Alan J. Criddle Dsc 1944 –2002: Memorial Notice | Mineralogical Magazine | Cambridge Core (original) (raw)


Criddle, A.J. (1974) Ore Polishing. Proceedings of the 1974 Ore Microscopy Summer School at Athlone (Oppenheim, M.J., editor). Geological Survey of Ireland Special Paper, 3, 78–83.Google Scholar

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Stanley, C.J., Rankin, A.H., Bodnar, R.J., Naden, J., Yardley, B.W.D., Criddle, A.J., Hagni, R., Gize, A.P., Pasava, J., Fleet, A.J., Seltmann, R., Halls, C., Stemprok, M., Williamson, B., Herrington, R.J., Hill, R.E.T., Prichard, H.M., Wall, F., Williams, C.T., McDonald, I., Wilkinson, J.J., Cooke, D., Cook, N.J., Marshall, B.J., Spry, P., Khin Zaw., Meinert, L., Sundblad, K., Scott, P., Clark, S.H.B., Valsami-Jones, E., Beukes, N.J., Stein, H.J., Hannah, J.L., Neubauer, F., Blundell, D.J., Alderton, D.H.M., Smith, M.P., Mulshaw, S. and Ixer, R.A. [editors] (1999) Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing. Balkema. Rotterdam. 1468 pp. 2 vols.Google Scholar

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Criddle, A.J. (1974) Ore Polishing. Proceedings of the 1974 Ore Microscopy Summer School at Athlone (ed. Oppenheim, M.J.). Geological Survey of Ireland Special Paper, 3, 78–83.Google Scholar

Clark, A.M., Criddle, A.J. and Fejer, E.E. (1974) Palladium arsenide-antimonides from Itabira, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Mineralogical Magazine, 39, 528–543.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Criddle, A.J. and Symes, R.F. (1977) Mineralization at Ty Coch, Glamorgan (Mid Glamorgan), Wales: the second occurrence of pyrobelonite. Mineralogical Magazine, 41, 85–90.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Bishop, A.C., Criddle, A.J. and Clark, A.M. (1977) Plumbian tennantite from Sark, Channel Islands. Mineralogical Magazine, 41, 59–63.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Davis, R.J., Clark, A.M. and Criddle, A.J. (1977) Palladseite, a new mineral from Itabira, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Mineralogical Magazine, 41, 123.[and miniprint, M10–M13].CrossRefGoogle Scholar

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Criddle, A.J. and Stanley, C.J. (1979) New data on wittichenite. Mineralogical Magazine, 43, 109–113.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Stanley, C.J. and Criddle, A.J. (1979) Mineralization at Seathwaite Tarn, near Coniston, English Lake District: the first occurrence of wittichenite in Great Britain. Mineralogical Magazine, 43, 103–107.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Rice, C., Atkin, D., Bowles, J.F.W., and Criddle, A.J. (1979) Nukundamite, a new mineral and idaite. Mineralogical Magazine, 43, 193–200.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

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Cabri, L.J., Criddle, A.J., Laflamme, J.H.G., Bearne, G.S. and Harris, D.C. (1981) Mineralogical study of complex Pt-Fe nuggets from Ethiopia. Bulletin Mineralogie, 104, 508–525.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Clark, A.M. and Criddle, A.J. (1982) Palladium minerals from Hope's Nose, Torquay, Devon. Mineralogical Magazine, 46, 371–377.Google Scholar

Criddle, A.J., Stanley, C.J., Chisholm, J.E. and Fejer, E.E. (1982) Henryite, a new copper-silver telluride from Bisbee, Arizona. Bulletin Mineralogie, 106, 511–517.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

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Harris, D.C., Roberts, A.C. and Criddle, A.J. (1984) Jaskolskiite from Izok Lake, Northwest Territories. Canadian Mineralogist, 22, 487–491.Google Scholar

