Detecting genomic indel variants with exact breakpoints in single- and paired-end sequencing data using SplazerS (original) (raw)

Journal Article


1Department of Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Takustrasse 9, 2Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany, Ihnestrasse 63-73, 14195 Berlin, Germany and 3Ray and Stephanie Lane Center for Computational Biology, Carnegie Mellon University, 7401 Gates-Hillman Complex, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

1Department of Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Takustrasse 9, 2Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany, Ihnestrasse 63-73, 14195 Berlin, Germany and 3Ray and Stephanie Lane Center for Computational Biology, Carnegie Mellon University, 7401 Gates-Hillman Complex, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

*To whom correspondence should be addressed.

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1Department of Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Takustrasse 9, 2Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany, Ihnestrasse 63-73, 14195 Berlin, Germany and 3Ray and Stephanie Lane Center for Computational Biology, Carnegie Mellon University, 7401 Gates-Hillman Complex, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

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1Department of Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Takustrasse 9, 2Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany, Ihnestrasse 63-73, 14195 Berlin, Germany and 3Ray and Stephanie Lane Center for Computational Biology, Carnegie Mellon University, 7401 Gates-Hillman Complex, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

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1Department of Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Takustrasse 9, 2Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany, Ihnestrasse 63-73, 14195 Berlin, Germany and 3Ray and Stephanie Lane Center for Computational Biology, Carnegie Mellon University, 7401 Gates-Hillman Complex, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

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1Department of Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Takustrasse 9, 2Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany, Ihnestrasse 63-73, 14195 Berlin, Germany and 3Ray and Stephanie Lane Center for Computational Biology, Carnegie Mellon University, 7401 Gates-Hillman Complex, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

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1Department of Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Takustrasse 9, 2Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany, Ihnestrasse 63-73, 14195 Berlin, Germany and 3Ray and Stephanie Lane Center for Computational Biology, Carnegie Mellon University, 7401 Gates-Hillman Complex, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

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1Department of Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Takustrasse 9, 2Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany, Ihnestrasse 63-73, 14195 Berlin, Germany and 3Ray and Stephanie Lane Center for Computational Biology, Carnegie Mellon University, 7401 Gates-Hillman Complex, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

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1Department of Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Takustrasse 9, 2Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany, Ihnestrasse 63-73, 14195 Berlin, Germany and 3Ray and Stephanie Lane Center for Computational Biology, Carnegie Mellon University, 7401 Gates-Hillman Complex, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

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26 December 2011


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11 January 2012


Anne-Katrin Emde, Marcel H. Schulz, David Weese, Ruping Sun, Martin Vingron, Vera M. Kalscheuer, Stefan A. Haas, Knut Reinert, Detecting genomic indel variants with exact breakpoints in single- and paired-end sequencing data using SplazerS, Bioinformatics, Volume 28, Issue 5, March 2012, Pages 619–627,

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Motivation: The reliable detection of genomic variation in resequencing data is still a major challenge, especially for variants larger than a few base pairs. Sequencing reads crossing boundaries of structural variation carry the potential for their identification, but are difficult to map.

Results: Here we present a method for ‘split’ read mapping, where prefix and suffix match of a read may be interrupted by a longer gap in the read-to-reference alignment. We use this method to accurately detect medium-sized insertions and long deletions with precise breakpoints in genomic resequencing data. Compared with alternative split mapping methods, SplazerS significantly improves sensitivity for detecting large indel events, especially in variant-rich regions. Our method is robust in the presence of sequencing errors as well as alignment errors due to genomic mutations/divergence, and can be used on reads of variable lengths. Our analysis shows that SplazerS is a versatile tool applicable to unanchored or single-end as well as anchored paired-end reads. In addition, application of SplazerS to targeted resequencing data led to the interesting discovery of a complete, possibly functional gene retrocopy variant.

Availability: SplazerS is available from splazers.


Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.


Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have had huge impact on the study of molecular biology (Metzker, 2010): ultra high-throughput NGS technologies provide excellent means for analyzing RNA content of a cell (Wang et al., 2009), resequencing whole genomes (Bentley et al., 2008; McKernan et al., 2009; Wheeler et al., 2008) and detecting, for example, disease-causing variants (Chen et al., 2008) or investigating the epigenetic state of a cell (Barski et al., 2007). There is a long list of biological applications and, accordingly, a high demand for specialized bioinformatics tools for the analyses. Due to the tremendous data yield, this constitutes a great challenge to computational biology. One of the most fundamental tasks is read mapping, i.e. determining the origin of the sequenced reads in a reference genome. All further analysis is based on the mapped reads, e.g. genomic variants are identified or transcript expression is quantified. Reads containing more than a few variant base pairs with respect to a reference will be hard to map, and sequencing errors further complicate this task.

While a large part of human genomic variation is due to single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), recent years have shown that insertion/deletion (indel) variants dramatically contribute to genomic diversity (Mullaney et al., 2010). Furthermore, they have been linked to many diseases (Stenson et al., 2009), and especially large indels have been shown to have strong structural and functional impact (Stankiewicz and Lupski, 2010).

The first high-throughput method for genome-wide detection of large deletions and duplications was array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) where sample and reference DNA are competitively hybridized on a probe array (Pinkel and Albertson, 2005). Given steadily decreasing costs, sequencing approaches are likely to gradually replace aCGH methods, since they carry the potential to provide base pair resolution and identify novel insertions while generating less measurement noise.

Sequencing-based indel detection methods are based on different strategies often utilizing paired-end or mate-pair sequencing data. One conclusion from the 1000 Genomes Project so far is, that a comprehensive indel detection method needs to make use of different detection strategies as no strategy alone is sufficient (Durbin et al., 2010). We will briefly introduce the different strategies and point to their strengths and weaknesses.

