MIS) (Aquino and Reed, 2002) which is used for many researches in foreign literature into Turkish.
Method: This is an instrument adaptation study. The participants of this study are the students of Dicle University. To determine the linguistic equivalence, the data obtained from 63 teacher candidates studying English language teaching were used. To have ideas about concurrent validity, necessary data were collected from 81 students studying primary school teaching. Within the context of construct validity, data obtained from 194 teacher candidates studying at different branches were used for exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and data obtained from 187 teacher candidates studying at different branches were used for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). To comment on test-retest reliability of MIS, data obtained from 44 primary school teacher candidates were utilized. In this study MIS and The Ethics Behavior Rating Scale (EBRS) were used to collect data. MIS has two sub-scales, Internalization and Symbolization. Each sub-scale is made up of 5 items. EBRS is composed of 15 items and two sub-scales that are Personal Moral Character and Verbal Moral Assertiveness.
To adapt the MIS to Turkish, these steps were followed:

Getting permission from the researchers who developed MIS
 Preparing Turkish form of MIS with contributions of three scientists working in the field of education.
 Calculating the correlation coefficients between Turkish and English versions of MIS for linguistic equivalence.
 Revealing construct validity of MIS by conducting EFA and CFA.
 Having an idea about the concurrent validity by calculating the Pearson correlation coefficients between MIS and EBRS.
 Obtaining data from the same group for test-retest reliability at two week intervals.
 Determining internal consistency coefficients and applying the split - half test to comment on measurement reliability
 Computing Corrected Item Total Correlations and conducting Independent Samples t-Test to have opinions about item discrimination degrees.

Findings: According to the results of this study, correlation values between Turkish and English version of Internalization sub-scales’ items differs from .90 to .99. These values differ from .92 to .98 for the items of the Symbolization sub - scale. These values refer that Turkish version of MIS is equivalent in terms of lingual equivalence. Based on the results of EFA, it can be said that Turkish version of MIS has two sub-scales like the original version of the scale and it explains 53.22% of total variance. Factor loadings of the Internalization sub-scale’s items are between .47 and .85. Symbolization sub-scale’s items’ factor loadings are between .63-.83. The results of CFA confirmed the original construct of MIS. All of the t values related to the items of MIS are above the 2.56. This result shows that these values are significant at the level of .01. The value obtained by dividing the chi - square by degree of freedom is 1.50. CFI (.96); NNFI (.95); IFI (.96); GFI (.95) and AGFI (.92) indices indicate perfect fit for the original construct of MIS. RMSEA (.052); NFI (.91); SRMR (.057); PNFI (.067) and PGFI (.57) indices indicate reasonable fit for the original construct of MIS. There is a positive, moderate and significant relationship between Internalization sub-scale of MIS and EBRS (p<.001, r=.40) There is a positive, moderate and significant relationship between Internalization sub-scale of MIS and Personal Moral Character sub-scale of EBRS (p<.001, r=.39) There is a low, positive and significant relationship between Internalization sub-scale of MIS and Verbal Moral Assertiveness sub-scale of EBRS (p<.05, r=.28). There is a positive, moderate and significant relationship between Symbolization sub-scale of MIS and EBRS (p<.001, r=.48) and there is a positive, moderate and significant relationship between Symbolization sub-scale of MIS and Verbal Moral Assertiveness sub-scale of EBRS (p<.001, r=.43). A positive, moderate and significant relationship was found between Symbolization sub-scale of MIS and Personal Moral Character sub-scale of EBRS (p<.001, r=.40). The test re-test reliability coefficient is .71 (p<.000) for Internalization subscale and this value is .74 (p<.001) for Symbolization sub-scale. Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficients are .77 for Internalization sub-scale and .76 for Symbolization sub-scale. The Spearman-Brown coefficients calculated by split-half method are .72 and .69, respectively. These results show that all of the measurements are reliable. Corrected Item Total Correlations of the items in the sub-scales are above .30. This means that all of the items can discriminate participants remarkably.
Conclusion and Suggestions: It is suggested that considerable studies about moral identity should be carried out in Turkey to make moral identity as important as other kind of identities formed by our belongings such as ethnic identity and religious identity for society. For these studies, the Turkish version of MIS can be used as a valid and reliable instrument. In this context, it can be searched in terms of which variables moral identity differs. The relationships between moral identity and socio-moral problems or moral behaviors can be examined. We can say that there are more ways to reflect our moral characteristics to others. One of these ways is using social networks to share our thoughts, opinions, photos or videos about morality. Therefore, we suggest that an item about reflecting our morality by using social networks can be added to Symbolization subscale of MIS in future researches. On the strength of the relationship between Symbolization and Verbal Moral Assertiveness, we propose that there can also be an item about reflecting morality through daily discourses in Symbolization sub-scale. MIS is an instrument providing a direct assessment of moral identity. Apart from this instrument, moral identity can be measured by using instruments providing latent or relative assessments of moral identity. So, this kind of instruments can be developed by researchers in the future.

Research paper thumbnail of Eğitim Felsefeleri Çerçevesinde Geleceğin Öğretmenleri: Metaforik Bir Çalışma / The Teachers of the Future within the Framework of Educational Philosophies: A Metaphoric Study

The main purpose of this study is to examine the future teachers’ thoughts about what kind of a t... more The main purpose of this study is to examine the future teachers’ thoughts about what kind of a teacher they want to be in the future via metaphors. In this direction, it is wanted 230 pre-service teachers who study in Dicle University Ziya Gökalp Faculty of Education in 2011-2012 academic year to complete the sentences of “I want to be a teacher like …….. Because………”. The data obtained from this study were analyzed by using qualitative and quantitative research methods. According to results of this study, participants produced 193 valid metaphors about teacher concept that they want to be in the future. These metaphors collected under four categories which are progressive teachers of the future, reconstructivist teachers of the future, perennial teachers of the future and essentialist teachers of the future in terms of common characteristics of metaphors. According to results obtained from this study, pre-service teachers mostly adopt progressivism educational philosophy and they adopt essentialist educational philosophy at the lowest rate.


Whilst the internet is providing new experiences for children and adults as a part of daily life,... more Whilst the internet is providing new experiences for children and
adults as a part of daily life, when used unconsciously it can cause
some problems especially for children. This study aims to reveal the
negativities that the 4th and 5th grade students face whilst they are
researching their homework on the internet and what they do in this
case. The design of the study is fully mixed concurrent equal status
design. Survey method was used for quantitative dimension and
phenomenology was used for qualitative dimension of this design. The
quantitative study group of the research constitutes 417 children. 15
students were selected from quantitative study group according to
criterion sampling for the interviews. The quantitative data were
collected by a questionnaire developed by researchers. The
questionnaire data were analyzed via percentage, frequency and chi
square statistical techniques. Qualitative data of the study were
collected by semi-structured interviews and analyzed by using thematic
analysis. It was found that coming across sexual content whilst
researching their homework on the internet, seeing websites giving
information about terror and being asked money in exchange for doing
homework differ according to variable of gender and having access to
the internet at home. Girls expressed that they had more these negative
experiences comparing with boys. In the quantitative dimension,
children stated that they would share their negative experiences with
polices and teachers rather than sharing with their families. In the
qualitative dimension, it was revealed that negative experiences faced by
children are coming across sexual content, unwanted advertisements,
virus, friendship requests, chat requests, and not being able to find
appropriate information. In the interviews, all of the children stated that
they would share their negative experiences faced on the internet with
their families. On the basis of the rsults of this study, it can be said
that some qualitative and quantitative researches can be conducted for
revealing the parents’ and teachers’ opinions about the children’s
negative experiences and their responses to these experiences in the


The aim of this research is to determine the prospective elementary teachers’ perceptions about t... more The aim of this research is to determine the prospective elementary teachers’ perceptions about the concept of ‘research assistants’ through metaphors. This research was designed as phenomenological study which is a kind of qualitative research. The participants of this research are 142 prospective elementary teachers who study at Dicle University Ziya Gökalp Education Faculty Department of Elementary School Teaching. To analyze the data obtained from this study, content analyzing technique was used. The results of this study reveal that prospective elementary teachers used 61 different metaphors about the concept of research assistants. These 61 metaphors were collected under six categories. It was concluded that prospective elementary teachers, generally, consubstantiate the concept of research assistant with positive metaphors. The most used metaphors in this research are the student, teacher, artist, porter, laborer and researcher.


In this study investigating fifth grade students' ICT access facilities at home, and ICT literacy... more In this study investigating fifth grade students' ICT access facilities at home, and ICT literacy level, survey
method was used. The universe of this study is fifth grade students of primary schools in Diyarbakır. The data
were collected by ICT Access Facilities Questionnaire and ICT Literacy Test developed by researchers.
According to results of this study, there is a significant difference between male and female students in favor of
male students in terms of ICT access facilities at home (p<0,05). Students’ ICT access facilities at home differ
significantly in relation to thethe number of households, households’ computer and/or internet usage status,
parent’s occupation, parent’s education level (p<0,05). Students’ ICT literacy level doesn’t differ significantly in
relation to the gender (p>0,05). However, ICT literacy level differ significantly in relation to the number of
households, households’ computer and/or internet usage status, parent’s occupation, parent’s education level
(p<0,05). Based on the results of this study, it is suggested that computer classes should be compulsory in cities,
which are disadvantaged in terms of socio-economic status, ICT access and usage.