Harris, D.C., Roberts, A.C., Thorpe, R.I., Jonasson, I.R. and Criddle, A.J. (1984) Lapieite, CuNiSbS3, a new mineral species from the Yukon Territory. Canadian Mineralogist, 22, 561–564.Google Scholar

Harris, D.C., Roberts, A.C., Thorpe, R.I., Criddle, A.J. and Stanley, C.J. (1984) Kiddcreekite, a new mineral species from the Kidd Creek mine, Timmins, Ontario, and from the Campbell orebody, Bisbee, Arizona. Canadian Mineralogist, 22, 227–232.Google Scholar

Dunning, G.R., Laflamme, J.H.G. and Criddle, A.J. (1984) Sopcheite, a second Canadian occurrence, from Lac-des-Iles Complex, Ontario. Canadian Mineralogist, 22, 233–237.Google Scholar

Pryce, M.W., Hodge, L.C. and Criddle, A.J. (1984) Jeppeite, a new K-Ba-Fe titanate from a Walgidee Hills, Western Australia. Mineralogical Magazine, 48, 263–266.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Criddle, A.J. and Stanley, C.J. (1985) Characteristic optical data for cooperite, braggite and vysotskite. Canadian Mineralogist, 23, 149–162.Google Scholar

Rankin, A.H. and Criddle, A.J. (1985) Mineralizingfluids and metastable low-temperature inclusion brines at Llanharry iron deposit, South Wales. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 94, B126–132.Google Scholar

Stanley, C.J., Criddle, A.J. and Chisholm, J.E. (1986) Benleonardite, a new mineral from the Bambolla mine, Moctezuma, Sonora, Mexico. Mineralogical Magazine, 50, 681–686.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Harris, D.C., Roberts, A.C. and Criddle, A.J. (1986) Izoklakeite, a new mineral species from Izok Lake, Northwest Territories. Canadian Mineralogist, 24, 1–5.Google Scholar

Roberts, A.C., Harris, D.C. and Criddle, A.J. (1986) Cameronite, a new copper-silver telluride from the Good Hope mine, Vulcan, Colorado. Canadian Mineralogist, 24, 379–384.Google Scholar

Dunn, P.J., Peacor, D.R., Criddle, A.J. and Finkelman, R.B. (1986) Laphamite, an arsenic selenide analogue of orpiment, from burning anthracite deposits in Pennsyl vania. Mineral ogical Magazine, 50, 279–282.Google Scholar

Dunn, P.J., Peacor, D.R., Criddle, A.J. and Stanley, C.J. (1988) Ingersonite, a new calcium-manga nese antimonate related to pyrochlore, from Långban, Sweden. American Mineralogist, 73, 405–412.Google Scholar

Dunn, P.J., Peacor, D.R., Criddle, A.J. and Stanley, C.J. (1988) Filipstadite, a new Mn-Fe3+-Sb derivative of spinel, from Långban, Sweden. American Mineralogist, 73, 413–419.Google Scholar

Rouse, R.C., Peacor, D.R., Dunn, P.J., Criddle, A.J. and Stanley, C.J. (1988) Asisite, a silicon-bearing lead oxychloride from the Kombat mine, South West Africa (Namibia). American Mineralogist, 73, 643–650.Google Scholar

Raade, R.C., Mladek, M.H., Din, V.K., Criddle, A.J. and Stanley, C.J. (1988) Blatterite, a new Sb-bearing Mn2+-Mn3+ member of the pinakiolite group, from Nordmark, Sweden. Neues J ahrbuch für Mineralogie Monatshefte, H3, 121–136.Google Scholar

Criddle, A.J., Chisholm, J.E. and Stanley, C.J. (1989) Cervelleite, Ag4TeS, a new mineral from the Bambolla mine, Mexico, and a description of a photo-chemical reaction involving cervelleit e, acanthi te and hessite. European Journal of Mineralogy, 1, 371–380.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Harris, D.C., Roberts, A.C. and Criddle, A.J. (1989) Vaughanite, TlHgSb4S7, a new mineral from Hemlo, Ontario. Canadian Mineralogist, 27, 79–83.Google Scholar