Most prominently, strategies based on paired-end or mate-pair data make use of the approximate distance and relative orientation of read pairs. Shifts in the mapped distance or changes in relative orientation indicate indel events or also more complex structural variation. Examples for popular methods that address indel detection based on abnormal insert sizes are PEMer (Korbel et al., 2009), BreakDancer (Chen et al., 2009), MoDIL (Lee et al., 2009) and SVDetect (Zeitouni et al., 2010). A drawback of these read pair methods is that they require tight insert size distributions for accurate discovery of small- to medium-sized indels and for confident localization of breakpoints (Medvedev et al., 2009). So-called anchored split read mapping addresses this shortcoming by directly taking advantage of reads crossing a breakpoint. In split read mapping, the 5′ and 3′ match of a read may be interrupted by a longer gap in the read-to-reference alignment enabling detection of the exact breakpoint and size of the indel. Ye et al. (2009) first applied this approach to short NGS read data. Their tool, Pindel, builds on the availability of paired-end reads, split mapping the unmapped but anchored end within a genomic region defined by its confidently mapped paired end. Pindel is based on a pattern growth algorithm, combining unique 5′ and 3′ matches into a split read match.

Detecting large indels in single-end or unanchored reads is more challenging, due to the short read length and to the repetitiveness of genomic DNA (especially in higher organisms such as human). Read depth methods (Xie and Tammi, 2009; Yoon et al., 2009) work on single-end as well as paired-end data and are able to detect very large deletions and duplications, i.e. changes in copy number, by comparing the observed number of mapped reads in a genomic region to the expected one. These methods provide no exact breakpoints due to low resolution and suffer from artifactual read depth fluctuations.

However, as read lengths increase with advances in sequencing technology, single reads provide the potential for identifying large indels through split-read alignment. In this work, we will use single-end and unanchored reads as short as 76 bp to predict large deletions up to several kilobases in size with high confidence.

Similar to Pindel, our tool SplazerS employs a split read approach. However, it uses a more sensitive alignment method for prefix and suffix matches, allowing for mismatches and small gaps, thereby making it more robust in the presence of small genomic variation and sequencing errors. Especially, read suffixes require higher error tolerance, as sequencing error rates tend to increase toward the 3' ends of reads. Most notably, SplazerS implements a fast anchored as well as a more general unanchored/single-end alignment mode, making it applicable to paired-end as well as single-end sequencing data.

Another tool for split read alignment is GSNAP (Wu and Nacu, 2010), which indexes every third 12mer in the genome and then maps reads one after the other by searching for exact 12mer matches. It does not provide support for anchored split read mapping or for subsequent indel detection. Also BWA (Li and Durbin, 2009), a popular multi-purpose read mapping tool based on a Burrows-Wheeler index, provides split read mapping functionality to a certain extent. Further methods such as SpliceMap (Au et al., 2010), MapSplice (Wang et al., 2010) or SplitSeek (Ameur et al., 2010) follow similar approaches but are geared toward splice junction discovery in RNA-Seq data. Typical drawbacks of these methods for indel detection are a lack of functionality for insertion detection, or their requirement for donor/acceptor splicing patterns.

Our method is novel in that it supports both Hamming (ungapped) and edit (gapped) alignment in the 5′ and 3′ matches, making it applicable to reads from different sequencing technologies. Also longer and variable read lengths as expected from upcoming sequencing technologies (Eid et al., 2009) can be handled. It does not require the prefix or suffix of minimum length to be unique, but attempts to align the entire read while identifying the best split position. It can furthermore report multiple and also suboptimal matches if they exist. SplazerS can be used to split-align short reads to candidate regions as in anchored split read mapping, and is also able to directly align single-end reads to an entire genome where stricter parameter settings may be desired. For fine-tuning of small indel detection, the mapping results can be used in conjunction with arbitrary indel detection methods supporting the SAM format, such as Dindel (Albers et al., 2010) or GATK (McKenna et al., 2010). Split-mapped reads can also be combined with SAM output from other mapping steps, for example ‘normally’ mapped reads where small indels were already allowed.

We apply our method to real paired-end data and to simulated and real single-end data and demonstrate its high precision and high sensitivity, even in challenging, variant-rich regions. We additionally use paired-end data in single-end mode to show how prediction accuracy can be increased even further when considering unanchored reads. In addition, we will show how application of SplazerS led to the interesting discovery of a retrocopy of PQBP1, a gene which has been shown to be involved in X-linked intellectual disability (Kalscheuer et al., 2003; Lenski et al., 2004).


We first want to give some basic notation: we have a set of reads R where r_∈_R and a reference sequence g, where r and g are sequences over the alphabet {A,C,G,T,N}. Furthermore, the operator |·| denotes the length of a sequence. Given an alignment a g i,j r k,l of the subsequence of read r starting in position k and ending in position l to the subsequence of g starting in i and ending in j, we define an error function d(a g i,j r k,l) that returns the number of errors in the alignment, i.e. the sum of the number of gaps and mismatches. Any character aligned with an ‘N’ is counted as an alignment error. The error rate is then given by ϵ=d(a g i,j r k,l)/(l_−_k+1), i.e. the number of alignment errors divided by the length of the read subsequence. For the sake of clarity, we will drop the superscript and refer to alignments as a r k,l instead of a g i,j r k,l.

2.1 Definition of split read alignment

We want to identify collinear split read alignments, i.e. alignments that are split into a prefix (5′) and suffix (3′) match that lie within a collinear genomic subsequence W.l.o.g. we assume our reads to only match to the forward strand, and define a split read alignment of read r as an alignment where the following holds: where 1≤i_≤_j<_k_≤_l_≤|g|.

