Prevalence and Evolution of Core Photosystem II Genes in Marine Cyanobacterial Viruses and Their Hosts (original) (raw)

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Figure 1

Phylogenetic Tree of psbA Gene Sequences from Cultured Cyanobacteria and Cyanophages

Phages are listed by their name, followed by their original host. Phages that are known to infect both Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus hosts are indicated with a “Δ”; those that infect only one genus are labeled either P (infect only Prochlorococcus hosts) or S (infect only Synechococcus hosts), while those that are unknown are designated with a “?”. Phages shown in italics and bracketed with “**” were isolated on hosts that do not belong to the same cluster and are thus exceptions to the general clustering pattern (see text). Taxa are color coded according to the following biological groupings: myoviruses (red), podoviruses (black), marine Synechococcus hosts (light blue), marine Prochlorococcus hosts (dark green, LL; light green, HL), freshwater cyanobacteria (dark blue). The tree topology was estimated by LogDet analysis of 1st and 2nd codon positions. Sequences where intragenic recombination was detected using other methods (see Materials and Methods) were not included in these phylogenetic analyses. Branch lengths were estimated by maximum likelihood under a model with nonstationary nucleotide frequencies. Numbers at the nodes represent neighbor-joining bootstrapping and maximum likelihood puzzling support. Anab, Anabaena; Gloe, Gleobacter; HL, high-light adapted; LL, low-light adapted; Syncy, Synechocystis; Thermo, Thermosynechococcus.

Figure 1
