Yusrianto Kadir | Univeraitas Gorontalo (original) (raw)
Papers by Yusrianto Kadir
Journal Evidence of Law, Sep 27, 2023
Journal Evidence of Law, Sep 28, 2023
IBLAM Law Review, May 31, 2023
The research used is empirical research. Empirical legal research is conducted by examining direc... more The research used is empirical research. Empirical legal research is conducted by examining directly into the field to see directly the application of legislation or rules of law relating to law enforcement, as well as conducting interviews with several respondents who are considered to be able to provide information regarding the implementation of law enforcement. The application of the Regulation of the Chief of the Indonesian National Police (Perkap) is not yet effective, because from the results of the interview that the Gorontalo Regional Police prioritizes the Circular Letter (SE) rather than the Regulation of the Chief of the Indonesian National Police (Perkap), moreover that the debate regarding the application of legal norms does not only occur among law enforcers in general but w ithin the internal police also becomes a debate caused by the existence of conflicting legal norms between high legal norms and low legal norms. Factors affecting the effectiveness of the application of the article on the
IBLAM Law Review, May 31, 2023
International Journal of Humanities Education and Social Sciences, Oct 28, 2023
IBLAM Law Review, Sep 11, 2023
Insan Cita : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Penghijauan merupakan salah satu kegiatan penting yang harus dilaksanakan secara konseptual dalam... more Penghijauan merupakan salah satu kegiatan penting yang harus dilaksanakan secara konseptual dalam menangani masalah lingkungan. Desa Milangodaa merupakan salah satu desa yang cukup baik dalam merespon kegiatan penghijauan ini. Penanaman pohon juga sebagai bentuk pelestarian lingkungan yang perlu di budidayakan. Penghijauan dan penanaman bibit ini dilakukan dengan tujuan kepada masyarakat di Desa Milangodaa. Bibit pohon yang kami bagikan dan juga kami tanam berjumlah 500 bibit pohon yaitu pohon cempaka, pohon nantu, pohon mahoni, pohon durian dan rambutan. Untuk bibit buah-buahan manfaatnya yaitu memberikan edukasi tentang pentingnya tanaman buah di perkarangan rumah sebagai peneduh, penghasil oksigen, penyerap karbon, dan dapat dipanen pada waktunya. Selain itu, manfaat di laksanakannya penghijauan ini guna untuk mencegah terjadinya banjir, karena pepohonan memiliki akar yang berfungsi untuk menyerap air dan menyimpannya di dalam tanah, sehingga air yang akan terkunci di dalam tanah...
Jurnal Darma Agung
The Covid-19 pandemic, which has been going on for several years, has created pressure and effect... more The Covid-19 pandemic, which has been going on for several years, has created pressure and effects in all sectors, both globally and domestically. The impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic has paralyzed the joints of the nation's economy. The death of the livelihoods of some people caused many people to lose their livelihoods. In order to support state financial policies and to save the national economy, the Government runs the PEN Program. The PEN program aims to protect, maintain and improve the economic capacity of business actors from the real sector and the financial sector in running their business. Article 11 paragraph (7) Perpu Number 1 of 2020 mandates that the implementation of the PEN Program be further regulated by Government Regulation. The type of research used is sociological research or sociological legal research or field research, because it is done by looking at the real conditions and facts that occur around the community. How the Legal Construction of the National...
Journal Evidence Of Law
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Penerapan Prosedur Tetap Nomor 1 Tahun 2010 Tentang Pen... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Penerapan Prosedur Tetap Nomor 1 Tahun 2010 Tentang Penanggulangan Anarkis dan mengetahui Faktor yang menghabat Penerapan Prosedur Tetap Nomor 1 Tahun 2010 Tentang Penanggulangan Anarkis. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalan penelitian normatif empiris. Penelitian hukum normatif empiris adalah penelitian hukum mengenai pemberlakuan ketentuan hukum normatif (kodifikasi, undang-undang) secara in action pada setiap peristiwa hukum tertentu yang terjadi dalam masyarakat. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa Penerapan prosedur tetap nomor 1 tahun 2010 tentang penanggulangan anarkis di satuan brimob polda gorontalo setelah melalui tahapan penelitian ditemukan bahwa ternyata masih kurang efektif karena masih terdapat beberapa aspek yang menjadi penghambat dalam rangka menunjang tugas dan fungsi dari satuan brimob dan factor yang menghambat Penerapan Prosedur Tetap Nomor 1 Tahun 2010 Tentang Penanggulangan Anarkis Di Satuan Brimob Polda Gorontalo...