  1. a (non-empty) prefix p of r aligns to g i,j
  2. a (non-empty) suffix s of r aligns to g k,l
  3. |p|+|s|=|r| and j+1<k (read spans a deletion) or |p|+|s|<|r| and j+1=k (read spans an insertion)

A valid split read alignment (or split read match) is one that additionally fulfills the following criteria: The first condition ensures that prefix and suffix have at least a certain minimum match length m. The second condition ensures that the number of errors in the minimum length prefix (suffix) match is at most a certain maximum number e p (e s). Condition 3 guarantees that the sum of the number of errors in the prefix and suffix match divided by the combined length of prefix and suffix lies within the allowed error rate ϵ. The maximum gap length δ puts a constraint on the distance of prefix and suffix match. An example of a valid and an invalid split read match is given in Figure 1. In some cases, it may be desirable to set e _s_>e p as error rates tend to increase toward the 3' ends of reads. Note that m, e s and e p are given as integer numbers, independent of read length. However, the total error rate ϵ is dependent on the read length, adjusting the allowed numbers of errors for reads of variable length.

  1. |p|≥m and |s|≥m
  2. d(a p_1,m)≤_e p and d(a s|s|−m+1,|s|)≤e s
  3. formula
  4. _k_−_j_−1≤δ

Two examples of split read alignments. Given parameters m=7, ep=es=1 and ϵ=0.1. (A) is a valid alignment spanning a deletion and (B) spans an insertion but is not a valid match as the error rate condition is violated.

Fig. 1.

Two examples of split read alignments. Given parameters _m_=7, e _p_=e _s_=1 and ϵ=0.1. (A) is a valid alignment spanning a deletion and (B) spans an insertion but is not a valid match as the error rate condition is violated.

For valid anchored split read matches, we further restrict the genomic region that the read is allowed to map to. This region is defined by the location of the confidently mapped paired end and the expected insert size. To find such valid split read alignments, we use the following algorithm which we have implemented in SplazerS—in reference to the related general purpose read mapper RazerS (Weese et al., 2009)—using the SeqAn library (Döring et al., 2008).

2.2 Mapping algorithm

The input to our algorithm is a set of reads (either in Fasta/Fastq format or, for anchored split mapping, in single-chromosome SAM format) and a reference sequence (in Fasta format). The output file will contain the successfully split-mapped reads in GFF or SAM format. Figure 2 outlines the main steps of the algorithm. A filtering method identifies potential prefix/suffix matches, i.e. match candidates (filtering phase, Fig. 2A). Possible match candidates are verified with a seed-and-extend alignment method (match verification, Fig. 2B) and, if successful, combined into split read matches (match combination, Fig.2C). The following describes these steps in detail.

Overview of the SplazerS algorithm.

Fig. 2.

Overview of the SplazerS algorithm.

2.2.1 Double-swift filtering identifies potential matches

Our filtering phase is based on counting q-gram matches (Burkhardt et al., 1999), i.e. identifying short subsequences of length q that is shared between read and reference. We build two indices: the left index containing all q-grams of all read prefixes of length m, and the right index containing all q-grams of all read suffixes of length m. Employing the SWIFT filtering algorithm (Rasmussen et al., 2005), we start scanning the reference sequence with the right index. Whenever a potential suffix match region for a read r is encountered, i.e. a certain minimum number of matching q-grams have been observed within a defined region of the genome, the left index is ‘dragged’ behind, up to the current position of the right index. Potential prefix matches within the allowed distance, as defined by parameter δ, are recorded in a queue. If there is at least one potential prefix match for r within the allowed distance, this triggers the verification of the potential suffix match of r.

2.2.2 Prefix and suffix matches are verified separately

Only if the suffix match is verified positively, the potential prefix matches are also subjected to verification. In order to avoid having to verify a potential prefix match several times, the filtering queue keeps track of the verification status of each potential prefix match. We verify potential prefix/suffix matches using either a simple scanning of diagonals in the alignment matrix for ungapped alignment, or using Myers' Bit Vector algorithm (Myers, 1999) in the case of edit distance. Verification is done only for the prefix/suffix of length m. A positively verified prefix/suffix match is then extended using either ungapped or gapped X-drop extension, extending the match as far as possible within the allowed overall error rate ϵ.

2.2.3 Prefix and suffix matches are combined to identify optimal breakpoint location

Whenever a prefix match a p and a suffix match a s are to be combined into a split read match, we first check whether the basic criteria defined in the previous section can be fulfilled. We make use of the fact that a p and a s have been extended as far as possible, collecting the maximum total number of errors allowed on the whole read. Therefore, if extended prefix and suffix match would indicate a deletion but together do not cover the entire read sequence, i.e. j+1<k and |p|+|s|<|r|, then prefix p and suffix s are too short to be combined into a valid split read match. Also, if prefix and suffix match are too close to each other, i.e. li<2_m_ (in the case of edit distance: l_−_i<2_m_−e p_−_e s), then prefix and suffix cannot both fulfill the minimum match length and therefore cannot constitute a valid split read match. By convention, the gap is placed to the leftmost position that yields the lowest sum of errors in the prefix and suffix match. Again, this is achieved by a simple scanning of diagonals in the case of Hamming distance. For edit distance, a banded alignment matrix is computed to identify the optimal combination of prefix and suffix match and thereby the optimal gap placement.