Harris, D.C., Hoskins, B., Grey, I.E., Criddle, A.J. and Stanley, C. J. (1989) Hemloite, (As,Sb)2(Ti,V,Fe,Al)12O23OH, a new mineral species from the Hemlo gold deposit, Hemlo, Ontario, and its crystal structure. Canadian Mineralogist, 27, 427–440.Google Scholar

Haggerty, S.E., Grey, I.E., Madsen, I.C., Criddle, A.J. a n d Stanley, C. J. (1989) Hawthorneite, Ba(Ti3Cr4Fe4Mg)19: a new metasomatic magnetoplumbite-type mineral from the upper mantle. American Mineralogist, 74, 668–675.Google Scholar

Paar, W.H., Chen, T.T., Roberts, A.C., Criddle, A.J. and Stanley, C.J. (1989) Donharrisite, a new nickelmercury sulphide from Leogang, Salzburg Province, Austria. Canadian Mineralogist, 27, 257–262.Google Scholar

Criddle, A.J., Stanley, C.J. and Eady, C.S. (1989) Ore mineralogy and mineralization of the Campbell Orebody, Bisbee, Arizona, USA. Abstracts of 28th International Geological Congress, 1, 340–341.Google Scholar

Roberts, A.C., Bonardi, M., Erd, R.C., Criddle, A.J., Stanley, C.J., Cressey, C., Angel, R.J. and Laflamme, J.H.G. (1990) Edgarbaileyite the first known silicate of mercury, from California and Texas. Mineralogical Record, 21, 215–220.Google Scholar

Stanley, C.J., Criddle, A.J. and Lloyd, D. (1990) Precious and base metal selenide mineralization at Hope's Nose, Torquay, Devon. Mineralogical Magazine, 54, 485–493.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Pring, A., Birch, W.D., Sewell, D., Graeser, S., Edenharter, A. and Criddle, A.J. (1990) Baumhauerite-2a: A silver-bearing mineral with a baumhauerite -like supercell from Lengenbach, Switzerland. American Mineralogist, 75, 915–922.Google Scholar

Angel, R.J., Cressey, G. and Criddle, A.J. (1990) Edgarbaileyite, Hg6Si2O7: The crystal structure of the first mercury silicate. American Mineralogist, 75, 1192–1196.Google Scholar

Criddle, A.J., Keller, P., Stanley, C.J. and Innes, J. (1990) Damaraite, a new lead oxychloride mineral from the Kombat mine, Namibia (South West Africa). Mineralogical Magazine, 54, 593–598.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Reeson, K.J., Criddle, A.J., Pearson, P., Chater, R.J., Christensen, K., Alderman, J., Booker, C.G. and Kilner, J.A. (1991) Microscope-spectrophotometric analysis to determine the origins of the colour variations on SIMOX wafers. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B55, 718–724.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Criddle, A.J., Stanley, C.J. and Paar, W.H. (1991) The optical properties of montbrayite, Au2Te3, from Robb Montbray, Quebec, compared with those of the other gold tellurides. Canadian Mineralogist, 29, 223–229.Google Scholar

Roberts, A.C., Bonardi, M., Erd, R.C., Criddle, A.J. and Le Page, Y. (1991) Wattersite, Hg4+ 10Hg+ 2Cr+ 6O6, a new mineral from the Clear Creek Claim, San Benito County, California. Mineralogical Record, 22, 269–272.Google Scholar

Cabri, L.J., Laflamme, J.H.G., Roberts, A.C., Criddle, A.J. and Hulbert, L.J. (1991) Jolliffeite and unnamed CoAsSe: two new arsenoselenides from the north shore of Lake Athabaska, Saskatchewan. Canadian Mineralogist, 29, 411–418.Google Scholar