Research paper thumbnail of 4+4+4 Eğitim Sisteminde Sınıf Öğretmenleri ile Fen ve Teknoloji Öğretmenlerinin Eğitim Durumlarını Düzenleme Becerilerinin İncelenmesi / Investigation of Science-Technology and Primary School Teachers’ Organization Skills for Learning Experiences in the Education System Called 4+4+4

The purpose of this study is to investigate the science-technology and primary school teachers’ o... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the science-technology and primary school teachers’ organization skills for learning experiences in science and technology lesson according to the opinions of 5th and 6th grade students. This research is designed based on causal comparative model and 787 5th and 6th grade students of three schools in each of the four central districts of Diyarbakır province participated in this study. In this study, as a data collection tool, “The Assessment Scale of Teachers’ Organization Skills for Learning Experiences” developed by researchers was used. As a result of this study, when there is no significant difference between the opinions about primary school teachers’ organization skills for learning experiences in science and technology lesson in terms of the variables of gender, changing status in report card mark of science and technology lesson and central district, but there is a significant difference in terms of class level in favor of 5th grade students. Moreover, 5th grade students prefer primary school teachers to science and technology teachers, in terms of organizing learning experiences in science and technology lesson.

Research paper thumbnail of Sınıf Öğretmeni Adaylarının Bitişik Eğik Yazıya İlişkin Tutumları / Prospective Elementary School Teachers’ Attitudes towards Cursive Handwriting

The mother tongue language development implies a process which starts with listening, continues w... more The mother tongue language development implies a process which starts with
listening, continues with speaking and facilitates to be aware of acquired language’s
grammar. At the end of this process which develops informally individuals take a step
that they will be rewarded with reading and writing skills. The writing skills which are
very important for individuals to express themselves effectively and communicate with
others efficiently is a tool that help us to explain our feelings, thoughts, plans and what
we saw and lived by lettering. For using this tool more effectively cursive handwriting
has been used since the changes in 2005. When we examine the results of the papers
about cursive handwriting which carried out with teachers, students and prospective
teachers, we see that there are either positive or negative aspects or perceptions about
this writing style. It can be said that prospective teachers’ attitudes towards cursive
handwriting can be shaped by all of this positive and negative aspects.

In this research, it was aimed to determine attitudes of prospective elementary
school teachers who will teach the cursive handwriting towards cursive handwriting.

This research was carried out by using quantitative research method and
causal-comparative model. To determine attitudes of prospective elementary school
teachers towards cursive handwriting “Cursive Handwriting Attitude Scale” (CHAS)
was developed by researchers. To develop CHAS a pre-implementation of the scale was
done with 195 prospective elementary school teachers who study at Firat and Inonu
Universities Education Faculties Primary Education Departments. In accordance with
pre-implementation and to provide construct validity, exploratory and confirmatory
factor analyses were done. According to results of these analyses there are three subscales
in CHAS. These sub-scales are the “Attitude towards Reading the Texts which
are written in Cursive Handwriting (ARTWCH)”, “Attitude towards Writing in Cursive
Handwriting (AWCH)” and “Beliefs about the Function of Cursive Handwriting
(BFCH)”. After providing construct validity of the CHAS, the actual implementation
was carried out by participating 236 prospective elementary school teachers who study
Firat and Inonu Universities Education Faculties Primary Education Departments.
According to data obtained from the actual implementation, the Cronbach’s
alpha reliability coefficient of CHAS is 0,941. This reliability coefficient is 0,81 for
ARTWCH; 0,89 for AWCH and 0,90 for BFCH. All of these values are the signs of
reliable measurements by CHAS and the sub-scales of CHAS. To decide which tests
should be used to analyze the data of this study Kolmogorov Smirnov Z-test results
were handled. With respect to results of this test, it can be said that CHAS and the subscales
of CHAS points do not scatter normally (p<0,05). Because of these results, Mann
Whitney U-test and Kruskall Wallis H-test which are the non-parametric tests were used
to analyze the data obtained from the actual implementation of the scale.

Based on the results of this study, attitude towards reading the texts which are
written in cursive handwriting points of prospective elementary teachers are higher than
their attitude towards writing in cursive handwriting points and beliefs about the
function of cursive handwriting points. Prospective elementary school teachers’ points
of attitude towards writing in cursive handwriting and their points of beliefs about the
function of cursive handwriting points are comparable. Participants of this study stated
that cursive handwriting causes hand pain. They endorse the opinions that this kind of
writing is tiring, boring and irksome, moderately. As well as, there are prospective
elementary teachers who love and interested in cursive handwriting on an equal footing.
Prospective elementary school teachers’ attitudes points of all sub-scales don’t
vary by gender, cursive handwriting experience, and general academic grade point
average. In terms of grade variable, there isn’t a significant difference between theattitudes towards writing in cursive handwriting; but there is a significant difference
between the points of attitudes towards reading the texts which are written in cursive
handwriting in favor of the 3rd grade prospective teachers, and there is also a significant
difference between the points of the beliefs of the cursive handwriting function in favor
of the 4th grade.
Based on these results, we can advise that, 3rd grade prospective elementary
school teachers should be more informed about the functions of cursive handwriting
when they take the lesson of “Reading-Writing Instruction”. In addition to this
suggestion, 4th grade students should be presented with some child literature texts
written in cursive handwriting in the lesson of “Republican Period Child Literature” to
heighten their points of attitude towards the reading of the texts which are written in
cursive handwriting.
In future, researchers can study the effect of using cursive handwriting in
written environment on the attitudes towards cursive handwriting, if there is a
relationship between aesthetic care and attitude towards cursive handwriting, and
elementary school teachers’, elementary school students’ and secondary school
students’ attitudes toward cursive handwriting.

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship between Mathematics Teachers’ Democratic Behavior and Students’ Mathematics Success

Here the correlation between mathematics teachers’ democratic behavior in the learning process an... more Here the correlation between mathematics teachers’ democratic behavior in the learning process and elementary school students’ success in mathematics is investigated. For this purpose, descriptive and relational survey models are used. The study sample comprised 276 female and 246 male, 6th to 8th graders in the city of Diyarbakir, Turkey. The sample was chosen at random from six different elementary schools and undertaken during the second term of the 2011-2012 academic year. Data were collected using a “Democratic Behavior (DB) Scale” developed by the researchers. Data analysis was subject to mean and standard deviation, non-parametric MWU and KWH tests as well as the Spearman and Brown Prediction Formula reliability coefficient. Respectively, a moderate, positive and meaningful correlation was found between math teachers’ democratic conduct in the learning process and students’ success in mathematics.


To increase the innovative performance of a country, innovations in the educational process devel... more To increase the innovative performance of a country, innovations in the educational process developing individual characteristics such as creative thinking skills, learning skills and transformative thinking skills should be considered (Dorczak, 2011: 42). Therefore, some studies investigating innovativeness professionally in educational field at the individual level are needed. So, it is important to determine professional innovativeness tendencies of pre-service teachers in the education faculty primary education department who will be future teachers, carry out basic education and provide innovation. In this context, the aim of this study was to investigate professional innovativeness tendencies of pre-service teachers in the Education Faculty Primary Education Department. In this study, survey method was used. The sample of this study was 512 pre-service teachers who participated to this study voluntarily from elementary department in Dicle University Ziya Gökalp Faculty of Education. To collect the data of this study “Professional İnnovativeness Tendencies Scale” developed by the researchers was used. To analyze the data parametric tests were used. According to results of this study female pre-service teachers have more innovative tendencies than male pre-service teachers in terms of professional. Social Studies pre-service teachers have more innovative tendencies points than Science, Mathematics and Elementary Teaching pre-service teachers. Professional innovative tendencies increase partially in second grade, but it decrease in third and fourth grades. There is a significant difference between pre-service teachers who perceive their socio-economic level as middle and pre-service teachers perceiving their socio-economic level as low in favor of the pre-service teachers perceiving their socio-economic level as middle in terms of professional innovativeness tendencies