2.3 Match scoring and ranking

Each match with a middle gap of length ≥1 receives a score sc_=|p|+|s|−2(d(a p)+d(a s))−_c(r), while matches without a middle gap, i.e. matches that map ‘normally’ and do not indicate an indel event, receive score _sc_=|p|+|s|−2(d(a p)+d(a s)). The parameter c(r) puts a penalty on the existence of a gap independent of its length and is set to ⌊0.03×|r|⌋ by default. It can be set individually, depending on the error-proneness of the reads. Matches with the same score are ranked according to the length of the middle gap (the shorter the better). By default, a match is tagged as unique if it is the single match with highest score. Uniqueness can be extended to a score range, i.e. discarding reads that have more than a certain number of matches within a range of the highest observed score. Multiple and also suboptimal matches can be reported.

2.4 Choice of mapping parameters

There are several parameters that influence our method. In most cases, the choice of the error rate ϵ and therefore also e p and e s is rather straightforward, depending mainly on the error pattern specific to the sequencing technology used and/or on the relatedness of sample and reference genome. The choice of parameters m and δ is mainly a matter of trade-off between sensitivity and specificity, as well as runtime. In order to aid the user in choosing sensible parameters, SplazerS provides in its verbose mode an estimate of the number of random matches one expects in a random sequence using the chosen parameter setting. To calculate these values, we use binomial statistics (see Supplementary Material S1).

In the following results, we usually set ϵ=0.05, _m_=16 and e _p_=e _s_=1 unless stated otherwise. The distance parameter δ will be set individually to values between 5000 and 50 000.

2.5 Indel detection

Once we have split-mapped a set of reads, we use all unique best matches to identify indel locations. For this purpose, we use the SeqAn tool snpStore ( The indel calling procedure is mainly based on two thresholds: a minimum number and a minimum percentage of spanning reads that are required to support the indel candidate. Each pair of reference position and indel length observed in the mapped reads is considered an indel candidate. For reads that contradict an indel, a minimum overlap with the indel candidate position can be required. Figure 3 illustrates the concept. We usually require at least three indel-supporting reads, and a percentage of at least 25–50% of support from spanning reads where we consider only reads overlapping >5% of their total length.

An indel candidate with six spanning reads. Three reads, i.e. 50% of spanning reads, support the 2 bp deletion. The other three reads contradict it. If reads overlapping <5 bp are not considered contradicting, then the percentage of support is 60% (three out of five reads, as one contradicting read is not considered).

Fig. 3.

An indel candidate with six spanning reads. Three reads, i.e. 50% of spanning reads, support the 2 bp deletion. The other three reads contradict it. If reads overlapping <5 bp are not considered contradicting, then the percentage of support is 60% (three out of five reads, as one contradicting read is not considered).

2.6 Evaluation data

All single-end-only evaluation analyses were conducted using NCBI build 36 of the human genome as reference sequence. The paired-end evaluation analysis uses NCBI build 37, as we use already mapped reads from the 1000 Genomes project. Furthermore, we use the variation databases dbSNP (Sherry et al., 2001) (version 130) and the Database of Genomic Variants (Iafrate et al., 2004) (DGV indels version10). Details on used datasets and program calls are given in Supplementary Materials S2 and S4.

2.6.1 1000 Genomes Project data

We downloaded two files of Illumina reads for HapMap individual NA12878, available from the 1000 Genomes project page: one containing reads mapped/assigned to chromosome 22 and the other containing unmapped reads that could not be assigned to a chromosome. We extracted a subset of 76 bp reads accounting for ~20× coverage and used all unmapped but anchored reads (~1_M_) as input for Pindel (version 2.2) and SplazerS in paired-end mode. Additionally, we used a total of ~40_M_ unmapped 76 bp reads as input for SplazerS in single-end mode. For a fair comparison, we use the same cutoff as Pindel and thus require at least three indel-supporting reads. We furthermore require the indel-supporting reads to constitute at least 50% of reads spanning the putative indel coordinate. Again similar to Pindel's settings, we set SplazerS' maximum distance parameter such that deletions up to 8 kb can be detected. Details on program calls are given in the Supplementary Material S2. We compare the indel prediction results with two reference sets: (i) from the 1000 Genomes project (Durbin et al., 2010) and (ii) from a recent Sanger sequencing study (Mills et al., 2011b).

2.6.2 Simulated single-end data

For the simulation of single-end reads (details given in Supplementary Material S4.1), we first generate a manipulated reference sequence by randomly choosing 1000 known indels from a reference set (dbSNP+DGV) and implanting them into human chromosome 21. Our sampling procedure does not represent a realistic indel distribution, but gives us sufficient sample size for testing different indel size ranges, in particular medium- to large-sized indels. Furthermore, we add single base substitutions at a rate of 0.001 to simulate SNPs. We then generate single-end reads from the manipulated chromosome, using the Mason read simulator (Holtgrewe, 2010) with typical Illumina sequencing error settings (position-specific error probabilities increasing from 5' to 3' end). We repeated this simulation procedure with different read lengths: 100, 125 and 150 bp. Simulated coverages are 5, 10 and 30×. After mapping the set of simulated reads onto the whole human reference genome with a ‘normal’ ungapped mapping approach [RazerS (Weese et al., 2009) with 5% error rate], we retrieve all unmapped reads for subsequent split mapping. The unmapped reads are split-mapped with SplazerS and, for comparison, with GSNAP (version 2010-07-27) and BWA (version 0.5.8a). For all tools, only one gap of at most length δ=5000 was allowed on each read. For BWA, we tested the ‘log-scaled gap penalty for long deletions’ feature, but achieved better results with the _n_-difference mode which we consequently use. We then use the same indel detection method for all three tools (snpStore, see Section 2.5), as it can detect indels of all size ranges. Only unique best hits are used for indel calling for GSNAP, and only hits with mapping quality >0 are used for BWA. We set the indel detection method very sensitively: at least two reads and 25% of spanning reads are required to support the indel. Parametrization details and program calls are given in Supplementary Material S4.2.