Jurnal Geuthèë: Penelitian Multidisiplin
The implementation of discretion by the police seems to be against the law, but it is a way out t... more The implementation of discretion by the police seems to be against the law, but it is a way out that is indeed given by law to the police in order to provide efficiency and effectiveness for the greater public interest, furthermore discretion should not be eliminated. Discretion cannot be removed and should not be eliminated. Discretion is an integral part of the role of the institution or organization. However, discretion can be limited and controlled, for example by tightening written orders and the existence of programmed decisions that are at least able to formulate and demand discretionary action. The problem is, unprogrammed decisions often appear and open the door wide for discretionary making. That the mechanism for applying police discretion to traffic crimes committed by children at the Police investigation level is that the traffic police visited the scene of the case and then sketched the scene of the case, helped victims, recorded witnesses, secured evidence of accident...
Jurnal Daulat Hukum, Jun 20, 2022
The purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness implementation regulation of the c... more The purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness implementation regulation of the chief of Indonesian national police 11 of 2010 regarding the handling of bomb disposal and to find out what factors influenced bomb disposal procedures in Gorontalo Province. The type of research used in this research is empirical normative legal research. The type of research used is empirical normative legal research. Normative law research uses normative legal case studies in the form of legal products, for example reviewing draft laws. The subject of the research is the law which is conceptualized as a norm or rule that applies in society and becomes a reference for everyone. Empirical legal research is research that uses empirical legal case studies in the form of community behavior. The results of the research obtained are that regulation of the chief of Indonesian national police number 11 of 2010 concerning the handling of bomb disposal in Gorontalo Province has not been effectiv...
International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS)
The purpose of this study is how the role of the police in overcoming the illegal mining of natur... more The purpose of this study is how the role of the police in overcoming the illegal mining of natural stone which has an impact on natural damage and community settlements and what factors hinder the police in overcoming the illegal mining of natural stone which has an impact on the natural damage of community settlements. The research method used is the type of research used is empirical normative legal research. Normative law research uses normative legal case studies in the form of legal products, while empirical legal research uses empirical legal case studies in the form of community behavior. The role of the police in overcoming the illegal mining of natural stone that has an impact on natural damage and community settlements in Gorontalo Regency is by conducting outreach to the daenaa village community, then carrying out prevention stages, and finally taking action step by step is not heeded and what factors The factors that hinder the police in overcoming the illegal mining of...
Public health, Jan 25, 2015
Depression is one of the most common mental disorders and a major public health problem in the Ch... more Depression is one of the most common mental disorders and a major public health problem in the Chinese population, especially among women. The current study aims to understand prevalence of depression symptoms and provide detailed epidemiological factors associated with depression among reproductive women in rural areas which was paid less attention in previous surveys. Cross-sectional study. Face-to-face household interviews were conducted on 1058 women (age: 15-49 years) in rural areas from July 2012 to August 2012. Questionnaires were used to investigate the influencing factors of depression among women. Pearson's χ(2), logistic regression analysis and structural equation modelling (SEM) were applied to analyze the related factors. The prevalence of depression among women was 30.7% [95% confidence interval (CI): 27.9%-33.5%]. Compared with non-depressed individuals, those with depression were more likely to be short of social support [odd ratio (OR): 0.940, P < 0.001) and ...
Jambura Law Review, 2021
Every human being has rights that have been given since humans are in and the right to life is an... more Every human being has rights that have been given since humans are in and the right to life is an absolute right that must be lived by every human being. Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights does not provide space for euthanasia because euthanasia is contrary to the provisions of the Human Rights Law, especially the right to life of a person. The right to life in Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights explains that every human being or every person without exception has the right to life, the right not to be tortured, the right to personal freedom thought and conscience, the right to religion, the right not to be enslaved, the right to recognized as a person and equality before the law, and the right not to study based on applicable law is a human right that cannot be reduced under any circumstances and by anyone.
