RNA-mediated programmable DNA cleavage (original) (raw)

Nature Biotechnology volume 30, pages 836–838 (2012)Cite this article


Genome engineering has a new tool—endonucleases involved in bacterial adaptive immunity that can be reprogrammed with customizable small, noncoding RNAs.

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Figure 1: crRNA-guided DNA cleavage by Cas9.


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  1. Rodolphe Barrangou is at DuPont Nutrition and Health, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.,
    Rodolphe Barrangou


  1. Rodolphe Barrangou
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Correspondence toRodolphe Barrangou.

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R.B. is an R&D director at DuPont, in the Nutrition and Health division; manages teams globally (US, France and China) responsible for genomic and ecological analyses of bacterial starter cultures and probiotics for food and feed applications; is involved in leveraging CRISPR for enhancing phage resistance in starter cultures and typing bacterial strains; and is a co-inventor on several patents related to use of CRISPR technology.

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Barrangou, R. RNA-mediated programmable DNA cleavage.Nat Biotechnol 30, 836–838 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1038/nbt.2357

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