2.6.3 Real single-end data

We used our method in a large-scale targeted resequencing study of 248 male patients with X-linked intellectual disability collected by the EURO-MRX consortium (Kalscheuer,V.M. et al., manuscript in preparation). X chromosome exons were targeted by solution hybridization selection (SureSelect, Agilent) (Johnston et al., 2010). Purified, captured DNA was then PCR amplified and sequenced on the Solexa Genome Analyzer GAIIx, yielding single-end reads of length 76 bp. After mapping onto the human reference genome using edit distance, all unmapped reads were retrieved for mapping with SplazerS. This constituted a total of almost 1.5 billion unmapped reads (on average ~6M per patient). With _m_=23, split mapping was rather strict. Indel detection was done using different post-processing scripts. However, the same basic method was used, requiring that at least three reads and 50% of spanning reads support the indel.

2.7 Evaluation methods

2.7.1 Indel comparison

Comparing a predicted indel with a reference indel is not trivial: indels, especially if located in a tandem repeat, can be placed at distances >50 bp while still constituting the same basic indel event. For indel rectification, we adopt the computation of the extended indel region, as defined by Krawitz (Krawitz et al., 2010), which accounts for repeats and gives a window of possible locations for each indel. Predicted indel size is allowed to vary by 10% of reference indel size in all real datasets, but has to be exactly the same as implanted indel size in the simulation experiments.

2.7.2 Sensitivity and PPV

We will use the measures sensitivity and positive predictive value (PPV) in the evaluation of the simulated single-end data.


where true positives (TP) are computed by comparing the set of predicted indels I p with the set of implanted indels I m using the indel comparison method of the previous subsection.


First, we will evaluate our method's ability to accurately identify and locate genomic indel variants in paired-end data, comparing SplazerS with Pindel. Then we will investigate whether our method is also able to accurately detect indels in the simulated single-end datasets, comparing results with GSNAP and BWA. Finally, we will demonstrate our method's capabilities on real large-scale single-end data from 248 patients, providing PCR validation for an especially interesting scenario of predicted indels.

3.1 Paired-end sequencing data: anchored indel detection proves high sensitivity

The results for comparing indels predicted by SplazerS and Pindel on anchored paired-end reads are summarized in Table 1. Since we use previously mapped reads from the 1000 Genomes Project webpage, a large part of the chromosome is already covered by reads mapped also with small indels. Thus, our detected indels do not constitute the whole set of chromosome 22 indels, but rather additional ones discovered through split mapping.

Table 1.

Number of detected indels on 1000 Genomes Project dataset for NA12878

Pindel SplazerS PE SplazerS PE + SE
Small indels Deletions 88 183 233
Overlap 1000G 55 127 161
Overlap Mills 56 112 142
Insertions 62 105 145
Overlap 1000G 35 58 82
Overlap Mills 42 83 111
Medium indels Deletions 25 60 83
Overlap 1000G 4 17 19
Overlap Mills 8 24 32
Insertions 24 28 40
Overlap 1000G 0 0 0
Overlap Mills 12 21 26
Large deletions Deletions 10 13 27
Overlap 1000G 2 3 3
Overlap Mills 0 1 1
SV Deletions 0 3 6
Overlap 1000G 0 3 5
Overlap Mills 0 0 0
Pindel SplazerS PE SplazerS PE + SE
Small indels Deletions 88 183 233
Overlap 1000G 55 127 161
Overlap Mills 56 112 142
Insertions 62 105 145
Overlap 1000G 35 58 82
Overlap Mills 42 83 111
Medium indels Deletions 25 60 83
Overlap 1000G 4 17 19
Overlap Mills 8 24 32
Insertions 24 28 40
Overlap 1000G 0 0 0
Overlap Mills 12 21 26
Large deletions Deletions 10 13 27
Overlap 1000G 2 3 3
Overlap Mills 0 1 1
SV Deletions 0 3 6
Overlap 1000G 0 3 5
Overlap Mills 0 0 0

Pindel and SplazerS PE use anchored reads only, SplazerS PE + SE additionally uses unanchored reads. Small indels are ≤10 bp. Medium indels are >10 bp, ≤50 bp. Large deletions are >50 bp, ≤1000 bp. Large SV deletions are >1 kb, ≤5 kb.

Table 1.

Number of detected indels on 1000 Genomes Project dataset for NA12878

Pindel SplazerS PE SplazerS PE + SE
Small indels Deletions 88 183 233
Overlap 1000G 55 127 161
Overlap Mills 56 112 142
Insertions 62 105 145
Overlap 1000G 35 58 82
Overlap Mills 42 83 111
Medium indels Deletions 25 60 83
Overlap 1000G 4 17 19
Overlap Mills 8 24 32
Insertions 24 28 40
Overlap 1000G 0 0 0
Overlap Mills 12 21 26
Large deletions Deletions 10 13 27
Overlap 1000G 2 3 3
Overlap Mills 0 1 1
SV Deletions 0 3 6
Overlap 1000G 0 3 5
Overlap Mills 0 0 0
Pindel SplazerS PE SplazerS PE + SE
Small indels Deletions 88 183 233
Overlap 1000G 55 127 161
Overlap Mills 56 112 142
Insertions 62 105 145
Overlap 1000G 35 58 82
Overlap Mills 42 83 111
Medium indels Deletions 25 60 83
Overlap 1000G 4 17 19
Overlap Mills 8 24 32
Insertions 24 28 40
Overlap 1000G 0 0 0
Overlap Mills 12 21 26
Large deletions Deletions 10 13 27
Overlap 1000G 2 3 3
Overlap Mills 0 1 1
SV Deletions 0 3 6
Overlap 1000G 0 3 5
Overlap Mills 0 0 0

Pindel and SplazerS PE use anchored reads only, SplazerS PE + SE additionally uses unanchored reads. Small indels are ≤10 bp. Medium indels are >10 bp, ≤50 bp. Large deletions are >50 bp, ≤1000 bp. Large SV deletions are >1 kb, ≤5 kb.