Bir ülkenin yenilikçi performansını arttırmak için, bireylerin yaratıcılık, öğrenme becerileri ve dönüşümsel düşünme becerileri gibi bireysel özelliklerini geliştiren, eğitimsel süreç düzeyindeki yeniliklerin dikkate alınması gerekmektedir Bu yüzden yenilikçiliğin eğitim alanında, bireysel düzeyde ve mesleki olarak da ele alındığı çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. (Dorczak, 2011: 42). Dolayısıyla geleceğin öğretmenleri olacak, temel eğitimi gerçekleştirecek ve yenileşmeyi sağlayacak olan ilköğretim bölümü öğretmen adaylarının mesleki yenilikçilik eğilimlerinin belirlenmesi, önemli görülmektedir. Bu bağlamda, bu araştırmanın amacı, eğitim fakültesi ilköğretim bölümü öğretmen adaylarının mesleki yenilikçilik eğilimlerini incelemektir. Araştırmada tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini Dicle Üniversitesi Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi İlköğretim Bölümünde öğrenim gören 512 öğretmen adayı oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın verilerini toplamak için araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen “Öğretmen Adayları için Mesleki Yenilikçilik Eğilimi Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın verilerini analiz etmek için parametrik testlerden yararlanılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre, kadın öğretmen adayları, mesleki açıdan, erkek öğretmen adaylarına göre daha yenilikçi eğilimlere sahiptir. Sosyal Bilgiler öğretmen adaylarının mesleki yenilikçilik eğilimi puanları, Fen Bilgisi, Matematik ve Sınıf Öğretmenliği öğretmen adaylarınkinden daha fazladır. Mesleki yenilikçilik eğilimi, ikinci sınıfta kısmen artmakta; ama üçüncü ve dördüncü sınıfta azalmaktadır. Sosyo-ekonomik düzeyini orta düzey olarak algılayan öğretmen adaylarıyla sosyo-ekonomik düzeyini düşük olarak algılayan öğretmen adayları arasında, mesleki yenilikçilik eğilimi açısından, sosyo-ekonomik düzeyini orta olarak algılayan öğretmen adaylarının lehine anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmaktadır.


People concerned with the education program development process should be skilled, believe in con... more People concerned with the education program development process should be skilled, believe in continuing education, must not be too individual and reckless, and should attach importance to new and creative instruction processes. The teacher is also responsible and may take new decisions about the appropriate implementation of the program given the circumstances in class and students’ interest, need, readiness level features, etc. However, for teachers to be able to do this, they should also be familiar with the program development process. This paper reports a qualitative research study of the processes used by second year class teacher candidates in Diyarbakır Dicle University Ziya Gökalp Faculty of Education, Turkey, to develop an outline for a curriculum. Participants were asked to prepare a curriculum outline by following the guidelines given to them. Their curriculum outlines were examined in detail and further data was attained through semi-structured interviews with content analysis. The study found; while preparing a curriculum outline, class teacher candidates had most difficulty in establishing the relations between curriculum components (objectives, subject matter, teaching-learning experiences and evaluation procedures). They preferred to design programs for class teacher candidates like themselves and showed a tendency to use progressivism educational philosophy.

Research paper thumbnail of İlköğretim Fen ve Teknoloji Dersi Öğretim Programında Yer Alan Fiziksel Olaylar Öğrenme Alanına Ait Kazanımlar İle Fizik Dersi Öğretim Programı Kazanımlarının Fen Okuryazarlığı Açısından Karşılaştırılması

ABSTRACT: This research aims to compare physical events learning area acquisitions in primary sch... more ABSTRACT: This research aims to compare physical events learning area acquisitions in primary school
science and technology curriculum and high school physics curriculum acquisitions in terms of scientific
literacy. For this purpose document analysis method was used. In this research, the aspects of scientific literacy
defined by Bou Joude were used to examine the aspects of scientific literacy in Physics Curriculum and Physical
Events Learning Area of Science and Technology Curriculum. These aspects are knowledge of science, the
investigative nature of science, science as a way of knowing and the interactions of science, technology and
society. Using these aspects, objectives in Physics Curriculum and Physical Events Learning Area of Science
and Technology Curriculum were coded. According to the results of this research, the aspect most emphasized is
the investigative nature of science and the aspect least emphasized is the science as a way of knowing both in the
Physics Curriculum and Physical Events Learning Area of Science and Technology Curriculum, There is a
balance amongst the aspects of science literacy neither in Physics Curriculum nor the Physical Events Learning
Area of Science and Technology Curriculum. This conclusion suggests that Physical Events Learning Area in
Primary School Science and Technology Curriculum, and Physics Curriculum cannot be enough to provide a
balanced development of aspects of scientific literacy for students.

ÖZET: Bu araştırmada ilköğretim fen ve teknoloji dersi öğretim programında yer alan fiziksel olaylar öğrenme
alanına ait kazanımlar ile ortaöğretim fizik dersi öğretim programı kazanımlarının fen okuryazarlığı açısından
karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaca uygun olarak araştırmada döküman analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır.
Araştırmada fen okuryazarlığının boyutları incelenirken Bou Jaoude tarafından tanımlanan Fen okuryazarlığının
bilimsel bilgi, fenin araştırıcı doğası, bilgiye ulaştıran fen ve fen-teknoloji ve toplumun birbiriyle etkileşimi
boyutları kullanılarak kodlamalar yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, hem ilköğretim fen ve teknoloji dersi
öğretim programı fiziksel olaylar öğrenme alanına ait kazanımlarda hem de ortaöğretim fizik dersi öğretim
programına ait kazanımlarda fen okuryazarlığın en fazla vurgulanan boyutunun fenin araştırıcı doğası olduğu, en
az temsil edilen boyutunun ise bilgiye ulaştıran fen boyutu olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Kazanımların fen
okuryazarlığının farklı boyutları açısından dengeli bir dağılım göstermediği belirlenmiştir. Bu durum, İlköğretim
Fen ve Teknoloji Dersi Öğretim Programında yer alan fiziksel olaylar ünitelerinin ve Fizik Dersi Öğretim
Programının öğrencilerde fen okuryazarlığının boyutlarının dengeli bir şekilde gelişimini sağlamada yeterli
olamayacağını düşündürmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Sınıf Ögretmeni Adaylarının Yeniden Kurmacılık Eğitim Felsefesi Çerçevesinde Eğitim Fakülteleri ve İlkokullann Toplumsal Dönüşüm Rollerine İlişkin Görüşleri

Research paper thumbnail of Sokakta Çalışan ve Çalışmayan İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Sosyal Bilgiler Programındaki Değerlere İlişkin Algıları / Perceptions of Primary School 5th Grade Students’ who are the Child Labour and who aren’t at the Street towards Values in Social Studies Curriculum

Problem: Values develop our personal integrity and provide a social unity. The majority of the s... more Problem: Values develop our personal integrity and provide a social unity. The majority
of the society must comply with these values that determine how to behave to each
other. But recent studies show that it is not the current case. In these days, values have
degenerated, lost their meanings, and there have been rapid deteriorations in nations
values systems. This issue makes values education necessary. The best time for values
education is 1-5th grade, and the most appropriate course is Social Studies. In this
course, students are expected to gain values of fairness, giving importance to family
unity, independence, peace, being scientific, hardworking, solidarity, sensitivity,
honesty, aesthetics, tolerance, hospitality, freedom, giving emphasis to be healthy,
respect, love, responsibility, cleanliness, patriotism and helpfulness. When we have the
chance of controlling the best time and most appropriate lesson for values education as
educators, we can’t control environment factor and cultural stimulants from different
backgrounds which are very important in values education. One of the environments
that we can’t control is streets. Therefore, children who are the child labor at the streets
may differ according to other children in terms of values acquisition. So, in this study, it
is tried to determined perceptions of the students who are the child labor and who aren’t
at the streets towards values predicted to give in Social Studies Curriculum.
Method: This study which is conducted by qualitative research approach was carried
out with 70 students consisting of 35 students who work on the streets and 35 students
who do not work on the streets and studying in lower level socio-economic schools
determined via extreme or deviant case sampling. The texts obtained from the case
studies were analyzed by content analysis.
Findings: According to results of this study, it was concluded that the students who are
the child labor and who aren’t at the streets reported favorable opinions about values of
fairness, peace, solidarity, sensibility, tolerance, paying attention to be healthy, respect,
responsibility, cleanliness, and helpfulness. Moreover, it draws attention that the
children who are the child labor emphasized values of being scientific, honesty,
aesthetic, and love more frequently on the basis of related case studies. When the least
emphasized values by the students who aren’t the child labor are cleanliness and being
scientific; the least emphasized values by the students who are the child labor at the
streets are aesthetic and being scientific.
Suggestions: On the basis of the findings of this study, it can be suggested that teachers
should put more emphasis on the values of cleanliness, being scientific and aesthetic in
either social Studies courses or other courses. A similar study can be carried out with
the adolescent students who are the child labor and who aren’t at the streets.