Korupsi adalah penyakit kronis hampir tanpa obat, menyelusup di segala segi kehidupan dan tampak ... more Korupsi adalah penyakit kronis hampir tanpa obat, menyelusup di segala segi kehidupan dan tampak sebagai pencitraan budaya buruk bangsa Indonesia. Secara sinis orang bisa menyebut jati diri Indonesia adalah perilaku korupsi. Pencitraan tersebut tidak sepenuhnya salah, sebab dalam realitanya kompleksitas korupsi dirasakan bukan masalah hukum semata, akan tetapi sesungguhnya merupakan pelanggaraan atas hak-hak ekonomi dan sosial masyarakat. Korupsi telah menimbulkan kemiskinan dan kesenjangan sosial yang besar. Pemberantasan korupsi bukanlah sekedar aspirasi masyarakat luas melainkan merupakan kebutuhan mendesak (urgent needs) bangsa Indonesia untuk mencegah dan menghilangkan sedapatnya dari bumi pertiwi ini karena dengan demikian penegakan hukum pemberantasan korupsi diharapkan dapat mengurangi dan seluas-luasnya menghapuskan kemiskinan. Beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan korupsi sulit buntu diberantas adalah: (1) Pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi di Indonesia selalu dikaitkan dengan politik. (2) Adanya kinerja yang bersifat diskriminatif dan tebang pilih dari para penegak hukum. (3) Terjadinya tumpang tindih kekuasaan dalam hal melakukan penyelidikan, penuntutan antara lembaga Kejaksaan dan lembaga KPK. (4) Kurangnya peran serta masyarakat dalam memerangi tindak pidana korupsi. (5) Kurangnya penanaman nilai-nilai moral dan pendidikan anti korupsi sejak dini
Law Review, 2019
Dalam rangka menciptakan peradilan yang bersih dan transparan sebagai wujud pencapaian tujuan huk... more Dalam rangka menciptakan peradilan yang bersih dan transparan sebagai wujud pencapaian tujuan hukum (kepastian, kemanfaatan, dan keadilan) Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi Indonesia bekerja sama dengan 34 Perguruan Tinggi se Indonesia untuk melaksanakan kegiatan perekaman persidangan Tindak Pidana Korupsi secara audio dan visual. Tujuan kegiatan ini disamping sebagai wujud pemantauan dari sisi peradilan juga dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan kajian mahasiswa yang terlibat dalam kegiatan perekaman ini untuk memperdalam kajian hukum acara pidana.Penelitian ini menghasilkan kajian berupa data empiric terhadap efektifitas kegiatan perekaman sidang tindak pidana korupsi. Dalam penelitian dikemukakan bahwa kegiatan pemantauan persidangan ini secara sistematis dilakukan untuk karena secara substansi hukum telah memperoleh pengakuan secara hukum, namun masih beberapa hambatan dalam sisi teknisnya, terkait sikap korporatif pihak pengadilan dalam mendukung kegiatan perekaman ini.
Journal Evidence of Law, Sep 27, 2023
Journal Evidence of Law, Sep 28, 2023
IBLAM Law Review, May 31, 2023
The research used is empirical research. Empirical legal research is conducted by examining direc... more The research used is empirical research. Empirical legal research is conducted by examining directly into the field to see directly the application of legislation or rules of law relating to law enforcement, as well as conducting interviews with several respondents who are considered to be able to provide information regarding the implementation of law enforcement. The application of the Regulation of the Chief of the Indonesian National Police (Perkap) is not yet effective, because from the results of the interview that the Gorontalo Regional Police prioritizes the Circular Letter (SE) rather than the Regulation of the Chief of the Indonesian National Police (Perkap), moreover that the debate regarding the application of legal norms does not only occur among law enforcers in general but w ithin the internal police also becomes a debate caused by the existence of conflicting legal norms between high legal norms and low legal norms. Factors affecting the effectiveness of the application of the article on the
IBLAM Law Review, May 31, 2023
International Journal of Humanities Education and Social Sciences, Oct 28, 2023
IBLAM Law Review, Sep 11, 2023
Insan Cita : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Penghijauan merupakan salah satu kegiatan penting yang harus dilaksanakan secara konseptual dalam... more Penghijauan merupakan salah satu kegiatan penting yang harus dilaksanakan secara konseptual dalam menangani masalah lingkungan. Desa Milangodaa merupakan salah satu desa yang cukup baik dalam merespon kegiatan penghijauan ini. Penanaman pohon juga sebagai bentuk pelestarian lingkungan yang perlu di budidayakan. Penghijauan dan penanaman bibit ini dilakukan dengan tujuan kepada masyarakat di Desa Milangodaa. Bibit pohon yang kami bagikan dan juga kami tanam berjumlah 500 bibit pohon yaitu pohon cempaka, pohon nantu, pohon mahoni, pohon durian dan rambutan. Untuk bibit buah-buahan manfaatnya yaitu memberikan edukasi tentang pentingnya tanaman buah di perkarangan rumah sebagai peneduh, penghasil oksigen, penyerap karbon, dan dapat dipanen pada waktunya. Selain itu, manfaat di laksanakannya penghijauan ini guna untuk mencegah terjadinya banjir, karena pepohonan memiliki akar yang berfungsi untuk menyerap air dan menyimpannya di dalam tanah, sehingga air yang akan terkunci di dalam tanah...
