Prox1 Is Required for Granule Cell Maturation and Intermediate Progenitor Maintenance During Brain Neurogenesis (original) (raw)

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Figure 6

Prox1 is required in the subgranular zone during adult neurogenesis.

During adult neurogenesis, Prox1 is not expressed in Nestin+ (A), Sox2+ (B), or Id1+ (C) adult neural stem cells or in Acsl+ Type-IIa intermediate progenitors (D). Instead, Prox1 is expressed in Tbr2+ (E) and Dcx+ Type-IIb intermediate progenitors (F), Type-III intermediate progenitors (G), and Calretinin+ immature neurons. Graphs compare the number of Tbr2+ (K) Dcx+ (N) and Calretinin+ (Q) cells in P20, 2-mo-old, 4-mo-old, and 8-mo-old control (blue) and Nestin-CreERT2;Prox1F/F (red) mice. A reduced number of Tbr2+ (J, K), Dcx+ (M, N), and Calretinin+ (P, Q) cells was observed in the SGZ of 4-mo-old Nestin-CreERT2;Prox1F/F mice. Data represent the mean number of positive cells per DG section ± SD. N = 3 brains. Paired t test. * p<0.1; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001; **** p<0.0001. GCL, granule cell layer; IML, inner molecular layer; M, month. Scale bar in (A–H): 25 µm. Scale bar in (I, J, L, M, O, P): 50 µm.

Figure 6