Research paper thumbnail of Sınıf Öğretmeni Adaylarının Küreselleşme Çerçevesinde Değerler Eğitimine İlişkin Görüşleri / PRE-SERVICE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ OPINIONS ABOUT VALUES EDUCATION WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF GLOBALIZATION

The concept of globalization is used to describe that world has changed socially, culturally, po... more The concept of globalization is used to describe that world has changed socially, culturally,
politically and there is a need for a new world order. During the globalization, changes have been taken
in cultural field as well as in many fields. The changes occurring on the culture may influence values
which are the components of culture. The term of values refer to principles, fundamental convictions,
ideals, standards of life stances acting as general guides to behavior or as points of reference in decisionmaking
or the evaluation of beliefs or action and which are closely connected to personal integrity and
personal identity. Pre-service elementary school teachers have an important responsibility in the global
world in which values change is lived. Because, in future, pre-service elementary school teachers will
educate students who are in an important period in terms of value education in Social Sciences Lesson
that is the optimal lesson in which values education can be given. Therefore, pre-service elementary
school teachers‟ opinions about values education within the framework of globalization are important. In this context, it was aimed to investigate pre-service elementary school teachers‟ opinions about
values education within the framework of globalization. In this research, qualitative research method
was used. Criterion sampling which is the one of purposive sampling methods was used. The criterion of
this study is that participants should study in the department of elementary school teaching and have
taken Social Sciences Teaching Lessons. The data of this study were gathered in April, 2012 through
semi-structured interviews. Content analysis was used to analyze the data obtained from this study.
According to results of this study, pre-service elementary school teachers refer the concept of
globalization, as “standardization” at most. They explain the concept of value in either social or
individual contexts. They express that when they become a teacher, they will educate students who have
values of tolerance, respect, solidarity, innovativeness, making emphasis on family unity and hospitality
for global world. As a result of this study, it was concluded that, pre-service elementary school teachers‟
opinions about values education within the framework of globalization is shaped by their general
knowledge of pedagogy not by their specific knowledge about values education. Based on the results of
this study, it was suggested that pre-service elementary school teachers should be taken “values
education” classes in their bachelor‟s degree

Research paper thumbnail of İlkokullar için Kısaltılmış Okul İklimi Ölçeğinin Türkçeye Uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması / The Validity and Reliability Study of the Abbreviated School Climate Survey's Turkish Version for Elementary Schools

Amaç: Bu çalışmada geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması yapılan İlkokullar için Kısaltılmış Okul İkli... more Amaç: Bu çalışmada geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması yapılan İlkokullar için Kısaltılmış Okul İklimi Ölçeği’nin (KOİÖ) Türkçeye uyarlanması amaçlanmıştır.
Yöntem: Araştırmaya, 2014-2015 eğitim öğretim yılı bahar döneminde,
Diyarbakır ve Malatya illerindeki farklı ilkokullarda öğrenim gören 381 öğrenci katılmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak Revize Edilmiş Okul Tutumu
Değerlendirme Ölçeği’nin Okula Yönelik Tutum Alt Ölçeği ile KOİÖ
Bulgular: Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre KOİÖ’nün Türkçe formu orijinal formla dilsel açıdan eşdeğerdir. Birinci düzey Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi sonuçları, KOİÖ’nün Türkçe formu için orijinal formdaki yapıyı doğrulamaktadır. KOİÖ’nün alt ölçekleri uyum geçerliğine sahiptir. KOİÖ’nün Türkçe formu ile yapılan ölçümler güvenilirdir.
Sonuçlar ve Öneriler: KOİÖ’de yer alan bütün maddeler ayırt edicidir.
Dolayısıyla KOİÖ’nün Türkçe formu ile geçerli ve güvenilir ölçümlerin elde
edilebileceği söylenebilmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of The Scale of Being Able to Say " No " For Children: Validity and Reliability Analysis * Çocuklar İçin " Hayır " Diyebilme Becerisi Ölçeği: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması

Öz Bu araştırmada, çocukların " hayır " diyebilme becerilerini değerlendirmeye yönelik bir ölçeği... more Öz Bu araştırmada, çocukların " hayır " diyebilme becerilerini değerlendirmeye yönelik bir ölçeğin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın katılımcılarını, HÖ'nün kapsam geçerliğini sağlamak üzere HÖ'de yer alan maddeler hakkında görüşü alınan uzmanlar ile HÖ'nün yapı geçerliği, ölçüm güvenirliği ve madde ayırt ediciliği hakkında fikir edinmek için HÖ'de yer alan maddeleri puanlaması istenen ilkokul 4. sınıf öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Bu araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak sırasıyla HÖ'ye ait 24 maddelik 3'lü Likert, 22 maddelik 3'lü Likert, 12 maddelik 3'lü Likert ve 12 maddelik 5'li Likert olmak üzere dört ayrı taslak form kullanılmıştır. Bu formların geliştirilme süreci, aşağıda ayrıntılı bir biçimde açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. HÖ'nün kapsam geçerliğini değerlendirmek amacıyla uzman görüşü alınmıştır. Yapı geçerliği için açımlayıcı ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. HÖ'den elde edilen ölçümlerin güvenirliği, Cronbach Alfa ve test yarılama (eşdeğer yarılar) yöntemlerinin kullanılmasıyla analiz edilmiştir. Düzeltilmiş madde toplam korelasyonları ile bağımsız örneklemler için t-testi sonuçlarından yola çıkılarak ölçekte yer alan maddelerin ayırt edicilikleri hakkında bir fikir edinilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları, çocukların " hayır " diyebilme becerileri ile ilgili yapılacak çalışmalarda HÖ'nün geçerli ve güvenilir sonuçlar verebilecek bir ölçme aracı olarak kullanılabileceğini ortaya koymuştur. Abstract In this study, it is aimed to develop a scale for assessing children's ability to say " no ". The participants included in the study are the area experts that helped to achieve content validity, and fourth graders who are asked to score the items in the SN to have an idea about the construct validity, measurement reliability and item discrimination of the item in the scale. In this study, four different drafts of the SN which contained 24 items of 3-pointed Likert type, 22 items of 3-pointed Likert type, 12 items of 3-pointed Likert type and 12 items of 5-pointed Likert type were used. In order to evaluate the content validity of the SN, the experts' opinions were received. For the construct validity, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted. Reliability of measurements obtained with the SN was analyzed by using the methods of Cronbach's Alpha and Split-half. An opinion was formed about the distinctiveness of items in the scale setting out from the corrected item total correlations (CITC) and the results of the independent samples t-tests. The results of the study showed that the SN can be used as a data collection tool, and is able to produce valid and reliable interpretations in studies that aim to explore children's ability to say " no ". Keywords: Being able to say " no " , the scale of being able to say " no " , scale development

Research paper thumbnail of Empathic Tendency, Majority Culture Representation, and Political Conservatism as Predictors of Intercultural Sensitivity

This study aims to determine the variables capable of predicting the concept of intercultural sen... more This study aims to determine the variables capable of predicting the concept of intercultural sensitivity. For this reason, it uses correlational survey model. The participants in this study were the prospective primary school teachers studying in Dicle and Marmara Universities in Turkey. This study employed basically three tools for data collection-namely-Personal Information Form, Empathetic Tendency Scale, and Intercultural Sensitivity Scale. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was employed to analyze the data obtained in this study. According to the results obtained in this research, individuals " empathetic, sympathetic and egocentric tendencies, their properties representing the majority culture, and their levels of political conservatism account for 23.8% of their levels of intercultural sensitivity.

Research paper thumbnail of Who are teachers? A study of identity hierarchy

This study aims to create a hierarchy of identities for teachers' perceptions of the self. The re... more This study aims to create a hierarchy of identities for teachers' perceptions of the self. The research carried out as a survey study was conducted in Diyarbakır, a province in Turkey, with a study group of 261 teachers. This study employs a tool of data collection making it possible to present the six types of identities—namely, professional identity, moral identity, gender identity, political identity, ethnic identity and religious identity—to participants in the form of pairwise comparisons. Fifth case equation of scaling through pairwise comparisons was used in the analysis of the data collected. According to results obtained, teachers adopt moral identity mostly—which is followed by professional identity, political identity, ethnic identity, religious identity and gender identity respectively.

Research paper thumbnail of Class Teacher Candidates' Skill of Saying No in Relation to Components of Moral Anatomy

Problem Statement: The ability to say no when faced with demands with possible moral consequences... more Problem Statement: The ability to say no when faced with demands with possible moral consequences becomes a problem that must be addressed in terms of morality in all of its dimensions, including in terms of the concept of character. Character can be defined from different perspectives, and within the framework of moral anatomy. For class teacher candidates, an additional consideration is that they will be professionally required to be models of character to students in critical periods of character development, as well as to promote the skill of saying no among students. In that regard, class teacher candidates' skills of saying no when faced with moral dilemmas that they experience in their professional lives are essential to investigate, particularly in relation to the components of moral anatomy. Purpose of the Study: The purpose of the study was to investigate class teacher candidates' skill of saying no in relation to components of moral anatomy. Method: Following a phenomenological design, this study's sample included 25 volunteer class teacher candidates who have experienced the phenomenon of saying no as education faculty in Turkey. Research data were collected via semi structured interviews conducted with case study texts containing moral dilemmas related to the ability of saying no. Data obtained in line with the case studies were analyzed according to thematic analysis.
Findings: Class teacher candidates can generally say no when it comes to personal interests. The demand that they accept most concerns changing roles, and the only dilemmas that they fail to resolve are moral ones related to close relationships. A basic result of this study is that class teacher candidates think that they might have more difficulty with saying no in terms of having to change roles. Participants said that they would not have any difficulty with saying no due to their ideology, even when concerning their personal interests. It might thus be suggested that the most basic factor affecting class teacher candidates’ reactions to saying no when faced with moral dilemmas, at least within the scope of this study, is moral anatomy—that is, the person’s character structure.
Conclusion and Recommendations: Results suggest that class teacher candidates need to distinguish evaluations of their morality according to moral anatomy characteristics that they possess and the codes of ethics of the teaching profession.

