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Windows 7 Mouse and Pointers

In this article


This design guide was created for Windows 7 and has not been updated for newer versions of Windows. Much of the guidance still applies in principle, but the presentation and examples do not reflect our current design guidance.

The mouse is the primary input device used to interact with objects in Windows. Mouse functionality can also encompass other pointing devices, such as trackballs, touchpads and pointing sticks built into notebook computers, pens used with Windows Tablet and Touch Technology, and, on computers with touchscreens, even a user's finger.

Physically moving the mouse moves the graphic pointer (also referred to as the cursor) on the screen. The pointer has a variety of shapes to indicate its current behavior.

screen shot of five typical mouse pointers

Typical mouse pointers

Mouse devices often have a primary button (usually the left button), a secondary button (usually the right), and a mouse wheel between the two. By positioning the pointer and clicking the primary and secondary buttons on the mouse, users can select objects and perform actions on them. For most interactions, pressing a mouse button while the cursor is over a target indicates the selected target, and releasing the button performs any action associated with the target.

All pointers, except the busy pointer, have a single pixel hot spot that defines the exact screen location of the mouse. The hot spot determines which object is affected by mouse actions. Objects define a hot zone, which is the area where the hot spot is considered to be over the object. Typically, the hot zone coincides with the borders of an object, but it may be larger to make user's intent easier to perform.

The caret is the flashing vertical bar that is displayed when the user is typing into a text box or other text editor. The caret is independent of the pointer (by default, Windows hides the pointer while the user is typing).

screen shot of text box with cursor

The caret

Design concepts

The mouse is intuitive

The mouse has been a successful input device because it is easy to use for the typical human hand. Pointer-based interaction has been successful because it is intuitive and allows for a rich variety of experiences.

Well-designed user interface (UI) objects are said to have affordance, which are visual and behavioral properties of an object that suggest how it is used. The pointer acts as a proxy for the hand, allowing users to interact with screen objects much like they would with physical objects. We humans have an innate understanding of how the human hand works, so if something looks like it can be pushed, we try to push it; if it looks like it can be grabbed, we try to grab it. Consequently, users can figure out how to use objects with strong affordance just by looking at them and trying them.

screen shot of a button and slider

Buttons and sliders have strong affordance

By contrast, objects with poor affordance are harder to figure out. Such objects often require a label or instruction to explain them.

screen shot of link text and internet earth icon

link text and icons have poor affordance

Some aspects of mouse use are not intuitive

Right-clicking, double-clicking, and clicking with Shift or Ctrl key modifiers are three mouse interactions that aren't intuitive, because they have no real world counterparts. Unlike keyboard shortcuts and access keys, these mouse interactions usually aren't documented anywhere in the UI. This suggests that right-click, double-click, and keyboard modifiers shouldn't be required to perform basic tasks, especially by novice users. It also suggests that these advanced interactions must have consistent, predictable behavior to be used effectively.

Single-click or double-click?

Double-clicking is used so extensively on the Windows desktop that it may not seem like an advanced interaction. For example, opening folders, programs, or documents in the file pane of Windows Explorer is performed by double-clicking. Opening a shortcut on the Windows desktop also uses double-clicking. By contrast, opening folders or programs in the Start menu requires a single click.

Selectable objects use single-click to perform selection, so they require a double-click to open, whereas non-selectable objects require only a single click to open. This distinction isn't understood by many users (clicking a program icon is clicking a program icon, right?) and as a result, some users just keep clicking on icons until they get what they want.

Direct manipulation

Interacting with objects directly is referred to as direct manipulation. Pointing, clicking, selecting, moving, resizing, splitting, scrolling, panning, and zooming are common direct manipulations. By contrast, interacting with an object through its properties window or other dialog box could be described as indirect manipulation.

However, where there is direct manipulation, there can be accidental manipulation and therefore the need for forgiveness. Forgiveness is the ability to reverse or correct an undesired action easily. You make direct manipulations forgiving by providing undo, giving good visual feedback, and allowing users to correct mistakes easily. Associated with forgiveness is preventing undesired actions from happening in the first place, which you can do by using constrained controls and confirmations for risky actions or commands that have unintended consequences.

Standard mouse button interactions

The standard mouse interactions depend on a variety of factors, including the mouse key clicked, the number of times it is clicked, its position during the clicks, and whether any keyboard modifiers were pressed. Here is a summary of how these factors usually affect interaction:

Simple mouse interactions

The following table describes common mouse interactions and effects.