Jurnal Darma Agung
The Covid-19 pandemic, which has been going on for several years, has created pressure and effect... more The Covid-19 pandemic, which has been going on for several years, has created pressure and effects in all sectors, both globally and domestically. The impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic has paralyzed the joints of the nation's economy. The death of the livelihoods of some people caused many people to lose their livelihoods. In order to support state financial policies and to save the national economy, the Government runs the PEN Program. The PEN program aims to protect, maintain and improve the economic capacity of business actors from the real sector and the financial sector in running their business. Article 11 paragraph (7) Perpu Number 1 of 2020 mandates that the implementation of the PEN Program be further regulated by Government Regulation. The type of research used is sociological research or sociological legal research or field research, because it is done by looking at the real conditions and facts that occur around the community. How the Legal Construction of the National...
Journal Evidence Of Law
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Penerapan Prosedur Tetap Nomor 1 Tahun 2010 Tentang Pen... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Penerapan Prosedur Tetap Nomor 1 Tahun 2010 Tentang Penanggulangan Anarkis dan mengetahui Faktor yang menghabat Penerapan Prosedur Tetap Nomor 1 Tahun 2010 Tentang Penanggulangan Anarkis. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalan penelitian normatif empiris. Penelitian hukum normatif empiris adalah penelitian hukum mengenai pemberlakuan ketentuan hukum normatif (kodifikasi, undang-undang) secara in action pada setiap peristiwa hukum tertentu yang terjadi dalam masyarakat. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa Penerapan prosedur tetap nomor 1 tahun 2010 tentang penanggulangan anarkis di satuan brimob polda gorontalo setelah melalui tahapan penelitian ditemukan bahwa ternyata masih kurang efektif karena masih terdapat beberapa aspek yang menjadi penghambat dalam rangka menunjang tugas dan fungsi dari satuan brimob dan factor yang menghambat Penerapan Prosedur Tetap Nomor 1 Tahun 2010 Tentang Penanggulangan Anarkis Di Satuan Brimob Polda Gorontalo...
Jurnal Geuthèë: Penelitian Multidisiplin
The implementation of discretion by the police seems to be against the law, but it is a way out t... more The implementation of discretion by the police seems to be against the law, but it is a way out that is indeed given by law to the police in order to provide efficiency and effectiveness for the greater public interest, furthermore discretion should not be eliminated. Discretion cannot be removed and should not be eliminated. Discretion is an integral part of the role of the institution or organization. However, discretion can be limited and controlled, for example by tightening written orders and the existence of programmed decisions that are at least able to formulate and demand discretionary action. The problem is, unprogrammed decisions often appear and open the door wide for discretionary making. That the mechanism for applying police discretion to traffic crimes committed by children at the Police investigation level is that the traffic police visited the scene of the case and then sketched the scene of the case, helped victims, recorded witnesses, secured evidence of accident...
Jurnal Daulat Hukum, Jun 20, 2022
The purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness implementation regulation of the c... more The purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness implementation regulation of the chief of Indonesian national police 11 of 2010 regarding the handling of bomb disposal and to find out what factors influenced bomb disposal procedures in Gorontalo Province. The type of research used in this research is empirical normative legal research. The type of research used is empirical normative legal research. Normative law research uses normative legal case studies in the form of legal products, for example reviewing draft laws. The subject of the research is the law which is conceptualized as a norm or rule that applies in society and becomes a reference for everyone. Empirical legal research is research that uses empirical legal case studies in the form of community behavior. The results of the research obtained are that regulation of the chief of Indonesian national police number 11 of 2010 concerning the handling of bomb disposal in Gorontalo Province has not been effectiv...
International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS)
The purpose of this study is how the role of the police in overcoming the illegal mining of natur... more The purpose of this study is how the role of the police in overcoming the illegal mining of natural stone which has an impact on natural damage and community settlements and what factors hinder the police in overcoming the illegal mining of natural stone which has an impact on the natural damage of community settlements. The research method used is the type of research used is empirical normative legal research. Normative law research uses normative legal case studies in the form of legal products, while empirical legal research uses empirical legal case studies in the form of community behavior. The role of the police in overcoming the illegal mining of natural stone that has an impact on natural damage and community settlements in Gorontalo Regency is by conducting outreach to the daenaa village community, then carrying out prevention stages, and finally taking action step by step is not heeded and what factors The factors that hinder the police in overcoming the illegal mining of...