Research paper thumbnail of Revize Edilmiş Okul İklimi Öğretmen Ölçeğinin Türkçe Formunun Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması / The Validity and Reliability Study of Revised School Climate Teacher Survey’s Turkish Version

Introduction School climate which is based on a common perception of school members is a school e... more Introduction
School climate which is based on a common perception of school members is a school
environment’s relatively enduring characteristics affected by principal’s management,
experienced by teachers and affecting behaviors of school members. Studies about school
climate have been carried out since 1950s. It can be said that the main reason to start to carry
out such kind of studies is that school climate can affect organizational behavior. One of the
basic elements of school climate that is affected by school climate in terms of organizational
behavior is teachers. That’s why the issue of teachers’ school climate perceptions is handled
in Turkish and other literatures by using various research instruments. But, in Turkish
literature, most of the research instruments used for this aim include only principals’ and
teachers’ behaviors dimensions of school climate which is essentially multi-dimensional.
However there is a more comprehensive instrument in terms of school climate’s dimensions
in Turkish literature. But this instrument doesn’t include a dimension of character education
which has mutual and positive relationships with school climate. For this reason, it is aimed to
adapt Revised School Climate Teacher Survey (RSCTS) which is developed with a character
education perspective to Turkish and assess its psychometrics properties in this study.

This study is an instrument adaptation study.
Study Group
There are three different study groups in this study. First group of these is a group
consisting of 56 English teachers studied with to determine the linguistic equivalence. Second
and third groups of this study comprise the teachers working in Beşiktaş, Kâğıthane, Beyoğlu,
Esenyurt and Küçükçekmece districts of İstanbul. Second group consists of 58 teachers from
different teaching branches included in the scope of the study to determine the concurrent
validity. Third group consisting of 240 elementary and secondary teachers was studied with to
reveal the construct validity, measurement reliability and to analyze the items.
Data Collection Tools
Data collection tools of this study are RSCTS aimed to adapt and Organizational
Climate Scale (OCS) used to determine the concurrent validity of RSCTS. RSCTS consisting
of 42 items and seven sub-scales is abbreviated version of the School Climate Teacher Survey
consisting of 90 items and 14 sub-scales. Subscales of this abbreviated form are Principal
Supportiveness, Accessibility, and Competence, Colleague Collegiality, Prosocial
Development Practices, Student Behavior, Teacher Efficacy, Enjoyment of Teaching, and
Parent Involvement. OCS has 39 items consists of Supportive, Directive, and Restrictive
Principal Behaviors and Intimate, Collegial, and Disengaged Teacher Behaviors dimensions.
Adaptation Process
To adapt the RSCTS to Turkish, these steps were followed: 1) Getting permission from
the researchers who developed RSCTS. 2) Preparing Turkish form of RSCTS with
contributions of four scientists working in the field of education. 3) Calculating the
correlation coefficients between Turkish and English versions of RSCTS for linguistic
equivalence. 4) Revealing construct validity of RSCTS by conducting Confirmatory Factor
Analysis (CFA). 5) Calculating the Pearson correlation coefficients between some sub-scales
of RSCTS and related sub-scales of OCS. 6) Determining internal consistency coefficients
and applying split-half test to comment on measurement reliability 7) Computing Corrected
Item Total Correlations and conducting Independent Samples t-Test to have opinions about
item discrimination degrees.

Correlation coefficients between the Turkish and English versions of RSCTS’s subscales
differ between 0,802 and 0,989. These coefficients are between 0,70 and 0,99 for items
in RSCTS’s Turkish and English versions. There is a positive, moderate and significant
relationship between Principal Supportiveness, Accessibility, and Competence dimension of
RSCTS and Supportive Principal Behaviors dimension of OCS. There is a positive, moderate
and significant relationship between Colleague Collegiality dimension of RSCTS and
Collegial Teacher Behaviors dimension of OCS, too. Apart from these, there is a positive,
weak and significant relationship between Enjoyment of Teaching dimension of RSCTS and
Supportive Principal Behaviors dimension of OCS. Besides, there is a negative, moderate and
significant relationship between Enjoyment of Teaching dimension of RSCTS and
Disengaged Teacher Behaviors dimension of OCS. For revealing construct validity of
RSCTS, CFA was conducted. According to results of CFA, the value obtained by dividing
chi-square by degree of freedom is 2,66. In addition to that, RMSEA=0,087; NFI=0,91;
NNFI=0,94; PNFI=0,084; CFI=0,94; IFI=0,94; RFI=0,90; RMR=0,078; SRMR=0,073 and
PGFI=0,61. t values related to the items of RSCTS differ between 5,60 and 16,34. All of these
values are significant at the level of 0,01. Factor loadings of the items of RSCTS are 0,35 or
above for each sub-scale. Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficient of RSCTS’s subscales
differ between 0,76 and 0,93. Spearman-Brown coefficients calculated by split-half
method differ between 0,71 and 0,89 for the subscales of RSCTS. Corrected Item Total
Correlations of the items in sub-scales are above 0,30

Discussion, Conclusion and Suggestions
Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that Turkish and English
versions of RSCTS are equivalent at a high level with regard to linguistic equivalence.
Furthermore, Principal Supportiveness, Accessibility, and Competence, Colleague
Collegiality and Enjoyment of Teaching dimensions of RSCTS have concurrent validity. Not
being able to determine the concurrent validity of other sub-scales of RSCTS is a limitation of
this study. CFA results showed that Turkish version of RSCTS has 42 items and seven subscales
and these sub-scales include the items included by sub-scales of English version. In
other words, construct validity of Turkish version of RSCTS was confirmed by CFA.
According to item analysis, items in RSCTS can discriminate the participants remarkably.
Considering measurement reliability coefficients and characteristics of the study group, it is
possible to state that RSCTS can be used as a valid and reliable instrument to measure
teacher’s perceptions about school climate in all of the school stages in Turkey.


Extended Abstract Problem: Moral identity is the self-concept developed in accordance with a seri... more Extended Abstract
Problem: Moral identity is the self-concept developed in accordance with a series of moral characteristics (Aquino and Reed, 2002: 1424). Moral identity has two basic dimensions called Internalization and Symbolization. Moral schemas constructed in mind are internalized strongly as moral identity characteristics through internalization. These moral identity characteristics are reflected to others as personal behaviors through symbolization (Shao, Aquino and Freeman, 2008: 516-517). Based on these dimensions of moral identity, it can be said that perceiving one’s own morality is about internalization whereas being perceived in terms of morality by others is about symbolization. Moral identity has been an interest for many researchers outside of Turkey for its role in encouraging moral behaviors and preventing immoral behaviors. But, there are few studies about moral identity in Turkish literature. It is thought that one of the reasons of this situation is that there is no instrument used to measure the moral identity in Turkish literature. For this reason, the aim of this study is to adapt Moral Identity scale (MIS) (Aquino and Reed, 2002) which is used for many researches in foreign literature into Turkish.
Method: This is an instrument adaptation study. The participants of this study are the students of Dicle University. To determine the linguistic equivalence, the data obtained from 63 teacher candidates studying English language teaching were used. To have ideas about concurrent validity, necessary data were collected from 81 students studying primary school teaching. Within the context of construct validity, data obtained from 194 teacher candidates studying at different branches were used for exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and data obtained from 187 teacher candidates studying at different branches were used for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). To comment on test-retest reliability of MIS, data obtained from 44 primary school teacher candidates were utilized. In this study MIS and The Ethics Behavior Rating Scale (EBRS) were used to collect data. MIS has two sub-scales, Internalization and Symbolization. Each sub-scale is made up of 5 items. EBRS is composed of 15 items and two sub-scales that are Personal Moral Character and Verbal Moral Assertiveness.
To adapt the MIS to Turkish, these steps were followed:

Getting permission from the researchers who developed MIS
 Preparing Turkish form of MIS with contributions of three scientists working in the field of education.
 Calculating the correlation coefficients between Turkish and English versions of MIS for linguistic equivalence.
 Revealing construct validity of MIS by conducting EFA and CFA.
 Having an idea about the concurrent validity by calculating the Pearson correlation coefficients between MIS and EBRS.
 Obtaining data from the same group for test-retest reliability at two week intervals.
 Determining internal consistency coefficients and applying the split - half test to comment on measurement reliability
 Computing Corrected Item Total Correlations and conducting Independent Samples t-Test to have opinions about item discrimination degrees.

