The Marine Viromes of Four Oceanic Regions (original) (raw)
Figure 3
Distribution of Similarities and Assembly Controls
(A) Distribution of similarities between the four metagenome samples to the P. marinus ϕ P-SSP7 and Roseobacteria SIO67 ϕ SIO1 genomes (as determined by BLASTN analysis). The green bars represent the average number of sequences averaged over 100 bp windows.
(B) Comparison of fragments from the Sargasso Sea metagenome against the consensus ssDNA chp1-like microphage genome. The consensus from this assembly is in the Protocol S1.
(C) PCR verification of chp1-like microphages in original SAR sample. PCR primers were designed based on a consensus sequence from the assembly shown in (B). SAR1 is a ~900-bp fragment and SAR2 is a ~1,500-bp fragment.