Using anchored reads only, the SplazerS approach yielded a total of 392 indel calls, 301 (76.8%) of which are contained in at least one of the two reference sets [1000G (Durbin et al., 2010) and Mills (Mills et al., 2011b)]. Pindel called only 209 indels of which 142 (67.9%) are in one of the reference sets. The Pindel and SplazerS call sets overlap in 130 indels (62.2% of Pindel call set). Of the 79 indels unique to Pindel, 44 (55.7%) correspond to an indel in the reference set. Of the 262 indels unique to SplazerS, 195 (74.4%) are in the reference set. These results do not only prove a significantly higher sensitivity for SplazerS, but also indicate higher specificity. Adding SplazerS' unanchored split mapping results, the SplazerS set of called indels increases from 392 to 534 (last column in Table 1). Of the additional 142 indels, 90 (63.4%) are contained in one of the reference sets. This indicates a slight decrease in indel calling specificity, but at the gain of much improved sensitivity: >30% additional indels are attributed to single-end split mapping.

In summary, SplazerS was able to recover 391 known indels, while Pindel could only recover 142. In particular, SplazerS is more sensitive and robust in variant-rich regions, as revealed by additional analyses on a high coverage 100 bp Illumina read dataset (Supplementary Material S3 and Fig. S1). Our analyses suggest that Pindel's sensitivity is between 50% and 70% of SplazerS' sensitivity on anchored reads only (Table 1 and Supplementary Table S2). Applying the edit distance feature exhibited a further increase in sensitivity of ~2.6% (Supplementary Table S2).

3.2 Single-end reads: simulations demonstrate high accuracy of split read approach

On the simulated single-end read dataset, we tested the indel prediction accuracy of different tools for varying read lengths (100–150 bp) and coverages (5–30×). Figure 4 shows the results in terms of sensitivity. Corresponding p measurements are given in Supplementary Figure S2.

Sensitivity of indel detection for increasing coverage and increasing read length. (A) Read length 100 bp. (B) Read length 125 bp. (C) Read length 150 bp. Note the axis scaling.

Fig. 4.

Sensitivity of indel detection for increasing coverage and increasing read length. (A) Read length 100 bp. (B) Read length 125 bp. (C) Read length 150 bp. Note the axis scaling.

Table 2 shows the results in terms of sensitivity and PPV for 125 bp reads at ~30× coverage, dividing indels into different size ranges: three small indel classes for insertions/deletions of 1–3 bp, 4–9 bp and 10–50 bp in size; and three large structural variant classes for sizes 51–500 bp, 501 bp−-1 kb and >1 kb.

Table 2.

SN and PPV results of simulations at 30× coverage with read length of 125 bp, for different indel size categories

Ins 10–30 bp 99.35 99.33 95.87 98.63 95.21 96.83
4–9 bp 98.29 98.21 97.44 96.62 100.0 76.39
1–3 bp 98.78 99.65 98.60 99.47 98.94 93.31
Del 1–3 bp 96.03 99.80 96.00 98.74 96.99 92.30
4–9 bp 94.54 100.0 92.26 100.0 94.54 87.17
10–50 bp 92.73 99.52 85.18 98.12 87.51 93.71
SV Del 51–500 bp 70.98 98.38 61.13 89.37 0 NA
0.5–1 kb 94.69 100.0 92.47 97.56 0 NA
1–5 kb 100.00 94.44 96.67 90.61 0 NA
Ins 10–30 bp 99.35 99.33 95.87 98.63 95.21 96.83
4–9 bp 98.29 98.21 97.44 96.62 100.0 76.39
1–3 bp 98.78 99.65 98.60 99.47 98.94 93.31
Del 1–3 bp 96.03 99.80 96.00 98.74 96.99 92.30
4–9 bp 94.54 100.0 92.26 100.0 94.54 87.17
10–50 bp 92.73 99.52 85.18 98.12 87.51 93.71
SV Del 51–500 bp 70.98 98.38 61.13 89.37 0 NA
0.5–1 kb 94.69 100.0 92.47 97.56 0 NA
1–5 kb 100.00 94.44 96.67 90.61 0 NA

Each category has at least 50 representatives. SN, sensitivity; PPV, positive predictive value.

Table 2.

SN and PPV results of simulations at 30× coverage with read length of 125 bp, for different indel size categories

Ins 10–30 bp 99.35 99.33 95.87 98.63 95.21 96.83
4–9 bp 98.29 98.21 97.44 96.62 100.0 76.39
1–3 bp 98.78 99.65 98.60 99.47 98.94 93.31
Del 1–3 bp 96.03 99.80 96.00 98.74 96.99 92.30
4–9 bp 94.54 100.0 92.26 100.0 94.54 87.17
10–50 bp 92.73 99.52 85.18 98.12 87.51 93.71
SV Del 51–500 bp 70.98 98.38 61.13 89.37 0 NA
0.5–1 kb 94.69 100.0 92.47 97.56 0 NA
1–5 kb 100.00 94.44 96.67 90.61 0 NA
Ins 10–30 bp 99.35 99.33 95.87 98.63 95.21 96.83
4–9 bp 98.29 98.21 97.44 96.62 100.0 76.39
1–3 bp 98.78 99.65 98.60 99.47 98.94 93.31
Del 1–3 bp 96.03 99.80 96.00 98.74 96.99 92.30
4–9 bp 94.54 100.0 92.26 100.0 94.54 87.17
10–50 bp 92.73 99.52 85.18 98.12 87.51 93.71
SV Del 51–500 bp 70.98 98.38 61.13 89.37 0 NA
0.5–1 kb 94.69 100.0 92.47 97.56 0 NA
1–5 kb 100.00 94.44 96.67 90.61 0 NA

Each category has at least 50 representatives. SN, sensitivity; PPV, positive predictive value.