Findings: According to the results of this study, correlation values between Turkish and English version of Internalization sub-scales’ items differs from .90 to .99. These values differ from .92 to .98 for the items of the Symbolization sub - scale. These values refer that Turkish version of MIS is equivalent in terms of lingual equivalence. Based on the results of EFA, it can be said that Turkish version of MIS has two sub-scales like the original version of the scale and it explains 53.22% of total variance. Factor loadings of the Internalization sub-scale’s items are between .47 and .85. Symbolization sub-scale’s items’ factor loadings are between .63-.83. The results of CFA confirmed the original construct of MIS. All of the t values related to the items of MIS are above the 2.56. This result shows that these values are significant at the level of .01. The value obtained by dividing the chi - square by degree of freedom is 1.50. CFI (.96); NNFI (.95); IFI (.96); GFI (.95) and AGFI (.92) indices indicate perfect fit for the original construct of MIS. RMSEA (.052); NFI (.91); SRMR (.057); PNFI (.067) and PGFI (.57) indices indicate reasonable fit for the original construct of MIS. There is a positive, moderate and significant relationship between Internalization sub-scale of MIS and EBRS (p<.001, r=.40) There is a positive, moderate and significant relationship between Internalization sub-scale of MIS and Personal Moral Character sub-scale of EBRS (p<.001, r=.39) There is a low, positive and significant relationship between Internalization sub-scale of MIS and Verbal Moral Assertiveness sub-scale of EBRS (p<.05, r=.28). There is a positive, moderate and significant relationship between Symbolization sub-scale of MIS and EBRS (p<.001, r=.48) and there is a positive, moderate and significant relationship between Symbolization sub-scale of MIS and Verbal Moral Assertiveness sub-scale of EBRS (p<.001, r=.43). A positive, moderate and significant relationship was found between Symbolization sub-scale of MIS and Personal Moral Character sub-scale of EBRS (p<.001, r=.40). The test re-test reliability coefficient is .71 (p<.000) for Internalization subscale and this value is .74 (p<.001) for Symbolization sub-scale. Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficients are .77 for Internalization sub-scale and .76 for Symbolization sub-scale. The Spearman-Brown coefficients calculated by split-half method are .72 and .69, respectively. These results show that all of the measurements are reliable. Corrected Item Total Correlations of the items in the sub-scales are above .30. This means that all of the items can discriminate participants remarkably.
Conclusion and Suggestions: It is suggested that considerable studies about moral identity should be carried out in Turkey to make moral identity as important as other kind of identities formed by our belongings such as ethnic identity and religious identity for society. For these studies, the Turkish version of MIS can be used as a valid and reliable instrument. In this context, it can be searched in terms of which variables moral identity differs. The relationships between moral identity and socio-moral problems or moral behaviors can be examined. We can say that there are more ways to reflect our moral characteristics to others. One of these ways is using social networks to share our thoughts, opinions, photos or videos about morality. Therefore, we suggest that an item about reflecting our morality by using social networks can be added to Symbolization subscale of MIS in future researches. On the strength of the relationship between Symbolization and Verbal Moral Assertiveness, we propose that there can also be an item about reflecting morality through daily discourses in Symbolization sub-scale. MIS is an instrument providing a direct assessment of moral identity. Apart from this instrument, moral identity can be measured by using instruments providing latent or relative assessments of moral identity. So, this kind of instruments can be developed by researchers in the future.

Research paper thumbnail of Eğitim Felsefeleri Çerçevesinde Geleceğin Öğretmenleri: Metaforik Bir Çalışma / The Teachers of the Future within the Framework of Educational Philosophies: A Metaphoric Study

The main purpose of this study is to examine the future teachers’ thoughts about what kind of a t... more The main purpose of this study is to examine the future teachers’ thoughts about what kind of a teacher they want to be in the future via metaphors. In this direction, it is wanted 230 pre-service teachers who study in Dicle University Ziya Gökalp Faculty of Education in 2011-2012 academic year to complete the sentences of “I want to be a teacher like …….. Because………”. The data obtained from this study were analyzed by using qualitative and quantitative research methods. According to results of this study, participants produced 193 valid metaphors about teacher concept that they want to be in the future. These metaphors collected under four categories which are progressive teachers of the future, reconstructivist teachers of the future, perennial teachers of the future and essentialist teachers of the future in terms of common characteristics of metaphors. According to results obtained from this study, pre-service teachers mostly adopt progressivism educational philosophy and they adopt essentialist educational philosophy at the lowest rate.


Whilst the internet is providing new experiences for children and adults as a part of daily life,... more Whilst the internet is providing new experiences for children and
adults as a part of daily life, when used unconsciously it can cause
some problems especially for children. This study aims to reveal the
negativities that the 4th and 5th grade students face whilst they are
researching their homework on the internet and what they do in this
case. The design of the study is fully mixed concurrent equal status
design. Survey method was used for quantitative dimension and
phenomenology was used for qualitative dimension of this design. The
quantitative study group of the research constitutes 417 children. 15
students were selected from quantitative study group according to
criterion sampling for the interviews. The quantitative data were
collected by a questionnaire developed by researchers. The
questionnaire data were analyzed via percentage, frequency and chi
square statistical techniques. Qualitative data of the study were
collected by semi-structured interviews and analyzed by using thematic
analysis. It was found that coming across sexual content whilst
researching their homework on the internet, seeing websites giving
information about terror and being asked money in exchange for doing
homework differ according to variable of gender and having access to
the internet at home. Girls expressed that they had more these negative
experiences comparing with boys. In the quantitative dimension,
children stated that they would share their negative experiences with
polices and teachers rather than sharing with their families. In the
qualitative dimension, it was revealed that negative experiences faced by
children are coming across sexual content, unwanted advertisements,
virus, friendship requests, chat requests, and not being able to find
appropriate information. In the interviews, all of the children stated that
they would share their negative experiences faced on the internet with
their families. On the basis of the rsults of this study, it can be said
that some qualitative and quantitative researches can be conducted for
revealing the parents’ and teachers’ opinions about the children’s
negative experiences and their responses to these experiences in the


The aim of this research is to determine the prospective elementary teachers’ perceptions about t... more The aim of this research is to determine the prospective elementary teachers’ perceptions about the concept of ‘research assistants’ through metaphors. This research was designed as phenomenological study which is a kind of qualitative research. The participants of this research are 142 prospective elementary teachers who study at Dicle University Ziya Gökalp Education Faculty Department of Elementary School Teaching. To analyze the data obtained from this study, content analyzing technique was used. The results of this study reveal that prospective elementary teachers used 61 different metaphors about the concept of research assistants. These 61 metaphors were collected under six categories. It was concluded that prospective elementary teachers, generally, consubstantiate the concept of research assistant with positive metaphors. The most used metaphors in this research are the student, teacher, artist, porter, laborer and researcher.


In this study investigating fifth grade students' ICT access facilities at home, and ICT literacy... more In this study investigating fifth grade students' ICT access facilities at home, and ICT literacy level, survey
method was used. The universe of this study is fifth grade students of primary schools in Diyarbakır. The data
were collected by ICT Access Facilities Questionnaire and ICT Literacy Test developed by researchers.
According to results of this study, there is a significant difference between male and female students in favor of
male students in terms of ICT access facilities at home (p<0,05). Students’ ICT access facilities at home differ
significantly in relation to thethe number of households, households’ computer and/or internet usage status,
parent’s occupation, parent’s education level (p<0,05). Students’ ICT literacy level doesn’t differ significantly in
relation to the gender (p>0,05). However, ICT literacy level differ significantly in relation to the number of
households, households’ computer and/or internet usage status, parent’s occupation, parent’s education level
(p<0,05). Based on the results of this study, it is suggested that computer classes should be compulsory in cities,
which are disadvantaged in terms of socio-economic status, ICT access and usage.

Research paper thumbnail of 4+4+4 Eğitim Sisteminde Sınıf Öğretmenleri ile Fen ve Teknoloji Öğretmenlerinin Eğitim Durumlarını Düzenleme Becerilerinin İncelenmesi / Investigation of Science-Technology and Primary School Teachers’ Organization Skills for Learning Experiences in the Education System Called 4+4+4

The purpose of this study is to investigate the science-technology and primary school teachers’ o... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the science-technology and primary school teachers’ organization skills for learning experiences in science and technology lesson according to the opinions of 5th and 6th grade students. This research is designed based on causal comparative model and 787 5th and 6th grade students of three schools in each of the four central districts of Diyarbakır province participated in this study. In this study, as a data collection tool, “The Assessment Scale of Teachers’ Organization Skills for Learning Experiences” developed by researchers was used. As a result of this study, when there is no significant difference between the opinions about primary school teachers’ organization skills for learning experiences in science and technology lesson in terms of the variables of gender, changing status in report card mark of science and technology lesson and central district, but there is a significant difference in terms of class level in favor of 5th grade students. Moreover, 5th grade students prefer primary school teachers to science and technology teachers, in terms of organizing learning experiences in science and technology lesson.