Simple action Interaction Typical effect
Pointing Position the pointer to a specific object without clicking any mouse buttons. Target displays its hover state and any dynamic affordances.
Hovering Position the pointer to a specific object without clicking any mouse buttons and without moving for at least a second. Target displays its tooltip, infotip, or equivalent.
Clicking Position the pointer to a specific, non-selectable object and press and release a mouse button without moving. Clicking takes effect on the mouse button release to allow users the opportunity to cancel the click by moving the mouse off the target. Therefore, mouse press only indicates the selected target. For single clicks with the primary button, activate the object. For double-clicks with the primary button, activate the object and perform the default command. For the secondary button, display the object's context menu.
Selecting Position the pointer to a specific, selectable object and press and release a mouse button. For single clicks with the primary button, select the object. If the users drags the mouse, select a contiguous range of objects. For double-clicks with the primary button, select the object and perform the default command. For text, the right primary button click sets the insertion point, the second selects word at the insertion point, and the third click selects the sentence or paragraph.
Pressing Position the pointer to a specific object and press a mouse button without releasing. For auto-repeat functions (such as pressing a scroll arrow to continuously scroll), activate repeatedly. Otherwise indicates the start of a move, resize, split, or drag, unless followed by a release without moving.
Wheeling Move mouse wheel. Window scrolls vertically in direction of mouse wheel movement.

Pointer shapes

The following table describes common pointer shapes and usages.

Shape Name When used
screen shot of pointer with arrow shape Normal select Used for most objects.
screen shot of hand with index finger pointing Link select Used for text and graphics links because of their weak affordance.
screen shot of pointer with i-beam shape Text select Used for text to indicate a location between characters.
screen shot of pointer with large plus-sign shape Precision select Used for graphic and other two-dimensional interaction.

Compound mouse interactions

The following table describes common mouse interactions.

Compound action Interaction Typical effect Pointers
Moving If moving is a mode (entered by giving a command), enter the mode, position the pointer over a movable object, press button and move mouse, release mouse button. in this case, the pointer changes shape to indicate the mode. otherwise, position the pointer over a movable object's grabber, press button and move mouse, release mouse button. in this case, the pointer doesn't need to change shape. object moves in direction of pointer movement. move screen shot of pointer with four arrows used to move a window in any direction. pan screen shot of pointer with hand shape Used to move an object within a window in any direction.
Resizing Position the pointer over a resizable border or resize handle, press a mouse button and move mouse, and then release the mouse button. object resizes in direction of pointer movement. vertical and horizontal resize Screenshot that shows up-down pointers.screen shot of up-down and right-left pointers used to resize a single dimension. diagonal resize bb545459.mouse13(en-us,msdn.10).pngscreen shot of diagonal pointers with arrow tips used to resize two dimensions simultaneously. row and column resize bb545459.mouse15(en-us,msdn.10).pngscreen shot of arrow pointers with crossbar Used to resize a row or column in a grid.
Splitting Position the pointer over a splitter, press a mouse button and move mouse, and then release the mouse button. split pane border moves in direction of pointer movement. window splitters bb545459.mouse17(en-us,msdn.10).pngscreen shot of arrow pointers with double crossbar Used to resize a split pane vertically or horizontally.
Dragging and dropping Position the pointer over a valid object for dragging, press a mouse button and move mouse to a drop target, and then release the mouse button. object is moved or copied to the drop target. normal select screen shot of photo, standard pointer, and infotip used over valid drag targets. may also have an infotip to indicate specific effect. unavailable screen shot of small blocked/offline icon Used to indicate a surface isn't a valid drop target.

Activity indicators

The following table shows pointers that users see when performing an action that takes longer than a couple of seconds to complete.

Shape Name When used
Screenshot that shows a doughnut-shaped 'busy' pointer. Busy pointer Used to wait for a window to become responsive.
screen shot of doughnut-shaped pointer and arrow Working in background pointer Used to point, click, press, or select while a task completes in the background.

Hand pointers

Text and graphics links use a hand or "link select" pointer (a hand with the index finger pointing screen shot of hand with index finger pointing ) because of their weak affordance. While links may have other visual clues to indicate that they are links (such as underlines and special placement), displaying the hand pointer on hover is the definitive indication of a link.