Dunn, P.J., Grice, J.D., Criddle, A.J. and Stanley, C.J. (1991) Cianciulliite, a new magnesium manganese zinc hydroxide from Franklin, New Jersey. American Mineralogist, 76, 1708–1710.Google Scholar

Shimizu, M., Stanley, C.J., Criddle, A.J., Kato, A. and Matsubara, S. (1991) New compositional and optical data for antimonian and bismuthian varieties of hemusite from Japan. Mineralogy and Petrology, 45, 11–17.Google Scholar

Criddle, A.J., Pearson, P.J., Reeson, K.J., Robinson, A.K., Hemment, P.L.F., Marsh, C.D. and Booker, C.G. (1992) Non-destructive characterization of thinfilm SIMOX structures using microscope spectrophotometry. Materials Science and Engineering, B12, 185–190.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Bayliss, P., Keqiao, C., Criddle, A.J. and Desborough G.A. (1992) Mineral nomenclature: sulrhodite. Mineralogical Magazine, 56, 125–126.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Francis, C.A., Criddle, A.J., Stanley, C.J., Lange, D.E., Shieh, S. and Francis, J.G. (1992). Buckhornite, AuPb2BiTe2S3, a new mineral from Boulder County, Colorado, and new data for aikinite, tetradymite and calaverite. Canadian Mineralogist, 30, 1039–1047.Google Scholar

Stanley, C.J., Roberts, A.C., Harris, D.C., Criddle, A.J. and Szymanski, J.T. (1992) Cannonite, Bi2O(OH)2SO4, a new mineral from Marysvale, Utah, USA. Mineralogical Magazine, 56, 605–609.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Criddle, A.J., Tamana, H., Spratt, J., Reeson, K.J., Vaughan, D.J. and Grime, G. (1993) Micro-PIXE analysis of platinum group minerals from placer deposits. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B77, 444–449.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Wilson, J.R., Sen Gupta, P.K., Robinson, P.D. and Criddle, A.J. (1993) Fangite, Tl3AsS4, a new thallium arsenic sulfosalt from the Mercur Au deposit, Utah, and revised optical data for gillulyite. American Mineralogist, 78, 1096–1103.Google Scholar

Erd, R.C., Roberts, A.C., Bonardi, M., Criddle, A.J., Le Page, Y. and Gabe, E.J. (1993) Edoylerite, Hg3 2+Cr6+O4S2, a new mineral from the Clear Creek Claim, San Benito County, California. Mineralogical Record, 24, 471–475.Google Scholar

Roberts, A.C., Szymanski, J.T., Erd, R.C., Criddle, A.J. and Bonardi, M. (1993) Deane smithite, Hg2 1+Hg3 2+Cr6+O5S2, a new mineral from the Clear Creek claim, San Benito County, California. Canadian Mineralogist, 31, 787–793.Google Scholar

Shimizu, M., Kato, A., Matsubara, S., Criddle, A.J. and Stanley, C.J. (1993) Watanabeite, Cu4(As,Sb)2S, a new mineral from the Teine mine, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. Mineralogical Magazine, 57, 643–649.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Symes, R.F., Cressey, G., Criddle, A.J., Stanley, C.J., Francis, J.G. and Jones, G.C. (1994) Parkinsonite, (Pb,Mo,)8O8Cl2, a new mineral from Merehead Quarry, Somerset. Mineralogical Magazine, 58, 59–68.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Geatches, R.M., Reeson, K.J., Criddle, A.J., Webb, R.P., Pearson, P.J., Hemment, P.L.F. and Nejim, A. (1994) Nondestructive characterization of SIMOX structures. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B84, 258–264.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Tamana, H., Criddle, A.J., Grime, G., Vaughan, D.J. and Spratt, J. (1994) Trace elements in platinum group minerals studied using nuclear microscopy. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B89, 213–218.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Geatches, R.M., Reeson, K.J., Criddle, A.J., Finney, M.F., Harry, M.H., Webb, R.P. and Pearson, P.J. (1994) Characterization of ion beam synthesized materials using microscope-spectrophotom etry. Material Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 316, 813–818.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Roberts, A.C., Ercit, T.S., Criddle, A.J., Jones, G.C., Williams, R.S., Cureton II, F.F. and Jensen, M.C. (1994) Mcalpineite, Cu3TeO.H2O, a new mineral from the McAlpine mine, Tuolumne County, California, and from the Centennial Eureka mine, Juab County, Utah. Mineralogical Magazine, 58, 415–412.Google Scholar