Research paper thumbnail of Sınıf Öğretmeni Adaylarının Bitişik Eğik Yazıya İlişkin Tutumları / Prospective Elementary School Teachers’ Attitudes towards Cursive Handwriting

The mother tongue language development implies a process which starts with listening, continues w... more The mother tongue language development implies a process which starts with
listening, continues with speaking and facilitates to be aware of acquired language’s
grammar. At the end of this process which develops informally individuals take a step
that they will be rewarded with reading and writing skills. The writing skills which are
very important for individuals to express themselves effectively and communicate with
others efficiently is a tool that help us to explain our feelings, thoughts, plans and what
we saw and lived by lettering. For using this tool more effectively cursive handwriting
has been used since the changes in 2005. When we examine the results of the papers
about cursive handwriting which carried out with teachers, students and prospective
teachers, we see that there are either positive or negative aspects or perceptions about
this writing style. It can be said that prospective teachers’ attitudes towards cursive
handwriting can be shaped by all of this positive and negative aspects.

In this research, it was aimed to determine attitudes of prospective elementary
school teachers who will teach the cursive handwriting towards cursive handwriting.

This research was carried out by using quantitative research method and
causal-comparative model. To determine attitudes of prospective elementary school
teachers towards cursive handwriting “Cursive Handwriting Attitude Scale” (CHAS)
was developed by researchers. To develop CHAS a pre-implementation of the scale was
done with 195 prospective elementary school teachers who study at Firat and Inonu
Universities Education Faculties Primary Education Departments. In accordance with
pre-implementation and to provide construct validity, exploratory and confirmatory
factor analyses were done. According to results of these analyses there are three subscales
in CHAS. These sub-scales are the “Attitude towards Reading the Texts which
are written in Cursive Handwriting (ARTWCH)”, “Attitude towards Writing in Cursive
Handwriting (AWCH)” and “Beliefs about the Function of Cursive Handwriting
(BFCH)”. After providing construct validity of the CHAS, the actual implementation
was carried out by participating 236 prospective elementary school teachers who study
Firat and Inonu Universities Education Faculties Primary Education Departments.
According to data obtained from the actual implementation, the Cronbach’s
alpha reliability coefficient of CHAS is 0,941. This reliability coefficient is 0,81 for
ARTWCH; 0,89 for AWCH and 0,90 for BFCH. All of these values are the signs of
reliable measurements by CHAS and the sub-scales of CHAS. To decide which tests
should be used to analyze the data of this study Kolmogorov Smirnov Z-test results
were handled. With respect to results of this test, it can be said that CHAS and the subscales
of CHAS points do not scatter normally (p<0,05). Because of these results, Mann
Whitney U-test and Kruskall Wallis H-test which are the non-parametric tests were used
to analyze the data obtained from the actual implementation of the scale.

Based on the results of this study, attitude towards reading the texts which are
written in cursive handwriting points of prospective elementary teachers are higher than
their attitude towards writing in cursive handwriting points and beliefs about the
function of cursive handwriting points. Prospective elementary school teachers’ points
of attitude towards writing in cursive handwriting and their points of beliefs about the
function of cursive handwriting points are comparable. Participants of this study stated
that cursive handwriting causes hand pain. They endorse the opinions that this kind of
writing is tiring, boring and irksome, moderately. As well as, there are prospective
elementary teachers who love and interested in cursive handwriting on an equal footing.
Prospective elementary school teachers’ attitudes points of all sub-scales don’t
vary by gender, cursive handwriting experience, and general academic grade point
average. In terms of grade variable, there isn’t a significant difference between theattitudes towards writing in cursive handwriting; but there is a significant difference
between the points of attitudes towards reading the texts which are written in cursive
handwriting in favor of the 3rd grade prospective teachers, and there is also a significant
difference between the points of the beliefs of the cursive handwriting function in favor
of the 4th grade.
Based on these results, we can advise that, 3rd grade prospective elementary
school teachers should be more informed about the functions of cursive handwriting
when they take the lesson of “Reading-Writing Instruction”. In addition to this
suggestion, 4th grade students should be presented with some child literature texts
written in cursive handwriting in the lesson of “Republican Period Child Literature” to
heighten their points of attitude towards the reading of the texts which are written in
cursive handwriting.
In future, researchers can study the effect of using cursive handwriting in
written environment on the attitudes towards cursive handwriting, if there is a
relationship between aesthetic care and attitude towards cursive handwriting, and
elementary school teachers’, elementary school students’ and secondary school
students’ attitudes toward cursive handwriting.

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship between Mathematics Teachers’ Democratic Behavior and Students’ Mathematics Success

Here the correlation between mathematics teachers’ democratic behavior in the learning process an... more Here the correlation between mathematics teachers’ democratic behavior in the learning process and elementary school students’ success in mathematics is investigated. For this purpose, descriptive and relational survey models are used. The study sample comprised 276 female and 246 male, 6th to 8th graders in the city of Diyarbakir, Turkey. The sample was chosen at random from six different elementary schools and undertaken during the second term of the 2011-2012 academic year. Data were collected using a “Democratic Behavior (DB) Scale” developed by the researchers. Data analysis was subject to mean and standard deviation, non-parametric MWU and KWH tests as well as the Spearman and Brown Prediction Formula reliability coefficient. Respectively, a moderate, positive and meaningful correlation was found between math teachers’ democratic conduct in the learning process and students’ success in mathematics.


To increase the innovative performance of a country, innovations in the educational process devel... more To increase the innovative performance of a country, innovations in the educational process developing individual characteristics such as creative thinking skills, learning skills and transformative thinking skills should be considered (Dorczak, 2011: 42). Therefore, some studies investigating innovativeness professionally in educational field at the individual level are needed. So, it is important to determine professional innovativeness tendencies of pre-service teachers in the education faculty primary education department who will be future teachers, carry out basic education and provide innovation. In this context, the aim of this study was to investigate professional innovativeness tendencies of pre-service teachers in the Education Faculty Primary Education Department. In this study, survey method was used. The sample of this study was 512 pre-service teachers who participated to this study voluntarily from elementary department in Dicle University Ziya Gökalp Faculty of Education. To collect the data of this study “Professional İnnovativeness Tendencies Scale” developed by the researchers was used. To analyze the data parametric tests were used. According to results of this study female pre-service teachers have more innovative tendencies than male pre-service teachers in terms of professional. Social Studies pre-service teachers have more innovative tendencies points than Science, Mathematics and Elementary Teaching pre-service teachers. Professional innovative tendencies increase partially in second grade, but it decrease in third and fourth grades. There is a significant difference between pre-service teachers who perceive their socio-economic level as middle and pre-service teachers perceiving their socio-economic level as low in favor of the pre-service teachers perceiving their socio-economic level as middle in terms of professional innovativeness tendencies

Bir ülkenin yenilikçi performansını arttırmak için, bireylerin yaratıcılık, öğrenme becerileri ve dönüşümsel düşünme becerileri gibi bireysel özelliklerini geliştiren, eğitimsel süreç düzeyindeki yeniliklerin dikkate alınması gerekmektedir Bu yüzden yenilikçiliğin eğitim alanında, bireysel düzeyde ve mesleki olarak da ele alındığı çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. (Dorczak, 2011: 42). Dolayısıyla geleceğin öğretmenleri olacak, temel eğitimi gerçekleştirecek ve yenileşmeyi sağlayacak olan ilköğretim bölümü öğretmen adaylarının mesleki yenilikçilik eğilimlerinin belirlenmesi, önemli görülmektedir. Bu bağlamda, bu araştırmanın amacı, eğitim fakültesi ilköğretim bölümü öğretmen adaylarının mesleki yenilikçilik eğilimlerini incelemektir. Araştırmada tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini Dicle Üniversitesi Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi İlköğretim Bölümünde öğrenim gören 512 öğretmen adayı oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın verilerini toplamak için araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen “Öğretmen Adayları için Mesleki Yenilikçilik Eğilimi Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın verilerini analiz etmek için parametrik testlerden yararlanılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre, kadın öğretmen adayları, mesleki açıdan, erkek öğretmen adaylarına göre daha yenilikçi eğilimlere sahiptir. Sosyal Bilgiler öğretmen adaylarının mesleki yenilikçilik eğilimi puanları, Fen Bilgisi, Matematik ve Sınıf Öğretmenliği öğretmen adaylarınkinden daha fazladır. Mesleki yenilikçilik eğilimi, ikinci sınıfta kısmen artmakta; ama üçüncü ve dördüncü sınıfta azalmaktadır. Sosyo-ekonomik düzeyini orta düzey olarak algılayan öğretmen adaylarıyla sosyo-ekonomik düzeyini düşük olarak algılayan öğretmen adayları arasında, mesleki yenilikçilik eğilimi açısından, sosyo-ekonomik düzeyini orta olarak algılayan öğretmen adaylarının lehine anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmaktadır.


