The KUP gene, located on human chromosome 14, encodes a protein with two distant zinc fingers (original) (raw)

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16 January 1991

Revision received:

06 March 1991


Pierre Chardin, Geneviève Courtois, Marie-Geneviève Mattei, Sylvie Gisselbrecht, The KUP gene, located on human chromosome 14, encodes a protein with two distant zinc fingers, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 19, Issue 7, 11 April 1991, Pages 1431–1436,

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We have isolated a human cDNA (kup), encoding a new protein with two distantly spaced zinc fingers of the C 2 H 2 type. This gene is highly conserved in mammals and is expressed mainly in hematopoietic cells and testis. Its expression was not higher in the various transformed cells tested than in the normal corresponding tissues. The kup gene is located in region q23–q24 of the long arm of human chromosome 14. The kup protein is 433 a.a. long, has a M.W. close to 50 kD and binds to DNA. Although the structure of the kup protein is unusual, the isolated fingers resemble closely those of the Krüppel family, suggesting that this protein is also a transcription factor. The precise function and DNA motif recognized by the kup protein remain to be determined.

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