Public health, Jan 25, 2015
Depression is one of the most common mental disorders and a major public health problem in the Ch... more Depression is one of the most common mental disorders and a major public health problem in the Chinese population, especially among women. The current study aims to understand prevalence of depression symptoms and provide detailed epidemiological factors associated with depression among reproductive women in rural areas which was paid less attention in previous surveys. Cross-sectional study. Face-to-face household interviews were conducted on 1058 women (age: 15-49 years) in rural areas from July 2012 to August 2012. Questionnaires were used to investigate the influencing factors of depression among women. Pearson's χ(2), logistic regression analysis and structural equation modelling (SEM) were applied to analyze the related factors. The prevalence of depression among women was 30.7% [95% confidence interval (CI): 27.9%-33.5%]. Compared with non-depressed individuals, those with depression were more likely to be short of social support [odd ratio (OR): 0.940, P < 0.001) and ...
Jambura Law Review, 2021
Every human being has rights that have been given since humans are in and the right to life is an... more Every human being has rights that have been given since humans are in and the right to life is an absolute right that must be lived by every human being. Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights does not provide space for euthanasia because euthanasia is contrary to the provisions of the Human Rights Law, especially the right to life of a person. The right to life in Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights explains that every human being or every person without exception has the right to life, the right not to be tortured, the right to personal freedom thought and conscience, the right to religion, the right not to be enslaved, the right to recognized as a person and equality before the law, and the right not to study based on applicable law is a human right that cannot be reduced under any circumstances and by anyone.
Korupsi adalah penyakit kronis hampir tanpa obat, menyelusup di segala segi kehidupan dan tampak ... more Korupsi adalah penyakit kronis hampir tanpa obat, menyelusup di segala segi kehidupan dan tampak sebagai pencitraan budaya buruk bangsa Indonesia. Secara sinis orang bisa menyebut jati diri Indonesia adalah perilaku korupsi. Pencitraan tersebut tidak sepenuhnya salah, sebab dalam realitanya kompleksitas korupsi dirasakan bukan masalah hukum semata, akan tetapi sesungguhnya merupakan pelanggaraan atas hak-hak ekonomi dan sosial masyarakat. Korupsi telah menimbulkan kemiskinan dan kesenjangan sosial yang besar. Pemberantasan korupsi bukanlah sekedar aspirasi masyarakat luas melainkan merupakan kebutuhan mendesak (urgent needs) bangsa Indonesia untuk mencegah dan menghilangkan sedapatnya dari bumi pertiwi ini karena dengan demikian penegakan hukum pemberantasan korupsi diharapkan dapat mengurangi dan seluas-luasnya menghapuskan kemiskinan. Beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan korupsi sulit buntu diberantas adalah: (1) Pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi di Indonesia selalu dikaitkan dengan politik. (2) Adanya kinerja yang bersifat diskriminatif dan tebang pilih dari para penegak hukum. (3) Terjadinya tumpang tindih kekuasaan dalam hal melakukan penyelidikan, penuntutan antara lembaga Kejaksaan dan lembaga KPK. (4) Kurangnya peran serta masyarakat dalam memerangi tindak pidana korupsi. (5) Kurangnya penanaman nilai-nilai moral dan pendidikan anti korupsi sejak dini
Law Review, 2019
Dalam rangka menciptakan peradilan yang bersih dan transparan sebagai wujud pencapaian tujuan huk... more Dalam rangka menciptakan peradilan yang bersih dan transparan sebagai wujud pencapaian tujuan hukum (kepastian, kemanfaatan, dan keadilan) Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi Indonesia bekerja sama dengan 34 Perguruan Tinggi se Indonesia untuk melaksanakan kegiatan perekaman persidangan Tindak Pidana Korupsi secara audio dan visual. Tujuan kegiatan ini disamping sebagai wujud pemantauan dari sisi peradilan juga dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan kajian mahasiswa yang terlibat dalam kegiatan perekaman ini untuk memperdalam kajian hukum acara pidana.Penelitian ini menghasilkan kajian berupa data empiric terhadap efektifitas kegiatan perekaman sidang tindak pidana korupsi. Dalam penelitian dikemukakan bahwa kegiatan pemantauan persidangan ini secara sistematis dilakukan untuk karena secara substansi hukum telah memperoleh pengakuan secara hukum, namun masih beberapa hambatan dalam sisi teknisnya, terkait sikap korporatif pihak pengadilan dalam mendukung kegiatan perekaman ini.