Figure 4 shows how sensitivity increases with coverage and with read length. In all settings, SplazerS is the most sensitive and most precise tool. At 30×, it already recovers >90% of implanted indels on the 100 bp reads; for the 150 bp reads sensitivity reaches >95%. GSNAP is always a few percentage points behind SplazerS, with SplazerS' lead being more pronounced on longer reads and higher coverage (1.8% lead on 100 bp at 5× compared with 4.3% on 150 bp at 30×). Due to its exact 12mer matching approach, GSNAP systematically fails to detect certain indels, even in high coverage data. BWA is less sensitive and less precise than the other tools. Table 2 shows that BWA's sensitivity mainly suffers from missed deletions >50 bp. With increased read length, it can also detect larger indels and thus its overall sensitivity increases.

For indels <10 bp, BWA is the most sensitive tool, but with the lowest PPV. For indels ≥10 bp, SplazerS has the highest sensitivity. Furthermore, it maintains the highest PPV in all indel categories. Most notably, SplazerS achieves the highest sensitivities in the SV deletion categories. Both GSNAP and SplazerS exhibit a ‘temporary’ drop in sensitivity for the smallest SV deletion class. The low sensitivity is due to low complexity and repeat sequences where reads are often ambiguously mappable or even wrongly mapped without a middle gap. Nevertheless, SplazerS maintains a high PPV and higher sensitivity than GSNAP for these difficult-to-map indels. In order to investigate whether our results are robust with respect to different indel calling programs, we conducted an additional analysis replacing our in-house tool snpStore with Dindel (Albers et al., 2010). This analysis exhibited the same relative sensitivity results for SplazerS, GSNAP and BWA, and furthermore demonstrated that SplazerS was again the most accurate tool in terms of sensitivity as well as PPV (Supplementary Table S4).

3.3 Application to real single-end data demonstrates versatility

Using SplazerS in the targeted exon resequencing study, on average 67 indels were predicted per patient. The overlap of predicted indels with dbSNP and DGV was between 38.89% and 71.79% per patient, with mean overlap of 54.99%. Of the total set of indels predicted in at least one patient, 39.02% were present in dbSNP or DGV.

Figure 5 shows the size distribution of all indels >5 bp (the majority of smaller indels were predicted with a different method using edit distance alignments). As expected, the majority of indels is located in non-coding sequences (417 out of 456). Non-coding indels occur mostly in tandem repeat regions in units of 2, 3 or 4. Of the 39 coding indels, 29 (74.35%) are multiples of 3, usually having lesser impact on the protein level.

Histogram of indels of sizes >5 bp and ≤40 bp. Indels are more abundant in non-coding sequences. The majority of indels in coding sequences are multiples of three, i.e. codon-length.

Fig. 5.

Histogram of indels of sizes >5 bp and ≤40 bp. Indels are more abundant in non-coding sequences. The majority of indels in coding sequences are multiples of three, i.e. codon-length.

Large deletions ≥100 bp are rather rare (61 in total). On average, three large deletions were predicted per patient. Interestingly, we observed a strong variance between patients. Closer inspection revealed that locations of large deletions often cluster on the chromosome. Figure 6A visualizes these clusters in 1 Mb bins over the X chromosome. Surprisingly, deletions do not only co-localize, but often their boundaries also coincide exactly with annotated exon–intron boundaries. Figure 6B shows one such case where five predicted deletions span all introns of the PQBP1 gene. These ‘intron deletions’ strongly suggest the presence of a retrocopy of this gene. PCR experiments with several primer pairs confirmed a complete, possibly functional retrocopy of PQBP1. This finding is particularly interesting, as it has been shown previously that mutations in PQBP1 cause X-linked intellectual disability (Kalscheuer et al., 2003; Lenski et al., 2004). Additional (partial) retrocopies were predicted for FAM104B, MSN, MPP1, EIF1AX, RBMX and OPHN1. In the OPHN1 gene, large deletions spanned 19 introns, causing the large peak close to the centromer in Figure 6A.

(A) Histogram of predicted deletions ≥100 bp over their genomic coordinate on chromosome X. Clusters of large deletions are often due to retroposed genes, where spliced introns are missing. (B) A screenshot of the UCSC Genome Browser shows five large deletions that coincide exactly with the introns of the PQBP1 gene. The existence of this complete retrocopy of PQBP1 was confirmed by PCR.

Fig. 6.

(A) Histogram of predicted deletions ≥100 bp over their genomic coordinate on chromosome X. Clusters of large deletions are often due to retroposed genes, where spliced introns are missing. (B) A screenshot of the UCSC Genome Browser shows five large deletions that coincide exactly with the introns of the PQBP1 gene. The existence of this complete retrocopy of PQBP1 was confirmed by PCR.

3.4 Running times and memory

SplazerS' high sensitivity comes at the price of increased running time compared with index-based heuristic mappers. Nevertheless, it is applicable to large-scale datasets such as the one in the previous section. In particular, the parameter m can be used to achieve a significant speedup without compromising sensitivity for high-coverage datasets and longer read lengths (Table 3 and Supplementary Table S2). The observed memory increase with m is explained by a larger value of q being used for _q_-gram index construction. Running time disadvantage nearly disappears when mapping onto a smaller reference sequences, as demonstrated by mapping the simulation reads onto chromosome 21 only. Mapping was performed on a computing cluster, splitting up the reads into batches of 100K. Future developments will include parallelization of SplazerS.