To avoid confusion, it is imperative not to use the hand pointer for other purposes. For example, command buttons already have a strong affordance, so they don't need a hand pointer. The hand pointer must mean "this target is a link" and nothing else.

Custom pointers

Windows supports the creation of custom pointers. For more details see, Setting the Cursor Image and User Input: Extended Example.

Many applications provide a palette of controls with custom pointers to support application functionality.

screen shot of palette with spray-can pointer

Microsoft Paint includes a palette of different functions, each with a unique pointer

Fitts' Law

Fitts' Law is a well known principle in graphical user interface design ergonomics that essentially states:

Thus, large targets are good. Be sure to make the entire target area clickable.

Incorrect Correct (the entire target is clickable)
screen shot of icon with only label clickable screen shot of clickable icon and clickable label

You can dynamically change the size of a target when pointing to make it easier to acquire.

screen shot of character map with enlarged number

A target becomes larger when the user is pointing to make it easier to acquire

And close targets are also good. Locate clickable items close to where they are most likely going to be used. In the following image, the color palette is too far away from the tool selector.

screen shot of color palette separated from tools

The color palette is too far from where it is likely to be used

Consider the fact that the user's current pointer location is as close as a target can be, making it trivial to acquire. Thus, context menus take full advantage of Fitts' law, as do the mini toolbars used by Microsoft Office.

screen shot of pointers near drop-down list

The current pointer location is always the easiest to acquire

Also, consider alternative input devices when determining object sizes. For example, the minimum target size recommended for touch is 23x23 pixels (13x13 DLUs).

Environments without a mouse

Not all Windows environments have a mouse. For example, kiosks rarely have a mouse and usually have a touchscreen instead. This means that users can perform simple interactions such as left-clicking and perhaps dragging-and-dropping. However, they can't hover, right-click, or double-click. This situation is easy to design for because these limitations are usually known in advance.

Using a mouse requires fine motor skills, and as a result, not all users can use a mouse. To make your software accessible to the broadest audience, make sure all interactions for which fine motor skills aren't essential can be performed using the keyboard instead.

For more information and guidelines, see Accessibility.

If you do only four things...

  1. Give mouse interactions behaviors consistent with their standard effects, using the standard pointers whenever appropriate.
  2. Limit advanced mouse interactions (those requiring right clicks, multiple clicks, or modifier keys) to advanced tasks targeted at advanced users.
  3. Assign advanced mouse interactions consistent, predictable behaviors so that they can be used effectively.
  4. Make sure your program provides the ability to reverse or correct any undesired actions especially for destructive commands. Accidental actions are more likely when using direct manipulation.


Click affordance

Standard mouse button interactions

The following table summarizes the mouse button interactions that apply in most cases:

Interaction Effect
Hover Target displays its tooltip, infotip, or equivalent.
Single left-click Activates or selects the object. For text, sets the insertion point.
Single right-click Selects the object and displays its context menu.
Double left-click Activates or selects the object, and performs the default command. For text, selects word at the insertion point (a third click selects the sentence or paragraph).
Double right-click Same as single right-click.
Shift single left-click For selectable objects, contiguously extends the selection. Otherwise, same as single left-click with possible modifications. For example, in Paint, drawing an oval with the Shift key modifier results in drawing a circle.
Shift single right-click Same as Shift single left-click.
Shift double left-click Same as Shift single left-click, and performs the default command on the entire selection.
Shift double right-click Same as Shift single left-click.
Ctrl single left-click For selectable objects, extends the selection by toggling the selection state of the clicked item without affecting the selection of other objects (therefore allowing selection that isn't contiguous). Otherwise, same as single left-click.
Ctrl single right-click Same as Ctrl single left-click.
Ctrl double left-click Same as Ctrl single left-click, and performs the default command on the entire selection.
Ctrl double right-click Same as Ctrl single left-click.

Mouse interaction

Mouse wheel

screen shot of page with scroll-origin icon

Internet Explorer supports reader mode, which features the scroll-origin icon

Hiding the pointer

Activity pointers

The activity pointers in Windows are the busy pointer (screen shot of doughnut-shaped pointer ) and the working in background pointer (screen shot of doughnut-shaped pointer and arrow ).



For more information and guidelines, see Accessibility.


When referring to the mouse:

When referring to mouse pointers:


See also


Additional resources

In this article