Geatches, R.M., Reeson, K.J., Criddle, A.J. and Webb, R.J. (1994) Characterization of Quantum Well Structures using microscope-spectro photometry. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 324, 111–117.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Geatches, R.M., Reeson, K.J., Criddle, A.J., Webb, R.P., Pearson, P.J. and Weiss, B.L. (1994) Microscope spectrophotometric study of GaAs/ AlxGa1-xAs MBE structures. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 27, 1528–1532.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Roberts, A.C., Stirling, J.A.R., Carpenter, G.J.C., Criddle, A.J., Jones, G.C., Birkett, T.C. and Birch, W.D. (1995) Shannonite, Pb2OCO3, a new mineral from the Grand Reef mine, Graham County, Arizona, USA. Mineralogical Magazine, 59, 305–310.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Roberts, A.C., Ercit. T.S., Groat, L.E., Criddle, A.J., Erd, R.C. and Scott Williams, R. (1995) Peterbaylis site, Hg3 1+(CO3)(OH).2H2O, a new mineral species from the Clear Creek Claim, San Benito County, California. Canadian Mineralogist, 33, 47–53.Google Scholar

Laflamme, J.H.G., Roberts. A.C., Criddle, A.J., and Cabril. J. (1995) Owensite, (Ba,Pb)6(Cu,Fe,Ni)25S27, a new mineral species from the Wellgreen Cu-Ni-Pt-Pd deposit, Yukon. Canadian Mineralogist, 33, 665–670.Google Scholar

Roberts, A.C., Grice, J.D., Criddle, A.J., Jensen, M.C., Harris, A.C., a n d Mo f f a t, E.A. (1995) Frankhawthorneite, Cu2 2+Te6+O4(OH)2, a new Cu2+ oxysalt mineral with an infinite framework structure, from the Centennial Eureka mine, Juab County, Utah, USA. Canadian Mineralogist, 33, 641–647.Google Scholar

Roberts, A.C., Grice, J.D., Groat, L.A., Criddle, A.J., Gault, R.A., Erd, R.C. and Moffatt, E.A. (1996) Jensenite, Cu3Te 6+ O6.2H2O, a new mineral species from the Centennial Eureka Mine, Tintic District, Juab County, Utah. Canadian Mineralogist, 34, 49–54.Google Scholar

Roberts, A.C., Grice, J.D., Gault, R.A., Criddle, A.J. and Erd, R. C. (1996) Hanawaltite, Hg6 1+Hg2+[Cl,(OH)]2O3– A new mineral from the Clear Creek claim, San Benito County, California: Descr iption and crystal structure. Powde r Diffraction, 11, 45–50.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Bermanec, V., Holtstam, D., Strurman, D., Criddle, A.J., Back, M. and Scavnicar, S. (1996) Nezilovite, a new member of the Magnetoplumbite Group, and the crystal chemistry of magnetoplumbite and hibonite. Canadian Mineralogist, 34, 1287–1297.Google Scholar

