New material of the earliest hominid from the Upper Miocene of Chad (original) (raw)
- Letter
- Published: 07 April 2005
- Franck Guy1,2,
- David Pilbeam2,
- Daniel E. Lieberman2,
- Andossa Likius3,
- Hassane T. Mackaye3,
- Marcia S. Ponce de León4,
- Christoph P. E. Zollikofer4 &
- …
- Patrick Vignaud1
Nature volume 434, pages 752–755 (2005)Cite this article
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Discoveries in Chad by the Mission Paléoanthropologique Franco-Tchadienne have substantially changed our understanding of early human evolution in Africa1,2,3. In particular, the TM 266 locality in the Toros-Menalla fossiliferous area yielded a nearly complete cranium (TM 266-01-60-1), a mandible, and several isolated teeth assigned to Sahelanthropus tchadensis3 and biochronologically dated to the late Miocene epoch (about 7 million years ago). Despite the relative completeness of the TM 266 cranium, there has been some controversy about its morphology and its status in the hominid clade4,5. Here we describe new dental and mandibular specimens from three Toros-Menalla (Chad) fossiliferous localities (TM 247, TM 266 and TM 292) of the same age6. This new material, including a lower canine consistent with a non-honing C/P3 complex, post-canine teeth with primitive root morphology and intermediate radial enamel thickness, is attributed to S. tchadensis. It expands the hypodigm of the species and provides additional anatomical characters that confirm the morphological differences between S. tchadensis and African apes. S. tchadensis presents several key derived features consistent with its position in the hominid clade close to the last common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans.
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We thank the Chadian Authorities (Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, Université de N'djaména, CNAR), the Ministère Français de l'Éducation Nationale (Faculté des Sciences, Université de Poitiers), the Ministère de la Recherche (CNRS: Département SDV & ECLIPSE), the Ministère des Affaires Étrangères (DCSUR, Paris and SCAC, N'Djamena) to the Région Poitou-Charentes, the American School of Prehistoric Research, the RHOI (co-Principal Investigators F. C. Howell and T. D. White), the Armée Française, MAM and Epervier for logistical support; the scanner staff of the University Museum, the University of Tokyo (microCT scanning, G. Suwa); to the ESRF, Grenoble (W. G. Stirling, General Director, A. Bravin and C. Nemoz, ID 17); many colleagues and friends for their help, especially G. Suwa for enamel thickness measurements, P. Tafforeau for ESRF three-dimensional scan reconstructions; T. D. White for discussions; all the other members of the Mission Paléoanthropologique Franco-Tchadienne (MPFT) who joined us for field missions; S. Riffaut and X. Valentin for technical support; and G. Florent and C. Noël for administrative guidance at the MPFT.
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Authors and Affiliations
- Laboratoire de Géobiologie, Biochronologie et Paléontologie Humaine, CNRS UMR 6046, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Poitiers, 40 Avenue du Recteur Pineau, 86022, Poitiers Cedex, France
Michel Brunet, Franck Guy & Patrick Vignaud - Peabody Museum, Harvard University, 11 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138, USA
Franck Guy, David Pilbeam & Daniel E. Lieberman - Université de N'Djamena, BP 1117, N'Djamena, Tchad
Andossa Likius & Hassane T. Mackaye - Anthropologisches Institut/MultiMedia Laboratorium, Universität Zürich-Irchel, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057, Zürich, Switzerland
Marcia S. Ponce de León & Christoph P. E. Zollikofer
- Michel Brunet
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Brunet, M., Guy, F., Pilbeam, D. et al. New material of the earliest hominid from the Upper Miocene of Chad.Nature 434, 752–755 (2005).
- Received: 17 September 2004
- Accepted: 26 January 2005
- Issue Date: 07 April 2005
- DOI:
Editorial Summary
The look of Toumaï
The discovery of the skull known as Toumaï four years ago in Chad began a controversy. Faunal studies suggested an age close to 7 million years; a small cranium suggested chimpanzee-like brain size. The team that found Toumaï considered it to be a hominid on our side of the chimp-human divide, but others thought it more ape-like. Important finds of teeth and jaw pieces of the Toumaï species, Sahelanthropus tchadensis, now help to distance the species from apes, suggesting that it is a hominid closely related to the last common ancestor of chimps and humans. A virtual reconstruction of the Toumaï cranium provides more evidence of a close relationship to humans — and this week's cover. You are looking at the face of the earliest known hominid. (Cover by MPFT; M. Brunet, E. Daynes, Ph. Plailly and A. Garaudel contributed).