People concerned with the education program development process should be skilled, believe in con... more People concerned with the education program development process should be skilled, believe in continuing education, must not be too individual and reckless, and should attach importance to new and creative instruction processes. The teacher is also responsible and may take new decisions about the appropriate implementation of the program given the circumstances in class and students’ interest, need, readiness level features, etc. However, for teachers to be able to do this, they should also be familiar with the program development process. This paper reports a qualitative research study of the processes used by second year class teacher candidates in Diyarbakır Dicle University Ziya Gökalp Faculty of Education, Turkey, to develop an outline for a curriculum. Participants were asked to prepare a curriculum outline by following the guidelines given to them. Their curriculum outlines were examined in detail and further data was attained through semi-structured interviews with content analysis. The study found; while preparing a curriculum outline, class teacher candidates had most difficulty in establishing the relations between curriculum components (objectives, subject matter, teaching-learning experiences and evaluation procedures). They preferred to design programs for class teacher candidates like themselves and showed a tendency to use progressivism educational philosophy.

Research paper thumbnail of İlköğretim Fen ve Teknoloji Dersi Öğretim Programında Yer Alan Fiziksel Olaylar Öğrenme Alanına Ait Kazanımlar İle Fizik Dersi Öğretim Programı Kazanımlarının Fen Okuryazarlığı Açısından Karşılaştırılması

ABSTRACT: This research aims to compare physical events learning area acquisitions in primary sch... more ABSTRACT: This research aims to compare physical events learning area acquisitions in primary school
science and technology curriculum and high school physics curriculum acquisitions in terms of scientific
literacy. For this purpose document analysis method was used. In this research, the aspects of scientific literacy
defined by Bou Joude were used to examine the aspects of scientific literacy in Physics Curriculum and Physical
Events Learning Area of Science and Technology Curriculum. These aspects are knowledge of science, the
investigative nature of science, science as a way of knowing and the interactions of science, technology and
society. Using these aspects, objectives in Physics Curriculum and Physical Events Learning Area of Science
and Technology Curriculum were coded. According to the results of this research, the aspect most emphasized is
the investigative nature of science and the aspect least emphasized is the science as a way of knowing both in the
Physics Curriculum and Physical Events Learning Area of Science and Technology Curriculum, There is a
balance amongst the aspects of science literacy neither in Physics Curriculum nor the Physical Events Learning
Area of Science and Technology Curriculum. This conclusion suggests that Physical Events Learning Area in
Primary School Science and Technology Curriculum, and Physics Curriculum cannot be enough to provide a
balanced development of aspects of scientific literacy for students.

ÖZET: Bu araştırmada ilköğretim fen ve teknoloji dersi öğretim programında yer alan fiziksel olaylar öğrenme
alanına ait kazanımlar ile ortaöğretim fizik dersi öğretim programı kazanımlarının fen okuryazarlığı açısından
karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaca uygun olarak araştırmada döküman analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır.
Araştırmada fen okuryazarlığının boyutları incelenirken Bou Jaoude tarafından tanımlanan Fen okuryazarlığının
bilimsel bilgi, fenin araştırıcı doğası, bilgiye ulaştıran fen ve fen-teknoloji ve toplumun birbiriyle etkileşimi
boyutları kullanılarak kodlamalar yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, hem ilköğretim fen ve teknoloji dersi
öğretim programı fiziksel olaylar öğrenme alanına ait kazanımlarda hem de ortaöğretim fizik dersi öğretim
programına ait kazanımlarda fen okuryazarlığın en fazla vurgulanan boyutunun fenin araştırıcı doğası olduğu, en
az temsil edilen boyutunun ise bilgiye ulaştıran fen boyutu olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Kazanımların fen
okuryazarlığının farklı boyutları açısından dengeli bir dağılım göstermediği belirlenmiştir. Bu durum, İlköğretim
Fen ve Teknoloji Dersi Öğretim Programında yer alan fiziksel olaylar ünitelerinin ve Fizik Dersi Öğretim
Programının öğrencilerde fen okuryazarlığının boyutlarının dengeli bir şekilde gelişimini sağlamada yeterli
olamayacağını düşündürmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Sınıf Ögretmeni Adaylarının Yeniden Kurmacılık Eğitim Felsefesi Çerçevesinde Eğitim Fakülteleri ve İlkokullann Toplumsal Dönüşüm Rollerine İlişkin Görüşleri

Research paper thumbnail of Sokakta Çalışan ve Çalışmayan İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Sosyal Bilgiler Programındaki Değerlere İlişkin Algıları / Perceptions of Primary School 5th Grade Students’ who are the Child Labour and who aren’t at the Street towards Values in Social Studies Curriculum

Problem: Values develop our personal integrity and provide a social unity. The majority of the s... more Problem: Values develop our personal integrity and provide a social unity. The majority
of the society must comply with these values that determine how to behave to each
other. But recent studies show that it is not the current case. In these days, values have
degenerated, lost their meanings, and there have been rapid deteriorations in nations
values systems. This issue makes values education necessary. The best time for values
education is 1-5th grade, and the most appropriate course is Social Studies. In this
course, students are expected to gain values of fairness, giving importance to family
unity, independence, peace, being scientific, hardworking, solidarity, sensitivity,
honesty, aesthetics, tolerance, hospitality, freedom, giving emphasis to be healthy,
respect, love, responsibility, cleanliness, patriotism and helpfulness. When we have the
chance of controlling the best time and most appropriate lesson for values education as
educators, we can’t control environment factor and cultural stimulants from different
backgrounds which are very important in values education. One of the environments
that we can’t control is streets. Therefore, children who are the child labor at the streets
may differ according to other children in terms of values acquisition. So, in this study, it
is tried to determined perceptions of the students who are the child labor and who aren’t
at the streets towards values predicted to give in Social Studies Curriculum.
Method: This study which is conducted by qualitative research approach was carried
out with 70 students consisting of 35 students who work on the streets and 35 students
who do not work on the streets and studying in lower level socio-economic schools
determined via extreme or deviant case sampling. The texts obtained from the case
studies were analyzed by content analysis.
Findings: According to results of this study, it was concluded that the students who are
the child labor and who aren’t at the streets reported favorable opinions about values of
fairness, peace, solidarity, sensibility, tolerance, paying attention to be healthy, respect,
responsibility, cleanliness, and helpfulness. Moreover, it draws attention that the
children who are the child labor emphasized values of being scientific, honesty,
aesthetic, and love more frequently on the basis of related case studies. When the least
emphasized values by the students who aren’t the child labor are cleanliness and being
scientific; the least emphasized values by the students who are the child labor at the
streets are aesthetic and being scientific.
Suggestions: On the basis of the findings of this study, it can be suggested that teachers
should put more emphasis on the values of cleanliness, being scientific and aesthetic in
either social Studies courses or other courses. A similar study can be carried out with
the adolescent students who are the child labor and who aren’t at the streets.

Research paper thumbnail of Sınıf Öğretmeni Adaylarının Küreselleşme Çerçevesinde Değerler Eğitimine İlişkin Görüşleri / PRE-SERVICE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ OPINIONS ABOUT VALUES EDUCATION WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF GLOBALIZATION

The concept of globalization is used to describe that world has changed socially, culturally, po... more The concept of globalization is used to describe that world has changed socially, culturally,
politically and there is a need for a new world order. During the globalization, changes have been taken
in cultural field as well as in many fields. The changes occurring on the culture may influence values
which are the components of culture. The term of values refer to principles, fundamental convictions,
ideals, standards of life stances acting as general guides to behavior or as points of reference in decisionmaking
or the evaluation of beliefs or action and which are closely connected to personal integrity and
personal identity. Pre-service elementary school teachers have an important responsibility in the global
world in which values change is lived. Because, in future, pre-service elementary school teachers will
educate students who are in an important period in terms of value education in Social Sciences Lesson
that is the optimal lesson in which values education can be given. Therefore, pre-service elementary
school teachers‟ opinions about values education within the framework of globalization are important. In this context, it was aimed to investigate pre-service elementary school teachers‟ opinions about
values education within the framework of globalization. In this research, qualitative research method
was used. Criterion sampling which is the one of purposive sampling methods was used. The criterion of
this study is that participants should study in the department of elementary school teaching and have
taken Social Sciences Teaching Lessons. The data of this study were gathered in April, 2012 through
semi-structured interviews. Content analysis was used to analyze the data obtained from this study.
According to results of this study, pre-service elementary school teachers refer the concept of
globalization, as “standardization” at most. They explain the concept of value in either social or
individual contexts. They express that when they become a teacher, they will educate students who have
values of tolerance, respect, solidarity, innovativeness, making emphasis on family unity and hospitality
for global world. As a result of this study, it was concluded that, pre-service elementary school teachers‟
opinions about values education within the framework of globalization is shaped by their general
knowledge of pedagogy not by their specific knowledge about values education. Based on the results of
this study, it was suggested that pre-service elementary school teachers should be taken “values
education” classes in their bachelor‟s degree