Clark, A.M., Criddle, A.J., Roberts, A.C., Bonardi, M. and Moffatt, E.A. (1997) Feinglosite, a new mineral related to brackebuschite, from Tsumeb, Namibia. Mineralogical Magazine, 61, 285–289.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Lyon, I.C., Tamana, H., Vaughan, D.J., Criddle, A.J., Saxton, J.M. and van Lierde, P. (1997) Techniques and methodology used in mineralogical and osmium isotope study of platinum group minerals from alluvial deposits in Colombia, California, Oregon and Alaska. Mineralogical Magazine, 61, 367–375.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Roberts, A.C., Gault, R.A., Jensen, M.C., Criddle, A.J. and Moffatt, E. A. (1997) Juabite, Cu5(Te6+O4)2(As5+O4)2.3H2O, a new mineral species from the Centennial Eureka mine, Juab County, Utah. Mineralogical Magazine, 61, 139–144.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Roberts, A.C., Stirling, J.A.R., Criddle, A.J., Jensen, M.C. and Moffat, E.A. (1997) Uta hi te, Cu5Zn3(Te6+O4)4(OH)8.7H2O, a new mineral from the Centennial Eureka mine, Tintic district, Juab County, Utah. Mineralogical Record, 28, 175–179.Google Scholar

Welch, M.D. Criddle, A.J. and Symes, R.F. (1998) Mereheadite, Pb2O(OH)Cl; a new litharge-related oxychloride from Merehead Quarry, Cranmore, Somerset. Mineralogical Magazine, 62, 387–393.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Grey, I.E. Velde, D. and Criddle, A.J. (1998) Haggertyite, a new magnetoplumbite-type titanate mineral from the Prairie Creek (Arkansas) lamproite. American Mineralogist, 83, 1323–1329.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Bykova, E.Y., Berlepsch, P., Kartashov, P.M. and Criddle, A.J. (1998) Vergasovaite, Cu3O[(Mo,S)O4][SO4], a new copper-oxy-molybdate-sulf ate from Kamchatka. Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 78, 479–488.Google Scholar

Paar, W.H., Roberts, A.C. and Criddle, A.J. (1998) A new mineral, chrisstanleyi te, Ag2Pd3Se4 from Hope's Nose, Torquay, Devon, England. Mineralogical Magazine, 62, 257–264.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Pring, A., Grguric, B.A., and Criddle, A.J. (1998) Lindstromi te from Cobalt, Ontario. Canadian Mineralogist, 36, 1139–1148.Google Scholar

Back, M.E., Grice, J.D., Gault, R.A., Criddle, A.J. and Mandarino, J.A. (1999) Walfordite, a new tellurite species from the Wendy open pit, El Indio-Tambo mining property, Chile. Canadian Mineralogist, 37, 1261–1268.Google Scholar

Barkov, A.Y., Halkoaho, T.A.A., Roberts, A.C., Criddle, A.J., Martin, R.F. and Papunen, H. (1999) New Pd-Pb and Pb-V oxides from a bonanza-type PGE-rich, nearly BMS-free deposit in the Penikat layered complex, Finland. Canadian Mineralogist, 37, 1507–1524.Google Scholar

Roberts, A.C., Cooper, M.A., Hawthorne, F.C., Criddle, A.J. Stanley, C.J., Key C.L. and Jambor, J.L. (1999) Sidpietersite, Pb4(SO3S)O2(OH)2,, a new thiosulphate-bea ring mineral species from Tsumeb, Namibia. Canadian Mineralogist, 37, 1271–1276.Google Scholar

Paar, W.H., Miletich, R., Topa, D., Criddle, A.J., Brodtkorb, M.k., Anthauer, G. and Tippelt, G. (2000) Suredaite, PbSnS3, a new mineral species, from the Pirquitas Ag-Sn deposit, NW-Argentina; mineralogy and crystal structure. American Mineralogist, 85, 1066–1075.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

Burns, P.C., Roberts, A.C., Stirling, J.A.R., Criddle, A.J. and Feinglos, M. (2000) Duk ei t e, Bi3+ 24Cr6+ 8O57(OH)6(H2O)3, a new mineral from Brejauba, Minas Gerais, Brazil; description and crystal structure. American Mineralogist, 85, 1822–1827.CrossRefGoogle Scholar

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