Table 3.

Running time and memory measurements for 100 000 simulated 125 bp reads

BWA GSNAP SplazerS _m_=16 SplazerS _m_=20
index 49.8 s 12.2 s
time 44.4 s 49.7 s 143.5 s 52.9 s
space 154 Mb 122 Mb 185 Mb 1.2 Gb
index 94.0 m 16.9 m
time 10.8 m 18.2 m 193.2 m 57.4 m
space 3.7 Gb 4.6 Gb 3.5 Gb 5.6 Gb
BWA GSNAP SplazerS _m_=16 SplazerS _m_=20
index 49.8 s 12.2 s
time 44.4 s 49.7 s 143.5 s 52.9 s
space 154 Mb 122 Mb 185 Mb 1.2 Gb
index 94.0 m 16.9 m
time 10.8 m 18.2 m 193.2 m 57.4 m
space 3.7 Gb 4.6 Gb 3.5 Gb 5.6 Gb

SplazerS runs are shown for different minimum match lengths (m). BWA and GSNAP require an additional preprocessing step for index construction.

Table 3.

Running time and memory measurements for 100 000 simulated 125 bp reads

BWA GSNAP SplazerS _m_=16 SplazerS _m_=20
index 49.8 s 12.2 s
time 44.4 s 49.7 s 143.5 s 52.9 s
space 154 Mb 122 Mb 185 Mb 1.2 Gb
index 94.0 m 16.9 m
time 10.8 m 18.2 m 193.2 m 57.4 m
space 3.7 Gb 4.6 Gb 3.5 Gb 5.6 Gb
BWA GSNAP SplazerS _m_=16 SplazerS _m_=20
index 49.8 s 12.2 s
time 44.4 s 49.7 s 143.5 s 52.9 s
space 154 Mb 122 Mb 185 Mb 1.2 Gb
index 94.0 m 16.9 m
time 10.8 m 18.2 m 193.2 m 57.4 m
space 3.7 Gb 4.6 Gb 3.5 Gb 5.6 Gb

SplazerS runs are shown for different minimum match lengths (m). BWA and GSNAP require an additional preprocessing step for index construction.


The availability of various kinds of sequencing data, i.e. derived from different sequencing technologies and protocols, has fueled the development of various computational tools for indel identification [for reviews, see Alkan et al. (2011) and Medvedev et al. (2009)]. Often the overlap of predicted indels between different computational methods is low (Mills et al., 2011a), indicating that none of the methods is fully comprehensive and a satisfactory solution is yet to be found. Therefore, a comprehensive method is likely to use an integrative approach, combining the strengths of different methods.

The split read mapping approach has its strength in the potential to exactly predict indel size and location. Early next-generation technologies yielded very short read lengths (36 bp) where only anchored split mapping was feasible, with the mapping search space greatly reduced by a confidently mapped paired end (Ye et al., 2009). However, advances in sequencing technology have led to single-end reads long enough to reliably predict long deletions and also medium-sized insertions without anchoring. SplazerS supports both anchored paired-end split mapping as well as unanchored single-end split mapping, which is a unique feature among split read mapping tools. By adding unmapped paired-end reads and treating them as single-end data, a significant increase in sensitivity could be demonstrated.

In our comparisons with Pindel (Ye et al., 2009), which to our knowledge is the most widely used paired-end split read indel detection method, and with state-of-the-art single-end split read aligners, SplazerS showed highest PPV and highest sensitivity, especially in variant-rich regions. This strength may prove especially valuable when mapping reads from highly mutated or diverged genomes to a related reference, as is the case in cancer genome sequencing (Stratton, 2011), or in evolutionary genetics studies such as (Green et al., 2010) where Neanderthal DNA was mapped onto a human and a chimpanzee reference sequence.

On real data, a large overlap with annotated variation was obtained when using SplazerS. In addition, predicted indels followed the expected pattern of indel size distributions for coding as well as non-coding sequences (Durbin et al., 2010; Ng et al., 2009). Furthermore, the percentage of coding, in-frame indels is in agreement with the previous studies (Ng et al., 2009).

Altogether we show that our method is versatile as it is applicable to anchored paired-end as well as unanchored and single-end data, and is not constrained to short read lengths. Even more, its sensitivity proved to further increase with read length, making its application to upcoming longer reads promising. While not explicitly tested, SplazerS' edit-distance feature will also allow application to 454 sequencing reads (Wheeler et al., 2008).

In this work, we used the mapping results of SplazerS in conjunction with a simple indel detection method. Previously, it has been shown that realignment of reads at indel candidate positions can significantly improve indel prediction accuracy (Albers et al., 2010; Homer and Nelson, 2010). We expect that SplazerS' support for SAM output format will make it easy to integrate with other indel detection tools, which may further improve accuracy of split read indel detection.

In contrast to Pindel, inversions are not yet handled by SplazerS. We are currently investigating strategies to generalize the split-read approach to detect complex structural variants including interchromosomal translocations which neither Pindel nor SplazerS can handle. However, the successful detection of retrocopy events suggests that SplazerS may also be applicable for spliced mapping of RNA-seq data.


A.-K.E. would like to thank Birte Kehr for helpful discussions and Ole Schulz-Trieglaff and Illumina for sharing the indel reference set for NA18507 used in the Supplementary Material.

Funding: European Union's Seventh Framework Program under grant agreement number 241995, project GENCODYS; International Max Planck Research School for Computational Biology and Scientific Computing.

Conflict of Interest: none declared.


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Author notes

Associate Editor: Alex Bateman

© The Author 2012. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

Supplementary data





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